def calculate_suitability(self): """ calculate set of suitability points to constrain the potential locations of new_ponds. new_ponds can only be placed on cells that meet the following conditions: 1) outside the bounds existing beaver territory 2) on mapped streams with gradients <= 8 degrees 3) above the highest tidal influence :return: """ # TODO what other conditions need to be met, make sure the correct stream types are used # TODO recalculate suitable streams with new landcover if type(self.SUITABLE_STREAMS) == str: self.SUITABLE_STREAMS = arcpy.Raster(self.SUITABLE_STREAMS) # calculate current territories exclude_territory = self.calculate_territory() # intersect un-colonized parts of the landscape with suitable streams suitability_surface = exclude_territory * self.SUITABLE_STREAMS suitability_surface_set_null = suitability_surface == 0, suitability_surface) # convert suitable cells to points for random selection and watershed pour point arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion( in_raster=suitability_surface_set_null, out_point_features=self.suitability_points)
def get_patch_wses(self): """Gets list of WSE values in each patch at each discharge""""Getting patch WSE values...") for q in self.discharges: # convert each WSE ras to points"Discharge: %s " % q) wse_pts = os.path.join(self.cache, 'wse_pts.shp') arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(self.q_wse_dict[q], wse_pts) # extract patch num. to each point wse_patch_pts = os.path.join(self.cache, 'wse_patch_pts.shp') ExtractValuesToPoints(wse_pts, self.patch_ras, wse_patch_pts) # export attribute table to csv wse_patch_table = 'patch_table%i.csv' % int(q) # 'RASTERVALU' = patch number, 'grid_code' = WSE array = arcpy.da.FeatureClassToNumPyArray(wse_patch_pts, ['RASTERVALU', 'grid_code'], skip_nulls=True, where_clause='RASTERVALU <> -9999') df = pd.DataFrame(array.tolist(), columns=['patch', 'WSE']) df = df.groupby('patch')['WSE'].apply(list) for patch in df.index: if patch in self.patch_wses.keys(): self.patch_wses[patch].extend(df[patch]) self.patch_qs[patch].extend([q] * len(df[patch])) else: self.patch_wses[patch] = df[patch] self.patch_qs[patch] = [q] * len(df[patch])
def run(IFile, Ofile, Snumx, Snumy, Stype): from arcpy import env env.overwriteOutput = "True" print "--------------------------------------------------------------------" print "Program GetCentroid Starts: ", time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time())) print "--------------------------------------------------------------------" try: import arcpy from arcpy import env arcpy.env.workspace = Ofile cell = Snumx + " " + Snumy # Resample TIFF image arcpy.Resample_management(IFile, "resamplenew.tif", cell, Stype) inRaster = "resamplenew.tif" outPoint = Ofile + "/outpoint.shp" field = "VALUE" arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(inRaster, outPoint, field) print "Input corret, output file has been generated..!" print "--------------------------------------------------------------------" print "Program GetCentroid Ends: ", time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time())) print "--------------------------------------------------------------------" except: print "Resample example failed." print arcpy.GetMessages()
def ExtractVals(nc, aoi, out): i = 0 for j in aoi: #Mask out raster with Marine Reserve limits and save it mask =, j)"SST_" + out[i] + ".TIF") #Create point features from masked out raster Pts = arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(mask, "SST_Pts" + out[i] + ".shp", "Value") #Extract values from multiple layers to point features SSTVal = Pts, "SST_" + out[i] + ".tif SST_" + out[i], "NONE") #Save attribute table of point features in excel format arcpy.TableToExcel_conversion(SSTVal, "SSTValues" + out[i] + ".xls", "NAME", "CODE") #Read excel table SSTPtVal = pd.ExcelFile("SSTValues" + out[i] + ".xls") #Load first excel sheet SST_sheet = SSTPtVal.parse(SSTPtVal.sheet_names[0]) #Create dictionary to change column names to months NewColNames = dict(zip(SST_sheet.columns[3:14], TimeLabs)) #Change column names using dictionary SST_sheet.rename(columns=NewColNames, inplace=True) #Write file with corrected column names into a csv file for further analysis SST_sheet.to_csv("SST_Values" + out[i] + ".csv") i += 1
def execute_FromPoints(flowacc, area_threshold, str_frompoints, messages, language = "FR"): # Calcul du seuil pour les points de départ sur le raster "flow accumulation" flowacc_threshold = area_threshold * 1000 * 1000 / (flowacc.meanCellWidth * flowacc.meanCellHeight) # Création du raster des cours d'eau binrivers =, 1, "VALUE < " + str(flowacc_threshold)) # Calcul du nombre de pixels voisines étant des cours d'eau nbvoisins =,,3,"CELL"), "SUM", "") # On ne garde que les extrémités (1 voisin, donc nbvoisin = 2) extremities =, binrivers, "VALUE <> 2") # On supprime les points situés sur le bord (exutoires de la zone modélisée) noborders =,, 3, "CELL"), "SUM", "NODATA") borders = frompoints =, extremities, "VALUE = 1") # On convertit le raster en shapefile arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(frompoints, str_frompoints) return
def finddist(clatoshad_14, dir, path): path2 = path # Local variables: points_shp = "{}\\points.shp".format(path2) dist1 = "{}\\dist1".format(path2) # Process: Raster to Point arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(clatoshad_14, points_shp, "VALUE") # Process: Add XY Coordinates arcpy.AddXY_management(points_shp) # Process: Add Field arcpy.AddField_management(points_shp, "distfield", "FLOAT", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") xlist = [] ylist = [] finames = ['POINT_X', 'POINT_Y', 'distfield'] rows = arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(points_shp, finames) for row in rows: xlist.append(row[0]) ylist.append(row[1]) rows.reset() for row in rows: if dir == 'e': changex = row[0] - min(xlist) changey = row[1] - min(ylist) row[2] = math.sqrt(changex * changex + changey * changey) if dir == 'w': changex = row[0] - max(xlist) changey = row[1] - min(ylist) row[2] = math.sqrt(changex * changex + changey * changey) rows.updateRow(row) del row del rows arcpy.PointToRaster_conversion(points_shp, "distfield", dist1, "MOST_FREQUENT", "NONE", clatoshad_14) return dist1
