Example #1
def getActualBracketVector(year):
	inputFilename = 'allBracketsTTT.json'
	with open(inputFilename, 'r') as inputFile:
		dataJson = inputFile.read().replace('\n', '')

	dataPyDict = json.loads(dataJson)
	bracketList = dataPyDict['brackets']

	bracket = None

	for bracketDict in bracketList:
		bracket = buildBracketFromJson(bracketDict['bracket'])
		if bracket.year == year:

	correctVector = [int(bracket.fullVector[i]) for i in range(len(bracket.fullVector))]
	return correctVector
Example #2
with open('allBracketsTTT.json', 'r') as inputFile:
    jsonData = inputFile.read().replace('\n', '')

dataPyDict = json.loads(jsonData)
bracketList = dataPyDict['brackets']

# First 60 bits of Pick Favorite bracket string
pfBracketString = '111111111000101111111111000101111111111000101111111111000101'

# 2015:

pfVector = [int(pfBracketString[i]) for i in range(len(pfBracketString))]

for bracketDict in bracketList:
    bracket = buildBracketFromJson(bracketDict['bracket'])
    actualFirst60 = bracket.fullVector[0:60]
    actualVector = [int(actualFirst60[i]) for i in range(len(actualFirst60))]
    hammingDist = sum(ch1 != ch2 for ch1, ch2 in zip(pfVector, actualVector))
    print '{0}: {1}'.format(bracket.year, hammingDist)
    # print '{0:<20s}{1}'.format('Actual: ', actualFirst60)
    # print '{0:<20s}{1}'.format('Pick Fav.: ', pfBracketString)
    # print ''
def performFixedAlphaExperiments(numTrials, year, isFixedFirstRoundAlphas, isFixedK, rangeK, batchNumber):
	inputFilename = 'allBracketsTTT.json'
	with open(inputFilename, 'r') as inputFile:
		dataJson = inputFile.read().replace('\n', '')

	dataPyDict = json.loads(dataJson)
	bracketList = dataPyDict['brackets']

	bracket = None

	for bracketDict in bracketList:
		bracket = buildBracketFromJson(bracketDict['bracket'])
		if bracket.year == year:

	correctVector = [int(bracket.fullVector[i]) for i in range(len(bracket.fullVector))]

	# 0-th index is unused for easy indexing
	alphaAvg = [0, 1.2, 1.0, 1.0, 0.3, 1.3, 1.8]

	# Weighted average alpha values per round per year, rounded to two dec. places
	if year == 2013:
		alphaAvg = [0, 1.01, 1.10, 0.91, 0.36, 1.00, 1.54]
	elif year == 2014:
		alphaAvg = [0, 1.00, 1.03, 0.90, 0.23, 1.03, 1.54]
	elif year == 2015:
		alphaAvg = [0, 1.04, 1.03, 0.86, 0.19, 0.93, 1.55]
	elif year == 2016:
		alphaAvg = [0, 1.12, 1.02, 0.88, 0.22, 0.97, 1.57]
	elif year == 2017:
		alphaAvg = [0, 1.05, 1.01, 0.90, 0.14, 1.00, 1.35]
		alphaAvg = [0, 1.2, 1.0, 1.0, 0.3, 1.3, 1.8] # should not reach this; old guesses for alpha values

	brackets = []

	for n in range(numTrials):
		# Sample to get new alpha values for each trial
		if isFixedK:
			alphaSwing = [rangeK for i in range(7)]
			alphaSwing = []
			for i in range(7):
				swingVal = random.random() * rangeK

		alphaVals = [0]
		for roundNum in range(1, 7):
			roundAlpha = alphaAvg[roundNum]
			roundAlpha += (2 * random.random() - 1) * alphaSwing[roundNum]

		newBracketVector = generateBracket(alphaVals, year, isFixedFirstRoundAlphas, alphaSwing[1]) # We pass in the K that will be used for R1, if needed
		newBracketScore = scoreBracket(newBracketVector, correctVector)
		numCorrectPicks = calcCorrectPicks(newBracketScore)

		newBracketString = ''.join(str(outcome) for outcome in newBracketVector)
		brackets.append({'bracketVector': newBracketString, 'score': newBracketScore, 'correctPicks': numCorrectPicks, 'alphaVals': ['{0:5.2f}'.format(alphaVals[j]) for j in range(1, 7)]})

	bracketListDict = {'year': year, 'actualBracket': bracket.fullVector, 'brackets': brackets}

	outputFilename = 'Experiments/OneMillionTrials/Batch{5:02d}/generatedBrackets_{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}_{4:.2f}.json'.format(numTrials, year, isFixedFirstRoundAlphas, isFixedK, rangeK, batchNumber)
	with open(outputFilename, 'w') as outputFile:
Example #4
outputFile = open(outputFilename, 'w')

outputFile.write('"brackets": [')

with open(inputFilename, 'r') as inputFile:
	jsonData = inputFile.read().replace('\n', '')

jsonToPython = json.loads(jsonData)
bracketList = jsonToPython['brackets']

numBrackets = len(bracketList)

for i in range(0, numBrackets):
	bracketDict = bracketList[i]['bracket']
	bracket = buildBracketFromJson(bracketDict)

	for region in bracket.regions:
		region.vector = convertRegionVector(region.vector, bracketFormat)

	bracket.fullVector = ''.join([bracket.regions[j].vector for j in range(0, 4)]) + bracket.finalFour

	writeBracket(outputFile, bracket)

	if i < numBrackets - 1:


Example #5
def testGofToUniform(pos1, pos2, pos3, isPooled, outputFile):
    import json
    from bracketClassDefinitions import Bracket
    from bracketClassDefinitions import Region
    from bracketClassDefinitions import buildBracketFromJson

    DEBUG = True
    formats = ['TTT', 'TTF', 'TFT', 'TFF', 'FTT', 'FTF', 'FFT', 'FFF']
    patterns = ['000', '001', '010', '011', '100', '101', '110', '111']
    if pos3 == -1:
        patterns = ['00', '01', '10', '11']

    for formatType in formats:
        patternFreqs = [0 for i in range(len(patterns))]
        filename = 'Brackets/{0}/allBrackets{0}.json'.format(formatType)
        with open(filename, 'r') as inputFile:
            jsonData = inputFile.read().replace('\n', '')
        jsonToPython = json.loads(jsonData)
        bracketList = jsonToPython['brackets']
        numBrackets = len(bracketList)

        for i in range(numBrackets):
            bracketDict = bracketList[i]['bracket']
            bracket = buildBracketFromJson(bracketDict)

            numRegions = 1
            if isPooled:
                numRegions = 4
            for region in range(numRegions):
                offset = region * 15
                pos1Result = int(bracket.fullVector[pos1 + offset])
                pos2Result = int(bracket.fullVector[pos2 + offset])
                if pos3 == -1:
                    pos3Result = 0
                    pos3Result = int(bracket.fullVector[pos3 + offset])
                nPatterns = len(patterns)
                index = pos1Result * nPatterns / 2 + pos2Result * nPatterns / 4 + pos3Result
                patternFreqs[index] = patternFreqs[index] + 1

        numBrackets = 33 * numRegions
        expFreq = numBrackets * 1.0 / nPatterns

        chiSquare = 0
        for i in range(nPatterns):
            chiSquare += (patternFreqs[i] - expFreq)**2 / expFreq

        chiSquareLine = 'chi-square value = {0}'.format(chiSquare)

        print formatType
        print patterns
        print patternFreqs
        print chiSquareLine
        print ''

        if not outputFile is None:
            header = '{3}: GOF Test vs. Uniform For Positions {0}, {1}, and {2}:\n'.format(
                pos1, pos2, pos3, formatType)
            if pos3 == -1:
                header = '{0}: GOF Test vs. Uniform For Positions {1} and {2}:\n'.format(
                    formatType, pos1, pos2)

Example #6
def testPairwiseIndependence(pos1,
    import json
    from bracketClassDefinitions import Bracket
    from bracketClassDefinitions import Region
    from bracketClassDefinitions import buildBracketFromJson

    DEBUG = False
    patterns = ['00', '01', '10', '11']
    patternFreqs = [0 for i in range(4)]
    filename = 'Brackets/{0}/allBrackets{0}.json'.format(formatType)
    with open(filename, 'r') as inputFile:
        jsonData = inputFile.read().replace('\n', '')
    jsonToPython = json.loads(jsonData)
    bracketList = jsonToPython['brackets']
    numBrackets = len(bracketList)

    for i in range(numBrackets):
        bracketDict = bracketList[i]['bracket']
        bracket = buildBracketFromJson(bracketDict)

        nRegions = 1
        if isPooled:
            nRegions = 4

        for region in range(nRegions):
            offset = region * 15
            pos1Result = int(bracket.fullVector[pos1 + offset])
            pos2Result = int(bracket.fullVector[pos2 + offset])
            index = pos1Result * 2 + pos2Result
            patternFreqs[index] = patternFreqs[index] + 1

    rowSums = [
        patternFreqs[0] + patternFreqs[1], patternFreqs[2] + patternFreqs[3]
    colSums = [
        patternFreqs[0] + patternFreqs[2], patternFreqs[1] + patternFreqs[3]

    # The chi-square critical value for 1 degree of freedom and alpha = 0.05
    # is 3.841. (Source: http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/eda/section3/eda3674.htm)
    # We print the result only if it is deemed significant.

    isSignificant = 0
    chiSquare = 0
    nObservations = numBrackets * nRegions

    for r in range(len(rowSums)):
        for c in range(len(colSums)):
            expFreq = rowSums[r] * colSums[c] * 1.0 / nObservations

            if expFreq > 0:
                obsFreq = patternFreqs[2 * r + c] * 1.0
                chiSquare += (obsFreq - expFreq)**2 / expFreq
                if DEBUG:
                    print '{0}: Game {1} (left) vs. Game {2} (top)'.format(
                        formatType, pos1, pos2)
                    print 'Cannot perform chi-square test of independence: expected frequency is 0.'
                return isSignificant

    header = '{0}: Bits {1} and {2}'.format(formatType, pos1, pos2)
    chiSquareLine = 'c^2 = {:<6.4f}\n\n'.format(chiSquare)

    if chiSquare >= 3.841:
        # outputFile.write('{0}: {1}'.format(header, chiSquareLine))
        outputFile.write('{0:02d} {1:02d} --- {2:>7.4f}\n'.format(
            pos1, pos2, chiSquare))
        isSignificant = 1

    if DEBUG:
        print header
        print '      |  0  |  1  || Total'
        print '--------------------------'
        print '   0  | {:<3} | {:<3} || {:<3}'.format(patternFreqs[0],
        print '--------------------------'
        print '   1  | {:<3} | {:<3} || {:<3}'.format(patternFreqs[2],
        print '--------------------------'
        print '--------------------------'
        print 'Total | {:<3} | {:<3} || {:<3}\n'.format(
            colSums[0], colSums[1], numBrackets * 4)
        print chiSquareLine

    return isSignificant