def simulate(self, Tend, nIntervals, gridWidth):

        problem = Explicit_Problem(self.rhs, self.y0) = 'CVode'
        # solver.rhs = self.right_hand_side
        problem.handle_result = self.handle_result
        problem.state_events = self.state_events
        problem.handle_event = self.handle_event
        problem.time_events = self.time_events
        problem.finalize = self.finalize

        simulation = CVode(problem)

        # Change multistep method: 'adams' or 'VDF'
        if self.discr == 'Adams':
            simulation.discr = 'Adams'
            simulation.maxord = 12
            simulation.discr = 'BDF'
            simulation.maxord = 5
        # Change iteration algorithm: functional(FixedPoint) or newton
        if self.iter == 'FixedPoint':
            simulation.iter = 'FixedPoint'
            simulation.iter = 'Newton'

        # Sets additional parameters
        simulation.atol = self.atol
        simulation.rtol = self.rtol
        simulation.verbosity = self.verbosity
        if hasattr(simulation, 'continuous_output'):
            simulation.continuous_output = False  # default 0, if one step approach should be used
        elif hasattr(simulation, 'report_continuously'):
            simulation.report_continuously = False  # default 0, if one step approach should be used

        # '''Initialize problem '''
        # self.t_cur = self.t0
        # self.y_cur = self.y0

        # Calculate nOutputIntervals:
        if gridWidth <> None:
            nOutputIntervals = int((Tend - self.t0) / gridWidth)
            nOutputIntervals = nIntervals
        # Check for feasible input parameters
        if nOutputIntervals == 0:
            print 'Error: gridWidth too high or nIntervals set to 0! Continue with nIntervals=1'
            nOutputIntervals = 1
        # Perform simulation
            Tend, nOutputIntervals
        )  # to get the values: t_new, y_new = simulation.simulate
Example #2
    def simulate(self, Tend, nIntervals, gridWidth):

        problem = Explicit_Problem(self.rhs, self.y0) = 'CVode'
        # solver.rhs = self.right_hand_side
        problem.handle_result = self.handle_result
        problem.state_events = self.state_events
        problem.handle_event = self.handle_event
        problem.time_events = self.time_events
        problem.finalize = self.finalize

        simulation = CVode(problem)

        # Change multistep method: 'adams' or 'VDF'
        if self.discr == 'Adams':
            simulation.discr = 'Adams'
            simulation.maxord = 12
            simulation.discr = 'BDF'
            simulation.maxord = 5
        # Change iteration algorithm: functional(FixedPoint) or newton
        if self.iter == 'FixedPoint':
            simulation.iter = 'FixedPoint'
            simulation.iter = 'Newton'

        # Sets additional parameters
        simulation.atol = self.atol
        simulation.rtol = self.rtol
        simulation.verbosity = self.verbosity
        if hasattr(simulation, 'continuous_output'):
            simulation.continuous_output = False  # default 0, if one step approach should be used
        elif hasattr(simulation, 'report_continuously'):
            simulation.report_continuously = False  # default 0, if one step approach should be used

        # '''Initialize problem '''
        # self.t_cur = self.t0
        # self.y_cur = self.y0

        # Calculate nOutputIntervals:
        if gridWidth <> None:
            nOutputIntervals = int((Tend - self.t0) / gridWidth)
            nOutputIntervals = nIntervals
        # Check for feasible input parameters
        if nOutputIntervals == 0:
            print 'Error: gridWidth too high or nIntervals set to 0! Continue with nIntervals=1'
            nOutputIntervals = 1
        # Perform simulation
        simulation.simulate(Tend, nOutputIntervals)  # to get the values: t_new, y_new = simulation.simulate
Example #3
def simulate_ode(fun, y_initial, tf, opts):
    "function to run CVode solver on given problem"
    # get options
    ode_opts, ode_system_options = opts
    # iter, discretization_method, atol, rtol, time_points = ode_opts
    iter = ode_opts["iter"]
    discretization_method = ode_opts["discr"]
    atol = ode_opts["atol"]
    rtol = ode_opts["rtol"]
    time_points = ode_opts["time_points"]
        display_progress = ode_opts["display_progress"]
    except KeyError:
        display_progress = True
        verbosity = ode_opts["verbosity"]
    except KeyError:
        verbosity = 10

    # define explicit assimulo problem
    prob = Explicit_Problem(lambda t, x: fun(t, x, ode_system_options),

    # create solver instance
    solver = CVode(prob)

    # set solver options
    solver.iter, solver.discr, solver.atol, solver.rtol, solver.display_progress, solver.verbosity = \
        iter, discretization_method, atol, rtol, display_progress, verbosity

    # simulate system
    time_course, y_result = solver.simulate(tf, time_points)

    return time_course, y_result, prob, solver
Example #4
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    Demonstration of the use of CVode by solving the
    linear test equation :math:`\dot y = - y`
    on return:
       - :dfn:`exp_mod`    problem instance
       - :dfn:`exp_sim`    solver instance

    #Define the rhs
    def f(t, y):
        ydot = -y[0]
        return N.array([ydot])

    #Define an Assimulo problem
    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(f,
                               name=r'CVode Test Example: $\dot y = - y$')

    #Define an explicit solver
    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)  #Create a CVode solver

    #Sets the parameters
    exp_sim.iter = 'Newton'  #Default 'FixedPoint'
    exp_sim.discr = 'BDF'  #Default 'Adams'
    exp_sim.atol = [1e-4]  #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.rtol = 1e-4  #Default 1e-6

    t1, y1 = exp_sim.simulate(5, 100)  #Simulate 5 seconds
    t2, y2 = exp_sim.simulate(7)  #Simulate 2 seconds more

    if with_plots:
        import pylab as P
        P.plot(t1, y1, color="b")
        P.plot(t2, y2, color="r")

    #Basic test[-1]), 0.00347746, 5), 0.0222169642893, 3)

    return exp_mod, exp_sim
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    The same as example :doc:`EXAMPLE_cvode_basic`  but now integrated backwards in time.
    on return:
       - :dfn:`exp_mod`    problem instance
       - :dfn:`exp_sim`    solver instance

    #Define the rhs
    def f(t, y):
        ydot = -y[0]
        return N.array([ydot])

    #Define an Assimulo problem
    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(
        name=r'CVode Test Example (reverse time): $\dot y = - y$ ')

    #Define an explicit solver
    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)  #Create a CVode solver

    #Sets the parameters
    exp_sim.iter = 'Newton'  #Default 'FixedPoint'
    exp_sim.discr = 'BDF'  #Default 'Adams'
    exp_sim.atol = [1e-8]  #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.rtol = 1e-8  #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.backward = True

    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(0)  #Simulate 5 seconds (t0=5 -> tf=0)

    #print 'y(5) = {}, y(0) ={}'.format(y[0][0],y[-1][0])

