def transfer(model, decoder, sess, args, vocab, data0, data1, out_path): batches, order0, order1 = get_batches(data0, data1, vocab.word2id, args.batch_size) #data0_rec, data1_rec = [], [] data0_tsf, data1_tsf = [], [] losses = Accumulator(len(batches), ['loss', 'rec', 'adv', 'd0', 'd1']) for batch in batches: rec, tsf = decoder.rewrite(batch) half = batch['size'] / 2 #data0_rec += rec[:half] #data1_rec += rec[half:] data0_tsf += tsf[:half] data1_tsf += tsf[half:] loss, loss_rec, loss_adv, loss_d0, loss_d1 =[model.loss, model.loss_rec, model.loss_adv, model.loss_d0, model.loss_d1], feed_dict=feed_dictionary(model, batch, args.rho, args.gamma_min)) losses.add([loss, loss_rec, loss_adv, loss_d0, loss_d1]) n0, n1 = len(data0), len(data1) #data0_rec = reorder(order0, data0_rec)[:n0] #data1_rec = reorder(order1, data1_rec)[:n1] data0_tsf = reorder(order0, data0_tsf)[:n0] data1_tsf = reorder(order1, data1_tsf)[:n1] if out_path: #write_sent(data0_rec, out_path+'.0'+'.rec') #write_sent(data1_rec, out_path+'.1'+'.rec') write_sent(data0_tsf, out_path+'.0'+'.tsf') write_sent(data1_tsf, out_path+'.1'+'.tsf') return losses
class LogTest(unittest.TestCase): """Base class for Accumulator tests.""" maxDiff = None initial_state = None occurrences = [] expected_log = {} expected_state = { 'quantity': 0, 'price': 0, 'results': {}, } def setUp(self): """Creates an accumulator and accumulates all occurrences.""" self.accumulator = Accumulator(ASSET, state=self.initial_state, logging=True) self.accumulate_occurrences() def accumulate_occurrences(self): """Accumulates all occurrences defined in the test case.""" for occurrence in self.occurrences: self.accumulator.accumulate(occurrence) def test_log(self): """Test the log for the defined occurrences.""" if self.expected_log: self.assertEqual(self.accumulator.log, self.expected_log) def test_accumulator_state(self): """Verifies the state of the accumulator data.""" for key in self.accumulator.state.keys(): self.assertEqual(self.accumulator.state[key], self.expected_state[key])
class TemperatureControl: def __init__(self, gpio, high_threshold): self.gpio = gpio self.actual_temperature = Accumulator(60) self.high_threshold = float(high_threshold) self.run_period = timedelta(minutes=10) self.cooldown_period = timedelta(minutes=15) self.start_time = None self.stop_time = - self.cooldown_period self.cooling_command = False self.udp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.MCAST_GRP = "" self.MCAST_PORT = 10003 GPIO.setup(self.gpio, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.HIGH) #self.__set_output(GPIO.HIGH) def __del__(self): GPIO.cleanup(self.gpio) def set_high_threshold(self, high_threshold): self.high_threshold = high_threshold def update(self, temp): self.actual_temperature.add(temp) #debug print(str(self.actual_temperature.get_mean()) + ", " + str(self.run_period) + ", " + str(self.cooldown_period) + ", " + str(self.cooling_command) + ", " + str(self.start_time) + ", " + str(self.stop_time)) #the algorithm could have 2 variables, target temp and a delta, with a proper model of the #freezer/wort bucket, compute time_on = [model stuff that predicts time required to get target - delta/2] # and compute that value only when temperature >= target + delta/2 #lolz, this works even better with the thresholds if self.cooling_command: run_duration = - self.start_time if run_duration >= self.run_period: self.cooling_command = False self.stop_time = else: if self.actual_temperature.get_mean() >= self.high_threshold: cooldown_duration = - self.stop_time if cooldown_duration >= self.cooldown_period: self.cooling_command = True self.start_time = self.__update_cooling() def __update_cooling(self): if (self.cooling_command): self.__set_output(GPIO.LOW) else: self.__set_output(GPIO.HIGH) def __set_output(self, value): message = "0" if value else "1" self.udp_socket.sendto(message.encode('utf-8'), (self.MCAST_GRP, self.MCAST_PORT)) GPIO.output(self.gpio, value)