def createComplainRasterFeature(SelectSQL,InputComplainFeatures,POIFeatures,FinalResultFeature):"Process: 创建"+FinalResultFeature) if(arcpy.Exists(FinalResultFeature)): arcpy.Delete_management(FinalResultFeature, "FeatureClass") rmNo = random.randint(100000000,999999999) print rmNo # Process: 筛选 print "Process: 筛选""Process: 筛选") FeatureSelect=arcpy.Select_analysis(InputComplainFeatures, "in_memory/FeatureSelect"+repr(rmNo), SelectSQL) # Process: 点转栅格 print FeatureSelect rowSear = arcpy.SearchCursor(FeatureSelect) row = if(row): print "Process: 点转栅格""Process: 点转栅格") tempEnvironment0 = arcpy.env.extent arcpy.env.extent = "115 23 122 29" ResultRaster=arcpy.PointToRaster_conversion(FeatureSelect, "OBJECTID", "in_memory/ResultRaster"+repr(rmNo), "COUNT", "NONE", ".0018") arcpy.env.extent = tempEnvironment0 # Process: 栅格转点 print "Process: 栅格转点""Process: 栅格转点") COMPLAIN_RASTER_POINTS=arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(ResultRaster, "in_memory/COMPLAIN_RASTER_POINTS"+repr(rmNo), "VALUE") print "Process: 空间连接" # Process: 空间连接 COMPLAIN_POI_UNION=arcpy.SpatialJoin_analysis(COMPLAIN_RASTER_POINTS, POI, "in_memory/COMPLAIN_POI_UNION"+repr(rmNo), "JOIN_ONE_TO_ONE", "KEEP_ALL", "","CLOSEST", ".1 DecimalDegrees", "DISTANCE") print "Process: 点转栅格 (2)""Process: 点转栅格 (2)") # Process: 点转栅格 (2) tempEnvironment0 = arcpy.env.extent arcpy.env.extent = "115 23 122 29" ResultRaster2=arcpy.PointToRaster_conversion(COMPLAIN_POI_UNION, "OBJECTID", "in_memory/ResultRaster2"+repr(rmNo), "MOST_FREQUENT", "NONE", ".0018") arcpy.env.extent = tempEnvironment0 print "Process: 栅格转面""Process: 栅格转面") # Process: 栅格转面 ResultFeature=arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(ResultRaster2, "in_memory/ResultFeature"+repr(rmNo), "NO_SIMPLIFY", "VALUE") print "Process: 空间连接 (2)""Process: 空间连接 (2)") # Process: 空间连接 (2) ResultFeatureZj=arcpy.SpatialJoin_analysis(ResultFeature, COMPLAIN_POI_UNION, "in_memory/ResultFeatureZj"+repr(rmNo), "JOIN_ONE_TO_ONE", "KEEP_ALL", "", "INTERSECT", "", "") # Process: 空间连接 (3) arcpy.SpatialJoin_analysis(FeatureSelect, ResultFeatureZj, FinalResultFeature, "JOIN_ONE_TO_ONE", "KEEP_ALL", "", "INTERSECT", "", "") #arcpy.SpatialJoin_analysis(FeatureSelect, ResultFeatureZj, FinalResultFeature, "JOIN_ONE_TO_ONE", "KEEP_ALL", "TIME \"TIME\" true true false 8 Date 0 0 ,First,#,D:\\HasmbyGis\\Cache.gdb\\GIS_OBJECT_COMPLAIN_Select1,TIME,-1,-1;WORK_ORDER_ID \"WORK_ORDER_ID\" true true false 100 Text 0 0 ,First,#,D:\\HasmbyGis\\Cache.gdb\\GIS_OBJECT_COMPLAIN_Select1,WORK_ORDER_ID,-1,-1;DISTANCE \"DISTANCE\" true true false 8 Double 0 0 ,First,#,D:\\HasmbyGis\\Cache.gdb\\Complain20140509_SpatialJoin,DISTANCE,-1,-1;POINTID \"POINTID\" true true false 4 Long 0 0 ,First,#,D:\\HasmbyGis\\Cache.gdb\\Complain20140509_SpatialJoin,POINTID,-1,-1;GRID_CODE \"聚合数\" true true false 4 Long 0 0 ,First,#,D:\\HasmbyGis\\Cache.gdb\\Complain20140509_SpatialJoin,GRID_CODE,-1,-1;Name \"聚合地址\" true true false 160 Text 0 0 ,First,#,D:\\HasmbyGis\\Cache.gdb\\Complain20140509_SpatialJoin,Name,-1,-1;Ctype \"聚合地址类型(原始)\" true true false 64 Text 0 0 ,First,#,D:\\HasmbyGis\\Cache.gdb\\Complain20140509_SpatialJoin,Ctype,-1,-1;CnType \"聚合地址类型\" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#,D:\\HasmbyGis\\Cache.gdb\\Complain20140509_SpatialJoin,CnType,-1,-1;CITY \"地市\" true true false 32 Text 0 0 ,First,#,D:\\HasmbyGis\\Cache.gdb\\Complain20140509_SpatialJoin,CITY,-1,-1;COUNTY \"区县\" true true false 32 Text 0 0 ,First,#,D:\\HasmbyGis\\Cache.gdb\\Complain20140509_SpatialJoin,COUNTY,-1,-1;GRID \"GRID\" true true false 32 Text 0 0 ,First,#,D:\\HasmbyGis\\Cache.gdb\\Complain20140509_SpatialJoin,GRID,-1,-1;SGLON \"栅格POI经度\" true true false 8 Double 0 0 ,First,#,D:\\HasmbyGis\\Cache.gdb\\Complain20140509_SpatialJoin,SGLON,-1,-1;SGLAT \"栅格POI纬度\" true true false 8 Double 0 0 ,First,#,D:\\HasmbyGis\\Cache.gdb\\Complain20140509_SpatialJoin,SGLAT,-1,-1;CQ_REGION \"城区网格所属区域\" true true false 60 Text 0 0 ,First,#,D:\\HasmbyGis\\Cache.gdb\\Complain20140509_SpatialJoin,CQ_REGION,-1,-1;CQ_REGION_TYPE \"城区网格区域属性\" true true false 60 Text 0 0 ,First,#,D:\\HasmbyGis\\Cache.gdb\\Complain20140509_SpatialJoin,CQ_REGION_TYPE,-1,-1;TEST_ID \"测试网格ID\" true true false 10 Text 0 0 ,First,#,D:\\HasmbyGis\\Cache.gdb\\Complain20140509_SpatialJoin,TEST_ID,-1,-1;TEST_GRIDID \"测试网格编号\" true true false 20 Text 0 0 ,First,#,D:\\HasmbyGis\\Cache.gdb\\Complain20140509_SpatialJoin,TEST_GRIDID,-1,-1;TEST_CLASS \"测试网格类型\" true true false 10 Text 0 0 ,First,#,D:\\HasmbyGis\\Cache.gdb\\Complain20140509_SpatialJoin,TEST_CLASS,-1,-1", "INTERSECT", "", "") arcpy.Delete_management(COMPLAIN_POI_UNION) arcpy.Delete_management(COMPLAIN_RASTER_POINTS) arcpy.Delete_management(ResultRaster) arcpy.Delete_management(ResultRaster2) arcpy.Delete_management(ResultFeature) arcpy.Delete_management(ResultFeatureZj) del COMPLAIN_POI_UNION,COMPLAIN_RASTER_POINTS,ResultRaster,ResultRaster2,ResultFeature,ResultFeatureZj arcpy.Delete_management(FeatureSelect) del FeatureSelect,rowSear"清理内存~~") gc.collect()
