def annotate_gene_and_tss_ids(path_info_list, strand, gene_id_value_obj, tss_id_value_obj): # cluster paths to determine gene ids cluster_tree = ClusterTree(0,1) # map tss positions to unique ids tss_pos_id_map = {} for i,path_info in enumerate(path_info_list): start = path_info.path[0].start end = path_info.path[-1].end # cluster transcript coordinates cluster_tree.insert(start, end, i) # map TSS positions to IDs tss_pos = end if strand == NEG_STRAND else start if tss_pos not in tss_pos_id_map: tss_id = tss_pos_id_map[tss_pos] = tss_id else: tss_id = tss_pos_id_map[tss_pos] path_info.tss_id = tss_id # retrieve transcript clusters and assign gene ids for start, end, indexes in cluster_tree.getregions(): gene_id = for i in indexes: path_info_list[i].gene_id = gene_id
def cluster_gtf_features(gtf_files, source=None): # read all features chrom_feature_dict = collections.defaultdict( lambda: collections.defaultdict(lambda: [])) for gtf_file in gtf_files: logging.debug('Parsing gtf file: %s' % (gtf_file)) for f in Feature.parse_gtf(gtf_file): # bin by chromosome and strand chrom_feature_dict[f.chrom][f.strand].append(f) # cluster transcripts into genes if source is None: source = 'merge' logging.debug('Clustering transcripts into genes') cur_gene_id = 1 for strand_feature_dict in chrom_feature_dict.itervalues(): for strand_features in strand_feature_dict.itervalues(): # initialize each transcript to be in a 'gene' by itself cluster_map = {} cluster_tree = ClusterTree(0, 1) for i, f in enumerate(strand_features): cluster_map[i] = set((i, )) for start, end in f.exons: cluster_tree.insert(start, end, i) for start, end, indexes in cluster_tree.getregions(): # group transcripts into larger clusters new_cluster = set() for i in indexes: new_cluster.update(cluster_map[i]) # reassign transcript clusters to new cluster for i in new_cluster: cluster_map[i] = new_cluster del cluster_tree # now all transcripts are assigned to a gene cluster # enumerate all gene clusters clusters = set() for clust in cluster_map.itervalues(): clusters.add(frozenset(clust)) del cluster_map # now assign gene ids to each cluster for clust in clusters: new_gene_id = '%s%011d' % (source, cur_gene_id) for i in clust: f = strand_features[i] f.attrs['orig_gene_id'] = f.attrs['gene_id'] f.attrs['gene_id'] = new_gene_id cur_gene_id += 1 # output genes logging.debug('Writing transcripts') for chrom in sorted(chrom_feature_dict): strand_feature_dict = chrom_feature_dict[chrom] features = [] for strand_features in strand_feature_dict.itervalues(): features.extend(strand_features) features.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('start')) for f in features: for gtf_feature in f.to_gtf_features(source=source): yield str(gtf_feature)
def cluster_gtf_features(gtf_files, source=None): # read all features chrom_feature_dict = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(lambda: [])) for gtf_file in gtf_files: logging.debug('Parsing gtf file: %s' % (gtf_file)) for f in Feature.parse_gtf(gtf_file): # bin by chromosome and strand chrom_feature_dict[f.chrom][f.strand].append(f) # cluster transcripts into genes if source is None: source = 'merge' logging.debug('Clustering transcripts into genes') cur_gene_id = 1 for strand_feature_dict in chrom_feature_dict.itervalues(): for strand_features in strand_feature_dict.itervalues(): # initialize each transcript to be in a 'gene' by itself cluster_map = {} cluster_tree = ClusterTree(0,1) for i,f in enumerate(strand_features): cluster_map[i] = set((i,)) for start,end in f.exons: cluster_tree.insert(start, end, i) for start, end, indexes in cluster_tree.getregions(): # group transcripts into larger clusters new_cluster = set() for i in indexes: new_cluster.update(cluster_map[i]) # reassign transcript clusters to new cluster for i in new_cluster: cluster_map[i] = new_cluster del cluster_tree # now all transcripts are assigned to a gene cluster # enumerate all gene clusters clusters = set() for clust in cluster_map.itervalues(): clusters.add(frozenset(clust)) del cluster_map # now assign gene ids to each cluster for clust in clusters: new_gene_id = '%s%011d' % (source, cur_gene_id) for i in clust: f = strand_features[i] f.attrs['orig_gene_id'] = f.attrs['gene_id'] f.attrs['gene_id'] = new_gene_id cur_gene_id += 1 # output genes logging.debug('Writing transcripts') for chrom in sorted(chrom_feature_dict): strand_feature_dict = chrom_feature_dict[chrom] features = [] for strand_features in strand_feature_dict.itervalues(): features.extend(strand_features) features.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('start')) for f in features: for gtf_feature in f.to_gtf_features(source=source): yield str(gtf_feature)
def read_reference_gtf(ref_gtf_file): gene_map = {} for f in GTFFeature.parse(open(ref_gtf_file)): # get gene by id gene_id = f.attrs["gene_id"] if gene_id not in gene_map: g = Gene() g.gene_id = gene_id g.chrom = f.seqid g.strand = f.strand g.gene_start = f.start g.gene_end = f.end gene_map[gene_id] = g else: g = gene_map[gene_id] # update gene g.gene_start = min(g.gene_start, f.start) g.gene_end = max(g.gene_end, f.end) if f.feature_type == "exon": g.exons.add((f.start, f.end)) elif f.feature_type == "CDS": g.is_coding = True if "gene_name" in f.attrs: g.gene_names.add(f.attrs["gene_name"]) g.annotation_sources.add(f.source)"Sorting genes") genes = sorted(gene_map.values(), key=operator.attrgetter('chrom', 'gene_start')) del gene_map # cluster loci logging.debug("Building interval index") locus_cluster_trees = collections.defaultdict(lambda: ClusterTree(0,1)) for i,g in enumerate(genes): locus_cluster_trees[g.chrom].insert(g.gene_start, g.gene_end, i) locus_trees = collections.defaultdict(lambda: IntervalTree()) for chrom, cluster_tree in locus_cluster_trees.iteritems(): for locus_start,locus_end,indexes in cluster_tree.getregions(): # cluster gene exons and add to interval tree exon_tree = IntervalTree() for i in indexes: g = genes[i] cluster_tree = ClusterTree(0,1) for start,end in g.exons: cluster_tree.insert(start, end, 1) # update exons exon_clusters = [] for start,end,indexes in cluster_tree.getregions(): exon_clusters.append((start,end)) g.exons = exon_clusters del cluster_tree for start,end in g.exons: exon_tree.insert_interval(Interval(start, end, value=g)) # add to locus interval tree locus_trees[chrom].insert_interval(Interval(locus_start, locus_end, value=exon_tree)) logging.debug("Done indexing reference GTF file") return locus_trees
def cluster_isoforms(transcripts): # cluster exons cluster_tree = ClusterTree(0,1) for t in transcripts: for e in t.exons: cluster_tree.insert(e.start, e.end, 1) exons = [] for start,end,indexes in cluster_tree.getregions(): exons.append((start,end)) del cluster_tree return exons
def main(): logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('gtf_file') parser.add_argument('chrom_sizes') parser.add_argument("output_prefix") args = parser.parse_args() # read one locus at a time locus_file = args.output_prefix + '.locus.bed' intergenic_file = args.output_prefix + '.intergenic.bed' intron_file = args.output_prefix + '.intron.bed' locus_fileh = open(locus_file, 'w') introns = set()'Parsing transcripts by locus') for locus_transcripts in parse_gtf(open(args.gtf_file)): # find borders of locus locus_chrom = locus_transcripts[0].chrom locus_start = min(t.start for t in locus_transcripts) locus_end = max(t.end for t in locus_transcripts) print >> locus_fileh, '\t'.join( [locus_chrom, str(locus_start), str(locus_end)]) logging.debug( "[LOCUS] %s:%d-%d %d transcripts" % (locus_chrom, locus_start, locus_end, len(locus_transcripts))) # cluster locus exons cluster_tree = ClusterTree(0, 1) for t in locus_transcripts: # update locus for e in t.exons: cluster_tree.insert(e.start, e.end, 1) exon_clusters = [] for start, end, indexes in