def _get_job_state(self, app_id, silent = False):
        Wait for a given application to enter running state

        yarn_app_states = _HadoopExecutionEnvironment.get_yarn_application_state(
            self, app_id, silent = True)

        if not yarn_app_states:
            raise RuntimeError('Cannot get application status from Yarn. '
                                'Please check if Yarn is in healthy state.')

        return yarn_app_states
Example #2
    def _get_status(self, _silent = False):
        Get job status for the Hadoop job.

        We try to consolidate state information from both Yarn and our status
            1. If our status file indicates job is in fianl state, use that state.
            2. If Yarn application status is Failed or Unknown or our status file
               do not exist, use yarn application state.
            3. Otherwise, use our state
        # Get our job status file first
        status_file = self._exec_dir + '/status'
        status = self._load_file_and_parse(status_file, self._parse_status_file, silent = _silent, test_url=False)

        # status file should never be none now
        if self._is_final_state(status):
            return status

        # Mapping from Yarn application state to our job state
        yarn_state_to_job_state = {
            'KILLED': 'Canceled',
            'UNDEFINED': 'Pending',
            'FAILED' : 'Failed',
            'SUCCEEDED': 'Completed',
            'UNKNOWN': 'Unknown'

        # Get YARN application state
        yarn_app_states = _HadoopExecutionEnvironment.get_yarn_application_state(
            silent = True)

        yarn_state = yarn_app_states['DistributedFinalState'] if yarn_app_states else 'UNKNOWN'

        # Consolidate the result
        if yarn_state == 'FAILED' or yarn_state == 'UNKNOWN' or (status is None):
            # get status from <appname>/<appid>/cmd_exec_dir/status
            user_home_dir = _HadoopExecutionEnvironment._get_user_hdfs_home_dir(self.environment)
            am_status_file = '%s/%s/%s/cmd_exec_dir/status' % (user_home_dir, 'dato_distributed', self.app_id)
            self._load_file_and_parse(am_status_file, self._parse_status_file, silent = _silent, test_url=True)

            return yarn_state_to_job_state.get(yarn_state)
            return status