class KegeratorData: def __init__(self): self.temperature = Accumulator(60) self.co2_level = Accumulator(60) self.kegs = [KegLevel(0), KegLevel(1)] def serialize(self): co2_level = (self.co2_level.get_mean() - 102) / 60 keg0_level = (self.kegs[0].level / 12600) keg1_level = (self.kegs[1].level / 12600) return "%.2f" % self.temperature.get_mean() + ",0,%.2f" % co2_level + "," + str(keg0_level) + "," + str(keg1_level)
def run_task(task, aid): logger.debug("Running task %r", task) try: Accumulator.clear() result = accumUpdates = Accumulator.values() return (, Success(), result, accumUpdates) except Exception, e: logger.error("error in task %s", task) import traceback traceback.print_exc() return (, OtherFailure("exception:" + str(e)), None, None)
def meter(self, rms, dbfs): if not self._graceful: if self.acc.n < ACCUMULATE: self.acc.addValue(dbfs) else: if self.acc.mean() < -40: self.points = self.points + 1 moteflash() sys.stdout.write("\nAccumulation: min{:+8.3f}\tmax{:+8.3f}\tmean{:+8.3f}\tpoints{:4d}\n".format(self.acc.min_value, self.acc.max_value, self.acc.mean(), self.points)) self.acc = Accumulator(-100,0) # reset accumulator mm = 128 + dbfs # motemeter value sys.stdout.write("\r{:+08.3f}\t{:+08.3f}".format(dbfs,mm)) sys.stdout.flush() motemeter(mm)
def transfer(model, decoder, sess, args, vocab, data0, data1, out_path): batches, order0, order1 = get_batches(data0, data1, vocab.word2id, args.batch_size, max_seq_len=args.max_seq_length) # data0_rec, data1_rec = [], [] data0_tsf, data1_tsf = [], [] losses = Accumulator( len(batches), ['loss', 'rec', 'adv', 'd0', 'd1', 'loss_rec_cyc', 'loss_kld']) for batch in batches: rec, tsf = decoder.rewrite(batch) half = batch['size'] // 2 # data0_rec += rec[:half] # data1_rec += rec[half:] data0_tsf += tsf[:half] data1_tsf += tsf[half:] loss, loss_rec, loss_adv, loss_d0, loss_d1, loss_rec_cyc, loss_kld = \[model.loss, model.loss_rec, model.loss_adv, model.loss_d0, model.loss_d1, model.loss_rec_cyc, model.kld_loss], feed_dict=feed_dictionary(model=model, batch=batch, rho=args.rho, epsilon=args.epsilon, gamma=args.gamma_min, anneal=args.anneal, C=args.C)) # feed_dict order: model, batch, rho, epsilon, gamma, dropout=1, learning_rate=None, anneal=1 losses.add([ loss, loss_rec, loss_adv, loss_d0, loss_d1, loss_rec_cyc, loss_kld ]) n0, n1 = len(data0), len(data1) # data0_rec = reorder(order0, data0_rec)[:n0] # data1_rec = reorder(order1, data1_rec)[:n1] data0_tsf = reorder(order0, data0_tsf)[:n0] data1_tsf = reorder(order1, data1_tsf)[:n1] if out_path: # write_sent(data0_rec, out_path+'.0'+'.rec') # write_sent(data1_rec, out_path+'.1'+'.rec') write_sent(data0_tsf, out_path + 'formal' + '.tsf') write_sent(data1_tsf, out_path + 'informal' + '.tsf') return losses
def __init__(self, gpio, high_threshold): self.gpio = gpio self.actual_temperature = Accumulator(60) self.high_threshold = float(high_threshold) self.run_period = timedelta(minutes=10) self.cooldown_period = timedelta(minutes=15) self.start_time = None self.stop_time = - self.cooldown_period self.cooling_command = False self.udp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.MCAST_GRP = "" self.MCAST_PORT = 10003 GPIO.setup(self.gpio, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.HIGH)
def setUp(self): self.acc = Accumulator(ASSET) self.acc.state['quantity'] = 100 self.acc.state['price'] = 10 self.acc.state['results'] = {'trades': 1200} event = DummyEvent(asset=ASSET, date='2015-09-29') self.acc.accumulate(event)
def __init__(self, segment_length=None): """ :param float segment_length: A float representing `AUDIO_SEGMENT_LENGTH` """ print("__init__") global _soundmeter _soundmeter = self # Register this object globally for use in signal handlers (see below) self.output = BytesIO() = pyaudio.PyAudio() =, channels=CHANNELS, rate=RATE, input=True, frames_per_buffer=FRAMES_PER_BUFFER) self.segment_length = segment_length self.is_running = False self._graceful = False # Graceful stop switch self._data = {} self.acc = Accumulator(-100,0) self.points = 0
