Example #1
def retrieve_resource(resource, exact):
    Retrieve the provided resource from XDMoD's database.

    :type resource str

    :param resource: the name of the resource to retrieve
    :return: a json encoded version of the record in `modw`.`resourcefact` identified by
    if resource is None or len(resource) < 1:
        raise AssertionError('provided resource must not be empty.')

    connection, cursor = akrr.getXDDB(True)

    with connection:
        query = """
        SELECT name, id FROM `modw`.`resourcefact` AS RF WHERE RF.NAME LIKE %s
        """ if not exact else """
        SELECT name, id FROM `modw`.`resourcefact` AS RF WHERE RF.NAME = %s

        parameter = (resource + "%", ) if not exact else (resource, )

        cursor.execute(query, parameter)
        rows = cursor.fetchall()

    return rows
Example #2
def retrieve_resources():
    Retrieve all resources currently present in the XDMoD database.

    :return: a dict representation of the resourcefact table ( name, id )
    connection, cursor = akrr.getXDDB(True)
    with connection:
        SELECT name, id from `modw`.`resourcefact`;
        rows = cursor.fetchall()

    return rows
Example #3
def retrieve_resources():
    Retrieve the applicable contents of the `modw`.`resourcefact` table.
    :return: a tuple of strings containing the name of the resources.
        connection, cursor = akrr.getXDDB()

        # PROVIDES: automatic resource cleanup
        with connection:
            cursor = connection.cursor()
            cursor.execute("SELECT `name`,`id` FROM `modw`.`resourcefact`")
            rows = cursor.fetchall()
    except MySQLdb.Error, e:
        logging.error("MySQL Error: {0}: {1}", e.args[0]. e.args[1])