    #Basic test[-1]), 4.00000000, 3)

    if with_plots:
        P.plot(t, y, color="b")

    return exp_mod, exp_sim
    def make_explicit_sim(self):
        explicit_sim = CVode(self.explicit_problem)
        explicit_sim.iter = 'Newton'
        explicit_sim.discr = 'BDF'
        explicit_sim.rtol = 1e-7
        explicit_sim.atol = 1e-7
        explicit_sim.sensmethod = 'SIMULTANEOUS'
        explicit_sim.suppress_sens = True
        explicit_sim.report_continuously = False
        explicit_sim.usesens = False
        explicit_sim.verbosity = 50

        if self.use_jac and self.model_jac is not None:
            explicit_sim.usejac = True

            explicit_sim.usejac = False

        return explicit_sim
Example #7
	def setUp(self):
		Configures the solver
		#Define an explicit solver 
		simSolver = CVode(self) 
		#Create a CVode solver
		#Sets the parameters 
		#simSolver.verbosity = LOUD
		#simSolver.report_continuously = True
		simSolver.iter = 'Newton' #Default 'FixedPoint'
		simSolver.discr = 'BDF' #Default 'Adams'
		#simSolver.discr = 'Adams' 
		simSolver.atol = [1e-6]	#Default 1e-6 
		simSolver.rtol = 1e-6 	#Default 1e-6
		#simSolver.problem_info['step_events'] = True # activates step events
		#simSolver.maxh = 1.0
		#simSolver.store_event_points = True
		self.simSolver = simSolver
Example #8
    def setUp(self):
		Configures the solver
        #Define an explicit solver
        simSolver = CVode(self)
        #Create a CVode solver
        #Sets the parameters
        #simSolver.verbosity = LOUD
        #simSolver.report_continuously = True
        simSolver.iter = 'Newton'  #Default 'FixedPoint'
        simSolver.discr = 'BDF'  #Default 'Adams'
        #simSolver.discr = 'Adams'
        simSolver.atol = [1e-6]  #Default 1e-6
        simSolver.rtol = 1e-6  #Default 1e-6
        #simSolver.problem_info['step_events'] = True # activates step events
        #simSolver.maxh = 1.0
        #simSolver.store_event_points = True
        self.simSolver = simSolver
Example #9
	def prepareSimulation(self, params = None):
		if params == None:
			params = AttributeDict({
				'absTol' : 1e-6, 
				'relTol' : 1e-6,
		#Define an explicit solver 
		simSolver = CVode(self) 
		#Create a CVode solver
		#Sets the parameters 
		#simSolver.verbosity = LOUD
		simSolver.report_continuously = True
		simSolver.iter = 'Newton' #Default 'FixedPoint'
		simSolver.discr = 'BDF' #Default 'Adams'
		#simSolver.discr = 'Adams' 
		simSolver.atol = [params.absTol]	#Default 1e-6 
		simSolver.rtol = params.relTol 	#Default 1e-6		
		simSolver.problem_info['step_events'] = True # activates step events
		#simSolver.maxh = 1.0
		simSolver.store_event_points = True
		self.simSolver = simSolver
Example #10
    def prepareSimulation(self, params=None):
        if params == None:
            params = AttributeDict({
                'absTol': 1e-6,
                'relTol': 1e-6,

        #Define an explicit solver
        simSolver = CVode(self)
        #Create a CVode solver
        #Sets the parameters
        #simSolver.verbosity = LOUD
        simSolver.report_continuously = True
        simSolver.iter = 'Newton'  #Default 'FixedPoint'
        simSolver.discr = 'BDF'  #Default 'Adams'
        #simSolver.discr = 'Adams'
        simSolver.atol = [params.absTol]  #Default 1e-6
        simSolver.rtol = params.relTol  #Default 1e-6
        simSolver.problem_info['step_events'] = True  # activates step events
        #simSolver.maxh = 1.0
        simSolver.store_event_points = True
        self.simSolver = simSolver
Example #11
    def simulate(self, Tend, nIntervals, gridWidth):

        # define assimulo problem:(has to be done here because of the starting value in Explicit_Problem
        solver = Explicit_Problem(self.rhs, self.y0)
        ''' *******DELETE LATER '''''''''
#        problem.handle_event = handle_event
#        problem.state_events = state_events
#        problem.init_mode = init_mode

        solver.handle_result = self.handle_result
 = 'Simple Explicit Example'
        simulation = CVode(solver)  # Create a RungeKutta34 solver
        # simulation.inith = 0.1 #Sets the initial step, default = 0.01

        # Change multistep method: 'adams' or 'VDF'
        if self.discr == 'Adams':
            simulation.discr = 'Adams'
            simulation.maxord = 12
            simulation.discr = 'BDF'
            simulation.maxord = 5

        # Change iteration algorithm: functional(FixedPoint) or newton
        if self.iter == 'FixedPoint':
            simulation.iter = 'FixedPoint'
            simulation.iter = 'Newton'

        # Sets additional parameters
        simulation.atol = self.atol
        simulation.rtol = self.rtol
        simulation.verbosity = 0
        if hasattr(simulation, 'continuous_output'):
            simulation.continuous_output = False  # default 0, if one step approach should be used
        elif hasattr(simulation, 'report_continuously'):
            simulation.report_continuously = False  # default 0, if one step approach should be used

        # Create Solver and set settings
#        noRootFunctions = np.size(self.state_events(self.t0, np.array(self.y0)))

#        solver = sundials.CVodeSolver(RHS = self.f, ROOT = self.rootf, SW = [False]*noRootFunctions,
#                       abstol = self.atol, reltol = self.rtol)
        # solver.settings.JAC = None   #Add user-dependent jacobian here

        '''Initialize problem '''
#        solver.init(self.t0, self.y0)
        self.handle_result(self.t0, self.y0)
        nextTimeEvent = self.time_events(self.t0, self.y0)
        self.t_cur = self.t0
        self.y_cur = self.y0
        state_event = False
        if gridWidth <> None:
            nOutputIntervals = int((Tend - self.t0) / gridWidth)
            nOutputIntervals = nIntervals
        # Define step length depending on if gridWidth or nIntervals has been chosen
        if nOutputIntervals > 0:
            # Last point on grid (does not have to be Tend:)
            if(gridWidth <> None):
                dOutput = gridWidth
                dOutput = (Tend - self.t0) / nIntervals
            dOutput = Tend

        outputStepCounter = long(1)
        nextOutputPoint = min(self.t0 + dOutput, Tend)

        while self.t_cur < Tend:

            # Time-Event detection and step time adjustment
            if nextTimeEvent is None or nextOutputPoint < nextTimeEvent:
                time_event = False
                self.t_cur = nextOutputPoint
                time_event = True
                self.t_cur = nextTimeEvent

#                #Integrator step
#                self.y_cur = solver.step(self.t_cur)
#                self.y_cur = np.array(self.y_cur)
#                state_event = False
                # Simulate

