Example #1
File: package.py Project: bosm/bos
    def _get_mk(self):
        Blog.debug("get mkpath for: %s" % self.name)

        mkpath = self._do_get_mk(Bos.distrodir)
        if not mkpath: mkpath = self._do_get_mk(Bos.topdir)

        Blog.debug("mk for: %s as: %s" % (self.name, mkpath))
        if mkpath: return(mkpath[len(Bos.topdir):])
        return mkpath
Example #2
File: bosm.py Project: bosm/bos
def _print_pkg_info(name):

    from bomb.package import BosPackage

    Blog.debug('print package info: %s' % name)
        pkg = BosPackage.open(name)
        Blog.fatal('invalid package name: %s' % name)

Example #3
File: package.py Project: bosm/bos
    def open(cls, name):

            db = shelve.open(_get_shelf_name(name))
            pkg = db['obj']
            Blog.debug('package: %s already on shelve' % name)
            if os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(Bos.topdir, pkg.mk)) != pkg._mtime:
                pkg = None

        except KeyError: pkg = None

        if not pkg: return BosPackage(name)
        return pkg
Example #4
File: package.py Project: bosm/bos
    def _revert_patch(self):
        revert package patches if available.
        if self._patch and os.path.exists(self._patched):
            for p in reversed(self._patch):
                Blog.debug("reverting %s: %s" % (self.name, p))

                ret,logname = bos_run(
                    ['patch', '-Rp1',
                     '-d', os.path.join(Bos.topdir, self._src),
                     '-i', os.path.join(Bos.topdir, os.path.dirname(self.mk), p)])
                if 0 != ret:
                    Blog.fatal('%s unable to revert patch: %s' % (self.name, p))
Example #5
File: package.py Project: bosm/bos
    def _do_get_mk(self, root):
        Blog.debug('search mk at: %s for %s' % (root, self.name))

        mk = None
        path = None
        for r,d,f in os.walk(os.path.join(root, 'bm')):
            for fn in f:
                if fn.endswith('.mk'):
                    Blog.debug('mk found as: %s at %s' % (fn, r))
                    if fn == '%s.mk' % self.name:
                        return os.path.join(r, fn)
                    if True == self._native:
                        if fn == '%s.mk' % self._basename:
                            mk = fn
                            path = r

        return None if not mk else os.path.join(path, mk)
Example #6
File: util.py Project: bosm/bos
def bos_rm_empty_path(path, base):
    recursively check and remove given path from base if path is empty.

    path: directory relative to base directory
    base: base directory

    base = os.path.realpath(base)
    if path[0] == '/': path = path[1:]

    path = os.path.join(base, path)
    Blog.debug('path: %s base: %s' % (path, base))

    while os.path.realpath(path) != base and path != '/':
        if _rm_empty_dirs(path):
            path = os.path.dirname(path)
        else: break
Example #7
File: package.py Project: bosm/bos
    def _apply_patch(self):
        apply package patches if available.

        ret = 0
        if self._patch and not os.path.exists(self._patched):
            for p in self._patch:
                Blog.debug("patching %s: %s" % (self.name, p))
                ret,logname = bos_run(
                    ['patch', '-p1',
                     '-d', os.path.join(Bos.topdir, self._src),
                     '-i', os.path.join(Bos.topdir, os.path.dirname(self.mk), p)])
                if 0 != ret:
                    Blog.fatal('%s unable to apply patch: %s' % (self.name, p))

        if 0 == ret and self._patch:
Example #8
File: bosm.py Project: bosm/bos
def bosm(args):

    args.target = _fuzzy_target(args.target)

    ## cleanup all existing logs
    if 'clean' in args.target:
        try: shutil.rmtree(Bos.logdir)
        except: pass

    ## BOS internal environments required by logging system.
    os.environ['_BOS_DEBUG_'] = 'yes' if args.debug == True else 'no'
    os.environ['_BOS_TRACE_'] = 'yes' if args.trace == True else 'no'
    os.environ['_BOS_VERBOSE_'] = 'yes' if args.verbose == True else 'no'