cluster_tree.getregions(): exon_clusters.append((start, end)) # get intronic regions e1 = exon_clusters[0] for j in xrange(1, len(exon_clusters)): e2 = exon_clusters[j] introns.add((locus_chrom, e1[1], e2[0])) e1 = e2 locus_fileh.close() # write introns'Writing introns') intron_fileh = open(intron_file, 'w') for chrom, start, end in sorted(introns): print >> intron_fileh, '\t'.join([chrom, str(start), str(end)]) intron_fileh.close() # take complement of locus file to find intergenic regions'Complementing locus intervals to find intergenic regions') args = ['bedtools', 'complement', '-i', locus_file, '-g', args.chrom_sizes] with open(intergenic_file, 'w') as f:, stdout=f)
def main(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('gtf_file') parser.add_argument('chrom_sizes') parser.add_argument("output_prefix") args = parser.parse_args() # read one locus at a time locus_file = args.output_prefix + '.locus.bed' intergenic_file = args.output_prefix + '.intergenic.bed' intron_file = args.output_prefix + '.intron.bed' locus_fileh = open(locus_file, 'w') introns = set()'Parsing transcripts by locus') for locus_transcripts in parse_gtf(open(args.gtf_file)): # find borders of locus locus_chrom = locus_transcripts[0].chrom locus_start = min(t.start for t in locus_transcripts) locus_end = max(t.end for t in locus_transcripts) print >>locus_fileh, '\t'.join([locus_chrom, str(locus_start), str(locus_end)]) logging.debug("[LOCUS] %s:%d-%d %d transcripts" % (locus_chrom, locus_start, locus_end, len(locus_transcripts))) # cluster locus exons cluster_tree = ClusterTree(0,1) for t in locus_transcripts: # update locus for e in t.exons: cluster_tree.insert(e.start, e.end, 1) exon_clusters = [] for start,end,indexes in cluster_tree.getregions(): exon_clusters.append((start,end)) # get intronic regions e1 = exon_clusters[0] for j in xrange(1, len(exon_clusters)): e2 = exon_clusters[j] introns.add((locus_chrom, e1[1], e2[0])) e1 = e2 locus_fileh.close() # write introns'Writing introns') intron_fileh = open(intron_file, 'w') for chrom, start,end in sorted(introns): print >>intron_fileh, '\t'.join([chrom, str(start), str(end)]) intron_fileh.close() # take complement of locus file to find intergenic regions'Complementing locus intervals to find intergenic regions') args = ['bedtools', 'complement', '-i', locus_file, '-g', args.chrom_sizes] with open(intergenic_file, 'w') as f:, stdout=f)
def get_gtf_metadata(gtf_file, omit_attrs=None, group_by="gene_id", feature_type="exon"): if omit_attrs is None: omit_attrs = [] # read gtf file and group by gene gene_feature_map = collections.defaultdict(lambda: []) gene_attrs_set = set() for feature in GTFFeature.parse(open(gtf_file)): if feature.feature_type != feature_type: continue feature_id = feature.attrs[group_by] gene_feature_map[feature_id].append(feature) gene_attrs_set.update(feature.attrs.keys()) gene_attrs_set.difference_update(omit_attrs) gene_attrs_list = sorted(gene_attrs_set) metadata_fields = ["tracking_id", "locus", "strand", "num_exons", "transcript_length"] + gene_attrs_list metadata_inds = dict((x,i) for i,x in enumerate(metadata_fields)) metadata_dict = {} # output metadata sorted by gene id for feature_id,features in gene_feature_map.iteritems(): # collect attributes for this gene attrdict = collections.defaultdict(lambda: set()) # cluster exons together for each gene cluster_tree = ClusterTree(0,1) for i,f in enumerate(features): cluster_tree.insert(f.start, f.end, i) for k,v in f.attrs.iteritems(): if k in gene_attrs_set: # some attributes have multiple values separated by a comma attrdict[k].update(v.split(',')) # determine larger exon clusters transcript_length = 0 exon_clusters = [] for start, end, indexes in cluster_tree.getregions(): exon_clusters.append((start,end)) transcript_length += (end - start) del cluster_tree chrom = features[0].seqid locus_start = min(e[0] for e in exon_clusters) locus_end = max(e[1] for e in exon_clusters) locus_string = "%s:%d-%d" % (chrom, locus_start, locus_end) strand = features[0].strand num_exons = len(exon_clusters) # make metadata row metadata = [feature_id, locus_string, strand, num_exons, transcript_length] + ['NA'] * len(gene_attrs_list) # get all attributes for k,vals in attrdict.iteritems(): ind = metadata_inds[k] metadata[ind] = ','.join(map(str, sorted(vals))) metadata_dict[metadata[0]] = metadata return metadata_fields, metadata_dict