                # take a step to next output point:
                t_new, y_new = simulation.simulate(self.t_cur)  # 5, 10) #5, 10  self.t_cur self.t_cur  2. argument nsteps Simulate 5 seconds
                # t_new, y_new are both vectors of the time and states at t_cur and all intermediate
                # points before it! So take last values:
                self.t_cur = t_new[-1]
                self.y_cur = y_new[-1]
                state_event = False

                import sys
                print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
#            except CVodeRootException, info:
#                self.t_cur = info.t
#                self.y_cur = info.y
#                self.y_cur = np.array(self.y_cur)
#                time_event = False
#                state_event = True
            # Depending on events have been detected do different tasks
            if time_event or state_event:
                event_info = [state_event, time_event]
                if not self.handle_event(self, event_info):
                solver.init(self.t_cur, self.y_cur)

                nextTimeEvent = self.time_events(self.t_cur, self.y_cur)
                # If no timeEvent happens:
                if nextTimeEvent <= self.t_cur:
                    nextTimeEvent = None

            if self.t_cur == nextOutputPoint:
                # Write output if not happened before:
                if not time_event and not state_event:
                    self.handle_result(nextOutputPoint, self.y_cur)
                outputStepCounter += 1
                nextOutputPoint = min(self.t0 + outputStepCounter * dOutput, Tend)

Example #12
switches0 = [True]   #Initial switches

#Create an Assimulo Problem
mod = Explicit_Problem(pendulum, y0, t0, sw0=switches0)

mod.state_events = state_events #Sets the state events to the problem
mod.handle_event = handle_event #Sets the event handling to the problem = 'Pendulum with events'   #Sets the name of the problem

#Create an Assimulo solver (CVode)
sim = CVode(mod)

#Specifies options
sim.discr = 'Adams'     #Sets the discretization method
sim.iter = 'FixedPoint' #Sets the iteration method
sim.rtol = 1.e-8        #Sets the relative tolerance
sim.atol = 1.e-6        #Sets the absolute tolerance

ncp = 200     #Number of communication points
tfinal = 10.0 #Final time

t, y = sim.simulate(tfinal, ncp) #Simulate

#Plots the result
    gamma = p[3]

    flux = np.array(
        [alpha * y[0], beta * y[0] * y[1], delta * y[0] * y[1], gamma * y[1]])
    rhs = np.array([flux[0] - flux[1], flux[2] - flux[3]])

    return rhs

if __name__ == '__main__':
    p = np.array([.5, .02, .4, .004])
    ode_function = lambda t, x: rhs_fun(t, x, p)

    # define explicit assimulo problem
    prob = Explicit_Problem(ode_function, y0=np.array([10, .0001]))

    # create solver instance
    solver = CVode(prob)

    solver.iter = 'Newton'
    solver.discr = 'Adams'
    solver.atol = 1e-10
    solver.rtol = 1e-10
    solver.display_progress = True
    solver.verbosity = 10

    # simulate system
    time_course, y_result = solver.simulate(10, 200)

    print time_course
    print y_result
Example #14
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    Simulations for the Gyro (Heavy Top) example in Celledoni/Safstrom: 
        Journal of Physics A, Vol 39, 5463-5478, 2006
    on return:
       - :dfn:`exp_mod`    problem instance
       - :dfn:`exp_sim`    solver instance
    def curl(v):
        return array([[0, v[2], -v[1]], [-v[2], 0, v[0]], [v[1], -v[0], 0]])

    #Defines the rhs
    def f(t, u):
        Simulations for the Gyro (Heavy Top) example in Celledoni/Safstrom: 
        Journal of Physics A, Vol 39, 5463-5478, 2006
        I1 = 1000.
        I2 = 5000.
        I3 = 6000.
        u0 = [0, 0, 1.]
        pi = u[0:3]
        Q = (u[3:12]).reshape((3, 3))
        Qu0 = dot(Q, u0)
        f = array([Qu0[1], -Qu0[0], 0.])
        f = 0
        omega = array([pi[0] / I1, pi[1] / I2, pi[2] / I3])
        pid = dot(curl(omega), pi) + f
        Qd = dot(curl(omega), Q)
        return hstack([pid, Qd.reshape((9, ))])

    def energi(state):
        energi = []
        for st in state:
            Q = (st[3:12]).reshape((3, 3))
            pi = st[0:3]
            u0 = [0, 0, 1.]
            Qu0 = dot(Q, u0)
            V = Qu0[2]  # potential energy
            T = 0.5 * (pi[0]**2 / 1000. + pi[1]**2 / 5000. + pi[2]**2 / 6000.)
        return energi

    #Initial conditions
    y0 = hstack([[1000. * 10, 5000. * 10, 6000 * 10], eye(3).reshape((9, ))])

    #Create an Assimulo explicit problem
    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(f, y0, name="Gyroscope Example")

    #Create an Assimulo explicit solver (CVode)
    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)

    #Sets the parameters
    exp_sim.discr = 'BDF'
    exp_sim.iter = 'Newton'
    exp_sim.maxord = 2  #Sets the maxorder
    exp_sim.atol = 1.e-10
    exp_sim.rtol = 1.e-10

    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(0.1)

    if with_plots:
        import pylab as P
        P.plot(t, y / 10000.)
        P.ylabel('States, scaled by $10^4$')

    #Basic tests[-1][0], 692.800241862)[-1][8], 7.08468221e-1)

    return exp_mod, exp_sim
Example #15
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    This is the same example from the Sundials package (cvsRoberts_FSA_dns.c)

    This simple example problem for CVode, due to Robertson, 
    is from chemical kinetics, and consists of the following three 

    .. math:: 
       \dot y_1 &= -p_1 y_1 + p_2 y_2 y_3 \\
       \dot y_2 &= p_1 y_1 - p_2 y_2 y_3 - p_3 y_2^2 \\
       \dot y_3 &= p_3  y_2^2
    on return:
       - :dfn:`exp_mod`    problem instance
       - :dfn:`exp_sim`    solver instance
    def f(t, y, p):
        p3 = 3.0e7

        yd_0 = -p[0] * y[0] + p[1] * y[1] * y[2]
        yd_1 = p[0] * y[0] - p[1] * y[1] * y[2] - p3 * y[1]**2
        yd_2 = p3 * y[1]**2

        return N.array([yd_0, yd_1, yd_2])

    #The initial conditions
    y0 = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]  #Initial conditions for y

    #Create an Assimulo explicit problem
    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(f,
                               name='Sundials test example: Chemical kinetics')

    #Sets the options to the problem
    exp_mod.p0 = [0.040, 1.0e4]  #Initial conditions for parameters
    exp_mod.pbar = [0.040, 1.0e4]

    #Create an Assimulo explicit solver (CVode)
    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)

    #Sets the paramters
    exp_sim.iter = 'Newton'
    exp_sim.discr = 'BDF'
    exp_sim.rtol = 1.e-4
    exp_sim.atol = N.array([1.0e-8, 1.0e-14, 1.0e-6])
    exp_sim.sensmethod = 'SIMULTANEOUS'  #Defines the sensitvity method used
    exp_sim.suppress_sens = False  #Dont suppress the sensitivity variables in the error test.
    exp_sim.report_continuously = True

    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(
        4, 400)  #Simulate 4 seconds with 400 communication points

    if with_plots:
        import pylab as P
        P.plot(t, y)

