Example #1
	def iterate( self ):
		location = breve.vector()
		velocity = breve.vector()
		birdLocation = breve.vector()
		topDiff = 0

		for self.item in self.birds:
			self.item.fly( self.birds )
			location = ( location + self.item.getLocation() )

		location = ( location / self.birds )
		topDiff = 0.000000
		for self.item in self.birds:
			if ( topDiff < breve.length( ( location - self.item.getLocation() ) ) ):
				topDiff = breve.length( ( location - self.item.getLocation() ) )

		if self.cameraControl:
			self.aimCamera( location )
			self.zoomCamera( ( ( 0.500000 * topDiff ) + 10 ) )

		breve.Control.iterate( self )
Example #2
	def postIterate( self ):
		location = breve.vector()
		target = breve.vector()

		if ( self.selection and self.selection.isA( 'Bird' ) ):
			target = self.selection.getVelocity()
			location = self.selection.getLocation()
			if breve.length( target ):
				target = ( target / breve.length( target ) )

			if ( breve.length( self.visionDirection ) == 0 ):
				self.visionDirection = target

				self.visionDirection = ( self.visionDirection * 0.800000 )
				self.visionDirection = ( self.visionDirection + ( target * 0.200000 ) )

			if ( breve.length( self.visionDirection ) != 0.000000 ):
				self.visionDirection = ( self.visionDirection / breve.length( self.visionDirection ) )
				self.vision.look( ( self.visionDirection + location ), ( -self.visionDirection ) )

			self.vision.look( breve.vector( 0, 0, 0 ), breve.vector( 0, 20, 0 ) )
Example #3
	def closestOther( self ):
		others = breve.objectList()
		item = None
		closestDistance = 0
		thisDistance = 0
		closestOther = None

		for item in self.getNeighbors():
			if item.isA( 'Bird' ):
				if ( self.isFriend( item ) == 0 ):
					others.append( item )

		if ( breve.length( others ) < 1 ):
			closestOther = self

			closestDistance = 1000000
			for item in others:
				thisDistance = breve.length( ( item.getLocation() - self.getLocation() ) )
				if ( thisDistance < closestDistance ):
					closestDistance = thisDistance
					closestOther = item

		return closestOther
	def iterate( self ):
		'''Calculates the signal strength according to the closest source that it finds within the it's range.'''
		i = None
		objects = 0
		angle = 0
		strength = 0
		total = 0
		transDir = breve.vector()
		dist = breve.vector()

		transDir = ( self.getRotation() * self.direction )
		'''Only detects blocks.'''
		for i in breve.allInstances( "BraitenbergBlocks" ):
			dist = ( i.getLocation() - self.getLocation() )
			angle = breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.angle( self, dist, transDir )
			'''It's inside the angle and it's closer than any other block analyzed so far.'''
			if angle < self.sensorAngle :
				t = breve.length(self.getLocation() - i.getLocation())
				'''Updates the min distance.'''
				if minDist == None or t < minDist:
					minDist = t
				strength = breve.length( ( self.getLocation() - i.getLocation() ) )
				strength = ( 1.000000 / ( strength * strength ) )

				total = strength

		total = ( ( 50 * total ) * self.bias )
		self.wheels.activate( total )
Example #5
	def closestFriend( self ):
		friends = breve.objectList()
		item = None
		closestDistance = 0
		thisDistance = 0
		closestFriend = None

		for item in self.getNeighbors():
			if item.isA( 'Bird' ):
				if self.isFriend( item ):
					friends.append( item )

		if ( breve.length( friends ) < 1 ):
			closestFriend = self

			closestDistance = 1000000
			for item in friends:
				thisDistance = breve.length( ( item.getLocation() - self.getLocation() ) )
				if ( thisDistance < closestDistance ):
					closestDistance = thisDistance
					closestFriend = item

		return closestFriend
Example #6
	def changeDrivers( self ):
		newDriver = 0
		newOffset = breve.vector()

		if self.locked:

		newOffset = ( breve.randomExpression( breve.vector( 30, 6, 30 ) ) + breve.vector( -15, 1, -15 ) )
		if ( breve.length( newOffset ) < 9 ):
			newOffset = ( ( 9 * newOffset ) / breve.length( newOffset ) )

		self.panCameraOffset( newOffset, 30 )
		self.seats[ self.currentSeat ].setDistance( breve.length( self.wigglyThing.getLocation() ) )
		self.currentSeat = ( self.currentSeat + 1 )
		if ( self.currentSeat > 3 ):

		newDriver = self.seats[ self.currentSeat ].getNumber()
		if self.wigglyThing:
			breve.deleteInstances( self.wigglyThing )

		self.wigglyThing = breve.createInstances( breve.Creature, 1 )
		self.wigglyThing.initWith( self.seats[ self.currentSeat ].getGenome() )
		self.wigglyThing.move( breve.vector( 0, 3, 0 ) )
		self.watch( self.wigglyThing )
		self.schedule( 'changeDrivers', ( self.getTime() + 20.000000 ) )
Example #7
	def getAngle( self, otherMobile ):
		tempVector = breve.vector()

		tempVector = ( otherMobile.getLocation() - self.getLocation() )
		if ( ( breve.length( tempVector ) == 0.000000 ) or ( breve.length( self.getVelocity() ) == 0.000000 ) ):
			return 0.000000

		return breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.angle( self, self.getVelocity(), tempVector )
	def iterate( self ):

		self.numBirds = 0
		for bird in breve.allInstances( "Bird" ):
			if bird.isAlive:
				self.numBirds += 1

		self.numPred = 0
		for predator in breve.allInstances( "Predator" ):
			if predator.isAlive:
				self.numPred += 1

		self.totalFoodSupply = 0
		for feeder in breve.allInstances( "Feeder" ):
			if feeder.rapid:
				self.totalFoodSupply += feeder.VirtualEnergy
			self.totalFoodSupply += feeder.energy
			if feeder.energy <= 0 and not feeder.rapid:
				breve.deleteInstances( feeder )

		for corpse in breve.allInstances( "Corpse" ):
			if sum(corpse.getColor()) <= 0:	
				breve.deleteInstances( corpse.shape )
				breve.deleteInstances( corpse )

		self.current_generation += 1
		if self.current_generation % self.breeding_season == 0:
			if breve.length(self.pollBirds) < self.breeding_inc*self.numBirds:
				new_birds = int(math.ceil(self.breeding_inc*self.numBirds)) - breve.length(self.pollBirds)
				breve.createInstances( breve.Bird, new_birds).dropDead(False)

			if breve.length(self.pollPredators) < self.breeding_inc*self.numPred:
				new_preds = int(math.ceil(self.breeding_inc*self.numPred)) - breve.length(self.pollPredators)
				breve.createInstances( breve.Predator, new_preds).dropDead(False)

			for i in range(int(math.ceil(self.breeding_inc*self.numBirds))):
			if self.numPred < self.numBirds*self.max_pop_predadors:
				for i in range(int(min(math.ceil(self.breeding_inc*self.numPred), self.numBirds*self.max_pop_predadors))):

		self.setDisplayText("Birds Alive: "+str(self.numBirds), xLoc = -0.950000, yLoc = -0.650000, messageNumber = 2, theColor = breve.vector( 1, 1, 1 ))
		self.setDisplayText("Predators Alive: "+str(self.numPred), xLoc = -0.950000, yLoc = -0.750000, messageNumber = 3, theColor = breve.vector( 1, 1, 1 ))
		self.setDisplayText("Dead Birds: "+str(self.num_dead_birds), xLoc = -0.950000, yLoc = -0.850000, messageNumber = 0, theColor = breve.vector( 1, 1, 1 ))
		self.setDisplayText("Dead Predators: "+str(self.num_dead_predators), xLoc = -0.950000, yLoc = -0.950000, messageNumber = 1, theColor = breve.vector( 1, 1, 1 ))