def cluster_tss(tss_dict, chrom_sizes, upstream=0, downstream=0): trees = collections.defaultdict(lambda: ClusterTree(0,1)) tss_ids = sorted(tss_dict) for i,tss_id in enumerate(tss_ids): chrom, strand, tstart, tend = tss_dict[tss_id] if strand == NEG_STRAND: pstart = tend - 1 - downstream pstart = max(tstart, pstart) pend = tend - 1 + upstream pend = min(pend, chrom_sizes[chrom]) else: pstart = tstart - upstream pstart = max(0, pstart) pend = tstart + downstream pend = min(tend, pend) trees[chrom].insert(pstart, pend, i) # get clusters cur_p_id = 1 for chrom in sorted(trees): tree = trees[chrom] for start, end, indexes in tree.getregions(): p_id = 'P%07d' % (cur_p_id) for i in indexes: tss_id = tss_ids[i] yield tss_id, p_id, chrom, start, end cur_p_id += 1
def read_reference_gtf(ref_gtf_file): gene_map = {} for f in GTFFeature.parse(open(ref_gtf_file)): # get gene by id gene_id = f.attrs["gene_id"] if gene_id not in gene_map: g = Gene() g.gene_id = gene_id g.chrom = f.seqid g.strand = f.strand g.gene_start = f.start g.gene_end = f.end gene_map[gene_id] = g else: g = gene_map[gene_id] # update gene g.gene_start = min(g.gene_start, f.start) g.gene_end = max(g.gene_end, f.end) if f.feature_type == "exon": g.exons.add((f.start, f.end)) elif f.feature_type == "CDS": g.is_coding = True if "gene_name" in f.attrs: g.gene_names.add(f.attrs["gene_name"]) g.annotation_sources.add(f.source)"Sorting genes") genes = sorted(gene_map.values(), key=operator.attrgetter('chrom', 'gene_start')) del gene_map # cluster loci logging.debug("Building interval index") locus_cluster_trees = collections.defaultdict(lambda: ClusterTree(0, 1)) locus_trees = collections.defaultdict(lambda: IntervalTree()) for i, g in enumerate(genes): locus_cluster_trees[g.chrom].insert(g.gene_start, g.gene_end, i) for chrom, cluster_tree in locus_cluster_trees.iteritems(): for locus_start, locus_end, indexes in cluster_tree.getregions(): # cluster gene exons and add to interval tree exon_tree = IntervalTree() for i in indexes: g = genes[i] cluster_tree = ClusterTree(0, 1) for start, end in g.exons: cluster_tree.insert(start, end, 1) # update exons exon_clusters = [] for start, end, indexes in cluster_tree.getregions(): exon_clusters.append((start, end)) g.exons = exon_clusters del cluster_tree for start, end in g.exons: exon_tree.insert_interval(Interval(start, end, value=g)) # add to locus interval tree locus_trees[chrom].insert_interval( Interval(locus_start, locus_end, value=exon_tree)) logging.debug("Done indexing reference GTF file") return locus_trees
def get_locus_genes(features): gene_map = collections.defaultdict(lambda: Gene()) for f in features: # get gene by id gene_id = f.attrs["gene_id"] if gene_id not in gene_map: g = Gene() g.gene_id = gene_id g.strand = f.strand g.gene_start = f.start g.gene_end = f.end gene_map[gene_id] = g else: g = gene_map[gene_id] # update gene g.gene_start = min(g.gene_start, f.start) g.gene_end = max(g.gene_end, f.end) if f.feature_type == "exon": g.exons.add((f.start, f.end)) elif f.feature_type == "CDS": g.is_coding = True if "gene_name" in f.attrs: g.gene_names.add(f.attrs["gene_name"]) g.annotation_sources.add(f.source) for g in gene_map.itervalues(): # cluster gene exons cluster_tree = ClusterTree(0,1) for start,end in g.exons: cluster_tree.insert(start, end, 1) # update exons exon_clusters = [] for start,end,indexes in cluster_tree.getregions(): exon_clusters.append((start,end)) g.exons = exon_clusters del cluster_tree return sorted(gene_map.values(), key=operator.attrgetter('gene_start'))