    #Basic test[-1][0], 9.05518032e-01, 4)[-1][1], 2.24046805e-05, 4)[-1][2], 9.44595637e-02, 4)
        exp_sim.p_sol[0][-1][0], -1.8761,
        2)  #Values taken from the example in Sundials[1][-1][0], 2.9614e-06, 8)

    return exp_mod, exp_sim
Example #16
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    Example for demonstrating the use of a user supplied Jacobian (sparse).
    Note that this will only work if Assimulo has been configured with
    Sundials + SuperLU. Based on the SUNDIALS example cvRoberts_sps.c
    .. math::
       \dot y_1 &= -0.04y_1 + 1e4 y_2 y_3 \\
       \dot y_2 &= - \dot y_1 - \dot y_3 \\
       \dot y_3 &= 3e7 y_2^2
    on return:
       - :dfn:`exp_mod`    problem instance
       - :dfn:`exp_sim`    solver instance

    #Defines the rhs
    def f(t, y):
        yd_0 = -0.04 * y[0] + 1e4 * y[1] * y[2]
        yd_2 = 3e7 * y[1] * y[1]
        yd_1 = -yd_0 - yd_2
        return N.array([yd_0, yd_1, yd_2])

    #Defines the Jacobian
    def jac(t, y):

        colptrs = [0, 3, 6, 9]
        rowvals = [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]
        data = [
            -0.04, 0.04, 0.0, 1e4 * y[2], -1e4 * y[2] - 6e7 * y[1], 6e7 * y[1],
            1e4 * y[1], -1e4 * y[1], 0.0

        J = SP.csc_matrix((data, rowvals, colptrs))
        return J

    #Defines an Assimulo explicit problem
    y0 = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]  #Initial conditions

    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(f,
                               name='Example using analytic (sparse) Jacobian')

    exp_mod.jac = jac  #Sets the Jacobian
    exp_mod.jac_nnz = 9

    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)  #Create a CVode solver

    #Set the parameters
    exp_sim.iter = 'Newton'  #Default 'FixedPoint'
    exp_sim.discr = 'BDF'  #Default 'Adams'
    exp_sim.atol = [1e-8, 1e-14, 1e-6]  #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.rtol = 1e-4  #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.linear_solver = "sparse"

    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(0.4)  #Simulate 0.4 seconds

    #Basic tests[-1][0], 0.9851, 3)

    if with_plots:
        P.plot(t, y[:, 1], linestyle="dashed", marker="o")  #Plot the solution

    return exp_mod, exp_sim
    def simulate(self, Tend, nIntervals, gridWidth):

        # define assimulo problem:(has to be done here because of the starting value in Explicit_Problem
        solver = Explicit_Problem(self.rhs, self.y0)
        ''' *******DELETE LATER '''''''''
#        problem.handle_event = handle_event
#        problem.state_events = state_events
#        problem.init_mode = init_mode

        solver.handle_result = self.handle_result
 = 'Simple Explicit Example'
        simulation = CVode(solver)  # Create a RungeKutta34 solver
        # simulation.inith = 0.1 #Sets the initial step, default = 0.01

        # Change multistep method: 'adams' or 'VDF'
        if self.discr == 'Adams':
            simulation.discr = 'Adams'
            simulation.maxord = 12
            simulation.discr = 'BDF'
            simulation.maxord = 5

        # Change iteration algorithm: functional(FixedPoint) or newton
        if self.iter == 'FixedPoint':
            simulation.iter = 'FixedPoint'
            simulation.iter = 'Newton'

        # Sets additional parameters
        simulation.atol = self.atol
        simulation.rtol = self.rtol
        simulation.verbosity = 0
        if hasattr(simulation, 'continuous_output'):
            simulation.continuous_output = False  # default 0, if one step approach should be used
        elif hasattr(simulation, 'report_continuously'):
            simulation.report_continuously = False  # default 0, if one step approach should be used

        # Create Solver and set settings
#        noRootFunctions = np.size(self.state_events(self.t0, np.array(self.y0)))

#        solver = sundials.CVodeSolver(RHS = self.f, ROOT = self.rootf, SW = [False]*noRootFunctions,
#                       abstol = self.atol, reltol = self.rtol)
        # solver.settings.JAC = None   #Add user-dependent jacobian here

        '''Initialize problem '''
#        solver.init(self.t0, self.y0)
        self.handle_result(self.t0, self.y0)
        nextTimeEvent = self.time_events(self.t0, self.y0)
        self.t_cur = self.t0
        self.y_cur = self.y0
        state_event = False
        if gridWidth <> None:
            nOutputIntervals = int((Tend - self.t0) / gridWidth)
            nOutputIntervals = nIntervals
        # Define step length depending on if gridWidth or nIntervals has been chosen
        if nOutputIntervals > 0:
            # Last point on grid (does not have to be Tend:)
            if(gridWidth <> None):
                dOutput = gridWidth
                dOutput = (Tend - self.t0) / nIntervals
            dOutput = Tend

        outputStepCounter = long(1)
        nextOutputPoint = min(self.t0 + dOutput, Tend)

        while self.t_cur < Tend:

            # Time-Event detection and step time adjustment
            if nextTimeEvent is None or nextOutputPoint < nextTimeEvent:
                time_event = False
                self.t_cur = nextOutputPoint
                time_event = True
                self.t_cur = nextTimeEvent

#                #Integrator step
#                self.y_cur = solver.step(self.t_cur)
#                self.y_cur = np.array(self.y_cur)
#                state_event = False
                # Simulate

                # take a step to next output point:
                t_new, y_new = simulation.simulate(self.t_cur)  # 5, 10) #5, 10  self.t_cur self.t_cur  2. argument nsteps Simulate 5 seconds
                # t_new, y_new are both vectors of the time and states at t_cur and all intermediate
                # points before it! So take last values:
                self.t_cur = t_new[-1]
                self.y_cur = y_new[-1]
                state_event = False

                import sys
                print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
#            except CVodeRootException, info:
#                self.t_cur = info.t
#                self.y_cur = info.y
#                self.y_cur = np.array(self.y_cur)
#                time_event = False
#                state_event = True
            # Depending on events have been detected do different tasks
            if time_event or state_event:
                event_info = [state_event, time_event]
                if not self.handle_event(self, event_info):
                solver.init(self.t_cur, self.y_cur)

                nextTimeEvent = self.time_events(self.t_cur, self.y_cur)
                # If no timeEvent happens:
                if nextTimeEvent <= self.t_cur:
                    nextTimeEvent = None

            if self.t_cur == nextOutputPoint:
                # Write output if not happened before:
                if not time_event and not state_event:
                    self.handle_result(nextOutputPoint, self.y_cur)
                outputStepCounter += 1
                nextOutputPoint = min(self.t0 + outputStepCounter * dOutput, Tend)

Example #18
### Mesh
N = 60
X = 165e-6 # [m]

### Initial conditions
c_init = 1000.0 # [mol/m^3]
c_centered = c_init*numpy.ones( N, dtype='d' )

exp_mod = MyProblem( N, X, c_centered, 'ce only model, explicit CVode' )
#exp_mod = MyProblem( N, X, numpy.linspace(c_init-c_init/5.,c_init+c_init/5.,N), 'ce only model, explicit CVode' )

