def get_sampler(beam_size): # FIXME In practice, the beam size is probably the same for all # input items, but if it gets changed a lot, then constructing a # new beam search graph for each combination isn't great. Can it # be turned into a placeholder? if beam_size not in samplers: samplers[beam_size] = BeamSearchSampler(models, self._options, beam_size) return samplers[beam_size]
def __init__(self, config, num_gpus, replicas, optimizer, global_step, summary_writer=None): """Builds TF graph nodes for model updating (via _ModelUpdateGraph). Args: config: the model config (an argparse.Namespace) num_gpus: the number of available GPUs. replicas: a list of RNNModel or Transformer objects. optimizer: a TensorFlow optimizer. global_step: a tf.Variable to be updated by optimizer. summary_writer: a tf.summary.FileWriter object. """ assert len(replicas) > 0 assert (len(replicas) == num_gpus or (len(replicas) == 1 and num_gpus == 0)) self._config = config self._replicas = replicas self._summary_writer = summary_writer self._graph = _ModelUpdateGraph(config, num_gpus, replicas, optimizer, global_step) if config.loss_function == 'MRT': if config.sample_way == 'beam_search': self._mrt_sampler = BeamSearchSampler( models=[replicas[0]], configs=[config], beam_size=config.samplesN) else: assert config.sample_way == 'randomly_sample' # Set beam_size to config.samplesN instead of using # np.repeat to expand input in full_sampler() self._mrt_sampler = RandomSampler(models=[replicas[0]], configs=[config], beam_size=config.samplesN)
def main(settings): """ Translates a source language file (or STDIN) into a target language file (or STDOUT). """ # Create the TensorFlow session. g = tf.Graph() with g.as_default(): tf_config = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto() tf_config.allow_soft_placement = True session = tf.compat.v1.Session(config=tf_config) # Load config file for each model. configs = [] for model in settings.models: config = load_config_from_json_file(model) setattr(config, 'reload', model) setattr(config, 'translation_maxlen', settings.translation_maxlen) configs.append(config) # Create the model graphs. logging.debug("Loading models\n") models = [] for i, config in enumerate(configs): with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope("model%d" % i) as scope: if config.model_type == "transformer": model = TransformerModel( config, consts_config_str=settings.config_str) else: model = rnn_model.RNNModel(config) model.sampling_utils = SamplingUtils(settings) models.append(model) # Add smoothing variables (if the models were trained with smoothing). # FIXME Assumes either all models were trained with smoothing or none were. if configs[0].exponential_smoothing > 0.0: smoothing = ExponentialSmoothing(configs[0].exponential_smoothing) # Restore the model variables. for i, config in enumerate(configs): with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope("model%d" % i) as scope: _ = model_loader.init_or_restore_variables( config, session, ensemble_scope=scope) # Swap-in the smoothed versions of the variables. if configs[0].exponential_smoothing > 0.0: max_translation_len = settings.translation_maxlen # Create a BeamSearchSampler / RandomSampler. if settings.translation_strategy == 'beam_search': sampler = BeamSearchSampler(models, configs, settings.beam_size) else: assert settings.translation_strategy == 'sampling' sampler = RandomSampler(models, configs, settings.beam_size) # Warn about the change from neg log probs to log probs for the RNN. if settings.n_best: model_types = [config.model_type for config in configs] if 'rnn' in model_types: logging.warn( 'n-best scores for RNN models have changed from ' 'positive to negative (as of commit 95793196...). ' 'If you are using the scores for reranking etc, then ' 'you may need to update your scripts.') # Translate the source file. translate_utils.translate_file( input_file=settings.input, output_file=settings.output, session=session, sampler=sampler, config=configs[0], max_translation_len=max_translation_len, normalization_alpha=settings.normalization_alpha, consts_config_str=settings.config_str, nbest=settings.n_best, minibatch_size=settings.minibatch_size, maxibatch_size=settings.maxibatch_size)