def save_mu(self, *args): # args[0] can be an optional output directory try: self.out_dir = args[0] except: pass"")" * SAVING ... ") arcpy.CheckOutExtension('Spatial') # check out license = True arcpy.env.workspace = self.cache arcpy.env.extent = "MAXOF" arcpy.CheckInExtension('Spatial') try:" * Converting MU IDs to strings:")" >> Converting raster to points ...") pts = arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(self.ras_mu, self.cache + "pts_del.shp")" >> Converting numbers to strings ...") arcpy.AddField_management(pts, "MU", "TEXT") expression = "inverse_dict = " + fGl.dict2str(self.mu_dict, inverse_dict=True) arcpy.CalculateField_management(pts, "MU", "inverse_dict[!grid_code!]", "PYTHON", expression)" >> OK")" * Saving MU string raster as:") + "\\mu_str.tif") arcpy.PointToRaster_conversion(in_features=pts, value_field="MU", out_rasterdataset=self.out_dir + "\\mu_str.tif", cell_assignment="MOST_FREQUENT", cellsize=5)" * OK") except arcpy.ExecuteError:"ExecuteERROR: (arcpy).") except Exception as e:"ExceptionERROR: (arcpy).")[0]) except:"ERROR: Field assignment failed.") return True try:" * Saving mu numeric raster as:") + "\\mu.tif") + "\\mu.tif")" * OK") except arcpy.ExecuteError: except Exception as e: except:"ERROR: Saving failed.") return True try: self.clean_up() except: pass return False
def calcVS(unsnfltpts, bldg_veg_mask, ct, datapath): """ Calculates the cumulative viewshed from remaining unseen flight points. Generates Euclidean distance to mean center table. :param unsnfltpts: List of remaining unseen flight points :param bldg_veg_mask: Binary mask to remove invalid observer surfaces from cumulative VS raster :param ct: Pass number :param datapath: Path to input/output directory """ print('Calculating cumulative viewshed for {} unseen flight points...'. format(len(unsnfltpts))) # Make chunks of flight points usfp_chunks = makechunks(unsnfltpts, 500) print('Flight point chunks generated') print(len(chunk) for chunk in usfp_chunks) chunk_sums = [] chunkpass = 1 # Sum each chunk of single viewshed rasters for chunk in usfp_chunks: print('Chunksum operation {} on {} flight points...'.format( chunkpass, len(chunk))) # Set null values equal to 0 to avoid NoData holes chunkgen = (Con(IsNull(arcpy.Raster(datapath + "vs_" + str(usfp))), 0, 1) for usfp in chunk) chunkstats =, 'SUM', 'NODATA') chunk_sums.append((chunkstats)) print('...Done.') chunkpass += 1 # Sum chunks sumrast =, 'SUM', 'NODATA') + "vs_pass_" + str(ct) + "_unmasked") print('Unmasked cumulative viewshed saved.') # mask out buildings and vegetation # set Bldg_Veg_Mask cells to 0 unmasked = arcpy.Raster(datapath + "vs_pass_" + str(ct) + "_unmasked") cumulative_masked = unmasked * bldg_veg_mask print('Invalid observer surfaces masked.') # set 0 value cells to Null cumulative_masked = SetNull(cumulative_masked == 0, cumulative_masked) print('Setting null values.') # save to .GDB as cumulative raster + "vs_pass_" + str(ct)) print('Masked cumulative viewshed saved.') # Convert raster to points with number views for VS pass and X Y location vs_total_pts_ = datapath + "vs_pass_" + str(ct) + "_pts" arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(cumulative_masked, vs_total_pts_) arcpy.AddGeometryAttributes_management(vs_total_pts_, ['POINT_X_Y_Z_M']) print('Viewshed points for pass {} generated'.format(ct)) # Find mean center of cumulative viewshed for pass, save as feature class vs_center_ = datapath + "vs_pass_" + str(ct) + "_cntr" arcpy.MeanCenter_stats(vs_total_pts_, vs_center_) print('Mean center calculated.') # Calculate distance of each observation from centroid of observer masspoints vs_dist_ = datapath + "vs_pass_" + str(ct) + "_dist" arcpy.PointDistance_analysis(vs_total_pts_, vs_center_, vs_dist_) print('Observer distances table calculated.')
def cutout_area(self, bbox, epsg, cutout_shape=None): """ return the centroids of the zensus cells as points inside the selected communities """ zensus_points = [] zensus_raster = self.folders.ZENSUS_RASTER_FILE # temporary paths out_raster = os.path.join(self.tmp_folder, 'zensus_cutout') raster_points = os.path.join(self.tmp_folder, 'raster_points') raster_points_projected = os.path.join(self.tmp_folder, 'raster_points_projected') raster_points_clipped = os.path.join(self.tmp_folder, 'raster_points_clipped') def del_tmp(): for fn in [ raster_points, raster_points_projected, out_raster, raster_points_clipped ]: arcpy.Delete_management(fn) del_tmp() out_raster = os.path.join(self.tmp_folder, 'zensus_cutout') # clip minimum to rectangle shape that still contains all communities srid = clip_raster(zensus_raster, out_raster, bbox) # get raster points arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(out_raster, raster_points) start = time.time() with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(raster_points, "GRID_CODE") as cursor: for row in cursor: if row[0] <= 0: cursor.deleteRow() print(time.time() - start) # project raster points to gauss krueger out_cs = arcpy.SpatialReference(epsg) arcpy.Project_management(raster_points, raster_points_projected, out_cs) if cutout_shape: # clip raster points to selected communities arcpy.Clip_analysis(raster_points_projected, cutout_shape, raster_points_clipped) else: raster_points_clipped = raster_points # create list with zensus points for return rows = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(raster_points_clipped, ['SHAPE@XY', 'GRID_CODE']) zensus_points = [] index = 0 for ((x, y), value) in rows: if value <= 0: continue p = ZensusCell(x, y, id=index, epsg=srid, ew=value) zensus_points.append(p) index += 1 # delete temporary files del_tmp() return zensus_points, len(zensus_points)
def raster_to_point(): inRaster = r'{}/Buurten/{}/bk_ahn.tif'.format(path,buurt) outPoint = r'{}/RasterT_tif12'.format(outPoint_path) field = "VALUE" arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(inRaster, outPoint, field)
def convert_raster_to_point(input_file, output_file): """Convert raster to point vector Args: input_file: input raster file output_file: output point vector file """ print "Converting raster to points..." arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(input_file, output_file)