def build_locus_trees(gtf_file): transcripts = [] locus_cluster_trees = collections.defaultdict(lambda: ClusterTree(0,1)) for locus_transcripts in parse_gtf(open(gtf_file)): for t in locus_transcripts: is_ref = bool(int(t.attrs[GTFAttr.REF])) if not is_ref: continue i = len(transcripts) transcripts.append(t) locus_cluster_trees[t.chrom].insert(t.start, t.end, i) # build interval trees of loci locus_trees = collections.defaultdict(lambda: IntervalTree()) for chrom, cluster_tree in locus_cluster_trees.iteritems(): for locus_start, locus_end, indexes in cluster_tree.getregions(): for i in indexes: locus_transcripts = [transcripts[i] for i in indexes] locus_trees[chrom].insert_interval(Interval(locus_start, locus_end, value=locus_transcripts)) return locus_trees
def main(): logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('bed_file') args = parser.parse_args() trees = collections.defaultdict(lambda: ClusterTree(0, 1)) for f in BEDFeature.parse(open(args.bed_file)): tree = trees[f.chrom] for start, end in f.exons: tree.insert(start, end, 1) footprint = 0 for chrom in sorted(trees): chromprint = 0 tree = trees[chrom] for start, end, indexes in tree.getregions(): chromprint += (end - start) #print chrom, chromprint footprint += chromprint print 'total', footprint
def partition_transcripts_by_strand(transcripts): """ uses information from stranded transcripts to infer strand for unstranded transcripts """ def add_transcript(t, nodes_iter, transcript_maps, node_data): for n in nodes_iter: node_data[n]['scores'][t.strand] += t.score t_id = t.attrs[GTFAttr.TRANSCRIPT_ID] transcript_maps[t.strand][t_id] = t # divide transcripts into independent regions of # transcription with a single entry and exit point boundaries = find_exon_boundaries(transcripts) node_data_func = lambda: {'ref_strands': [False, False], 'scores': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]} node_data = collections.defaultdict(node_data_func) strand_transcript_maps = [{}, {}, {}] strand_ref_transcripts = [[], []] unresolved_transcripts = [] for t in transcripts: is_ref = bool(int(t.attrs.get(GTFAttr.REF, "0"))) if is_ref: # label nodes by ref strand for n in split_exons(t,boundaries): node_data[n]['ref_strands'][t.strand] = True strand_ref_transcripts[t.strand].append(t) elif t.strand != NO_STRAND: add_transcript(t, split_exons(t, boundaries), strand_transcript_maps, node_data) else: unresolved_transcripts.append(t) # resolve unstranded transcripts logging.debug("\t\t%d unstranded transcripts" % (len(unresolved_transcripts))) # keep track of remaining unresolved nodes unresolved_nodes = set() if len(unresolved_transcripts) > 0: resolved = [] still_unresolved_transcripts = [] for t in unresolved_transcripts: nodes = list(split_exons(t,boundaries)) t.strand = resolve_strand(nodes, node_data) if t.strand != NO_STRAND: resolved.append(t) else: unresolved_nodes.update(nodes) still_unresolved_transcripts.append(t) for t in resolved: add_transcript(t, split_exons(t, boundaries), strand_transcript_maps, node_data) unresolved_transcripts = still_unresolved_transcripts if len(unresolved_transcripts) > 0: logging.debug("\t\t%d unresolved transcripts" % (len(unresolved_transcripts))) # if there are still unresolved transcripts then we can try to # extrapolate and assign strand to clusters of nodes at once, as # long as some of the nodes have a strand assigned # cluster unresolved nodes unresolved_nodes = sorted(unresolved_nodes) cluster_tree = ClusterTree(0,1) for i,n in enumerate(unresolved_nodes): cluster_tree.insert(n[0], n[1], i) # try to assign strand to clusters of nodes node_strand_map = {} for start, end, indexes in cluster_tree.getregions(): nodes = [unresolved_nodes[i] for i in indexes] strand = resolve_strand(nodes, node_data) for n in nodes: node_strand_map[n] = strand # for each transcript assign strand to the cluster with # the best overlap unresolved_count = 0 for t in unresolved_transcripts: strand_bp = [0,0] nodes = list(split_exons(t, boundaries)) for n in nodes: strand = node_strand_map[n] if strand != NO_STRAND: strand_bp[strand] += (n[1] - n[0]) total_strand_bp = sum(strand_bp) if total_strand_bp > 0: if strand_bp[POS_STRAND] >= strand_bp[NEG_STRAND]: t.strand = POS_STRAND else: t.strand = NEG_STRAND else: unresolved_count += 1 add_transcript(t, nodes, strand_transcript_maps, node_data) logging.debug("\t\tCould not resolve %d transcripts" % (unresolved_count)) del cluster_tree return strand_transcript_maps, strand_ref_transcripts
def partition_transcripts_by_strand(transcripts): """ uses information from stranded transcripts to infer strand for unstranded transcripts """ def add_transcript(t, nodes_iter, transcript_lists, node_data): for n in nodes_iter: node_data[n]['scores'][t.strand] += t.score t_id = t.attrs[GTFAttr.TRANSCRIPT_ID] transcript_lists[t.strand].append(t) # divide transcripts into independent regions of # transcription with a single entry and exit point boundaries = find_exon_boundaries(transcripts) node_data_func = lambda: { 'ref_strands': [False, False], 'scores': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] } node_data = collections.defaultdict(node_data_func) strand_transcript_lists = [[], [], []] strand_ref_transcripts = [[], []] unresolved_transcripts = [] for t in transcripts: is_ref = bool(int(t.attrs.get(GTFAttr.REF, "0"))) if is_ref: # label nodes by ref strand for n in split_exons(t, boundaries): node_data[n]['ref_strands'][t.strand] = True strand_ref_transcripts[t.strand].append(t) elif t.strand != NO_STRAND: add_transcript(t, split_exons(t, boundaries), strand_transcript_lists, node_data) else: unresolved_transcripts.append(t) # resolve unstranded transcripts logging.debug("\t\t%d unstranded transcripts" % (len(unresolved_transcripts))) # keep track of remaining unresolved nodes unresolved_nodes = set() if len(unresolved_transcripts) > 0: resolved = [] still_unresolved_transcripts = [] for t in unresolved_transcripts: nodes = list(split_exons(t, boundaries)) t.strand = resolve_strand(nodes, node_data) if t.strand != NO_STRAND: resolved.append(t) else: unresolved_nodes.update(nodes) still_unresolved_transcripts.append(t) for t in resolved: add_transcript(t, split_exons(t, boundaries), strand_transcript_lists, node_data) unresolved_transcripts = still_unresolved_transcripts if len(unresolved_transcripts) > 0: logging.debug("\t\t%d unresolved transcripts" % (len(unresolved_transcripts))) # if there are still unresolved transcripts then we can try to # extrapolate and assign strand to clusters of nodes at once, as # long as some of the nodes have a strand assigned # cluster unresolved nodes unresolved_nodes = sorted(unresolved_nodes) cluster_tree = ClusterTree(0, 1) for i, n in enumerate(unresolved_nodes): cluster_tree.insert(n[0], n[1], i) # try to assign strand to clusters of nodes node_strand_map = {} for start, end, indexes in cluster_tree.getregions(): nodes = [unresolved_nodes[i] for i in indexes] strand = resolve_strand(nodes, node_data) for n in nodes: node_strand_map[n] = strand # for each transcript assign strand to the cluster with # the best overlap unresolved_count = 0 for t in unresolved_transcripts: strand_bp = [0, 0] nodes = list(split_exons(t, boundaries)) for n in nodes: strand = node_strand_map[n] if strand != NO_STRAND: strand_bp[strand] += (n[1] - n[0]) total_strand_bp = sum(strand_bp) if total_strand_bp > 0: if strand_bp[POS_STRAND] >= strand_bp[NEG_STRAND]: t.strand = POS_STRAND else: t.strand = NEG_STRAND else: unresolved_count += 1 add_transcript(t, nodes, strand_transcript_lists, node_data) logging.debug("\t\tCould not resolve %d transcripts" % (unresolved_count)) del cluster_tree return strand_transcript_lists, strand_ref_transcripts