def train(config, sess): assert (config.prior_model != None and (tf.train.checkpoint_exists(os.path.abspath(config.prior_model))) or (config.map_decay_c==0.0)), \ "MAP training requires a prior model file: Use command-line option --prior_model" # Construct the graph, with one model replica per GPU num_gpus = len(tf_utils.get_available_gpus()) num_replicas = max(1, num_gpus) if config.loss_function == 'MRT': assert config.gradient_aggregation_steps == 1 assert config.max_sentences_per_device == 0, "MRT mode does not support sentence-based split" if config.max_tokens_per_device != 0: assert (config.samplesN * config.maxlen <= config.max_tokens_per_device), "need to make sure candidates of a sentence could be " \ "feed into the model" else: assert num_replicas == 1, "MRT mode does not support sentence-based split" assert (config.samplesN * config.maxlen <= config.token_batch_size), "need to make sure candidates of a sentence could be " \ "feed into the model"'Building model...') replicas = [] for i in range(num_replicas): device_type = "GPU" if num_gpus > 0 else "CPU" device_spec = tf.DeviceSpec(device_type=device_type, device_index=i) with tf.device(device_spec): with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=(i>0)): if config.model_type == "transformer": model = TransformerModel(config) else: model = rnn_model.RNNModel(config) replicas.append(model) init = tf.zeros_initializer(dtype=tf.int32) global_step = tf.get_variable('time', [], initializer=init, trainable=False) if config.learning_schedule == "constant": schedule = learning_schedule.ConstantSchedule(config.learning_rate) elif config.learning_schedule == "transformer": schedule = learning_schedule.TransformerSchedule( global_step=global_step, dim=config.state_size, warmup_steps=config.warmup_steps) elif config.learning_schedule == "warmup-plateau-decay": schedule = learning_schedule.WarmupPlateauDecaySchedule( global_step=global_step, peak_learning_rate=config.learning_rate, warmup_steps=config.warmup_steps, plateau_steps=config.plateau_steps) else: logging.error('Learning schedule type is not valid: {}'.format( config.learning_schedule)) sys.exit(1) if config.optimizer == 'adam': optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=schedule.learning_rate, beta1=config.adam_beta1, beta2=config.adam_beta2, epsilon=config.adam_epsilon) else: logging.error('No valid optimizer defined: {}'.format(config.optimizer)) sys.exit(1) if config.summary_freq: summary_dir = (config.summary_dir if config.summary_dir is not None else os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(config.saveto))) writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(summary_dir, sess.graph) else: writer = None updater = ModelUpdater(config, num_gpus, replicas, optimizer, global_step, writer) if config.exponential_smoothing > 0.0: smoothing = ExponentialSmoothing(config.exponential_smoothing) saver, progress = model_loader.init_or_restore_variables( config, sess, train=True) global_step.load(progress.uidx, sess) if config.sample_freq: random_sampler = RandomSampler( models=[replicas[0]], configs=[config], beam_size=1) if config.beam_freq or config.valid_script is not None: beam_search_sampler = BeamSearchSampler( models=[replicas[0]], configs=[config], beam_size=config.beam_size) #save model options write_config_to_json_file(config, config.saveto) text_iterator, valid_text_iterator = load_data(config) _, _, num_to_source, num_to_target = util.load_dictionaries(config) total_loss = 0. n_sents, n_words = 0, 0 last_time = time.time()"Initial uidx={}".format(progress.uidx)) # set epoch = 1 if print per-token-probability if config.print_per_token_pro: config.max_epochs = progress.eidx+1 for progress.eidx in range(progress.eidx, config.max_epochs):'Starting epoch {0}'.format(progress.eidx)) for source_sents, target_sents in text_iterator: if len(source_sents[0][0]) != config.factors: logging.error('Mismatch between number of factors in settings ({0}), and number in training corpus ({1})\n'.format(config.factors, len(source_sents[0][0]))) sys.exit(1) x_in, x_mask_in, y_in, y_mask_in = util.prepare_data( source_sents, target_sents, config.factors, maxlen=None) if x_in is None:'Minibatch with zero sample under length {0}'.format(config.maxlen)) continue write_summary_for_this_batch = config.summary_freq and ((progress.uidx % config.summary_freq == 0) or (config.finish_after and progress.uidx % config.finish_after == 0)) (factors, seqLen, batch_size) = x_in.shape output = updater.update( sess, x_in, x_mask_in, y_in, y_mask_in, num_to_target, write_summary_for_this_batch) if config.print_per_token_pro == False: total_loss += output