def conversion(outRaster, raster): name = os.path.split(raster)[1][:-4] # 按掩膜提取 outExtractByMask = None # 常熟市溯源范围矢量文件 inMaskData = u"E:\\常熟溯源\\矢量\\常熟边界\\常熟市溯源范围.shp" # 中间文件 outCliptif = outpath + '\\' + fileslist[2] + "\\Clip_" + name + '.tif' # 剪裁 try: # Execute ExtractByMask arcpy.Clip_management(outRaster, "#", outCliptif, inMaskData, "#", "ClippingGeometry", "NO_MAINTAIN_EXTENT") except Exception as err: arcpy.AddMessage("------Clip_management") arcpy.AddMessage(err) # 重采样 # resampletif=outpath+"\\"+os.path.split(raster)[1][:-4]+'_resampletif_'+getTime()+'.tif' # arcpy.Resample_management(outExtractByMask, resampletif, "0.0005", "BILINEAR") inPointFeatures = outpath + '\\' + fileslist[ 3] + "\\RasterToPoint_" + name + '.shp' arcpy.AddMessage("------栅格转点开始。。。") try: arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(outCliptif, inPointFeatures, 'VALUE') except: arcpy.AddMessage('-------' + inPointFeatures + " 已经存在。。。") arcpy.AddMessage("------栅格转点完成") # 克里金插值 Krigingfile = os.path.join(outpath + '\\' + fileslist[4], 'Kriging_' + name + ".tif") field = "GRID_CODE" cellSize = 0.00055 outVarRaster = "" kModel = "Spherical" kRadius = 20000 # Execute Kriging try: arcpy.Kriging_3d(inPointFeatures, field, Krigingfile, kModel, cellSize, kRadius, outVarRaster) except: arcpy.AddMessage('------RasterToPoint_conversion Failed') # 常熟市范围掩膜 changshumask = u'E:\\常熟溯源\\矢量\\常熟边界\\常熟边界缓冲区-去水域.shp' outtif = os.path.join( outpath + '\\' + fileslist[5], 'Changshumask_' + os.path.split(raster)[1][:-4] + ".tif") # 按掩膜提取 try: # Execute ExtractByMask outMask =, changshumask) outCon =, 0.0001, outMask) except Exception as err: arcpy.AddMessage("------ExtractByMask Failed") arcpy.AddMessage(err) createTraceFiles(outtif, name)
def conversion(outRaster,raster): # 按掩膜提取 outExtractByMask=None # 常熟市溯源范围矢量文件 inMaskData="F:\\20190905\\data\\changshurangle\\changshutrace.shp" # 中间文件 inPointFeatures=outpath+"\\"+os.path.split(raster)[1][:-4]+'_'+getTime()+'.shp' try: # Execute ExtractByMask outExtractByMask =, inMaskData) except Exception as err: arcpy.AddMessage("------ExtractByMask Failed") arcpy.AddMessage(err) return # 重采样 # resampletif=outpath+"\\"+os.path.split(raster)[1][:-4]+'_resampletif_'+getTime()+'.tif' # arcpy.Resample_management(outExtractByMask, resampletif, "0.0005", "BILINEAR") arcpy.AddMessage("------栅格转点开始。。。") try: arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(outExtractByMask, inPointFeatures, 'VALUE') except : arcpy.AddMessage('-------'+inPointFeatures+" 已经存在。。。") arcpy.AddMessage("------栅格转点完成") # 克里金插值 titfile=os.path.join(outpath,os.path.split(raster)[1][:-4]+".tif") field = "GRID_CODE" cellSize =0.0005 outVarRaster = "" kModel = "Spherical" kRadius = 20000 # Execute Kriging try: arcpy.Kriging_3d(inPointFeatures, field, titfile, kModel, cellSize, kRadius, outVarRaster) except : Arcpy.AddMessage('------RasterToPoint_conversion Failed') arcpy.AddMessage("------栅格转点开始。。。") outPointFeatures=outpath+"\\"+os.path.split(raster)[1][:-4]+'.shp' try: arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(titfile, outPointFeatures, 'VALUE') except : arcpy.AddMessage('-------'+inPointFeatures+" 已经存在。。。") arcpy.AddMessage("------栅格转点完成") selectByLocatin(outPointFeatures)
def rst_to_pnt(inRst, pntShp, rstField=None): """Raster to Points Feature Class""" rstField = 'Value' if not rstField else rstField arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(in_raster=inRst, out_point_features=pntShp, raster_field=rstField) return pntShp
def spatial_join_analysis(self, raster, curve_data): # uses curve radius data and to mark all points within this radius of the input raster" -> Converting raster to points ...") try: cov_points = self.cache + "cov_points.shp" arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(raster, cov_points) zero_raster = Con((IsNull(raster) == 1), (IsNull(raster) * 1), 1) all_points = self.cache + "all_points.shp" arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(zero_raster, all_points) except: self.error = True"ERROR: Could not perform spatial radius operations (RasterToPoint_conversion).")" -> Delineating " + self.cover_type + " effect radius (spatial join radius: " + str(curve_data[0][0]) + ") ...") try: out_points = self.cache + "spatjoin.shp" rad = float(curve_data[0][0]) arcpy.SpatialJoin_analysis(target_features=all_points, join_features=cov_points, out_feature_class=out_points, join_operation="JOIN_ONE_TO_MANY", join_type="KEEP_COMMON", field_mapping="", match_option="CLOSEST", search_radius=rad, distance_field_name="") except: self.error = True"ERROR: Could not perform spatial radius operations (SpatialJoin_analysis).")" -> Converting points back to raster ...") try: arcpy.PointToRaster_conversion(in_features=out_points, value_field="grid_code", out_rasterdataset=self.cache + "cov_points", cell_assignment="MEAN", cellsize=self.cell_size) __temp_ras__ = arcpy.Raster(self.cache + "cov_points.tif")" -> Assigning spatial HSI value (" + str(curve_data[1][0]) + ") where applies (raster calculator) ...") __ras__ = Con(__temp_ras__ > 0, curve_data[1][0]) # assign HSI value except: self.error = True"ERROR: Could not perform spatial radius operations (back conversion).") if not self.error: return Float(CellStatistics([__ras__], "SUM", "DATA")) else: return -1
def listfile(file): pathDir = os.listdir(file) for contents in pathDir: # contents=100206 try: hourtime = contents[-2:] datetime = contents[-4:-2] filename = "PM25_" + hourtime + '.tif' filepath = os.path.join(file, contents) if os.path.isdir(filepath): tifpath = filepath + '\\PM25\\tif\\' + filename print(tifpath) pm25shpdir = "F:\\changshu\\siteetis\\pm251002\\pm25_1002" + hourtime try: os.makedirs(pm25shpdir) except: print('') timeformat = '2019' + "-10-02" + " " + hourtime + ":" + "00" + ":" + "00" timeArray = time.strptime(timeformat, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") timestamp = time.mktime(timeArray) '''try: # 执行sql语句 sql='INSERT INTO newchangshu.ams_wms (wmsname, url, data_time, datatype, city,create_time,create_by,workspace) VALUES ({},{},{},{},{},{},{},{})'.format('"pm25_1008'+hourtime+'"','""',timestamp,u'"pm25"',u'"常熟"'.decode('ISO-8859-1').encode('utf-8'),int(time.time()),'"admin"','"0"') #sql='insert into ams_sixindex values({},{},{},{},{},{})'.format(inspection_num,car_id,238,create_time,update_time) cursor.execute(sql) # 提交到数据库执行 db.commit() pass except: # 如果发生错误则回滚 traceback.print_exc() db.rollback() continue''' inPointFeatures = os.path.join( pm25shpdir, "pm25_1002" + hourtime + hourtime + '.shp') # 栅格转点 arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(tifpath, inPointFeatures, "VALUE") pm25zippath = 'F:\\zip\\changshu\\PM2502' try: os.makedirs(pm25zippath) except: print('') make_zip( pm25shpdir, pm25zippath + "\\" + "PM25_1002" + hourtime + hourtime + ".zip") pass except: pass