def setUp(self): """Creates an accumulator and accumulates all occurrences.""" self.accumulator = Accumulator( ASSET, state=self.initial_state, logging=True ) self.accumulate_occurrences()
def store_metric_environment(): envelope = request.get_json() if not envelope: msg = 'no Pub/Sub message received' print(f'error: {msg}') return f'Bad Request: {msg}', 400 if not isinstance(envelope, dict) or 'message' not in envelope: msg = 'invalid Pub/Sub message format' print(f'error: {msg}') return f'Bad Request: {msg}', 400 pubsub_message = envelope['message'] payload = '' if isinstance(pubsub_message, dict) and 'data' in pubsub_message: payload = base64.b64decode( pubsub_message['data']).decode('utf-8').strip() if "location:house.basement" in payload: print(re.match("temperature\:([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)", payload)) json_content = { "temperature": float( re.match(".+temperature:([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)", payload).groups()[0]), "original_payload": payload } filename = "environment_sensor_basement-" + FORMAT_DATE_DASH) create_file(json.dumps(json_content), filename) accumulator = Accumulator(app.logger) n = utcnow() try: accumulator.add_temperature( n, temp_basement=json_content.get('temperature')) except ValueError as ex: app.logger.warn( "Accumulator - no value to add - content: {} --- {}".format( payload, ex)) return ('', 204)
def acc(j): accumulator = Accumulator(app.logger) n = utcnow() if j.get('temperature') is not None: j['temperature'] = float(j.get('temperature')) if j.get('humidity') is not None: j['humidity'] = float(j.get('humidity')) if j.get('stove_exhaust_temp') is not None: j['stove_exhaust_temp'] = float(j.get('stove_exhaust_temp')) try: accumulator.add_temperature2(n, value_dict=j) except ValueError as ex: app.logger.warn( "Accumulator - no value to add - content: {} --- {}".format( payload, ex)) return accumulator
class TestAccumulateExercise(unittest.TestCase): """Base class for Exercise accumulation tests.""" def setUp(self): self.option_accumulator = Accumulator(OPTION1) self.subject_accumulator = Accumulator(ASSET) self.exercise = copy.deepcopy(EXERCISE_OPERATION5) def fetch_and_accumulate(self): """Accumulate a exercise operation on the asset accumulator. and on the option accumulator When accumulating operations, the Operation object should be passed to the accumulator of all its assets. """ self.exercise.fetch_operations() for operation in self.exercise.operations: self.subject_accumulator.accumulate(operation) self.option_accumulator.accumulate(operation)
class TestBaseEventAccumulation(unittest.TestCase): """The the accumulation of an Event object by the Accumulator.""" def setUp(self): self.acc = Accumulator(ASSET) self.acc.state['quantity'] = 100 self.acc.state['price'] = 10 self.acc.state['results'] = {'trades': 1200} event = DummyEvent(asset=ASSET, date='2015-09-29') self.acc.accumulate(event) def test_quantity_after_event(self): self.assertEqual(self.acc.state['quantity'], 100) def test_price_after_event(self): self.assertEqual(self.acc.state['price'], 10) def test_results_after_event(self): self.assertEqual(self.acc.state['results'], {'trades': 1200})
class TestAccumulateOption00(unittest.TestCase): """Accumulate a Option operation.""" def setUp(self): self.operation = copy.deepcopy(OPTION_OPERATION3) self.accumulator = Accumulator(OPTION1) self.accumulator.accumulate(self.operation) def test_returned_result(self): """Check the results of the operation.""" self.assertEqual(self.operation.results, {}) def test_accumulator_price(self): """Check the cost of the option on the accumulator.""" self.assertEqual(self.accumulator.state['price'], 10) def test_accumulator_quantity(self): """Check the quantity of the option on the accumulator.""" self.assertEqual(self.accumulator.state['quantity'], 100) def test_accumulator_results(self): """Check the results of the option on the accumulator.""" self.assertEqual(self.accumulator.state['results'], {})