    ### bootstrap build system
    Blog.debug("entering to build system, topdir: %s" % Bos.topdir)

    if _bootstrapcheck():
        Blog.debug("bootstrap required.")
        Bos.touch(os.path.join(Bos.cachedir, '.rebootstrap'))
        Bos.touch(os.path.join(Bos.cachedir, '.rebuild'))

    ret = 0
    if not 'bootstrap' in args.target:
        Blog.debug("checking to bootstrap ...")
        ret = call(['make', '-C', Bos.cachedir,
                    '-f', Bos.topdir + 'bos/mk/bootstrap.mk',
        if 0 != ret: Blog.fatal('unable to bootstrap')

    ## from this point on, build system is bootstraped and ready:
    ## - all envorinments are in place and ready to consume build target
    if 'info' in args.target: _print_info()

    if 'all' in args.target: _check_package_version()

    if 0 == ret:
        for target in args.target:
            if target[-5:] == '-info': _print_pkg_info(target[:-5])

            Blog.debug("package %s top-level make" % target)
            call(['make', '-C', Bos.cachedir,
                  '-f', Bos.topdir + 'bos/mk/main.mk',
                  '-j' + str(args.jobs) if args.jobs else '-j',
                  '--no-print-directory', target])

    print ''
    print 'build summary at: {0}'.format(Blog.name())
Example #9
File: util.py Project: bosm/bos
def _rm_empty_dirs(root):
    recursively check and remove all empty directories.

    return True if 'root' directory is empty and removed

    if not os.path.isdir(root): return False

    files = os.listdir(root)
    for df in files:
        path = os.path.join(root, df)
        if os.path.isdir(path): _rm_empty_dirs(path)

    if not os.listdir(root):
        Blog.debug('deleting: %s' % root)
        return True

    else: return False
Example #10
File: package.py Project: bosm/bos
def _install_files(src, ownership, context):

    if os.path.isdir(src):
        for ff in os.listdir(src):
            Blog.debug('installing: %s' % ff)
            _install_files(os.path.join(src, ff), ownership, context)
        rel_src = src[context.baselen:]
        if rel_src[0] == '/': rel_src = rel_src[1:]

        mode, size = bos_fileinfo(src)

        ## actual install must acquire the global lock
        lockdir = Bos.nativedirlock if context.pkg._native else Bos.targetdirlock
        with BosLockFile(lockdir) as lock:

            path = os.path.join(context.destdir, os.path.dirname(rel_src))
            if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path)

            Blog.debug('installing from: %s to %s' % (src, path))
                shutil.move(src, path + '/')
            except shutil.Error:
                owner = _who_has(rel_src, context.pkg._native)
                if owner == context.name:
                    os.unlink(path, os.path.basename(src))
                    shutil.move(src, path + '/')
                    Blog.fatal('package %s conflicts with: %s\n%s'
                               % (context.name, owner, rel_src))

        info = []
        ## if file is no longer in src, it must be in destdir already
        if '----------' == mode:
            mode, size = bos_fileinfo(os.path.join(context.destdir, rel_src))
        info.append(ownership if ownership else 'root:root')
        info.append('/' + rel_src)

Example #11
File: package.py Project: bosm/bos
    def _uninstall(self):
        uninstall package both from output and index DB area

        uninstall also checks to remove any path that becomes empty
        due to this package's uninstallation.
            ## must acquire the global lock
            lockdir = Bos.nativedirlock if self._native else Bos.targetdirlock

            with BosLockFile(lockdir) as lock:
                ## clean up output and index area based on cached package info
                for pn in self._contents:
                    for lst in self._contents[pn]:
                        fn = lst[3]
                        Blog.debug('%s removing %s' % (self.name, fn[1:]))
                        if self._native:
                            os.unlink(os.path.join(Bos.nativedir, fn[1:]))
                            os.unlink(os.path.join(Bos.nativeindexdir, fn[1:]))
                            os.unlink(os.path.join(Bos.targetdir, fn[1:]))
                            os.unlink(os.path.join(Bos.targetindexdir, fn[1:]))