def createTraceFiles(in_layer, name): # 选中常熟市企业分区1中的AOT点并导出 arcpy.AddMessage("-------制作溯源文件。。。") # 企业分区文件位置 zoneLocation = u'E:\\常熟溯源\\矢量\\常熟市溯源范围' # 创建文件夹 # AOT文件 aot_Content = 'F:\\changshutraceresult\\aot' try: os.makedirs(aot_Content) except: arcpy.AddMessage('-------' + aot_Content + '已经存在') path2Dir = os.listdir(zoneLocation) for zonefile in path2Dir: if zonefile[-4:].lower() == '.shp': zone_Layer = os.path.join(zoneLocation, zonefile) arcpy.AddMessage('-------' + name + ' 分区' + zonefile[-6:-4] + ' -------------------') try: # 剪裁 # Execute ExtractByMask outClipRaster = os.path.join( u'F:\\常熟溯源\\AOT\\裁剪', 'AOT裁剪分区' + zonefile[-6:-4] + '_' + name + '.tif') arcpy.Clip_management(in_layer, "#", outClipRaster, zone_Layer, "#", "ClippingGeometry", "NO_MAINTAIN_EXTENT") aotFeatures = os.path.join( u'F:\\常熟溯源\\AOT\\shp', 'aot' + zonefile[-6:-4] + '_' + name + '.shp') # 栅格转点 arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(outClipRaster, aotFeatures, 'VALUE') arcpy.AddMessage( '-------' + name + ' 分区' + zonefile[-6:-4] + ' RasterToPoint_conversion Success-------------------') # 将AOT转为栅格,分辨率设为0.0005,参数设置如下 out_rasterdataset = os.path.join( aot_Content, 'AOT分区' + zonefile[-6:-4] + '_' + name + '.tif') arcpy.PointToRaster_conversion(aotFeatures, 'GRID_CODE', out_rasterdataset, 'MAXIMUM', 'NONE', '0.00055') except: arcpy.AddMessage('-------' + name + ' 分区' + zonefile[-6:-4] + 'Clip_management 错误') traceback.print_exc() arcpy.AddMessage("------制作溯源文件完成")
def buildPointGrids(inFeature, tempRaster, cell_size, outShapefile): # Convert from polygon to raster and raster to point to create point grid arcpy.PolygonToRaster_conversion(inFeature, "OBJECTID", tempRaster, "CELL_CENTER", "NONE", cell_size) # Determine if raster contains only NoData values noData = int(arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(tempRaster, 'ALLNODATA')[0]) if noData == 0: # Convert raster to point grid arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(tempRaster, outShapefile, "VALUE") # Add XY Coordinates to feature class in the NAD_1983_Alaska_Albers projection arcpy.AddXY_management(outShapefile) # Delete intermediate files arcpy.Delete_management(tempRaster) elif noData == 1: arcpy.AddMessage("All values for this watershed are nodata...") # Delete intermediate files arcpy.Delete_management(tempRaster)
def raster_to_point(ZSfile): print "Converting zonal statistics raster to points..." ZSpoints = "zs_points.shp" if arcpy.Exists(ZSpoints): arcpy.Delete_management(ZSpoints) arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(ZSfile, ZSpoints, "Value") print "Finished raster to points!\n" bar['value'] = 60 bar.update() spatial_join(ZSpoints)
def extract_selection(streamlines, section_counter, slope): ## arcpy.AddMessage("Buffering...") streambuffers = os.path.join(env.workspace, naming + "_buffers" + str(section_counter)) arcpy.Buffer_analysis(streamlines, streambuffers, "25 Meters") ## arcpy.AddMessage("Masking...") masked = ExtractByMask(slope, streambuffers) os.path.join(env.workspace, naming + "_maskedraster" + str(section_counter))) ## arcpy.AddMessage("Converting to points...") slope_points = os.path.join(env.workspace, naming + "_slopepoints" + str(section_counter)) arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(masked, slope_points, "Value") return slope_points
def TwoRas2OnePnt(dirRas, magRas, outFeature, optArgs, arrName1="DIR", arrName2="MAG", csizeMultiplier=1): # uses either gdal or arcpy # Create and save an ESRI point shapefile at pixel center coordinates # with values from array of the same dimensions # espg = getModel_SR(optArgs['model']) # Using GDAL if optArgs['noArc']: dirRas = dirRas + '.tif' magRas = magRas + '.tif' outFeature = outFeature + '.shp' array1 = rasFile2array(dirRas) array2 = rasFile2array(magRas) Two_array2shp(array1, array2, outFeature, dirRas, "DIR", "MAG", csizeMultiplier, espg) # Using ArcPy else: if 'clp' in dirRas: fgdb = optArgs['clpgdb'] else: fgdb = optArgs['geodb'] arcpy.env.workspace = fgdb arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(in_raster=dirRas, out_point_features=outFeature, raster_field=arrName1) rasFldMap = magRas + ' ' + arrName2, rasFldMap, "NONE") if csizeMultiplier != 1: express = "!Magnitude! * "+ str(csizeMultiplier)\ + " * "+str(csizeMultiplier) arcpy.CalculateField_management(in_table=outFeature, field=arrName2, expression=express, expression_type="PYTHON_9.3", code_block="#") arcpy.env.workspace = optArgs['geodb']
def eachFile(shppath, filepath): pathDir = os.listdir(filepath) path_file_number = glob.glob(pathname=filepath + '\\*.tif') path_file_number = bytes(len(path_file_number)) print "alter " + path_file_number + " files" count = 0 for inRaster in pathDir: outExtractByMask = ExtractByMask(outRaster, inMaskData) outPoint = shppath + os.path.splitext(inRaster)[0] + ".shp" field = "VALUE" count += 1 if (os.path.exists(outPoint)): print outPoint + " alderly exists!" continue print "exporting " + inRaster arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(inRaster, outPoint, field) print inRaster + " alderly exported" file_number = bytes(count) print "alderly exported " + file_number + " file" print "success!"
