Example #1
def test_approve_addons_approve_files_no_review_type():
    """Files which don't need approval don't change status."""
    # Create the "mozilla" user, needed for the log.
    addon = amo.tests.addon_factory(status=amo.STATUS_PUBLIC)
    file_ = addon.versions.get().files.get()
    approve_addons.approve_files([(file_, None)])
    # Nothing changed.
    assert addon.reload().status == amo.STATUS_PUBLIC
    assert file_.reload().status == amo.STATUS_PUBLIC
Example #2
def test_approve_addons_approve_files_no_review_type():
    """Files which don't need approval don't change status."""
    # Create the "mozilla" user, needed for the log.
    addon = amo.tests.addon_factory(status=amo.STATUS_PUBLIC)
    file_ = addon.versions.get().files.get()
    approve_addons.approve_files([(file_, None)])
    # Nothing changed.
    assert addon.reload().status == amo.STATUS_PUBLIC
    assert file_.reload().status == amo.STATUS_PUBLIC
Example #3
def test_approve_addons_approve_files(use_case, mozilla_user):
    """Files are approved using the correct review type.

    Use cases are quadruples taken from the "use_case" fixture above.
    addon, file1, file2, review_type = use_case
    approve_addons.approve_files([(file1, review_type), (file2, review_type)])
    assert file1.reload().status == (amo.STATUS_LITE if review_type == 'prelim'
                                     else amo.STATUS_PUBLIC)
    assert file2.reload().status == (amo.STATUS_LITE if review_type == 'prelim'
                                     else amo.STATUS_PUBLIC)
    logs = AddonLog.objects.filter(addon=addon)
    assert len(logs) == 2  # One per file.
    file1_log, file2_log = logs
    # An AddonLog has been created for each approval.
    assert file1_log.activity_log.details['comments'] == u'bulk approval'
    assert file1_log.activity_log.user == mozilla_user
    assert file2_log.activity_log.details['comments'] == u'bulk approval'
    assert file2_log.activity_log.user == mozilla_user
    # No ReviewerScore was granted, it's an automatic approval.
    assert not ReviewerScore.objects.all()
Example #4
def test_approve_addons_approve_files(use_case, mozilla_user):
    """Files are approved using the correct review type.

    Use cases are quadruples taken from the "use_case" fixture above.
    addon, file1, file2, review_type = use_case
    approve_addons.approve_files([(file1, review_type),
                                  (file2, review_type)])
    assert file1.reload().status == (
        amo.STATUS_LITE if review_type == 'prelim' else amo.STATUS_PUBLIC)
    assert file2.reload().status == (
        amo.STATUS_LITE if review_type == 'prelim' else amo.STATUS_PUBLIC)
    logs = AddonLog.objects.filter(addon=addon)
    assert len(logs) == 2  # One per file.
    file1_log, file2_log = logs
    # An AddonLog has been created for each approval.
    assert file1_log.activity_log.details['comments'] == u'bulk approval'
    assert file1_log.activity_log.user == mozilla_user
    assert file2_log.activity_log.details['comments'] == u'bulk approval'
    assert file2_log.activity_log.user == mozilla_user
    # No ReviewerScore was granted, it's an automatic approval.
    assert not ReviewerScore.objects.all()