# Set the ODE solver
exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod) #Create a CVode solver

#Set the parameters
exp_sim.iter  = 'Newton' #Default 'FixedPoint'
exp_sim.discr = 'BDF' #Default 'Adams'
exp_sim.atol = 1e-5 #Default 1e-6
exp_sim.rtol = 1e-5 #Default 1e-6

exp_mod.set_j_vec( 1.e-4 )
t1, y1 = exp_sim.simulate(100, 100)

exp_mod.set_j_vec( 0.0 )
t2, y2 = exp_sim.simulate(200, 100)

#exp_mod.set_j_vec( 0.0 )
#t3, y3 = exp_sim.simulate(10000, 200)

Example #19
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    Example for demonstrating the use of a user supplied Jacobian
    .. math::
       \dot y_1 &= y_2 \\
       \dot y_2 &= -9.82
    on return:
       - :dfn:`exp_mod`    problem instance
       - :dfn:`exp_sim`    solver instance

    #Defines the rhs
    def f(t, y):
        yd_0 = y[1]
        yd_1 = -9.82
        return N.array([yd_0, yd_1])

    #Defines the Jacobian
    def jac(t, y):
        j = N.array([[0, 1.], [0, 0]])
        return j

    #Defines an Assimulo explicit problem
    y0 = [1.0, 0.0]  #Initial conditions

    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(f, y0, name='Example using analytic Jacobian')
    exp_mod.jac = jac  #Sets the Jacobian

    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)  #Create a CVode solver

    #Set the parameters
    exp_sim.iter = 'Newton'  #Default 'FixedPoint'
    exp_sim.discr = 'BDF'  #Default 'Adams'
    exp_sim.atol = 1e-5  #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.rtol = 1e-5  #Default 1e-6

    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(
        5, 1000)  #Simulate 5 seconds with 1000 communication points

    if with_plots:
        import pylab as P
        P.plot(t, y, linestyle="dashed", marker="o")  #Plot the solution

    #Basic tests[-1][0], -121.75000000, 4)[-1][1], -49.100000000)

    return exp_mod, exp_sim
Example #20
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    Example to demonstrate the use of a preconditioner
    .. math::
        \dot y_1 & = 2 t \sin y_1  + t \sin y_2 \\
        \dot y_2 & = 3 t \sin y_1  + 2 t \sin y_2
    on return:
       - :dfn:`exp_mod`    problem instance
       - :dfn:`exp_sim`    solver instance

    #Define the rhs
    def rhs(t, y):
        A = np.array([[2.0, 1.0], [3.0, 2.0]])
        yd = * t, np.sin(y))
        return yd

    #Define the preconditioner setup function
    def prec_setup(t, y, fy, jok, gamma, data):
        A = np.array([[2.0, 1.0], [3.0, 2.0]])

        #If jok is false the jacobian data needs to be recomputed
        if jok == False:

            #Extract the diagonal of the jacobian to form a Jacobi preconditioner
            a0 = A[0, 0] * t * np.cos(y[0])
            a1 = A[1, 1] * t * np.cos(y[1])
            a = np.array([(1. - gamma * a0), (1. - gamma * a1)])

            #Return true (jacobian data was recomputed) and the new data
            return [True, a]

        #If jok is true the existing jacobian data can be reused
        if jok == True:

            #Return false (jacobian data was reused) and the old data
            return [False, data]

    #Define the preconditioner solve function
    def prec_solve(t, y, fy, r, gamma, delta, data):

        #Solve the system Pz = r
        z0 = r[0] / data[0]
        z1 = r[1] / data[1]

        z = np.array([z0, z1])
        return z

    #Initial conditions
    y0 = [1.0, 2.0]

    #Define an Assimulo problem
    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(
        rhs, y0, name="Example of using a preconditioner in SUNDIALS")

    #Set the preconditioner setup and solve function for the problem
    exp_mod.prec_setup = prec_setup
    exp_mod.prec_solve = prec_solve

    #Create a CVode solver
    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)

    #Set the parameters for the solver
    exp_sim.iter = 'Newton'
    exp_sim.discr = 'BDF'
    exp_sim.atol = 1e-5
    exp_sim.rtol = 1e-5
    exp_sim.linear_solver = 'SPGMR'
    exp_sim.precond = "PREC_RIGHT"  #Set the desired type of preconditioning

    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(5)

    if with_plots:

    #Basic verification[-1, 0], 3.11178295, 4)[-1, 1], 3.19318992, 4)

    return exp_mod, exp_sim
Example #21
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    An example for CVode with scaled preconditioned GMRES method
    as a special linear solver.
    Note, how the operation Jacobian times vector is provided.
    .. math::
       \dot y_1 &= y_2 \\
       \dot y_2 &= -9.82
    on return:
       - :dfn:`exp_mod`    problem instance
       - :dfn:`exp_sim`    solver instance

    #Defines the rhs
    def f(t, y):
        yd_0 = y[1]
        yd_1 = -9.82

        return N.array([yd_0, yd_1])

    #Defines the Jacobian*vector product
    def jacv(t, y, fy, v):
        j = N.array([[0, 1.], [0, 0]])
        return, v)

    y0 = [1.0, 0.0]  #Initial conditions

    #Defines an Assimulo explicit problem
    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(
        f, y0, name='Example using the Jacobian Vector product')

    exp_mod.jacv = jacv  #Sets the Jacobian

    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)  #Create a CVode solver

    #Set the parameters
    exp_sim.iter = 'Newton'  #Default 'FixedPoint'
    exp_sim.discr = 'BDF'  #Default 'Adams'
    exp_sim.atol = 1e-5  #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.rtol = 1e-5  #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.linear_solver = 'SPGMR'  #Change linear solver
    #exp_sim.options["usejac"] = False

    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(
        5, 1000)  #Simulate 5 seconds with 1000 communication points

    #Basic tests[-1][0], -121.75000000, 4)[-1][1], -49.100000000)

    if with_plots:
        P.plot(t, y)

    return exp_mod, exp_sim
Example #22
    def run_sim_ice(Y, YLIQ):
        def dy_dt_func(t, Y):

            dy_dt = np.zeros(len(Y))

            svp = f.svp_liq(Y[ITEMP])
            svp_ice = f.svp_ice(Y[ITEMP])

            # vapour mixing ratio
            WV = c.eps * Y[IRH_ICE] * svp / (Y[IPRESS_ICE] - svp)
            # liquid mixing ratio
            WL = sum(YLIQ[IND1:IND2] * YLIQ[0:IND1])
            # ice mixing ratio
            WI = sum(Y[IND1:IND2] * Y[0:IND1])

            Cpm = c.CP + WV * c.CPV + WL * c.CPW + WI * c.CPI

            # RH with respect to ice
            RH_ICE = WV / (c.eps * svp_ice / (Y[IPRESS_ICE] - svp_ice))
            # ------------------------- growth rate of ice --------------------------
            RH_EQ = 1e0  # from ACPIM, FPARCELCOLD - MICROPHYSICS.f90