def RasterToSurface(dem, out_fc, field): if not arcpy.Exists(dem): arcpy.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 110, dem) raise SystemExit() desc = arcpy.Describe(dem) if == "Unknown": arcpy.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 1024) raise SystemExit() InitParams(desc.spatialReference) rowCount, colCount = desc.height, desc.width arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = desc.SpatialReference.GCS result = arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(dem, "DEM2", "Value") demArray = arcpy.da.FeatureClassToNumPyArray(result, ("SHAPE@X", "SHAPE@Y", "grid_code")).reshape( (rowCount, colCount)) arcpy.Delete_management(result) dtype = np.dtype([('X', '<f4'), ('Y', '<f4'), ('{0}'.format(field), '<f4')]) surfaceArray = np.zeros(((rowCount - 1) * 2, (colCount - 1)), dtype) for row in xrange(0, rowCount - 1): for col in xrange(0, colCount - 1): pointA = demArray[row, col] pointB = demArray[row, col + 1] pointC = demArray[row + 1, col + 1] pointD = demArray[row + 1, col] xABC = (pointA[0] + pointB[0] + pointC[0]) / 3.0 yABC = (pointA[1] + pointB[1] + pointC[1]) / 3.0 sABC = CalcTriangleArea(pointA, pointB, pointC) surfaceArray[row * 2, col] = (xABC, yABC, sABC) xADC = (pointA[0] + pointD[0] + pointC[0]) / 3.0 yADC = (pointA[1] + pointD[1] + pointC[1]) / 3.0 sADC = CalcTriangleArea(pointA, pointD, pointC) # unit: km2 surfaceArray[row * 2 + 1, col] = (xADC, yADC, sADC) arcpy.da.NumPyArrayToFeatureClass(surfaceArray.reshape((rowCount - 1) * (colCount - 1) * 2, ), out_fc, ["X", "Y"], desc.spatialReference.GCS)
def create_lfp(self):, self.i.l_rng, "Rectangle 1 1 CELL", "RANGE", "DATA") # distance from boundaries,, self.i.l_ild, "#", "Value = 0"), self.i.l_ild_n),, self.i.l_ild_n_c), self.e.d, self.i.l_fnd, "#", "Value = 0"), self.i.l_fill, ""), self.i.l_fdr, "NORMAL", ""), self.i.l_fln, "DOWNSTREAM", "") self.process_l_lmx(), self.i.l_fln, self.i.l_lmx_fln), self.i.l_ild, self.i.l_mxp_r, "#", "Value = 1") arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(in_raster=self.i.l_mxp_r, out_point_features=self.i.l_mxp_v, raster_field="Value") arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(in_features=self.i.l_mxp_v, out_feature_class=self.i.generate_temps( "v", "mxp")) arcpy.DeleteIdentical_management(in_dataset=self.i.l_mxp_v, fields="GRID_CODE", xy_tolerance="", z_tolerance="0"), self.i.fdr, self.i.fdr, self.i.l_pth, "EACH_CELL", "GRID_CODE") # main function print "Please wait...", if sleep(90) == None:, self.i.fdr, self.i.l_lfp, "NO_SIMPLIFY") arcpy.SpatialJoin_analysis(target_features=self.i.l_lfp, join_features=self.i.catchment, out_feature_class=self.i.l_spa, join_operation="JOIN_ONE_TO_ONE", join_type="KEEP_ALL", match_option="HAVE_THEIR_CENTER_IN")
def processUrbanExtents(extents, popRaster, tempFolder, fieldPref="c"): allCompactness = [] filesToDelete = [] #add two output fields tryAddField(extents, "%sCom" % fieldPref, "FLOAT") tryAddField(extents, "%sNCom" % fieldPref, "FLOAT") with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor( extents, ["OID@", "%sCom" % fieldPref, "%sNCom" % fieldPref]) as cursor: for featRow in cursor: tRaster = os.path.join(tempFolder, "pop_%s" % featRow[0]) tRasterPoints = os.path.join(tempFolder, "pop_%s_pts.shp" % featRow[0]) tLayer = "pop_%s" % featRow[0] filesToDelete.append(tRaster) filesToDelete.append(tRasterPoints) filesToDelete.append(tRasterPoints) arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(extents, tLayer, '"FID" = %s' % featRow[0]) #Use the current feature to extract the current raster arcpy.Clip_management(popRaster, '#', tRaster, tLayer, '0', 'ClippingGeometry', 'MAINTAIN_EXTENT') try: arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(tRaster, tRasterPoints) compactness = main(tRasterPoints, "GRID_CODE", tempFolder) featRow[1] = compactness[0] featRow[2] = compactness[1] except: tPrint("Something went wrong with feature %s" % featRow[0]) featRow[1] = 0 featRow[2] = 0 cursor.updateRow(featRow) for f in filesToDelete: arcpy.Delete_management(f) return (allCompactness)
def attributeESApoints(cntry, outFeatures, outDB, ntlFile, lcRaster, ghslValu, globalOutlines): tempLC = "%s/%s" % (outDB,"ESA2009") tempPts = "%s/%s" % (outDB,"tPts") tempAdmin = "%s/%s" % (outDB, "Admin1") arcpy.Select_analysis(in_features=globalOutlines, out_feature_class=tempAdmin, where_clause=""""ISO3" = '%s'""" % cntry) tPrint("***Created Admin File") arcpy.Clip_management(in_raster=lcRaster, rectangle="", out_raster=tempLC, in_template_dataset=tempAdmin, nodata_value="0", clipping_geometry="ClippingGeometry") tPrint("***Clipped ESA Globcover") arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(in_raster=tempLC, out_point_features=tempPts, raster_field="Value") renameField(tempPts, "grid_code", "Globcover") tPrint("***Converted to points") ExtractValuesToPoints(tempPts, ntlFile, outFeatures, "NONE", "VALUE_ONLY") renameField(outFeatures, "RASTERVALU", "NTL") tPrint("***Extracted NTL Values") fOut = outFeatures.replace("Globcover", "Globcover_GHSL"), ghslValu, fOut) renameField(fOut, "RASTERVALU", "GHSL") arcpy.Delete_management(outFeatures) arcpy.Rename_management(fOut, outFeatures)
def main(argv=None): """Iterate over LM, BM, and restoration tasks.""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv # Get parameters from ArcGIS tool dialog start_time = time.clock() # USER SETTINGS ###################################################### # Restoration Settings # ALL input data must be in the same projection # Set to True to restore highest ROI. Set to False to restore strongest # barrier restore_max_roi = argv[1] # Resistance value of restored habitat. Must be 1 or greater. restored_resistance_val = argv[2] # No spaces or special chars in paths or gdb names restoration_data_gdb = argv[3] # No spaces in path, avoid using dropbox or network drive # Project directories will be created in this (iter1, iter2...) as will an # output geodatabase output_dir = argv[4] # Resistance raster. Should be in input GDB resistance_ras = argv[5] # Core area feature class. Should be in input GDB 'URWA_HCAs_Doug_Grant' core_fc = argv[6] core_fn = argv[7] # Core area field name radius = argv[8] # Restoration radius in meters iterations = argv[9] # Number of restorations to perform # If less than this proportion of ag in circle, don't consider restoring # circle min_ag_threshold = argv[10] # Don't consider barriers below this improvement score (average improvement # per meter diameter restored) min_improvement_val = argv[11] # Average per-m2 parcel cost per pixel. Snapped to resistance raster. parcel_cost_ras = argv[12] # Right now this is just a raster with all pixels set to 0.113174 restoration_cost_ras = argv[13] ag_ras = argv[14] # 1=Ag, 0=Not Ag # Some restorations benefit multiple corridors. # 'Maximum' takes the greatest improvement across core area pairs # 'Sum' adds improvement scores acreoss all pairs. barrier_combine_method = argv[15] # Use cwd_thresh = None for no threshold. Use cwd_thresh = X to not # consider restorations more than X map units away from each core area. cwd_thresh = argv[16] # END USER SETTINGS ###################################################### try: # Setup path and create directories gprint('Hey! Make sure everything is in the same projection!\n') gprint('Setting up paths and creating directories') sys.path.append('..