Example #1
 def ac_astroML(self):
     '''from two_point_angular() in astroML/correlation.py'''
     from astroML.correlation import two_point, ra_dec_to_xyz, angular_dist_to_euclidean_dist
     # 3d project
     data = np.asarray(ra_dec_to_xyz(self.gal_ra, self.gal_dec),
     data_R = np.asarray(ra_dec_to_xyz(self.ran_ra, self.ran_dec),
     # convert spherical bins to cartesian bins
     bins = 10**np.linspace(np.log10(1. / 60.), np.log10(6), 16)
     bins_transform = angular_dist_to_euclidean_dist(bins)
     w = two_point(data,
     bin_centers = 0.5 * (bins[1:] + bins[:-1])
     return bin_centers, w
def test_uniform_sphere():

    # check number of points in 3 axis-aligned cones is approximately the same
    ra, dec = uniform_sphere((-180, 180), (-90, 90), 10000)
    x, y, z = ra_dec_to_xyz(ra, dec)

    assert_allclose(x ** 2 + y ** 2 + z ** 2, np.ones_like(x))

    in_x_cone = (y**2 + z**2 < 0.25).mean()
    in_y_cone = (x**2 + z**2 < 0.25).mean()
    in_z_cone = (x**2 + y**2 < 0.25).mean()

    # with prop > 0.999999 should not differ for more than 5 standard deviations
    assert_allclose(in_x_cone, in_y_cone, atol=5e-2)
    assert_allclose(in_x_cone, in_z_cone, atol=5e-2)
    assert_allclose(in_y_cone, in_z_cone, atol=5e-2)
Example #3
ndataR = 50000

fits = fitsio.FITS(fn)
fits_rand = fitsio.FITS(fn_rand)

w = fits[1].where("Z > 0.43 && Z < 0.7")
sel = np.arange(len(w))
data = fits[1][w][sel[:min(ndata, len(w))]]

w = fits_rand[1].where("Z > 0.43 && Z < 0.7")
sel = np.arange(len(w))
data_R = fits_rand[1][w][sel[:min(ndataR, len(w))]]

xyz = cor.ra_dec_to_xyz(data['RA'], data['DEC'])* proper_distance(data['Z'])

xyz_rand = cor.ra_dec_to_xyz(data_R['RA'], data_R['DEC'])* proper_distance(data_R['Z'])

#plot_3d(xyz, xyz_rand)
two_point_corr(xyz, xyz_rand)


Example #4
def two_point_angular_window(coords_D,
    """Two-point correlation function

    data_D: data ra, dec in deg, shape = [2, n_samples]
    data_R: random ra, dec in deg, shape = [2, n_samples]
    D_idx: idx of data in field, None if all in field
    R_idx: idx of random in field, None if all in field
    random_state : integer, np.random.RandomState, or None
        specify the random state to use for generating background

    corr : ndarray
        the estimate of the correlation function within each bin
        shape = Nbins

    rng = check_random_state(random_state)

    coords_D, coords_R = np.asanyarray(coords_D), np.asanyarray(coords_R)

    if D_idx is None:
        D_idx = np.arange(coords_D.shape[1], dtype=int)

    if R_idx is None:
        R_idx = np.arange(coords_R.shape[1], dtype=int)

    if bins.ndim != 1:
        raise ValueError("bins must be a 1D array")

    data = np.asarray(ra_dec_to_xyz(coords_D[0], coords_D[1]), order='F').T
    data_R = np.asarray(ra_dec_to_xyz(coords_R[0], coords_R[1]), order='F').T

    bins = angular_dist_to_euclidean_dist(bins)
    Nbins = len(bins) - 1

    factor = len(data_R) * 1. / len(data)
    factor_in = len(R_idx) * 1. / len(D_idx)

    BT_D = BallTree(data)
    BT_R = BallTree(data_R)

    counts_DD = np.zeros(Nbins + 1, dtype=int)
    counts_RR = np.zeros(Nbins + 1, dtype=int)
    counts_DD_in = np.zeros(Nbins + 1, dtype=int)
    counts_RR_in = np.zeros(Nbins + 1, dtype=int)
    for i in range(Nbins + 1):
        count_listD = BT_D.query_radius(data, bins[i])
        count_listR = BT_R.query_radius(data_R, bins[i])
        countD = np.sum([len(count) for count in count_listD])
        countR = np.sum([len(count) for count in count_listR])
        countD_in = np.sum([len(count) for count in count_listD[D_idx]])
        countR_in = np.sum([len(count) for count in count_listR[R_idx]])
        counts_DD[i], counts_RR[i] = countD, countR
        counts_DD_in[i], counts_RR_in[i] = countD_in, countR_in

    DD = np.diff(counts_DD)
    RR = np.diff(counts_RR)
    DD_in = np.diff(counts_DD_in)
    RR_in = np.diff(counts_RR_in)