else: # write per-token probability into the file f = open(config.print_per_token_pro, 'a') for pro in output: pro = str(pro) + '\n' f.write(pro) f.close() n_sents += batch_size n_words += int(numpy.sum(y_mask_in)) progress.uidx += 1 # Update the smoothed version of the model variables. # To reduce the performance overhead, we only do this once every # N steps (the smoothing factor is adjusted accordingly). if config.exponential_smoothing > 0.0 and progress.uidx % smoothing.update_frequency == 0: if config.disp_freq and progress.uidx % config.disp_freq == 0: duration = time.time() - last_time disp_time ='[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]')'{0} Epoch: {1} Update: {2} Loss/word: {3} Words/sec: {4} Sents/sec: {5}'.format(disp_time, progress.eidx, progress.uidx, total_loss/n_words, n_words/duration, n_sents/duration)) last_time = time.time() total_loss = 0. n_sents = 0 n_words = 0 if config.sample_freq and progress.uidx % config.sample_freq == 0: x_small = x_in[:, :, :10] x_mask_small = x_mask_in[:, :10] y_small = y_in[:, :10] samples = translate_utils.translate_batch( sess, random_sampler, x_small, x_mask_small, config.translation_maxlen, 0.0) assert len(samples) == len(x_small.T) == len(y_small.T), \ (len(samples), x_small.shape, y_small.shape) for xx, yy, ss in zip(x_small.T, y_small.T, samples): source = util.factoredseq2words(xx, num_to_source) target = util.seq2words(yy, num_to_target) sample = util.seq2words(ss[0][0], num_to_target)'SOURCE: {}'.format(source))'TARGET: {}'.format(target))'SAMPLE: {}'.format(sample)) if config.beam_freq and progress.uidx % config.beam_freq == 0: x_small = x_in[:, :, :10] x_mask_small = x_mask_in[:, :10] y_small = y_in[:,:10] samples = translate_utils.translate_batch( sess, beam_search_sampler, x_small, x_mask_small, config.translation_maxlen, config.normalization_alpha) assert len(samples) == len(x_small.T) == len(y_small.T), \ (len(samples), x_small.shape, y_small.shape) for xx, yy, ss in zip(x_small.T, y_small.T, samples): source = util.factoredseq2words(xx, num_to_source) target = util.seq2words(yy, num_to_target)'SOURCE: {}'.format(source))'TARGET: {}'.format(target)) for i, (sample_seq, cost) in enumerate(ss): sample = util.seq2words(sample_seq, num_to_target) msg = 'SAMPLE {}: {} Cost/Len/Avg {}/{}/{}'.format( i, sample, cost, len(sample), cost/len(sample)) if config.valid_freq and progress.uidx % config.valid_freq == 0: if config.exponential_smoothing > 0.0: valid_ce = validate(sess, replicas[0], config, valid_text_iterator) else: valid_ce = validate(sess, replicas[0], config, valid_text_iterator) if (len(progress.history_errs) == 0 or valid_ce < min(progress.history_errs)): progress.history_errs.append(valid_ce) progress.bad_counter = 0 save_non_checkpoint(sess, saver, config.saveto) progress_path = '{0}.progress.json'.format(config.saveto) progress.save_to_json(progress_path) else: progress.history_errs.append(valid_ce) progress.bad_counter += 1 if progress.bad_counter > config.patience:'Early Stop!') progress.estop = True break if config.valid_script is not None: if config.exponential_smoothing > 0.0: score = validate_with_script(sess, beam_search_sampler) else: score = validate_with_script(sess, beam_search_sampler) need_to_save = (score is not None and (len(progress.valid_script_scores) == 0 or score > max(progress.valid_script_scores))) if score is None: score = 0.0 # ensure a valid value is written progress.valid_script_scores.append(score) if need_to_save: progress.bad_counter = 0 save_path = config.saveto + ".best-valid-script" save_non_checkpoint(sess, saver, save_path) write_config_to_json_file(config, save_path) progress_path = '{}.progress.json'.format(save_path) progress.save_to_json(progress_path) if config.save_freq and progress.uidx % config.save_freq == 0:, save_path=config.saveto, global_step=progress.uidx) write_config_to_json_file(config, "%s-%s" % (config.saveto, progress.uidx)) progress_path = '{0}-{1}.progress.json'.format(config.saveto, progress.uidx) progress.save_to_json(progress_path) if config.finish_after and progress.uidx % config.finish_after == 0:"Maximum number of updates reached"), save_path=config.saveto, global_step=progress.uidx) write_config_to_json_file(config, "%s-%s" % (config.saveto, progress.uidx)) progress.estop=True progress_path = '{0}-{1}.progress.json'.format(config.saveto, progress.uidx) progress.save_to_json(progress_path) break if progress.estop: break