\\toolbox\\scripts') res_ras = os.path.join(restoration_data_gdb, resistance_ras) core_fc_path = os.path.join(restoration_data_gdb, core_fc) # Set up a NEW output gdb (leave previous ones on drive) i = None for i in range(1, 200): output_gdb = 'restorationOutput' + str(i) + '.gdb' if not arcpy.Exists(os.path.join(output_dir, output_gdb)): break gprint('Previous output GDB ' + output_gdb + ' exists. ' 'Delete to save disk space.') arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(output_dir, output_gdb) output_gdb = os.path.join(output_dir, output_gdb) log_file = os.path.join(output_gdb, 'Iterate Barriers' + str(i) + '.py') # Write a copy of this file to output dir as a record of settings shutil.copyfile(__file__, log_file) arcpy.env.cellSize = res_ras arcpy.env.extent = res_ras arcpy.env.snapRaster = res_ras arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = output_gdb arcpy.env.workspace = output_gdb spatialref = arcpy.Describe(res_ras).spatialReference mapunits = spatialref.linearUnitName gprint('Cell size = ' + str(arcpy.env.cellSize) + ' ' + mapunits + 's') # Calculate fraction of ag within radius of each pixel gprint('Calculating purchase cost, fraction of ag, etc within radius ' 'of each pixel.') ag_ras = os.path.join(restoration_data_gdb, ag_ras) in_neighborhood =, "MAP") arcpy.env.extent = ag_ras out_focal_stats =, in_neighborhood, "MEAN", "NODATA") proportion_ag_ras = os.path.join(output_gdb, 'proportionAgRas') arcpy.env.extent = res_ras # Calculate purchase cost of circles parcel_cost_ras = os.path.join(restoration_data_gdb, parcel_cost_ras) arcpy.env.extent = parcel_cost_ras out_focal_stats =, in_neighborhood, "MEAN", "DATA") cost_focal_stats_ras = os.path.join(output_gdb, 'cost_focal_stats_ras') arcpy.env.extent = res_ras circle_area = float(npy.pi * radius * radius) outras = * circle_area purch_cost_ras = os.path.join(output_gdb, 'purchaseCostRaster') lu.delete_data(cost_focal_stats_ras) restoration_cost_ras = os.path.join(restoration_data_gdb, restoration_cost_ras) outras = ( + ( * radius * radius * npy.pi)) total_cost_ras = os.path.join(output_gdb, 'totalCostRaster') # Create mask to remove areas without cost data arcpy.env.extent = total_cost_ras cost_mask_ras = os.path.join(output_gdb, 'costMaskRaster') cost_thresh = 0 out_con = ( > float(cost_thresh)), 1) arcpy.env.extent = res_ras # Create mask to remove areas below ag threshold out_con = ( > float(min_ag_threshold)), 1) ag_mask_ras = os.path.join(output_gdb, 'agMaskRaster') do_step_1 = 'true' do_step_2 = 'true' do_step_5 = 'false' all_restored_areas_ras = '' for cur_iter in range(1, iterations + 1): start_time1 = time.clock() # Some env settings get changed by linkage mapper and must be # reset here arcpy.env.cellSize = res_ras arcpy.env.extent = res_ras arcpy.env.snapRaster = res_ras arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = output_gdb arcpy.env.workspace = output_gdb lu.dashline(1) gprint('Running iteration number ' + str(cur_iter)) proj_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'iter' + str(cur_iter) + 'Proj') lu.create_dir(output_dir) lu.delete_dir(proj_dir) lu.create_dir(proj_dir) if cur_iter > 1: # Copy previous s2 linktable to new project dir datapass_dir = os.path.join(proj_dir, 'datapass') lu.create_dir(datapass_dir) proj_dir1 = os.path.join(output_dir, 'iter1Proj') datapass_dir_iter1 = os.path.join(proj_dir1, 'datapass') s2_link_tbl_iter1 = os.path.join(datapass_dir_iter1, 'linkTable_s2.csv') s2_link_tbl = os.path.join(datapass_dir, 'linkTable_s2.csv') shutil.copyfile(s2_link_tbl_iter1, s2_link_tbl) # Run Linkage Mapper # Copy distances text file from earlier LM run to the output # directory- speeds things up! dist_file = os.path.join(output_dir, core_fc + '_dists.txt') if not os.path.exists(dist_file): if cur_iter == 1: gprint('Will calculate distance file.') dist_file = '#' else: proj_dir1 = os.path.join(output_dir, 'iter1Proj') dist_file1 = os.path.join(proj_dir1, core_fc + '_dists.txt') # Put a copy here for future runs shutil.copyfile(dist_file1, dist_file) arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = output_gdb arcpy.env.workspace = output_gdb argv = ('', proj_dir, core_fc_path, core_fn, res_ras, do_step_1, do_step_2, 'Cost-Weighted & Euclidean', dist_file, 'true', 'true', 'false', '4', 'Cost-Weighted', 'true', do_step_5, 'true', '200000', '10000', '#', '#', '#', '#') gprint('Running ' + str(argv)) lm_master.lm_master(argv) do_step_1 = 'false' # Can skip for future iterations do_step_2 = 'false' # Can skip for future iterations do_step_5 = 'false' # Skipping for future iterations start_radius = str(radius) end_radius = str(radius) radius_step = '0' save_radius_ras = 'false' write_pct_ras = 'false' argv = ('', proj_dir, res_ras, start_radius, end_radius, radius_step, barrier_combine_method, save_radius_ras, write_pct_ras, cwd_thresh) gprint('Running ' + str(argv)) barrier_master.bar_master(argv) # Some env settings get changed by linkage mapper and must be # reset here arcpy.env.cellSize = res_ras arcpy.env.extent = res_ras arcpy.env.snapRaster = res_ras arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = output_gdb arcpy.env.workspace = output_gdb gprint('Finding restoration circles with max barrier score / ROI') # Find points with max ROI prefix = os.path.basename(proj_dir) if barrier_combine_method == 'Sum': sum_suffix = 'Sum' else: sum_suffix = '' barrier_fn = (prefix + "_BarrierCenters" + sum_suffix + "_Rad" + str(radius)) barrier_ras = os.path.join(proj_dir, 'output', 'barriers.gdb', barrier_fn) if not arcpy.Exists(barrier_ras): msg = ('Error: cannot find barrier output: ' + barrier_ras) lu.raise_error(msg) if cur_iter > 1: gprint('Creating mask for previously restored areas') in_neighborhood =, "MAP") arcpy.env.extent = all_restored_areas_ras out_focal_stats = all_restored_areas_ras, in_neighborhood, "MEAN", "DATA") all_restored_focal_ras = os.path.join( output_gdb, 'allRestFocRas_iter' + str(cur_iter)) # Anything > 0 would include a restored area arcpy.env.extent = res_ras rest_mask_ras = os.path.join( output_gdb, 'restMaskRaster_iter' + str(cur_iter)) minval = 0 out_con = ( == float(minval)), 1) # Candidate areas have not been restored, have cost data, meet # minimum improvement score criteria, and have enough ag in them candidate_barrier_ras = os.path.join( output_gdb, 'candidateBarrierRaster' + '_iter' + str(cur_iter)) if cur_iter > 1: gprint('Creating candidate restoration raster using barrier ' 'results, previous restorations, and selection ' 'criteria') # ROI scores will be in terms of total improvement # (= score * diameter) out_calc = ( * * * * (radius * 2)) else: out_calc = ( * * * radius * 2) min_barrier_score = min_improvement_val * radius * 2 if restored_resistance_val != 1: out_calc_2 = (out_calc - (2 * radius * (restored_resistance_val - 1))) out_con = (out_calc_2 >= float(min_barrier_score)), out_calc_2) else: out_con = >= float(min_barrier_score)), out_calc) lu.build_stats(candidate_barrier_ras) purchase_roi_ras = os.path.join( output_gdb, 'purchaseRoiRaster' + '_iter' + str(cur_iter)) out_calc = ( / lu.build_stats(purchase_roi_ras) total_roi_ras = os.path.join( output_gdb, 'purchaseRestRoiRaster' + '_iter' + str(cur_iter)) out_calc = ( / lu.build_stats(total_roi_ras) max_barrier = float( arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(candidate_barrier_ras, "MAXIMUM").getOutput(0)) gprint('Maximum