            CAP = f.CAPACITANCE01(Y[0:IND1], np.exp(Y[IND2:IND3]))

            growth_rate = f.ICEGROWTHRATE(Y[ITEMP_ICE], Y[IPRESS_ICE],
                                          RH_ICE, RH_EQ, Y[0:IND1],
                                          np.exp(Y[IND2:IND3]), CAP)
            growth_rate[np.isnan(growth_rate)] = 0  # get rid of nans
            growth_rate = np.where(Y[IND1:IND2] < 1e-6, 0.0, growth_rate)

            # Mass of water condensing
            dy_dt[:IND1] = growth_rate

            #---------------------------aspect ratio---------------------------------------
            DELTA_RHO = c.eps * svp / (Y[IPRESS_ICE] - svp)
            DELTA_RHOI = c.eps * svp_ice / (Y[IPRESS_ICE] - svp_ice)


            # this is the rate of change of LOG of the aspect ratio
            dy_dt[IND2:IND3] = (dy_dt[0:IND1] *
                                ((f.INHERENTGROWTH(Y[ITEMP_ICE]) - 1) /
                                 (f.INHERENTGROWTH(Y[ITEMP_ICE]) + 2)) /
                                (Y[0:IND1] * c.rhoi * RHO_DEP))
            # Change in vapour content
            dwv_dt = -1 * sum(Y[IND1:IND2] * dy_dt[0:IND1])

            # change in water vapour mixing ratio
            DRI = -1 * dwv_dt

            dy_dt[ITEMP_ICE] = 0.0  #+c.LS/Cpm*DRI

            # if n.Simulation_type.lower() == 'parcel':
            #     dy_dt[ITEMP_ICE]=dy_dt[ITEMP_ICE] + c.LS/Cpm*DRI
            #---------------------------RH change------------------------------------------

            dy_dt[IRH_ICE] = (Y[IPRESS_ICE] - svp) * svp * dwv_dt

            dy_dt[IRH_ICE] = (
                dy_dt[IRH_ICE] - WV * Y[IPRESS_ICE] *
                derivative(f.svp_liq, Y[ITEMP_ICE], dx=1.0) * dy_dt[ITEMP_ICE])
            dy_dt[IRH_ICE] = dy_dt[IRH_ICE] / (c.eps * svp**2)
            return dy_dt

        #--------------------- SET-UP solver --------------------------------------

        y0 = Y
        t0 = 0.0

        #define assimulo problem
        exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(dy_dt_func, y0, t0)

        # define an explicit solver
        exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)
        exp_sim.iter = 'Newton'
        exp_sim.discr = 'BDF'
        # set tolerance for each dydt function
        tol_list = np.zeros_like(Y)
        tol_list[0:IND1] = 1e-30  # mass
        tol_list[IND1:IND2] = 10  # number

        tol_list[IND2:IND3] = 1e-30  # aspect ratio
        # tol_list[IND3:IRH_SV_ICE] = 1e-26
        #tol_list[IRH_SV_ICE] = 1e-26

        tol_list[IPRESS_ICE] = 10
        tol_list[ITEMP_ICE] = 1e-4
        tol_list[IRH_ICE] = 1e-8

        exp_sim.atol = tol_list
        exp_sim.rtol = 1.0e-8
        exp_sim.inith = 1.0e-2  # initial time step-size
        exp_sim.usejac = False
        exp_sim.maxncf = 100  # max number of convergence failures allowed by solver
        exp_sim.verbosity = 40

        t_output, y_output = exp_sim.simulate(1)

        return y_output[-1, :]
Example #23
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    This example shows how to use Assimulo and CVode for simulating sensitivities
    for initial conditions.

    .. math::
       \dot y_1 &= -(k_{01}+k_{21}+k_{31}) y_1 + k_{12} y_2 + k_{13} y_3 + b_1\\
       \dot y_2 &= k_{21} y_1 - (k_{02}+k_{12}) y_2 \\
       \dot y_3 &= k_{31} y_1 - k_{13} y_3
    with the parameter dependent inital conditions 
    :math:`y_1(0) = 0, y_2(0) = 0, y_3(0) = 0` . The initial values are taken as parameters :math:`p_1,p_2,p_3`
    for the computation of the sensitivity matrix, 
    on return:
       - :dfn:`exp_mod`    problem instance
       - :dfn:`exp_sim`    solver instance
    def f(t, y, p):
        y1, y2, y3 = y
        k01 = 0.0211
        k02 = 0.0162
        k21 = 0.0111
        k12 = 0.0124
        k31 = 0.0039
        k13 = 0.000035
        b1 = 49.3

        yd_0 = -(k01 + k21 + k31) * y1 + k12 * y2 + k13 * y3 + b1
        yd_1 = k21 * y1 - (k02 + k12) * y2
        yd_2 = k31 * y1 - k13 * y3

        return N.array([yd_0, yd_1, yd_2])

    #The initial conditions
    y0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]  #Initial conditions for y
    p0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]  #Initial conditions for parameters
    yS0 = N.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1.]])

    #Create an Assimulo explicit problem
    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(f,
                               name='Example: Computing Sensitivities')

    #Sets the options to the problem
    exp_mod.yS0 = yS0

    #Create an Assimulo explicit solver (CVode)
    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)

    #Sets the paramters
    exp_sim.iter = 'Newton'
    exp_sim.discr = 'BDF'
    exp_sim.rtol = 1e-7
    exp_sim.atol = 1e-6
    exp_sim.pbar = [
        1, 1, 1
    ]  #pbar is used to estimate the tolerances for the parameters
    exp_sim.report_continuously = True  #Need to be able to store the result using the interpolate methods
    exp_sim.sensmethod = 'SIMULTANEOUS'  #Defines the sensitvity method used
    exp_sim.suppress_sens = False  #Dont suppress the sensitivity variables in the error test.

    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(400)  #Simulate 400 seconds

    #Basic test[-1][0], 1577.6552477, 5)[-1][1], 611.9574565, 5)[-1][2], 2215.88563217, 5)[0][1][0], 1.0)

    if with_plots:
        title_text = r"Sensitivity w.r.t.  ${}$"
        legend_text = r"$\mathrm{{d}}{}/\mathrm{{d}}{}$"
               N.array(exp_sim.p_sol[0])[:, 0], t,
               N.array(exp_sim.p_sol[0])[:, 1], t,
               N.array(exp_sim.p_sol[0])[:, 2])
                                     'p_1'), legend_text.format('y_1', 'p_2'),
                  legend_text.format('y_1', 'p_3')))
               N.array(exp_sim.p_sol[1])[:, 0], t,
               N.array(exp_sim.p_sol[1])[:, 1], t,
               N.array(exp_sim.p_sol[1])[:, 2])
                                     'p_1'), legend_text.format('y_2', 'p_2'),
                  legend_text.format('y_2', 'p_3')))
               N.array(exp_sim.p_sol[2])[:, 0], t,
               N.array(exp_sim.p_sol[2])[:, 1], t,
               N.array(exp_sim.p_sol[2])[:, 2])
                                     'p_1'), legend_text.format('y_3', 'p_2'),
                  legend_text.format('y_3', 'p_3')))
        P.title('ODE Solution')
        P.plot(t, y)

        return exp_mod, exp_sim
Example #24
    def run_sim(Y, time, Y_AER1, YICE):
        def dy_dt_func(t, Y):

            dy_dt = np.zeros(len(Y))

