Example #1
File: bosm.py Project: bosm/bos
def bosm(args):

    args.target = _fuzzy_target(args.target)

    ## cleanup all existing logs
    if 'clean' in args.target:
        try: shutil.rmtree(Bos.logdir)
        except: pass

    ## BOS internal environments required by logging system.
    os.environ['_BOS_DEBUG_'] = 'yes' if args.debug == True else 'no'
    os.environ['_BOS_TRACE_'] = 'yes' if args.trace == True else 'no'
    os.environ['_BOS_VERBOSE_'] = 'yes' if args.verbose == True else 'no'

    ### bootstrap build system
    Blog.debug("entering to build system, topdir: %s" % Bos.topdir)

    if _bootstrapcheck():
        Blog.debug("bootstrap required.")
        Bos.touch(os.path.join(Bos.cachedir, '.rebootstrap'))
        Bos.touch(os.path.join(Bos.cachedir, '.rebuild'))

    ret = 0
    if not 'bootstrap' in args.target:
        Blog.debug("checking to bootstrap ...")
        ret = call(['make', '-C', Bos.cachedir,
                    '-f', Bos.topdir + 'bos/mk/bootstrap.mk',
        if 0 != ret: Blog.fatal('unable to bootstrap')

    ## from this point on, build system is bootstraped and ready:
    ## - all envorinments are in place and ready to consume build target
    if 'info' in args.target: _print_info()

    if 'all' in args.target: _check_package_version()

    if 0 == ret:
        for target in args.target:
            if target[-5:] == '-info': _print_pkg_info(target[:-5])

            Blog.debug("package %s top-level make" % target)
            call(['make', '-C', Bos.cachedir,
                  '-f', Bos.topdir + 'bos/mk/main.mk',
                  '-j' + str(args.jobs) if args.jobs else '-j',
                  '--no-print-directory', target])

    print ''
    print 'build summary at: {0}'.format(Blog.name())