def test(): sess = tf.Session() saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(sess, os.path.join(savedir, 'model')) logger = Accumulator('cent', 'acc') for j in range(n_test_batches): logger.accum([tcent, tacc])) logger.print_(header='test')
class LogTest(unittest.TestCase): """Base class for Accumulator tests.""" maxDiff = None initial_state = None occurrences = [] expected_log = {} expected_state = { 'quantity': 0, 'price': 0, 'results': {}, } def setUp(self): """Creates an accumulator and accumulates all occurrences.""" self.accumulator = Accumulator( ASSET, state=self.initial_state, logging=True ) self.accumulate_occurrences() def accumulate_occurrences(self): """Accumulates all occurrences defined in the test case.""" for occurrence in self.occurrences: self.accumulator.accumulate(occurrence) def test_log(self): """Test the log for the defined occurrences.""" if self.expected_log: self.assertEqual(self.accumulator.log, self.expected_log) def test_accumulator_state(self): """Verifies the state of the accumulator data.""" for key in self.accumulator.state.keys(): self.assertEqual( self.accumulator.state[key], self.expected_state[key] )
def __init__(self, earth, polyline=False): """Construct a PolygonArea object :param earth: a :class:`~geographiclib.geodesic.Geodesic` object :param polyline: if true, treat object as a polyline instead of a polygon Initially the polygon has no vertices. """ from geodesic import Geodesic # The geodesic object (readonly) = earth # Is this a polyline? (readonly) self.polyline = polyline # The total area of the ellipsoid in meter^2 (readonly) self.area0 = 4 * math.pi * earth._c2 self._mask = ( Geodesic.LATITUDE | Geodesic.LONGITUDE | Geodesic.DISTANCE | ( Geodesic.EMPTY if self.polyline else Geodesic.AREA | Geodesic.LONG_UNROLL ) ) if not self.polyline: self._areasum = Accumulator() self._perimetersum = Accumulator() # The current number of points in the polygon (readonly) self.num = 0 # The current latitude in degrees (readonly) self.lat1 = Math.NAN # The current longitude in degrees (readonly) self.lon1 = Math.NAN self.Clear()
def test_5add_file(self): acc: Accumulator = Accumulator('#') self.assertTrue(acc.add_file("file1")) self.assertTrue(acc.add_file("file2")) self.assertFalse(acc.add_file("file2")) fs = acc.get_fileset() self.assertEqual(2, len(fs)) self.assertTrue(acc.add_file("file3")) self.assertEqual(2, len(fs)) fs1 = acc.get_fileset() self.assertEqual(3, len(fs1)) self.assertTrue(acc.add_file("file7")) self.assertTrue(acc.add_file("file6")) for a, b in zip(['file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'file7', 'file6'], acc.get_filelist()): self.assertEqual(a, b)
def test(): sess = tf.Session() saver = tf.train.Saver(tnet['weights']) saver.restore(sess, os.path.join(savedir, 'model')) logfile = open(os.path.join(savedir, 'test.log'), 'w', 0) logger = Accumulator('cent', 'acc') logger.accum([tnet['cent'], tnet['acc']], {x: xte, y: yte})) logger.print_(header='test', logfile=logfile) logfile.close()
def transform_text(text): tf.compat.v1.disable_eager_execution() args = load_arguments() ah = vars(args) ah['vocab'] = '../model/yelp.vocab' ah['model'] = '../model/model' ah['load_model'] = True ah['beam'] = 8 ah['batch_size'] = 1 inp = [text] vocab = Vocabulary(args.vocab, args.embedding, args.dim_emb) print('vocabulary size:', vocab.size) config = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.compat.v1.Session(config=config) as sess: model = create_model(sess, args, vocab) decoder = beam_search.Decoder(sess, args, vocab, model) '''test_losses = transfer(model, decoder, sess, args, vocab, test0, test1, args.output)''' batches, order0, order1 = get_batches(inp, inp, vocab.word2id, args.batch_size) data0_tsf, data1_tsf = [], [] losses = Accumulator(len(batches), ['loss', 'rec', 'adv', 'd0', 'd1']) # rec, tsf = decoder.rewrite(inp) # print(rec) # print(tsf) for batch in batches: rec, tsf = decoder.rewrite(batch) half = batch['size'] // 2 print("rec:") print(rec) print("tsf:") print(tsf) data0_tsf += tsf[:half] data1_tsf += tsf[half:] n0, n1 = len(inp), len(inp) data0_tsf = reorder(order0, data0_tsf)[:n0] data1_tsf = reorder(order1, data1_tsf)[:n1] print(data0_tsf) print(data1_tsf)