		# needed to move the agents with velocity and acceleration
		# also needed to detect collisions
		# print str(self.numBirdsBirth)

		breve.Control.iterate( self )
Example #9
	def startFitnessTest( self, o ):
		newOffset = breve.vector()

		newOffset = ( breve.randomExpression( breve.vector( 40, 2, 40 ) ) + breve.vector( -20, 0.150000, -20 ) )
		if ( breve.length( newOffset ) < 20 ):
			newOffset = ( ( 20 * newOffset ) / breve.length( newOffset ) )

		self.controller.panCameraOffset( newOffset, 600 )
		self.controller.setupTest( o )
Example #10
	def getAngle( self, otherMobile ):
		velocity = breve.vector()
		tempVector = breve.vector()

		tempVector = ( otherMobile.getLocation() - self.getLocation() )
		velocity = self.getVelocity()
		if ( ( breve.length( tempVector ) < 0.010000 ) or ( breve.length( velocity ) < 0.010000 ) ):
			return 0

		return breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.angle( self, velocity, tempVector )
Example #11
    def see_plants(self, plants):
        if not plants:
            return None

        closest = None
        for plant in plants:
            to_plant = plant.getLocation() - self.getLocation()
            if closest is None or breve.length(closest) > breve.length(to_plant):
                closest = to_plant
        return closest
Example #12
    def mutate(self):
        """Mutates the directed graph.  The mutation adds a random connection, removes a random connection, and mutates the parameters of a random connection and node."""

        connections = breve.objectList()
        nodes = breve.objectList()
        m = 0
        n = 0
        connection = None

        nodes = self.rootNode.getConnectedNodes()
        n = breve.randomExpression((breve.length(nodes) - 1))
        m = breve.randomExpression((breve.length(nodes) - 1))
        connection = nodes[n].connect(nodes[m], [])
        m = breve.randomExpression((breve.length(nodes) - 1))
        connections = nodes[m].getConnections()
        if breve.length(connections) > 1:
            connections.pop(breve.randomExpression((breve.length(connections) - 1)))

        m = breve.randomExpression((breve.length(nodes) - 1))
        connections = nodes[m].getConnections()
        if breve.length(connections):
            connections[breve.randomExpression((breve.length(connections) - 1))].mutate()

        m = breve.randomExpression((breve.length(nodes) - 1))
Example #13
	def iterate( self ):
		if ( breve.length( self.getLocation() ) > self.wanderMag ):
			self.setAcceleration( ( ( ( 8 * ( -self.topVelocity ) ) * self.getLocation() ) / breve.length( self.getLocation() ) ) )

			self.setAcceleration( ( ( 8 * ( ( 2 * breve.randomExpression( self.wanderVec ) ) - self.wanderVec ) ) * self.topVelocity ) )

		if ( breve.length( self.getVelocity() ) > self.topVelocity ):
			self.setVelocity( ( ( self.topVelocity * self.getVelocity() ) / breve.length( self.getVelocity() ) ) )
Example #14
File: DLA.py Project: B-Rich/breve
	def hit( self, location, c, agent ):
		newParticle = None

		newParticle = breve.createInstances( breve.Stationary, 1 )
		newParticle.register( self.sphereShape, location )
		newParticle.setColor( ( c + ( breve.randomExpression( breve.vector( 0.200000, 0.200000, 0.200000 ) ) - breve.vector( 0.100000, 0.100000, 0.100000 ) ) ) )
		newParticle.setTextureImage( 0 )
		if ( breve.length( location ) > self.maxLocation ):
			self.maxLocation = breve.length( location )

		agent.setMaximumDistance( self.maxLocation )
		agent.offsetFromCenter( ( self.maxLocation + 2 ) )
	def getCurrentCritterFitness( self ):
		t = breve.vector()
		link = None

		for link in breve.allInstances( "Links" ):
			t = ( t + link.getLocation() )

		if breve.length( breve.allInstances( "Links" ) ):
			t = ( t / breve.length( breve.allInstances( "Links" ) ) )

		return breve.length( ( t - self.startlocation ) )
Example #16
	def iterate( self ):
		velocity = breve.vector()