    # check for zero in the denominator
    RR_zero = np.where(RR == 0)[0]
    RR_in_zero = np.where(RR_in == 0)[0]
    RR[RR_zero] = 1
    RR_in[RR_in_zero] = 1
    corr = factor**2 * DD / RR - 1
    corr_in = factor_in**2 * DD_in / RR_in - 1

    corr[RR_zero] = np.nan
    corr_in[RR_in_zero] = np.nan

    return corr, corr_in
Example #5
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM 

cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.274, Ob0=0.0457)
fn = '~/Desktop/CIB/data/RIFSCz_short.v2.fits'
fits = fitsio.FITS(fn)

w = fits[1].where("z>0")
sel = np.arange(len(w))
data = fits[1][w]#[sel[:10000]]

ra = np.array(data['RA_recom'])
dec = np.array(data['DEC_recom'])
z = np.array(data['z'])
xyz = cor.ra_dec_to_xyz(ra, dec)*cosmo.comoving_distance(z)

lim = (-3000, 3000)

def plot_3d(xyz):
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    ax.scatter(xyz[0,:], xyz[1,:], xyz[2,:], c = 'r', marker='.', alpha=0.3)

def plot_z_histogram(z):
    plt.hist(z, np.linspace(0, 0.6, 100), alpha = 0.5)
import fitsio
import numpy as np
import astroML.correlation as cor
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

fn = '../data/specObj-dr12.fits'
fits = fitsio.FITS(fn)

w = fits[1].where("FIRSTRELEASE== 'dr12' && PLUG_RA > 135 && PLUG_RA < 225 && Z > 0.43 && Z < 0.7")
sel = np.arange(len(w))
data = fits[1][w][sel[:10000]]

xyz = cor.ra_dec_to_xyz(data['PLUG_RA'], data['PLUG_DEC'])* data['Z']

def two_point_corr(xyz):
    bins = np.linspace(0, 1, 51)
    corr = cor.two_point(xyz.T, bins, method='landy-szalay')
    print corr

def plot_3d(xyz):
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    ax.scatter(xyz[0,:], xyz[1,:], xyz[2,:])

Example #7
fout = open(fn_out, 'w')
fout_rand = open(fn_rand_out, 'w')

wd = fits[1].where("Z > 0.43 && Z < 0.7 && WEIGHT_SYSTOT >0")
sel = np.arange(len(wd))
data = fits[1][wd]##[sel[:min(ndata, len(wd))]]

wr = fits_rand[1].where(" Z > 0.43 && Z < 0.7")
sel = np.arange(len(wr))
data_R = fits_rand[1][wr]##[sel[:min(ndataR, len(wr))]]

xyz = cor.ra_dec_to_xyz(data['RA'], data['DEC'])* cosmo.comoving_distance(data['Z']).value
xyz_rand = cor.ra_dec_to_xyz(data_R['RA'], data_R['DEC'])* cosmo.comoving_distance(data_R['Z']).value

for i in xrange(len(wd)):
    fout.write("%.10f %.10f %.10f \n"%(xyz[0,i], xyz[1,i], xyz[2,i]))

for i in xrange(len(wr)):
    fout_rand.write("%.10f %.10f %.10f \n"%(xyz_rand[0,i], xyz_rand[1,i], xyz_rand[2,i]))


##                        Results                             ##
Example #8
def new_bootstrap_two_point_angular(ra_G,dec_G, bins, method='standard',\
                                    ra_R=None,dec_R=None, Nbootstraps=10,\
    """Angular two-point correlation function

    A separate function is needed because angular distances are not
    euclidean, and random sampling needs to take into account the
    spherical volume element.

    ra_G, dec_G : array_like
        Observed galaxy ra,dec
    bins : array_like
        bins within which to compute the 2-point correlation.
        shape = Nbins + 1
    method : string
        "standard" or "landy-szalay".
    ra_R, dec_R : array_like
        Random catlogue of ra,dec
    Nbootstraps : int
        number of bootstrap resamples

    corr : ndarray
        the estimate of the correlation function within each bin
        shape = Nbins
    dcorr : ndarray
        error estimate on dcorr (sample standard deviation of
        bootstrap resamples)
    bootstraps : ndarray
        The full sample of bootstraps used to compute corr and dcorr
    data = np.asarray(ra_dec_to_xyz(ra_G, dec_G), order='F').T
    n_samples, n_features = data.shape
    if random_state is None:
        rng= np.random.RandomState()

    if ra_R is None or dec_R is None:
        print('Creating random sample')
        data_R = data.copy()
        for i in range(n_features - 1):
            rng.shuffle(data_R[:, i])
        data_R = np.asarray(ra_dec_to_xyz(ra_R, dec_R), order='F').T
        if (data_R.ndim != 2) or (data_R.shape[-1] != n_features):
            raise ValueError('data_R must have same n_features as data')
    bins = np.asarray(bins)
    Nbins = len(bins) - 1

    if method not in ['standard', 'landy-szalay']:
        raise ValueError("method must be 'standard' or 'landy-szalay'")

    if bins.ndim != 1:
        raise ValueError("bins must be a 1D array")

    if data.ndim == 1:
        data = data[:, np.newaxis]
    elif data.ndim != 2:
        raise ValueError("data should be 1D or 2D")

    # convert spherical bins to cartesian bins
    bins_transform = angular_dist_to_euclidean_dist(bins)

    bootstraps = []

    # Bootstrap sample data_R, hold data fixed 
    #R_samples, R_features = data_R.shape
    #for i in range(Nbootstraps):
    #    # Sample with replacement
    #    #inds= rng.randint(R_samples, size=R_samples) #np.random.randint
    #    ind = rng.randint(0, R_samples, R_samples)
    #    new_R= data_R[ind,:]
    #    print('WARNING: look in code, is new_R shape correct?')

    #    bootstraps.append(two_point(data, bins_transform, method=method,
    #                                data_R=new_R, random_state=rng))
    # Now, bootstrap sample data, hold data_R 
    for i in range(Nbootstraps):
        print('Computing bootstrap: %d' % (i+1,))
        ind = rng.randint(0, n_samples, n_samples)
        new_G= data[ind,:]
        bootstraps.append(two_point(new_G, bins_transform, method=method,
                                    data_R=data_R, random_state=rng))

    bootstraps = np.asarray(bootstraps)
    corr = np.mean(bootstraps, 0)
    corr_err = np.std(bootstraps, 0, ddof=1)

    return corr, corr_err, bootstraps