def test(): sess = tf.Session() saver = tf.train.Saver(tnet['weights']) saver.restore(sess, os.path.join(savedir, 'model')) logger = Accumulator('elbo') for j in range(n_test_batches): bx = xte[j*args.batch_size:(j+1)*args.batch_size,:] logger.accum(['elbo'], {x:bx})) print() logger.print_(header='test') print()
def train(): loss = -net['elbo'] # negative ELBO global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() lr = tf.train.piecewise_constant(tf.cast(global_step, tf.int32), [n_train_batches * args.n_epochs / 2], [1e-3, 1e-4]) train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr).minimize(loss, global_step=global_step) saver = tf.train.Saver(net['weights']) logfile = open(os.path.join(savedir, 'train.log'), 'w', 0) sess = tf.Session() # to run train_logger = Accumulator('elbo') train_to_run = [train_op, net['elbo']] for i in range(args.n_epochs): # shuffle the training data idx = np.random.choice(range(1000), size=1000, replace=False) xtr_ = xtr[idx] # run the epoch line = 'Epoch %d start, learning rate %f' % (i + 1, print('\n' + line) logfile.write('\n' + line + '\n') train_logger.clear() start = time.time() for j in range(n_train_batches): bx = xtr_[j * args.batch_size:(j + 1) * args.batch_size, :] train_logger.accum(, {x: bx})) train_logger.print_(header='train', epoch=i + 1, time=time.time() - start, logfile=logfile) # save the model logfile.close(), os.path.join(savedir, 'model'))
def test_prove_verify_all(self): acc = Accumulator() prover = Prover(acc) R = [NIL] for el in elements: acc.add(el) R.append(acc.get_root()) for j in range(1, len(elements) + 1): w = prover.prove(j) result = verify(acc.get_root(), len(acc), j, w, elements[j - 1]) assert result
def test_7get_filelist(self): acc: Accumulator = Accumulator('#') self.assertFalse(acc.get_filelist(full_path=False)) self.assertFalse(acc.get_filelist(full_path=True)) self.assertTrue(acc.add_file("file1")) self.assertEqual("file1", acc.get_filelist(full_path=False)[0]) self.assertEqual(1, len(acc.get_filelist(full_path=False))) fullpath:str = acc.get_filelist(full_path=True)[0] self.assertEqual('file1', os.path.basename(fullpath)) self.assertEqual(1, len(acc.get_filelist(full_path=True))) self.assertFalse(acc.add_file("file1")) self.assertTrue(acc.add_file("file2")) self.assertFalse(acc.add_file("file2")) self.assertEqual(['file1', 'file2'], [ os.path.basename(n) for n in acc.get_filelist(full_path=True) ]) self.assertEqual(['file1', 'file2'], acc.get_filelist(full_path=False)) self.assertFalse(acc.add_file("./file2")) self.assertEqual(2, len(acc.get_fileset())) #self.assertTrue(acc.add_file('/file2')) true, but this is like k:\file2 self.assertTrue(acc.add_file("tests/file2")) self.assertTrue(acc.add_file("tests/file3")) self.assertTrue(acc.add_file("file3")) aa = acc.get_filelist(full_path=True) self.assertEqual(5, len(aa)) expected = [ # ! TODO: this is system dependent 'm:\\Python\\Python3_packages\\cmdfilebuilder\\file1', 'm:\\Python\\Python3_packages\\cmdfilebuilder\\file2', 'm:\\Python\\Python3_packages\\cmdfilebuilder\\tests\\file2', 'm:\\Python\\Python3_packages\\cmdfilebuilder\\tests\\file3', 'm:\\Python\\Python3_packages\\cmdfilebuilder\\file3' ] self.assertEqual(expected, aa) self.assertEqual(5, len(acc.get_fileset())) ab = acc.get_filelist(full_path=False) self.assertEqual(5, len(ab)) expected = ['file1', 'file2', 'tests\\file2', 'tests\\file3', 'file3'] self.assertEqual(expected, ab)