            # add condensed semi-vol mass into bins
            if n.SV_flag:
                MBIN2[-1 * n.n_sv:, :] = np.reshape(Y[INDSV1:INDSV2],
                                                    [n.n_sv, nbins * nmodes])
            # calculate saturation vapour pressure over liquid
            svp1 = f.svp_liq(Y[ITEMP])
            # saturation ratio
            SL = svp1 * Y[IRH] / (Y[IPRESS] - svp1)
            SL = (SL * Y[IPRESS] / (1 + SL)) / svp1

            # water vapour mixing ratio
            WV = c.eps * Y[IRH] * svp1 / (Y[IPRESS] - svp1)
            WL = np.sum(Y[IND1:IND2] * Y[:IND1])  # LIQUID MIXING RATIO
            WI = np.sum(YICE[IND1:IND2] * YICE[:IND1])  # ice mixing ratio
            RM = c.RA + WV * c.RV

            CPM = c.CP + WV * c.CPV + WL * c.CPW + WI * c.CPI

            if simulation_type.lower() == 'chamber':
                # CHAMBER MODEL - pressure change
                dy_dt[IPRESS] = -100 * PRESS1 * PRESS2 * np.exp(-PRESS2 *
                                                                (time + t))
            elif simulation_type.lower() == 'parcel':
                # adiabatic parcel
                dy_dt[IPRESS] = -Y[IPRESS] / RM / Y[
                    ITEMP] * c.g * w  #! HYDROSTATIC EQUATION
                print('simulation type unknown')

    # ----------------------------change in vapour content: -----------------------
    # 1. equilibruim size of particles
            if n.kappa_flag:
                #if n.SV_flag:
                # need to recalc kappa taking into acount the condensed semi-vols
                Kappa = np.sum(
                    (MBIN2[:, :] / RHOBIN2[:, :]) * KAPPABIN2[:, :],
                    axis=0) / np.sum(MBIN2[:, :] / RHOBIN2[:, :], axis=0)
                #  print(Kappa)
                #  print(MBIN2/RHOBIN2)
                KK01 = f.kk01(Y[0:IND1], Y[ITEMP], MBIN2, RHOBIN2, Kappa)

                KK01 = f.K01(Y[0:IND1], Y[ITEMP], MBIN2, n.n_sv, RHOBIN2,
                             NUBIN2, MOLWBIN2)

        #  print(KK01[0])
            Dw = KK01[2]  # wet diameter
            RHOAT = KK01[1]  # density of particles inc water and aerosol mass
            RH_EQ = KK01[0]  # equilibrium RH
            #  print(MBIN2/MOLWBIN2)
            # 2. growth rate of particles, Jacobson p455
            # rate of change of radius
            growth_rate = f.DROPGROWTHRATE(Y[ITEMP], Y[IPRESS], SL, RH_EQ,
                                           RHOAT, Dw)
            growth_rate[np.isnan(growth_rate)] = 0  # get rid of nans
            growth_rate = np.where(Y[IND1:IND2] < 1e-9, 0.0, growth_rate)

            # 3. Mass of water condensing
            # change in mass of water per particle
            dy_dt[:IND1] = (np.pi * RHOAT * Dw**2) * growth_rate

            # 4. Change in vapour content
            # change in water vapour mixing ratio
            dwv_dt = -1 * np.sum(
                Y[IND1:IND2] *
                dy_dt[:IND1])  # change to np.sum for speed  # mass
            # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

            if simulation_type.lower() == 'chamber':
                # CHAMBER MODEL - temperature change
                dy_dt[ITEMP] = -Temp1 * Temp2 * np.exp(-Temp2 * (time + t))
            elif simulation_type.lower() == 'parcel':
                # adiabatic parcel
                dy_dt[ITEMP] = RM / Y[IPRESS] * dy_dt[IPRESS] * Y[
                dy_dt[ITEMP] = dy_dt[ITEMP] - c.LV / CPM * dwv_dt
                print('simulation type unknown')

    # --------------------------------RH change------------------------------------
            dy_dt[IRH] = svp1 * dwv_dt * (Y[IPRESS] - svp1)
            dy_dt[IRH] = dy_dt[IRH] + svp1 * WV * dy_dt[IPRESS]
            dy_dt[IRH] = (
                dy_dt[IRH] - WV * Y[IPRESS] *
                derivative(f.svp_liq, Y[ITEMP], dx=1.0) * dy_dt[ITEMP])
            dy_dt[IRH] = dy_dt[IRH] / (c.eps * svp1**2)
            # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

            # ------------------------------ SEMI-VOLATILES -------------------------------
            if n.SV_flag:
                #      SV_mass = np.reshape(Y[INDSV1:INDSV2],[n.n_sv,n.nmodes*n.nbins])
                #     SV_mass = np.where(SV_mass == 0.0,1e-30,SV_mass)
                #    MBIN2[n.n_sv*-1:,:] = SV_mass

                RH_EQ_SV = f.K01SV(Y[:IND1], Y[ITEMP], MBIN2, n.n_sv, RHOBIN2,
                                   NUBIN2, MOLWBIN2)

                RH_EQ = RH_EQ_SV[0]
                RHOAT = RH_EQ_SV[1]
                DW = RH_EQ_SV[2]

                SVP_ORG = f.SVP_GASES(n.semi_vols, Y[ITEMP],
                                      n.n_sv)  #C-C equation

                #RH_ORG = [x*Y[IPRESS]/c.RA/Y[ITEMP] for x in Y[IRH_SV]]
                RH_ORG = [x for x in Y[IRH_SV]]
                RH_ORG = [(x / c.aerosol_dict[key][0]) * c.R * Y[ITEMP]
                          for x, key in zip(RH_ORG, n.semi_vols[:n.n_sv])
                          ]  # just for n_sv keys in dictionary
                RH_ORG = [RH_ORG[x] / SVP_ORG[x] for x in range(n.n_sv)]

                dy_dt[INDSV1:INDSV2] = f.SVGROWTHRATE(Y[ITEMP], Y[IPRESS],
                                                      SVP_ORG, RH_ORG, RH_EQ,
                                                      DW, n.n_sv, n.nbins,
                                                      n.nmodes, MOLWBIN2)

                dy_dt[IRH_SV] = -np.sum(np.reshape(
                    dy_dt[INDSV1:INDSV2], [n.n_sv, IND1]) * Y[IND1:IND2],
                                        axis=1)  #see line 137

            return dy_dt

    #--------------------- SET-UP solver ------------------------------------------

        y0 = Y
        t0 = 0.0

        #define assimulo problem
        exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(dy_dt_func, y0, t0)

        # define an explicit solver
        exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)
        exp_sim.iter = 'Newton'
        exp_sim.discr = 'BDF'
        #set parameters
        tol_list = np.zeros_like(Y)
        tol_list[0:IND1] = 1e-40  # this is now different to ACPIM (1e-25)
        tol_list[IND1:IND2] = 10  # number

        tol_list[IND2:IND3] = 1e-30  # capacitance
        tol_list[IND3:INDSV2] = 1e-26  #condendensed semi-vol mass
        tol_list[IRH_SV] = 1e-26  # RH of each semi-vol compound

        tol_list[IPRESS] = 10
        tol_list[ITEMP] = 1e-4
        tol_list[IRH] = 1e-8  # set tolerance for each dydt function
        exp_sim.atol = tol_list
        exp_sim.rtol = 1.0e-8
        exp_sim.inith = 0  # initial time step-size
        exp_sim.usejac = False
        exp_sim.maxncf = 100  # max number of convergence failures allowed by solver
        exp_sim.verbosity = 40
        t_output, y_output = exp_sim.simulate(1)

        return y_output[-1, :], t_output[:]
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    This is the same example from the Sundials package (cvsRoberts_FSA_dns.c)
    Its purpose is to demonstrate the use of parameters in the differential equation.