barrier improvement score: ' + str(max_barrier)) if max_barrier < 0: arcpy.AddWarning("\nNo barriers found that meet CWD or Ag " "threshold criteria.") max_purch_roi = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management( purchase_roi_ras, "MAXIMUM") gprint('Maximum purchase ROI score: ' + str(max_purch_roi.getOutput(0))) max_roi = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management( total_roi_ras, "MAXIMUM") gprint('Maximum total ROI score: ' + str(max_roi.getOutput(0))) if restore_max_roi: out_point = os.path.join( output_gdb, 'maxRoiPoint' + '_iter' + str(cur_iter)) gprint('Choosing circle with maximum ROI to restore') out_con = ( >= float( max_roi.getOutput(0))), total_roi_ras) max_roi_ras = os.path.join(output_gdb, 'max_roi_ras') # Save max ROI to point try: arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(max_roi_ras, out_point) except Exception: msg = ('Error: it looks like there are no viable ' 'restoration candidates.') lu.raise_error(msg) else: # Restoring strongest barrier instead out_point = os.path.join( output_gdb, 'maxBarrierPoint' + '_iter' + str(cur_iter)) gprint('Choosing circle with maximum BARRIER IMPROVEMENT SCORE' ' to restore') out_con = ( >= max_barrier), candidate_barrier_ras) max_barrier_ras = os.path.join(output_gdb, 'maxBarrierRaster') # Save max barrier to point try: arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(max_barrier_ras, out_point) except Exception: msg = ('Error: it looks like there are no viable ' 'restoration candidates.') lu.raise_error(msg) gprint('Done evaluating candidate restorations') result = int(arcpy.GetCount_management(out_point).getOutput(0)) if result > 1: # Would be better to retain point with max barrier score when # we have multiple points with same ROI arcpy.AddWarning('Deleting points with identical ' 'ROI/improvement score values') arcpy.DeleteIdentical_management(out_point, "grid_code", 0.1, 0.1) out_point, [[candidate_barrier_ras, "barrierScore"], [purch_cost_ras, "purchCost"], [total_cost_ras, "totalCost"], [purchase_roi_ras, "purchaseROI"], [total_roi_ras, "totalROI"]], "NONE") arcpy.AddField_management(out_point, "restorationNumber", "SHORT") arcpy.CalculateField_management(out_point, "restorationNumber", cur_iter, "PYTHON_9.3") arcpy.AddField_management(out_point, "radius", "DOUBLE") arcpy.CalculateField_management(out_point, "radius", radius, "PYTHON_9.3") arcpy.AddField_management(out_point, "barrierScore_per_m", "DOUBLE") arcpy.CalculateField_management( out_point, "barrierScore_per_m", "(float(!barrierScore!) / (!radius! * 2))", "PYTHON_9.3") gprint('\nCreating restoration circles') if restore_max_roi: circle_fc = os.path.join( output_gdb, 'maxRoiCircle' + '_iter' + str(cur_iter)) else: circle_fc = os.path.join( output_gdb, 'maxBarrierCircle' + '_iter' + str(cur_iter)) arcpy.Buffer_analysis(out_point, circle_fc, radius) gprint('Rasterizing restoration circles') if restore_max_roi: circle_ras = os.path.join( output_gdb, 'maxRoicircle_ras' + '_iter' + str(cur_iter)) else: circle_ras = os.path.join( output_gdb, 'maxBarrierCircleRas' + '_iter' + str(cur_iter)) arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(circle_fc, 'totalROI', circle_ras, arcpy.env.cellSize) # restore raster gprint('Digitally restoring resistance raster') res_ras_restored = os.path.join( output_gdb, 'resRastRestored' + '_iter' + str(cur_iter)) out_con =, res_ras, restored_resistance_val) all_restored_areas_ras = os.path.join( output_gdb, 'allRestoredAreas_iter' + str(cur_iter)) prev_restored_areas_ras = os.path.join( output_gdb, 'allRestoredAreas_iter' + str(cur_iter - 1)) if cur_iter == 1: out_con =, 0, 1) else: # Add this restoration to areas restored out_con =, prev_restored_areas_ras, 1) lu.delete_data(circle_ras) # Use for next iteration resistance raster res_ras = res_ras_restored # Add circle into feature class with all circles if restore_max_roi: all_circles_fc = os.path.join(output_gdb, "allCirclesMaxROI") else: all_circles_fc = os.path.join(output_gdb, "allCirclesMaxBarriers") if cur_iter == 1: arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(circle_fc, all_circles_fc) else: arcpy.Append_management(circle_fc, all_circles_fc, "TEST") gprint('Finished iteration #' + str(cur_iter)) start_time1 = lu.elapsed_time(start_time1) gprint('\nDone with iterations.') start_time = lu.elapsed_time(start_time) gprint('Outputs saved in: ' + output_gdb) gprint('Back up your project directories if you want to save ' 'corridor/barrier results.') # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcpy.ExecuteError: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Iteration script failed. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except Exception: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Iteration script failed. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME)
## Process: Clip raster - print 'Clipping raster - rectangular extent...', Basin_Boundary, Basin_Raster) arcpy.Clip_management(RASTER, "#", Basin_Raster, Basin_Boundary, "", "NONE","NO_MAINTAIN_EXTENT") ## Process: Resample apriori raster - print 'Resampling basin raster...' arcpy.Resample_management(Basin_Raster, Basin_Raster_resamp, "0.01 0.01", "NEAREST") ## Process: Clip raster to basin boundary print 'Extracting by mask - basin boundary...' arcpy.Clip_management(Basin_Raster_resamp, "#", Basin_Raster_resamp_clip, Basin_Boundary, "", "ClippingGeometry","NO_MAINTAIN_EXTENT") ## Process: Raster to Point print 'Raster to point...' arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(Basin_Raster_resamp_clip, Basin_Points, "VALUE") # ## Process: Export Feature Attribute to ASCII print 'Export attributes to text...' arcpy.ExportXYv_stats(Basin_Points + '.shp', "GRID_CODE", "COMMA", Out_text, "ADD_FIELD_NAMES") if snow == 'on': # list all Snow17 grids (directories containing data only) #ignore extra files in directory all_snow = [ name for name in os.listdir(SNOW17_Grids_Folder) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(SNOW17_Grids_Folder, name)) ] all_snow.remove('info') # remove info directory from list of variables for variable in all_snow: print ch5id + ' --> ' + variable Out_text = output_dir + '\\' + ch5id + '\\' + ch5id + '_' + variable + '.txt' ## Local variables: RASTER = SNOW17_Grids_Folder + '\\' + variable
# Run z-value function along channel axis z_raster_array = np.apply_along_axis(return_z_value, 2, rgb_raster_array, ranges, no_data) z_raster = arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(z_raster_array, lower_left, cell_width, cell_height, no_data) arcpy.AddMessage( "NumPy array re-stacked and z-value function ran across channel axis") # Create paths out_raster = os.path.join(workspace, "RGBtoZ_Ras") out_points = os.path.join(workspace, "RGBtoZ_Pnt") # Define raster, convert to points and save both outputs arcpy.CopyRaster_management(z_raster, out_raster) arcpy.DefineProjection_management(out_raster, sr) arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(out_raster, out_points) except CompositeImage: error = "A RGB (3-band) composite image must be used." arcpy.AddError(error) print error except GeorectifiedImage: error = "Raster must be projected" arcpy.AddError(error) print error except FileFormat: error = "Incorrect text file format. See instructions" arcpy.AddError(error) print error