def next_action(): hourly_start = request.args.get('hourly_start', None) hourly_end = request.args.get('hourly_end', None) realtime_start = request.args.get('realtime_start', None) realtime_end = request.args.get('realtime_end', None) body = digest(hourly_start, hourly_end, realtime_start, realtime_end) url_query = url_gnu_rl + '/mpc/' resp = query(url_query, url_gnu_rl, 'POST', body) accumulator = Accumulator(app.logger) mpc_dict = resp.json().copy() for k in list(mpc_dict.keys()): mpc_dict['mpc_' + k] = mpc_dict.pop(k) current_dict = body['current'].copy() current_dict['dt'] = parse_date(current_dict['dt'], toronto=True) n = current_dict['dt'] current_dict['dt'] = current_dict['dt'].astimezone(get_utc_tz()) current_dict['dt'] = current_dict['dt'].timestamp() current_dict['dt_utc'] = current_dict['dt'] del current_dict['dt'] for k in list(current_dict.keys()): current_dict[ 'current_' + k.replace(" ", "_").replace(".", "").lower()] = current_dict.pop(k) try: accumulator.add_temperature2(n, value_dict=current_dict) accumulator.add_temperature2(n, value_dict=mpc_dict) except ValueError as ex: app.logger.warn( "Accumulator - no value to add - content: {} --- {}".format( mpc_dict, ex))"Next Action Result : {}".format(resp.json()))"NextAction_Setpoint:{}".format(resp.json()['sat_stpt'])) next_action_result = { "mpc": resp.json(), "heating_decision": heating_decision(resp.json()) } return next_action_result
def test_2get_lines(self): acc: Accumulator = Accumulator('#') s5: Slot = Slot(5) s5.append("l1,s5\n") acc.add_slot(s5) s5a: Slot = Slot(5) s5a.append('l2,s5\n') acc.add_slot(s5a) st = acc.slots[5] s0: Slot = Slot(0) s0.append('l1,s0\n') acc.add_slot(s0) s99: Slot = Slot(99) s99.append('l1,s99\n') acc.add_slot(s99) acc.slots[5].data.append('l3,s5\n') result = acc.get_lines() expected = ['# result from processing !UNSPECIFIED!\n', '\n', '#lines from Slot 0\n', '\n', 'l1,s0\n', '\n', '#lines from Slot 5\n', '\n', 'l1,s5\n', 'l2,s5\n', 'l3,s5\n', '\n', '#lines from Slot 99\n', '\n', 'l1,s99\n', '\n'] for a, b in zip(expected, result[2:]): self.assertEqual(a, b) acc.add_file('file1') acc.add_file('file2') result = acc.get_lines() fileinfo = result[3:6] self.assertEqual( ['# Files included by reference:\n', '#\tfile1\n', '#\tfile2\n'], fileinfo)
def test_1add_slot(self): acc: Accumulator = Accumulator('#') s5: Slot = Slot(5) s5.append("l1,s5") acc.add_slot(s5) self.assertEqual(set([0, 5, 99]), acc.slots.keys()) s5a: Slot = Slot(5) s5a.append('l2,s5') acc.add_slot(s5a) self.assertEqual(set([0, 5, 99]), acc.slots.keys()) st = acc.slots[5] aa = str(st) self.assertEqual('[id:5, len:2, d:(l1,s5, l2,s5)]', str(st)) s0: Slot = Slot(0) s0.append('s0,l1\n') acc.add_slot(s0) s99: Slot = Slot(99) s99.append('s99,l1\n') acc.add_slot(s99) self.assertEqual(3, len(acc.slots)) s0 = acc.slots[0] self.assertEqual(1, len( s5 = acc.slots[5] self.assertEqual(2, len( s99 = acc.slots[99] self.assertEqual(1, len( self.assertTrue(5 in acc.slots) self.assertFalse(3 in acc.slots) acc.add_slot(s99) acc.add_slot(s0) self.assertEqual(2, len( self.assertEqual(2, len( acc.disable_priv_slots() acc.add_slot(s99) self.assertEqual(2, len( acc.add_slot(s0) self.assertEqual(2, len(
def test_size(self): acc = Accumulator() assert (len(acc) == 0) for i in range(len(elements)): acc.add(elements[i]) assert len(acc) == i + 1
def runJob(self, finalRdd, func, partitions, allowLocal): outputParts = list(partitions) numOutputParts = len(partitions) finalStage = self.newStage(finalRdd, None) results = [None] * numOutputParts finished = [None] * numOutputParts lastFinished = 0 numFinished = 0 waiting = set() running = set() failed = set() pendingTasks = {} lastFetchFailureTime = 0 self.updateCacheLocs() logger.debug("Final stage: %s, %d", finalStage, numOutputParts) logger.debug("Parents of final stage: %s", finalStage.parents) logger.debug("Missing parents: %s", self.getMissingParentStages(finalStage)) if ( allowLocal and (not finalStage.parents or not self.getMissingParentStages(finalStage)) and numOutputParts == 1 ): split = finalRdd.splits[outputParts[0]] yield func(finalRdd.iterator(split)) return def submitStage(stage): logger.debug("submit stage %s", stage) if stage not in waiting and stage not in running: missing = self.getMissingParentStages(stage) if not missing: submitMissingTasks(stage) running.add(stage) else: for parent in missing: submitStage(parent) waiting.add(stage) def submitMissingTasks(stage): myPending = pendingTasks.setdefault(stage, set()) tasks = [] have_prefer = True if stage == finalStage: for i in range(numOutputParts): if not finished[i]: part = outputParts[i] if have_prefer: locs = self.getPreferredLocs(finalRdd, part) if not locs: have_prefer = False else: locs = [] tasks.append(ResultTask(, finalRdd, func, part, locs, i)) else: for p in range(stage.numPartitions): if not stage.outputLocs[p]: if have_prefer: locs = self.getPreferredLocs(stage.rdd, p) if not locs: have_prefer = False else: locs = [] tasks.append(ShuffleMapTask(, stage.rdd, stage.shuffleDep, p, locs)) logger.debug("add to pending %s tasks", len(tasks)) myPending |= set( for t in tasks) self.submitTasks(tasks) submitStage(finalStage) while numFinished != numOutputParts: try: evt = self.completionEvents.get(False) except Queue.Empty: self.check() if self._shutdown: sys.exit(1) if failed and time.time() > lastFetchFailureTime + RESUBMIT_TIMEOUT: logger.debug("Resubmitting failed stages") self.updateCacheLocs() for stage in failed: submitStage(stage) failed.clear() else: time.sleep(0.1) continue task = evt.task stage = self.idToStage[task.stageId] logger.debug("remove from pedding %s from %s", task, stage) pendingTasks[stage].remove( if isinstance(evt.reason, Success): Accumulator.merge(evt.accumUpdates) if isinstance(task, ResultTask): finished[task.outputId] = True numFinished += 1 if self.keep_order: results[task.outputId] = evt.result while lastFinished < numOutputParts and finished[lastFinished]: yield results[lastFinished] results[lastFinished] = None lastFinished += 1 else: yield evt.result elif isinstance(task, ShuffleMapTask): stage = self.idToStage[task.stageId] stage.addOutputLoc(task.partition, evt.result) if not pendingTasks[stage]: logger.debug("%s finished; looking for newly runnable stages", stage) running.remove(stage) if stage.shuffleDep != None: self.mapOutputTracker.registerMapOutputs( stage.shuffleDep.shuffleId, [l[0] for l in stage.outputLocs] ) self.updateCacheLocs() newlyRunnable = set(stage for stage in waiting if not self.getMissingParentStages(stage)) waiting -= newlyRunnable running |= newlyRunnable logger.debug("newly runnable: %s, %s", waiting, newlyRunnable) for stage in newlyRunnable: submitMissingTasks(stage) else: logger.error("task %s failed", task) if isinstance(evt.reason, FetchFailed): pass else: logger.error("%s %s %s", evt.reason, type(evt.reason), evt.reason.message) raise evt.reason assert not any(results) return
elif args.mode == "memb": lm = models.MultiEmbLanguageModel(model, args, vocab) else: raise Exception("unrecognized mode") if args.load: model.populate( if not args.evaluate and not args.debug: train_batches = util.get_batches(train_data, args.minibatch_size, args.max_batched_sentence_len) valid_batches = util.get_batches(valid_data, args.minibatch_size, args.max_batched_sentence_len) best_score = None args.update_num = 0 train_accumulator = Accumulator(accs, disps) _start = time.time() for epoch_i in range(args.epochs): args.completed_epochs = epoch_i print "Epoch %d. Shuffling..." % epoch_i, if epoch_i == 0: train_batches = util.shuffle_preserve_first(train_batches) else: random.shuffle(train_batches) print "done." for i, batch in enumerate(train_batches): args.update_num += 1 dynet.renew_cg() result = lm.process_batch(batch, training=True) nancheck = result["loss"].value() while (not isinstance(numpy.isnan(nancheck), numpy.bool_) and True in numpy.isnan(nancheck)) or \ (isinstance(numpy.isnan(nancheck), numpy.bool_) and numpy.isnan(nancheck) == True):
