def simulate(self, Tend, nIntervals, gridWidth): problem = Explicit_Problem(self.rhs, self.y0) = 'CVode' # solver.rhs = self.right_hand_side problem.handle_result = self.handle_result problem.state_events = self.state_events problem.handle_event = self.handle_event problem.time_events = self.time_events problem.finalize = self.finalize simulation = CVode(problem) # Change multistep method: 'adams' or 'VDF' if self.discr == 'Adams': simulation.discr = 'Adams' simulation.maxord = 12 else: simulation.discr = 'BDF' simulation.maxord = 5 # Change iteration algorithm: functional(FixedPoint) or newton if self.iter == 'FixedPoint': simulation.iter = 'FixedPoint' else: simulation.iter = 'Newton' # Sets additional parameters simulation.atol = self.atol simulation.rtol = self.rtol simulation.verbosity = self.verbosity if hasattr(simulation, 'continuous_output'): simulation.continuous_output = False # default 0, if one step approach should be used elif hasattr(simulation, 'report_continuously'): simulation.report_continuously = False # default 0, if one step approach should be used # '''Initialize problem ''' # self.t_cur = self.t0 # self.y_cur = self.y0 # Calculate nOutputIntervals: if gridWidth <> None: nOutputIntervals = int((Tend - self.t0) / gridWidth) else: nOutputIntervals = nIntervals # Check for feasible input parameters if nOutputIntervals == 0: print 'Error: gridWidth too high or nIntervals set to 0! Continue with nIntervals=1' nOutputIntervals = 1 # Perform simulation simulation.simulate( Tend, nOutputIntervals ) # to get the values: t_new, y_new = simulation.simulate
def simulate(self, Tend, nIntervals, gridWidth): problem = Explicit_Problem(self.rhs, self.y0) = 'CVode' # solver.rhs = self.right_hand_side problem.handle_result = self.handle_result problem.state_events = self.state_events problem.handle_event = self.handle_event problem.time_events = self.time_events problem.finalize = self.finalize simulation = CVode(problem) # Change multistep method: 'adams' or 'VDF' if self.discr == 'Adams': simulation.discr = 'Adams' simulation.maxord = 12 else: simulation.discr = 'BDF' simulation.maxord = 5 # Change iteration algorithm: functional(FixedPoint) or newton if self.iter == 'FixedPoint': simulation.iter = 'FixedPoint' else: simulation.iter = 'Newton' # Sets additional parameters simulation.atol = self.atol simulation.rtol = self.rtol simulation.verbosity = self.verbosity if hasattr(simulation, 'continuous_output'): simulation.continuous_output = False # default 0, if one step approach should be used elif hasattr(simulation, 'report_continuously'): simulation.report_continuously = False # default 0, if one step approach should be used # '''Initialize problem ''' # self.t_cur = self.t0 # self.y_cur = self.y0 # Calculate nOutputIntervals: if gridWidth <> None: nOutputIntervals = int((Tend - self.t0) / gridWidth) else: nOutputIntervals = nIntervals # Check for feasible input parameters if nOutputIntervals == 0: print 'Error: gridWidth too high or nIntervals set to 0! Continue with nIntervals=1' nOutputIntervals = 1 # Perform simulation simulation.simulate(Tend, nOutputIntervals) # to get the values: t_new, y_new = simulation.simulate
def simulate(self, Tend, nIntervals, gridWidth): # define assimulo problem:(has to be done here because of the starting value in Explicit_Problem solver = Explicit_Problem(self.rhs, self.y0) ''' *******DELETE LATER ''''''''' # problem.handle_event = handle_event # problem.state_events = state_events # problem.init_mode = init_mode solver.handle_result = self.handle_result = 'Simple Explicit Example' simulation = CVode(solver) # Create a RungeKutta34 solver # simulation.inith = 0.1 #Sets the initial step, default = 0.01 # Change multistep method: 'adams' or 'VDF' if self.discr == 'Adams': simulation.discr = 'Adams' simulation.maxord = 12 else: simulation.discr = 'BDF' simulation.maxord = 5 # Change iteration algorithm: functional(FixedPoint) or newton if self.iter == 'FixedPoint': simulation.iter = 'FixedPoint' else: simulation.iter = 'Newton' # Sets additional parameters simulation.atol = self.atol simulation.rtol = self.rtol simulation.verbosity = 0 if hasattr(simulation, 'continuous_output'): simulation.continuous_output = False # default 0, if one step approach should be used elif hasattr(simulation, 'report_continuously'): simulation.report_continuously = False # default 0, if one step approach should be used # Create Solver and set settings # noRootFunctions = np.size(self.state_events(self.t0, np.array(self.y0))) # solver = sundials.CVodeSolver(RHS = self.f, ROOT = self.rootf, SW = [False]*noRootFunctions, # abstol = self.atol, reltol = self.rtol) # solver.settings.JAC = None #Add user-dependent jacobian here '''Initialize problem ''' # solver.init(self.t0, self.y0) self.handle_result(self.t0, self.y0) nextTimeEvent = self.time_events(self.t0, self.y0) self.t_cur = self.t0 self.y_cur = self.y0 state_event = False # # if gridWidth <> None: nOutputIntervals = int((Tend - self.t0) / gridWidth) else: nOutputIntervals = nIntervals # Define step length depending on if gridWidth or nIntervals has been chosen if nOutputIntervals > 0: # Last point on grid (does not have to be Tend:) if(gridWidth <> None): dOutput = gridWidth else: dOutput = (Tend - self.t0) / nIntervals else: dOutput = Tend outputStepCounter = long(1) nextOutputPoint = min(self.t0 + dOutput, Tend) while self.t_cur < Tend: # Time-Event detection and step time adjustment if nextTimeEvent is None or nextOutputPoint < nextTimeEvent: time_event = False self.t_cur = nextOutputPoint else: time_event = True self.t_cur = nextTimeEvent try: # #Integrator step # self.y_cur = solver.step(self.t_cur) # self.y_cur = np.array(self.y_cur) # state_event = False # Simulate # take a step to next output point: t_new, y_new = simulation.simulate(self.t_cur) # 5, 10) #5, 10 self.t_cur self.t_cur 2. argument nsteps Simulate 5 seconds # t_new, y_new are both vectors of the time and states at t_cur and all intermediate # points before it! So take last values: self.t_cur = t_new[-1] self.y_cur = y_new[-1] state_event = False except: import sys print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0] # except CVodeRootException, info: # self.t_cur = info.t # self.y_cur = info.y # self.y_cur = np.array(self.y_cur) # time_event = False # state_event = True # # # Depending on events have been detected do different tasks if time_event or state_event: event_info = [state_event, time_event] if not self.handle_event(self, event_info): break solver.init(self.t_cur, self.y_cur) nextTimeEvent = self.time_events(self.t_cur, self.y_cur) # If no timeEvent happens: if nextTimeEvent <= self.t_cur: nextTimeEvent = None if self.t_cur == nextOutputPoint: # Write output if not happened before: if not time_event and not state_event: self.handle_result(nextOutputPoint, self.y_cur) outputStepCounter += 1 nextOutputPoint = min(self.t0 + outputStepCounter * dOutput, Tend) self.finalize()