		if ( breve.randomExpression( 20 ) == 0 ):

		velocity = self.getVelocity()
		if breve.length( velocity ):
			velocity = ( velocity / breve.length( velocity ) )

		self.setVelocity( ( self.vel * velocity ) )
		self.setAcceleration( ( breve.randomExpression( breve.vector( self.acc, self.acc, 0 ) ) - breve.vector( ( self.acc / 2 ), ( self.acc / 2 ), 0 ) ) )
Example #17
	def init( self ):
		fields = breve.objectList()
		average = breve.vector()
		atomString = ''

		self.setBackgroundColor( breve.vector( 0.600000, 0.600000, 0.600000 ) )
		self.hShape = breve.createInstances( breve.Sphere, 1 ).initWith( 0.200000 )
		self.file = breve.createInstances( breve.File, 1 )
		if ( self.getArgumentCount() > 1 ):
			self.file.openForReading( self.getArgument( 1 ) )

			self.file.openForReading( 'DNA.pdb' )

		while ( breve.length( fields = self.file.readLineAsWhitespaceDelimitedList() ) != 0 ):
			if ( fields[ 0 ] == 'ATOM' ):
				if ( breve.length( fields ) == 10 ):
					atomString = fields[ 9 ]
					self.location = breve.vector( fields[ 5 ], fields[ 6 ], fields[ 7 ] )

					atomString = fields[ 11 ]
					self.location = breve.vector( fields[ 6 ], fields[ 7 ], fields[ 8 ] )

				average = ( average + self.location )
				self.atom = breve.createInstances( breve.Mobile, 1 )
				self.atom.move( self.location )
				if ( atomString == 'C' ):
					self.atom.setColor( breve.vector( 0, 0, 0 ) )

				if ( atomString == 'O' ):
					self.atom.setColor( breve.vector( 0, 0, 1 ) )

				if ( atomString == 'N' ):
					self.atom.setColor( breve.vector( 0, 1, 0 ) )

				if ( atomString == 'P' ):
					self.atom.setColor( breve.vector( 1, 0, 0 ) )

				if ( atomString == 'H' ):
					self.atom.setShape( self.hShape )

		average = ( average / breve.length( breve.allInstances( "Mobiles" ) ) )
		print breve.length( breve.allInstances( "Mobiles" ) ), ''' atoms'''
		self.pointCamera( average, ( average + breve.vector( 30, 0, 30 ) ) )
Example #18
	def parse( self, root, n, rootNode, f = 0.000000 ):
		connections = breve.objectList()
		nodeParams = breve.objectList()
		connectionParams = breve.objectList()
		joint = None
		childNode = None
		child = None
		norm = breve.vector()
		size = breve.vector()
		point = breve.vector()
		ppoint = breve.vector()
		cpoint = breve.vector()
		jointRange = 0

		connections = root.getConnections()
		nodeParams = root.getParameters()
		size = ( ( 3.000000 * breve.vector( breve.length( nodeParams[ 0 ] ), breve.length( nodeParams[ 1 ] ), breve.length( nodeParams[ 2 ] ) ) ) + breve.vector( 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000 ) )
		if ( ( ( self._linkCount > 20 ) or ( n > 6 ) ) or ( ( n > 1 ) and ( nodeParams[ 9 ] < 0.000000 ) ) ):
			return 0

		for child in connections:
			childNode = self.createNode( child.getTarget(), ( n + 1 ) )
			if childNode:
				connectionParams = child.getParameters()
				point = breve.vector( connectionParams[ 0 ], connectionParams[ 1 ], connectionParams[ 2 ] )
				if f:
					point.x = ( point.x * -1 )

				point.x = ( point.x * size.x )
				point.y = ( point.y * size.y )
				point.z = ( point.z * size.z )
				cpoint = childNode.getShape().getPointOnShape( point )
				ppoint = rootNode.getShape().getPointOnShape( ( -point ) )
				norm = breve.vector( connectionParams[ 4 ], connectionParams[ 5 ], connectionParams[ 6 ] )
				norm = ( norm / breve.length( norm ) )
				if f:
					norm.x = ( norm.x * -1 )