## Heartbeat L2B1 = Heartbeat(300) L2B2 = FtpLocalSave() L2B1.connect_output(L2B2) ## Temperature sensor L3B1 = TimedCallback(delay=600) L3B2 = ReadSensorDht('Box_temperature', 21) L3B3 = FtpLocalSave() L3B2.connect_output(L3B3) L3B1.callback = L3B1.start() ## Humidity sensor L4B1 = TimedCallback(delay=600) L4B2 = ReadSensorDht('Box_humidity', 21, read_humid=True) L4B3 = FtpLocalSave() L4B2.connect_output(L4B3) L4B1.callback = L4B1.start() ## Fortis natural gas pulse detection L1B1 = PulseDetect('WLK_NatGas_MainMeter', 7) L1B2 = Accumulator() L1B3 = FtpLocalSave() L1B1.connect_output(L1B2) L1B2.connect_output(L1B3) while (True): sleep(1)
def setUp(self): self.option_accumulator = Accumulator(OPTION1) self.subject_accumulator = Accumulator(ASSET) self.exercise = copy.deepcopy(EXERCISE_OPERATION5)
with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: model = create_model(sess, args, vocab) if args.beam > 1: decoder = beam_search.Decoder(sess, args, vocab, model) else: decoder = greedy_decoding.Decoder(sess, args, vocab, model) if args.train: batches, _, _ = get_batches(train0, train1, vocab.word2id, args.batch_size, noisy=True) random.shuffle(batches) start_time = time.time() step = 0 losses = Accumulator(args.steps_per_checkpoint, ['loss', 'rec', 'adv', 'd0', 'd1']) best_dev = float('inf') learning_rate = args.learning_rate rho = args.rho gamma = args.gamma_init dropout = args.dropout_keep_prob #gradients = Accumulator(args.steps_per_checkpoint, # ['|grad_rec|', '|grad_adv|', '|grad|']) for epoch in range(1, 1+args.max_epochs): print '--------------------epoch %d--------------------' % epoch print 'learning_rate:', learning_rate, ' gamma:', gamma for batch in batches: feed_dict = feed_dictionary(model, batch, rho, gamma,
decoder = greedy_decoding.Decoder(sess, args, vocab, model) if args.train: batches, _, _ = get_batches(train0, train1, vocab.word2id, args.batch_size, noisy=True, unparallel=False, max_seq_len=args.max_seq_length) random.shuffle(batches) start_time = time.time() step = 0 losses = Accumulator( args.steps_per_checkpoint, ['loss', 'rec', 'adv', 'd0', 'd1', "loss_rec_cyc", 'loss_kld']) best_dev = float('inf') learning_rate = args.learning_rate rho = args.rho epsilon = args.epsilon gamma = args.gamma_init dropout = args.dropout_keep_prob anneal = args.anneal C = args.C # gradients = Accumulator(args.steps_per_checkpoint, # ['|grad_rec|', '|grad_adv|', '|grad|']) # print("***SCHEDULING C FROM 0.0 to 25.0 ***") # C_increase = float(args.C) / (args.max_epochs * len(batches))
def setUp(self): self.operation = copy.deepcopy(OPTION_OPERATION3) self.accumulator = Accumulator(OPTION1) self.accumulator.accumulate(self.operation)
def train(): if args.model == 'softmax': loss = net['cent'] + net['wd'] else: loss = net['cent'] + net['wd'] + net['kl'] + net['aux'] + net['neg_ent'] global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() lr_step = n_train_batches * args.n_epochs / 3 lr = tf.train.piecewise_constant(tf.cast(global_step, tf.int32), [lr_step, lr_step * 2], [1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5]) train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr).minimize(loss, global_step=global_step) saver = tf.train.Saver(net['weights']) logfile = open(os.path.join(savedir, 'train.log'), 'w', 0) sess = tf.Session() train_logger = Accumulator('cent', 'acc') train_to_run = [train_op, net['cent'], net['acc']] val_logger = Accumulator('cent', 'acc') val_to_run = [tnet['cent'], tnet['acc']] for i in range(args.n_epochs): # shuffle the training data every epoch xytr = np.concatenate((xtr, ytr), axis=1) np.random.shuffle(xytr) xtr_, ytr_ = xytr[:, :784], xytr[:, 784:] line = 'Epoch %d start, learning rate %f' % (i + 1, print(line) logfile.write(line + '\n') train_logger.clear() start = time.time() for j in range(n_train_batches): bx, by = xtr_[j * bs:(j + 1) * bs, :], ytr_[j * bs:(j + 1) * bs, :] train_logger.accum(, {x: bx, y: by})) train_logger.print_(header='train', epoch=i + 1, time=time.time() - start, logfile=logfile) val_logger.clear() for j in range(n_val_batches): bx, by = xva[j * bs:(j + 1) * bs, :], yva[j * bs:(j + 1) * bs, :] val_logger.accum(, {x: bx, y: by})) val_logger.print_(header='val', epoch=i + 1, time=time.time() - start, logfile=logfile) print() logfile.write('\n') logfile.close(), os.path.join(savedir, 'model'))