    This simple example problem for CVode, due to Robertson
    is from chemical kinetics, and consists of the system:
    .. math:: 
       \dot y_1 &= -p_1 y_1 + p_2 y_2 y_3 \\
       \dot y_2 &= p_1 y_1 - p_2 y_2 y_3 - p_3 y_2^2 \\
       \dot y_3 &= p_3  y_ 2^2
    on return:
       - :dfn:`exp_mod`    problem instance
       - :dfn:`exp_sim`    solver instance
    def f(t, y, p):
        yd_0 = -p[0]*y[0]+p[1]*y[1]*y[2] 
        yd_1 = p[0]*y[0]-p[1]*y[1]*y[2]-p[2]*y[1]**2 
        yd_2 = p[2]*y[1]**2
        return N.array([yd_0,yd_1,yd_2])
    def jac(t,y, p):
        J = N.array([[-p[0], p[1]*y[2], p[1]*y[1]],
                     [p[0], -p[1]*y[2]-2*p[2]*y[1], -p[1]*y[1]],
                     [0.0, 2*p[2]*y[1],0.0]])
        return J
    def fsens(t, y, s, p):
        J = N.array([[-p[0], p[1]*y[2], p[1]*y[1]],
                     [p[0], -p[1]*y[2]-2*p[2]*y[1], -p[1]*y[1]],
                     [0.0, 2*p[2]*y[1],0.0]])
        P = N.array([[-y[0],y[1]*y[2],0],
                     [y[0], -y[1]*y[2], -y[1]**2],
    #The initial conditions
    y0 = [1.0,0.0,0.0]          #Initial conditions for y
    #Create an Assimulo explicit problem
    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(f,y0, name='Robertson Chemical Kinetics Example')
    exp_mod.rhs_sens = fsens
    exp_mod.jac = jac
    #Sets the options to the problem
    exp_mod.p0 = [0.040, 1.0e4, 3.0e7]  #Initial conditions for parameters
    exp_mod.pbar = [0.040, 1.0e4, 3.0e7]

    #Create an Assimulo explicit solver (CVode)
    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)
    #Sets the solver paramters
    exp_sim.iter = 'Newton'
    exp_sim.discr = 'BDF'
    exp_sim.rtol = 1.e-4
    exp_sim.atol = N.array([1.0e-8, 1.0e-14, 1.0e-6])
    exp_sim.sensmethod = 'SIMULTANEOUS' #Defines the sensitvity method used
    exp_sim.suppress_sens = False       #Dont suppress the sensitivity variables in the error test.
    exp_sim.report_continuously = True

    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(4,400) #Simulate 4 seconds with 400 communication points
    #Basic test[-1][0], 9.05518032e-01, 4)[-1][1], 2.24046805e-05, 4)[-1][2], 9.44595637e-02, 4)[0][-1][0], -1.8761, 2) #Values taken from the example in Sundials[1][-1][0], 2.9614e-06, 8)[2][-1][0], -4.9334e-10, 12)
    if with_plots:
        P.plot(t, y)
    return exp_mod, exp_sim
Example #26
def stiff_ode_solver(matrix,
    Sets up the initial condition for solving the odes
    matrix          : ndarray
                    stoichiometric matrix
    y_initial       : list
                    A list of initial concentrations
    forward_rate   : list
                    A list of forward reaction rates
                    for all the reactions in the mechanism
    rev_rate        : list
                    A list of reverse reaction rates
                    for all the reactions in the mechanism
    sim_time        : float
                    total time to simulate in seconds
    third_body      : ndarray
                    third body matrix, default = None
    iteration       : str
                    determines the iteration method that is be
                    used by the solver, default='Newton'
    discr           : determines the discretization method,
    atol            : float
                    absolute tolerance(s) that is to be used
                    by the solver, default=1e-10
    rtol            : float
                    relative tolerance that is to be
                    used by the solver, default= 1e-7
    num_data_points : integer
                    number of even space data points in output
                    arrays, default = 500
    t1             : list
                    A list of time-points at which
                    the system of ODEs is solved
                    [t1, t2, t3,...]
    y1              : list of lists
                    A list of concentrations of all the species
                    at t1 time-points
                    [[y1(t1), y2(t1),...], [y1(t2), y2(t2),...],...]


    # y0[0] = 0
    # y0[0] = 0
    # dydt = np.zeros((len(species_list)), dtype=float)
    # Define the rhs
    kf = forward_rate
    kr = rev_rate
    mat_reac = np.abs(np.asarray(np.where(matrix < 0, matrix, 0)))
    mat_prod = np.asarray(np.where(matrix > 0, matrix, 0))

    #  d = kf ***np.abs(mat_reac), axis = 1) - kr ***mat_prod, axis = 1)

    def rhs(t, concentration):
        #        print(t)

        y = concentration
        if third_body is not None:
            third_body_eff =, y)
            third_body_eff = np.where(third_body_eff > 0, third_body_eff, 1)
        #            print(third_body_eff)
            third_body_eff = np.ones(len(forward_rate))
        #            print(len(third_body_matrix))
        rate_concentration = (kf *, mat_reac), axis=1) -
                              kr *, mat_prod), axis=1))

        dydt =
            np.multiply(matrix, rate_concentration.reshape(matrix.shape[0],
        # dydt = [np.sum(third_body_eff * (matrix[:, i] * rate_concentration)) for i in
        #         range(len(species_list))]
        del t
        del y
        return dydt

    t0 = 0
    # Define an Assimulo problem
    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(rhs, y_initial, t0)

    # Define an explicit solver
    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)  # Create a CVode solver

    # Sets the parameters
    exp_sim.iter = iteration  # Default 'FixedPoint'
    exp_sim.discr = discr  # Default 'Adams'
    exp_sim.atol = [atol]  # Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.rtol = rtol  # Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.maxh = 0.1
    exp_sim.minh = 1e-18
    exp_sim.num_threads = 1

    while True:
            t1, y1 = exp_sim.simulate(sim_time, num_data_points)
        except CVodeError:
            # reduce absolute error by two orders of magnitude
            # and try to solve again.
            print("next process started")
            atol = atol * 1e-2
            exp_sim.atol = atol
            # if atol < 1e-15:
            #     t1 = 0
            #     y1 = 0
            #     break
            # print(exp_sim.atol)

    return t1, y1