				joint = breve.createInstances( breve.SineJoint, 1 )
				joint.link( norm, ppoint, cpoint, childNode, rootNode )
				joint.setPhaseshift( ( ( n * 3.140000 ) * connectionParams[ 7 ] ) )
				joint.setFrequency( ( 0.100000 + connectionParams[ 8 ] ) )
				jointRange = ( 0.500000 + ( 1 * breve.length( connectionParams[ 9 ] ) ) )
				joint.setDoubleSpring( jointRange, ( -jointRange ), 1 )
				joint.setStrengthLimit( 1000 )
				self.parse( child.getTarget(), ( n + 1 ), childNode )

		return rootNode
Example #19
	def getCurrentCritterFitness( self ):
		link = None
		mindist = 0

		if ( breve.length( breve.allInstances( "Links" ) ) == 0 ):
			return 0.000000

		mindist = 10000
		for link in breve.allInstances( "Links" ):
			if ( breve.length( ( link.getLocation() - link._startLocation ) ) < mindist ):
				mindist = breve.length( ( link.getLocation() - link._startLocation ) )

		return mindist
	def myPoint( self, theVertex, theLocation ):
		v = self.cross( theVertex, theLocation )
		a = breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.angle( self, theVertex, theLocation )
		if ( breve.length( v ) == 0.000000 ):
			self.rotate( theVertex, 0.100000 )
		self.rotate( v, a )
Example #21
	def iterate( self ):
		newScale = 0
		radius = 0

		if self.drifting:
			if self.controller.getUnitDriftMode():
				self.move( self.driftLocation )
				self.drifting = 0

				self.offset( ( 0.060000 * ( self.driftLocation - self.getLocation() ) ) )
				if ( breve.length( ( self.driftLocation - self.getLocation() ) ) < 0.001000 ):
					self.move( self.driftLocation )
					self.drifting = 0

		self.energy = ( self.energy + 0.001000 )
		if ( self.energy > 1 ):
			self.energy = 1

		radius = breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.sqrt( self, self.energy )
		newScale = ( ( radius * 2 ) + 0.000010 )
		if ( newScale == self.lastScale ):

		newScale = ( newScale / self.lastScale )
		self.shape.scale( breve.vector( newScale, newScale, newScale ) )
		self.lastScale = ( ( radius * 2 ) + 0.000010 )
Example #22
	def getCurrentIndividual( self ):
		'''Returns the PushProgram currently being evaluated.'''

		if ( self.current and ( self.currentIndividual < breve.length( self.current ) ) ):
			return self.current[ self.currentIndividual ]

		return 0
Example #23
	def relativeRotate( self, thisAxis, amount ):
		'''Sets the rotation of this object around vector axis thisAxis  by scalar amount (in radians).  This is a rotation relative to the  current position.'''

		length = 0

		length = breve.length( thisAxis )
		breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.linkRotateRelative( self, self.realWorldPointer, thisAxis, amount )
	def iterate( self ):
		i = None
		lights = 0
		angle = 0
		strength = 0
		total = 0
		transDir = breve.vector()
		toLight = breve.vector()

		transDir = ( self.getRotation() * self.direction )
		'''It's by the sensorType string that we distinguish between a sound, olfaction or light sensor. '''
		for i in breve.allInstances( self.sensorType ):
			toLight = ( i.getLocation() - self.getLocation() )
			angle = breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.angle( self, toLight, transDir )
			if ( angle < self.sensorAngle ):
				strength = breve.length( ( self.getLocation() - i.getLocation() ) )
				strength = ( 1.000000 / ( strength * strength ) )
				if ( self.activationObject ):
					strength = self.activationObject.activate(strength)

				if ( strength > 10 ):
					strength = 10

				total = ( total + strength )
				lights = ( lights + 1 )

		if ( lights != 0 ):
			total = ( total / lights )

