def stack_source(images, x, y, src_shape, ref_index, tx_solutions, dqmasks=None, subsampling=5, combine_method='mean', show_plots=False, dqmask_min=0, bad_pix_val=1): """ Stack all the images of a given source. Parameters ---------- images: list of `~numpy.ndarray`'s Images to stack x,y: float Central pixel of reprojected windows src_shape: tuple of integers Shape (y,x) of the patch to extract from each image. Typically this is 2*aper_radius+1. ref_index: int Index in ``images`` and ``dqmasks`` of the image the others are projected onto for the stack. tx_solutions: list of `~astropyp.catalog.ImageSolution`s Transformations to convert each image to the projected coordinates dqmasks: list of `~numpy.ndarrays`'s, optional Dqmasks for images to stack subsampling: int Number of subdivisions of each pixel. *Default=5* combine_method: string Method to use for the stack. This can be either 'median' or 'mean'. *Default is 'mean'* show_plots: bool, optional Whether or not to show a plots of the reprojected images and dqmasks. *Default=False* dqmask_min: int, optional Minimum value of a data quality mask that is accepted. All pixels higher than ``dqmask_min`` will be masked in the reprojected image. *Default=0* bad_pix_val: int, optional Value to set bad pixels to in the dqmask. This is only necessary if using a dqmask. *Default=1* """ from astropyp.catalog import Catalog from scipy.ndimage import zoom from astropyp.utils.misc import extract_array import astropyp.utils if combine_method=='median': combine = elif combine_method=='mean': combine = else: raise Exception( "Combine method must be either 'median' or 'mean'") # Get the patch from the original image data = extract_array(images[ref_index], src_shape, (y,x), subsampling=subsampling) y_radius = src_shape[0]>>1 x_radius = src_shape[1]>>1 x_new = np.linspace(x-x_radius, x+x_radius, data.shape[1]) y_new = np.linspace(y-y_radius, y+y_radius, data.shape[0]) # Mask bad pixels and edges data = data.mask = np.isnan(data) if dqmasks is not None: # Get the data quality mask for the original image and # set any edge values to the bad_pix_val, and scale the dqmask # with a nearest neighbor (pixelated) interpolation dqmask = extract_array(dqmasks[ref_index], src_shape, (y,x), fill_value=bad_pix_val) dqmask[dqmask<0] = bad_pix_val dqmask = zoom(dqmask, subsampling, order=0) data.mask = data.mask | (dqmask>dqmask_min) modified_dqmask = [None, dqmask, None] else: dqmask = None modified_dqmask = [None,None,None] dqmasks = [None,None,None] if show_plots: import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if dqmask is not None: plt.imshow(dqmask, interpolation='none') if data is not None: plt.imshow(data, interpolation='none') # Reproject the images modified_data = [None, data, None] for n in [m for m in range(len(images)) if m!=ref_index]: modified_data[n],modified_dqmask[n] = reproject_image( images[n], x, y, x_new, y_new, tx_solutions[n], dqmasks[n], subsampling, show_plots, dqmask_min, bad_pix_val) # Only stack non-null images modified_data = [m for m in modified_data if m is not None] if len(modified_data)==0: return None, None elif len(modified_data)==1: return modified_data[0], modified_dqmask[0] # Stack the images and combine the data quality masks stack = stack = combine(stack, axis=0) dqmask = modified_data[0].mask for n in range(1,len(modified_data)): dqmask = np.bitwise_and(dqmask, modified_data[n].mask) if show_plots: import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d import Axes3D Xmesh, Ymesh = np.meshgrid(x_new, y_new) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) ax=fig.add_subplot(1,1,1, projection='3d') ax.plot_wireframe(Xmesh, Ymesh, stack) plt.contour(Xmesh,Ymesh,stack) plt.axis('equal') plt.imshow(stack, interpolation='none') plt.imshow(dqmask, interpolation='none') return stack, dqmask
