def render_bar_chart( data_barchart: pd.DataFrame, yscale: str, plot_width: int, plot_height: int, show_yticks: bool, ) -> Figure: """ Render a bar chart """ colors = [PALETTE[0], PALETTE[2]] value_type = ["Not Missing", "Missing"] data = { "cols": data_barchart.index, "Not Missing": data_barchart["not missing"], "Missing": data_barchart["missing"], } if show_yticks: if len(data_barchart) > 10: plot_width = 28 * len(data_barchart) fig = Figure( x_range=data_barchart.index.tolist(), y_range=[0, 1], plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, y_axis_type=yscale, toolbar_location=None, tooltips="@cols: @$name{1%} $name", tools="hover", ) fig.vbar_stack( value_type, x="cols", width=0.9, color=colors, source=data, legend_label=value_type, ) fig.legend.location = "top_right" fig.y_range.start = 0 fig.x_range.range_padding = 0 fig.yaxis.axis_label = "Total Count" tweak_figure(fig) relocate_legend(fig, "right") return fig
def gen_conf_cmatrices(plot_config: Dict, v: pd.DataFrame) -> Figure: cust_plot_tools = {'x_axis_label': 'Confidence Bucket', **plot_config} p = Figure(x_range=(v.index.min(), v.index.max()), **cust_plot_tools) stack_fields = ['tp_ratio', 'tn_ratio', 'fp_ratio', 'fn_ratio'] p.vbar_stack(stackers=stack_fields, x='confidence_bucket', color=dashboard_constants.cust_rg_palette, source=v, width=1.0) p = gen_cmatrix_legend(p) p.grid.minor_grid_line_color = '#eeeeee' p.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = "16px" p.xaxis.axis_label_text_color = '#003566' stack_fields.extend(['max_conf_percentile', 'acc']) p = cmatrix_plot_format(p, stack_fields, dashboard_constants.conf_custom_hover_code) return p
def gen_temporal_cmatrices(plot_config: Dict, v: pd.DataFrame) -> Figure: cust_plot_tools = {**plot_config} v.index = v.index.get_level_values('yweeks').strftime("%b-%d") = 'yweeks' p = Figure(x_range=v.index.get_level_values('yweeks').tolist(), **cust_plot_tools, css_classes=["cmatrix_fig"]) stack_fields = ['tp_ratio', 'tn_ratio', 'fp_ratio', 'fn_ratio'] p.vbar_stack(stackers=stack_fields, x='yweeks', color=dashboard_constants.cust_rg_palette, source=v, width=1.0) p = gen_cmatrix_legend(p) p.grid.minor_grid_line_color = '#eeeeee' p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = math.pi / 4 p.x_range.range_padding = 0 p.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = "12px" p = cmatrix_plot_format(p, stack_fields, dashboard_constants.temporal_custom_hover_code) return p
def plot_bar_stack( p: Figure, source: ColumnDataSource, df: pd.DataFrame ) -> List[GlyphRenderer]: # Plot bar stack. measurements = list(df["Measurement"].unique()) n_measurements = len(measurements) color = list((Category20_20 * 2)[:n_measurements]) if "None" in measurements: color[measurements.index("None")] = "black" bar_stack = p.vbar_stack( **BAR_STACK_KWARGS, stackers=measurements, color=color, source=source, ) stack_hover = HoverTool( renderers=bar_stack, tooltips=STACK_HOVER_TOOLTIPS, ) p.add_tools(stack_hover) # Customize left y-axis range. p.y_range.start = 0 max_count = bar_stack[0]["total"].max() + 1 p.y_range.end = max_count # Create a legend. kwargs = LEGEND_KWARGS.copy() if len(measurements) == 1: kwargs["location"] = (0, 250) legend = Legend( items=[ (measurement, [bar_stack[i]]) for i, measurement in enumerate(measurements) ], **kwargs, ) p.add_layout(legend, "right") return bar_stack
def render_bar_viz( itmdt: Intermediate, yscale: str, plot_width: int, plot_height: int, show_yticks: bool, ) -> Figure: """ Render a bar chart """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments length = itmdt["len_data"] df = itmdt["data_barchart"] df = df.copy() df = df.reset_index() df.columns = ["col", "values"] df["val_per"] = df["values"] * length df["missing"] = length - df["val_per"] stack_present = df["val_per"].tolist() stack_missing = df["missing"].tolist() source = ColumnDataSource(df) features =["col"].tolist() colors = [PALETTE[0], PALETTE[2]] value_type = ["present", "missing"] data = { "features": features, "present": stack_present, "missing": stack_missing } if show_yticks: if len(df) > 10: plot_width = 28 * len(df) fig = Figure( x_range=features, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, y_axis_type=yscale, toolbar_location=None, tooltips="$name @features: @$name", tools="hover", ) fig.vbar_stack( value_type, x="features", width=0.9, color=colors, source=data, legend_label=value_type, ) fig.legend.location = "top_right" fig.y_range.start = 0 fig.x_range.range_padding = 0.1 tweak_figure(fig) fig.yaxis.axis_label = "Total Count" relocate_legend(fig, "right") return fig
def render_bar_chart( data: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray], yscale: str, plot_width: int, plot_height: int, ) -> Figure: """ Render a bar chart for the missing and present values """ pres_cnts, null_cnts, cols = data df = pd.DataFrame({"Present": pres_cnts, "Missing": null_cnts}, index=cols) if len(df) > 20: plot_width = 28 * len(df) fig = Figure( x_range=list(df.index), y_range=[0, df["Present"][0] + df["Missing"][0]], plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, y_axis_type=yscale, toolbar_location=None, tools=[], title=" ", ) rend = fig.vbar_stack( stackers=df.columns, x="index", width=0.9, color=[CATEGORY20[0], CATEGORY20[2]], source=df, legend_label=list(df.columns), ) # hover tool with count and percent formatter = CustomJSHover( args=dict(source=ColumnDataSource(df)), code=""" const columns = Object.keys( const cur_bar = special_vars.data_x - 0.5 var ttl_bar = 0 for (let i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { if (columns[i] != 'index'){ ttl_bar = ttl_bar +[columns[i]][cur_bar] } } const cur_val =[][cur_bar] return (cur_val/ttl_bar * 100).toFixed(2)+'%'; """, ) for i, val in enumerate(df.columns): hover = HoverTool( tooltips=[ ("Column", "@index"), (f"{val} count", "@$name"), (f"{val} percent", "@{%s}{custom}" % rend[i].name), ], formatters={"@{%s}" % rend[i].name: formatter}, renderers=[rend[i]], ) fig.add_tools(hover) fig.yaxis.axis_label = "Row Count" tweak_figure(fig) relocate_legend(fig, "left") fig.frame_width = plot_width return fig