def make_plot(yscale='linear'): # configure the tools width_zoom={'dimensions':['width']} tools = [tool(**width_zoom) for tool in [BoxZoomTool, WheelZoomTool]] hover_pos = HoverTool( names=['buy','sell'], tooltips=[ ('Position','@pos'), ('Date','@date'), ('Price','@price') ] ) = 'Postions' tools.extend([PanTool(), hover_pos, ResetTool(), CrosshairTool()]) # prepare plot p = Figure(plot_height=600, plot_width=800, title="Moving Average Positions", x_axis_type='datetime', y_axis_type=yscale, tools=tools) p.line(x='date', y='price', alpha=0.3, color='Black', line_width=2, source=source, legend='Close', name='price') p.line(x='date', y='mav_short', color='DarkBlue', line_width=2, source=source, legend='Short MAV') p.line(x='date', y='mav_long', color='FireBrick', line_width=2, source=source, legend='Long MAV') p.inverted_triangle(x='x', y='y', color='Crimson', size=20, alpha=0.7, source=sell, legend='Sell', name='sell') p.triangle(x='x', y='y', color='ForestGreen', size=20, alpha=0.7, source=buy, legend='Buy', name='buy') return p
def plot_crossover_signals(data, signals, ticker=None, notebook=False): # create a new plot with a title and axis labels p = Figure(title=ticker + ' Moving Crossover Strategy', x_axis_label='Date', x_axis_type='datetime', y_axis_label='Price in $', plot_height=500, plot_width=950, tools=['pan', 'wheel_zoom'], toolbar_location='below') # configure so that Bokeh chooses what (if any) scroll tool is active p.toolbar.active_scroll = "auto" # add a line renderer with legend and line thickness p.line(data.index, data['Close'], line_width=2, legend='Close', line_color='black') p.line(signals.index, signals['short_mavg'], line_width=2, legend='Slow MA', line_color='orange') p.line(signals.index, signals['long_mavg'], line_width=2, legend='Fast MA', line_color='blue') p.triangle(signals.loc[signals.positions == 1.0].index, signals.short_mavg[signals.positions == 1.0], size=15, fill_color='green', legend='Bullish Crossover') p.inverted_triangle(signals.loc[signals.positions == -1.0].index, signals.short_mavg[signals.positions == -1.0], size=15, fill_color='red', legend='Bearish Crossover') p.legend.location = "top_left" p.legend.click_policy = "hide" if notebook: # show the results show(p, notebook_handle=True) push_notebook() else: # output the results output_file('%s Moving Crossover Strategy.html' % ticker) save(p)
x = [phototime[i] for i in indye], y = [photoAB[i] for i in indye], err = [photoerrs[i] for i in indye], desc = [photoband[i] for i in indye], instr = [photoinstru[i] for i in indye], src = [photosource[i] for i in indye] ) ) p1.multi_line([err_xs[x] for x in indye], [err_ys[x] for x in indye], color=bandcolorf(band))'x', 'y', source = source, color=bandcolorf(band), legend=bandname, size=4) upplimlegend = bandname if len(indye) == 0 and len(indne) == 0 else '' indt = [i for i, j in enumerate(phototype) if j] ind = set(indb).intersection(indt) p1.inverted_triangle([phototime[x] for x in ind], [photoAB[x] for x in ind], color=bandcolorf(band), legend=upplimlegend, size=7) if spectraavail and dohtml and args.writehtml: spectrumwave = [] spectrumflux = [] spectrumerrs = [] for spectrum in catalog[entry]['spectra']: spectrumdata = deepcopy(spectrum['data']) spectrumdata = [x for x in spectrumdata if is_number(x[1]) and not isnan(float(x[1]))] specrange = range(len(spectrumdata)) spectrumwave.append([float(spectrumdata[x][0]) for x in specrange]) spectrumflux.append([float(spectrumdata[x][1]) for x in specrange]) if 'errorunit' in spectrum: spectrumerrs.append([float(spectrumdata[x][2]) for x in specrange]) spectrumerrs[-1] = [x if is_number(x) and not isnan(float(x)) else 0. for x in spectrumerrs[-1]] nspec = len(catalog[entry]['spectra'])
def plot_bollinger_signals(data, signals, ticker=None, notebook=False): # create a new plot with a title and axis labels p = Figure(title=ticker + ' Bollinger Bands Strategy', x_axis_label='Date', x_axis_type='datetime', y_axis_label='Price in $', plot_height=500, plot_width=950, tools=['pan', 'wheel_zoom'], toolbar_location='below') inc = data['Close'] > data['Open'] dec = data['Open'] > data['Close'] w = 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000 # half day in ms p.segment(data.index, data['High'], data.index, data['Low'], color="black") p.vbar(data.index[inc], w, data['Open'][inc], data['Close'][inc], fill_color="#D5E1DD", line_color="black") p.vbar(data.index[dec], w, data['Open'][dec], data['Close'][dec], fill_color="#F2583E", line_color="black") # configure so that Bokeh chooses what (if any) scroll tool is active p.toolbar.active_scroll = "auto" # add a line renderer with legend and line thickness p.line(signals.index, signals['mediumband'], line_width=2, legend='Mediumband', line_color='black') p.line(signals.index, signals['upperband'], line_width=2, legend='Upperband', line_color='orange') p.line(signals.index, signals['lowerband'], line_width=2, legend='Lowerband', line_color='blue') p.triangle(signals.loc[signals.positions == 1.0].index, signals.lowerband[signals.positions == 1.0], size=15, fill_color='green', legend='Buy') p.inverted_triangle(signals.loc[signals.positions == -1.0].index, signals.upperband[signals.positions == -1.0], size=15, fill_color='red', legend='Sell') p.legend.location = "top_left" p.legend.click_policy = "hide" if notebook: # show the results show(p, notebook_handle=True) push_notebook() else: # output the results output_file('%s Bollinger Bands Strategy.html' % ticker) save(p)
def createPlot(height=600, width=1200): """ Create and return a plot for visualizing transcripts. """ TOOLS = "pan, wheel_zoom, save, reset, tap" p = Figure(title="", y_range=[], webgl=True, tools=TOOLS, toolbar_location="above", plot_height=height, plot_width=width) # This causes title to overlap plot substantially: #p.title.text_font_size = TITLE_FONT_SIZE p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None # get rid of the grid in bokeh p.ygrid.grid_line_color = None # the block of exons, there's mouse hover effect on that quad = p.quad(top="top", bottom="bottom", left="left", right="right", source=blockSource, fill_alpha=0, line_dash="dotted", line_alpha=0.4, line_color='black', hover_fill_color="red", hover_alpha=0.3, hover_line_color="white", nonselection_fill_alpha=0, nonselection_line_alpha=0.4, nonselection_line_color='black') # the block of each vertical transcript, each one can be selected p.quad(top="top", bottom="bottom", right="right", left="left", source=tranSource, fill_alpha=0, line_alpha=0, nonselection_fill_alpha=0, nonselection_line_alpha=0) # what exons really is # Cannot use line_width="height" because it is broken. p.multi_line(xs="xs", ys="ys", line_width=opt.height, color="color", line_alpha="line_alpha", source=source) # the start/stop codon p.inverted_triangle(x="x", y="y", color="color", source=codonSource, size='size', alpha=0.5) # mouse hover on the block p.add_tools( HoverTool(tooltips=[("chromosome", "@chromosome"), ("exon", "@exon"), ("start", "@start"), ("end", "@end")], renderers=[quad])) return p