def reproject_image(img, x, y, new_x, new_y, tx_solution=None, dqmask=None, subsampling=5, show_plot=False, dqmask_min=0, bad_pix_val=1): """ Reproject one image onto another using image coordinates Parameters ---------- img: array-like Array containing the image to reproject x,y: float Coordinates at the center of the projection. If ``tx_solutions`` is None, these must be in the original image coordinates. Otherwise these must be in the reprojected image coordinates. new_x, new_y: array-like Coordinate positions for each pixel on the x and y axes in the image. If ``tx_solutions`` is None, these must be in the original image coordinates. Otherwise these must be in the reprojected image coordinates. tx_solution: `~astropyp.catalog.ImageSolution`, optional Astrometric solution to transform from the current image coordinates to the new image coordinates. If x, y, new_x, new_y are all in the original image coordinates, set ``tx_solution`` to None. *Default is None* dqmask: `~numpy.ndarray`, optional Data quality mask to apply to the reprojected image. This can either be in the coordinate system of ``img``, in which case ``reproject_dqmask=True`` or in the new coordinate system, in which case ``reproject_dqmask=False``. subsampling: int Number of subdivisions of each pixel. *Default=5* show_plot: bool, optional Whether or not to show a plot of the reprojected image. *Default=False* dqmask_min: int, optional Minimum value of a data quality mask that is accepted. All pixels higher than ``dqmask_min`` will be masked in the reprojected image. *Default=0* bad_pix_val: int, optional Value to set bad pixels to in the dqmask. This is only necessary if using a dqmask. *Default=1* Results ------- modified_data: `~numpy.ndarray` Data in the reprojected coordinate system modified_dqmask: `~numpy.ndarray` dqmask in the reprojected coordinate system. This will be ``None`` if no dqmask was passed to the function. X0: `~numpy.ndarray` Coodinates on the X axis in the original coordinate system after it has been subsampled and re-centered Y0: `~numpy.ndarray` Coodinates on the Y axis in the original coordinate system after it has been subsampled and re-centered new_pos: tuple New position in the original coordinate system after it has been subsampled and re-centered """ from scipy import interpolate from astropy.nddata.utils import overlap_slices import astropyp.utils from astropyp.utils.misc import extract_array from scipy.ndimage import zoom src_shape = (len(new_y)/subsampling, len(new_x)/subsampling) # Convert the centroid position from destination coordinates # to current image coordinates and extract the subsampled image if tx_solution is not None: x0,y0 = tx_solution.transform_coords(x=x, y=y) else: x0,y0 = (x,y) data, slices = extract_array(img, src_shape, (y0,x0), subsampling=subsampling, return_slices=True) y_radius = int(src_shape[0]/2) x_radius = int(src_shape[1]/2) X0 = np.linspace(x0-x_radius, x0+x_radius, data.shape[1]) Y0 = np.linspace(y0-y_radius, y0+y_radius, data.shape[0]) #Z = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline( # Y0[slices[1][0]], X0[slices[1][1]], data[slices[1]]) X0 = X0[slices[1][1]] Y0 = Y0[slices[1][0]] Z = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(Y0,X0, data[slices[1]]) # Convert the coordinates from the destination to the # current image and extract the interpolated pixels if tx_solution is not None: X,Y = tx_solution.transform_coords(x=new_x, y=new_y) else: X,Y = (new_x, new_y) X = X[slices[1][1]] Y = Y[slices[1][0]] modified_data = np.zeros(data.shape) modified_data[:] = np.nan modified_data[slices[1]] = Z(Y,X) modified_data = modified_data.mask = np.isnan(modified_data) if dqmask is not None: modified_dqmask = np.zeros(data.shape) modified_dqmask[:] = bad_pix_val new_dqmask = extract_array(dqmask, src_shape, (y0,x0), masking=True, fill_value=bad_pix_val) new_dqmask = zoom(new_dqmask, subsampling, order=0) new_dqmask = new_dqmask[slices[1]] Xold,Yold = np.meshgrid(X0,Y0) Xnew,Ynew = np.meshgrid(X,Y) coords = zip(Yold.flatten(), Xold.flatten()) new_coords = zip(Ynew.flatten(), Xnew.flatten()) new_dqmask = interpolate.griddata(coords, new_dqmask.flatten(),new_coords, method='nearest') modified_dqmask[slices[1]] = new_dqmask.reshape(Xold.shape) modified_data.mask = modified_data.mask | (modified_dqmask>dqmask_min) else: modified_dqmask = None if show_plot: import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.imshow(modified_data, interpolation='none') return modified_data, modified_dqmask