                ## check output area to remove left-over empty paths
                for kn in self._files:
                    for itm in self._files[kn].split('\n'):
                        if not itm.strip(): continue
                        dn = os.path.dirname(itm)
                        Blog.debug('package %s removing item: %s' % (self.name, dn))
                        if dn and  '/' != dn:
                            if self._native:
                                bos_rm_empty_path(dn, Bos.nativedir)
                                bos_rm_empty_path(dn, Bos.nativeindexdir)
                                bos_rm_empty_path(dn, Bos.targetdir)
                                bos_rm_empty_path(dn, Bos.targetindexdir)

        except: ## all uninstall errors are ignored
            Blog.debug('%s unable to uninstall.' % self.name)

        self._contents = {}
        self._version = None
Example #12
File: package.py Project: bosm/bos
    def __init__(self, name):

        self.name = name
        if name[-7:] == '-native':
            self._basename = name[:-7]
            self._native = True
            self._basename = name
            self._native = False

        self.mk = self._get_mk()
        if not self.mk:
            Blog.fatal("unable to find mk for package: %s" % name)
        mk_full_path = os.path.join(Bos.topdir, self.mk)

        Blog.debug('start to parse .mk: %s' % self.mk)
        config = ConfigParser()
        meta = self._preprocess_mk()
        except ParsingError as e:
            Blog.fatal("failed to parse .mk:  %s <%s>" % (name, self.mk))

        Blog.debug('parsing package .mk: %s' % self.mk)
        ## package description is required
            self._description = config.get('BOSMK', 'DESCRIPTION')
        except NoOptionError:
            Blog.fatal("package description missing: %s <%s>" % (name, self.mk))

        ## everything else if optional
        Blog.debug('parsing package .mk: %s optional fields.' % self.mk)
        self.require = []
        self._patch = []
        self._patched = None
        self._src = None
        self._files = {}
        for fld in dict(config.items('BOSMK')):
            if 'require' == fld:
                require = dict(config.items('BOSMK'))[
                    'require'].replace('\n', ' ').split(' ')

                for dep in require:
                    if self._native:
                        if dep[-7:] != '-native':
                            self.require.append(dep + '-native')

            elif 'source' == fld:
                sources = dict(config.items('BOSMK'))[
                    'source'].replace('\n', ' ').split(' ')
                for s in sources:
                    if os.path.splitext(s)[1] == '.patch': self._patch.append(s)

                self._src = sources[0]

            elif fld[:5] == 'files':
                self._files.update({fld: dict(config.items('BOSMK'))[fld]})

        ## package misc
        if self._patch: self._patched = os.path.join(Bos.topdir, self._src, '.bos-patch-applied')
        self._mtime = os.path.getmtime(mk_full_path)
        self._gitdir = self._get_gitdir()

        ## installed contents directory:
        ## {package-name: [[mode ownership size path]]}
        self._contents = {}
        ## version info is available only after a successful install.
        self._version = None

        ## put it on shelf
        db = shelve.open(_get_shelf_name(name))
        db['obj'] = self
Example #13
File: package.py Project: bosm/bos
    def _install(self):
        install package from staging area to output area and populate DB

        examine contents in staging area to make sure that,
        - all package specified contents must exist, unless optional
        - all installed contents must associate with given package

        return: 0 if successful, error code otherwise

        ## walk through package and sub-package definitions if any
        for kn in self._files:
            if kn == 'files':
                pn = self._basename
                pn = self._basename + kn[5:]

                Blog.debug('processing package: %s' % pn)

            ctx = BosInstallContext(pn, self)
                for itm in self._files[kn].split('\n'):
                    if '' == itm.strip(): continue

                    ownership, pattern, optional = _parse_install_item(itm)

                    Blog.debug('processing pattern: %s' % pattern)
                    flist = glob.glob(os.path.join(self._get_stagingdir(), pattern[1:]))
                    if (not flist) and (not optional):
                        Blog.fatal('<%s> unable to find: %s' % (self.name,  pattern))
                    for ff in flist: _install_files(ff, ownership, ctx)

                for ctnt in ctx.contents:
                    ff = ctnt[3]
                    path = os.path.join(ctx.indexdir, ff[1:])
                    if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)):
                    #with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(ctx.name)
                    os.symlink(ctx.name, path)
                Blog.error("%s unable to install." % self.name)
                return -1

            Blog.debug('%s writing package info' % ctx.name)

        ## post process: walk the stagingdir to make sure there's no files left
            for r, d, f in os.walk(self._get_stagingdir()):
                if f: Blog.fatal('installed but unpackaged contents found: %s\n%s'
                                 % (self.name, _list_dir(self._get_stagingdir())))
            Blog.error('%s unable to walk staging dir: %s'
                       % (self.name, self._get_stagingdir()))
            return -2

        return 0