		total = ( ( 50 * total ) * self.bias )
		self.wheels.activate( total )
Example #25
	def iterate( self ):
		i = None
		lights = 0
		angle = 0
		strength = 0
		total = 0
		transDir = breve.vector()
		toLight = breve.vector()

		transDir = ( self.getRotation() * self.direction )
		for i in breve.allInstances( "BraitenbergLights" ):
			toLight = ( i.getLocation() - self.getLocation() )
			angle = breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.angle( self, toLight, transDir )
			if ( angle < self.sensorAngle ):
				strength = breve.length( ( self.getLocation() - i.getLocation() ) )
				strength = ( 1.000000 / ( strength * strength ) )
				if ( self.activationMethod and self.activationObject ):
					strength = self.activationObject.callMethod( self.activationMethod, [ strength ] )

				if ( strength > 10 ):
					strength = 10

				total = ( total + strength )
				lights = ( lights + 1 )

		if ( lights != 0 ):
			total = ( total / lights )

		total = ( ( 50 * total ) * self.bias )
		self.wheels.activate( total )
Example #26
	def addRandomBirdsIfNecessary( self ):
		numBirds = 0

		numBirds = breve.length( breve.allInstances( "Birds" ) )
		if ( numBirds < 10 ):
			breve.createInstances( breve.Bird, 1 ).initializeRandomly()
			self.randomBirdsAdded = ( self.randomBirdsAdded + 1 )
	def pointCamera( self, location, offset = breve.vector( 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 ) ):
		'''Points the camera at the vector location.  The optional argument offset specifies the offset of the camera relative to the location target.'''

		self.camTarget = location
		self.setCameraTarget( location )
		if ( breve.length( offset ) != 0.000000 ):
			self.camOffset = offset
			self.setCameraOffset( offset )
	def checkPenetration( self ):
		link = None

		self.running = 1
		if self.body.checkSelfPenetration():
			breve.deleteInstances( breve.allInstances( "Links" ) )

		breve.allInstances( "SineJoints" ).activate()
		self.startlocation = breve.vector( 0, 0, 0 )
		for link in breve.allInstances( "Links" ):
			self.startlocation = ( self.startlocation + link.getLocation() )

		if breve.length( breve.allInstances( "Links" ) ):
			self.startlocation = ( self.startlocation / breve.length( breve.allInstances( "Links" ) ) )

		self.flag.move( ( self.startlocation - breve.vector( 0, ( self.startlocation.y - 2 ), 0 ) ) )
Example #29
File: Real.py Project: B-Rich/breve
	def point( self, theVertex, theLocation ):
		'''An easier way to rotate an object--this function rotates an object such that the local point theVertex, points towards the world direction theLocation.  In other words, theLocation is where you want the object to face, and theVertex indicates which side of the object is to be considered the "front".'''

		v = breve.vector()
		a = 0

		if ( ( breve.length( theVertex ) == 0.000000 ) or ( breve.length( theLocation ) == 0.000000 ) ):

		v = breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.cross( self, theVertex, theLocation )
		a = breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.angle( self, theVertex, theLocation )
		if ( breve.length( v ) == 0.000000 ):
			self.rotate( theVertex, 0.010000 )

		self.rotate( v, a )
Example #30
	def dearchive( self ):
		y = 0
		x = 0

		self.setSize( breve.length( self.archiveList ), breve.length( self.archiveList[ 0 ] ) )
		y = 0
		while ( y < self.yDim ):
			x = 0
			while ( x < self.xDim ):
				self.setValue( x, y, self.archiveList[ y ][ x ] )

				x = ( x + 1 )

			y = ( y + 1 )

		return breve.Matrix.dearchive( self )
Example #31
    def getCurrentIndividual(self):
        '''Returns the current GeneticAlgorithmIndividual subclass instance being evaluated. See also METHOD(get-current-individual-index).'''

        if (breve.length(self.populations[self.currentPopulation]) == 0):

        if (self.currentIndividual == -1):
            return 0

        return self.populations[self.currentPopulation][self.currentIndividual]
Example #32
 def tournament(self, birds, dim):
     leng = breve.length(birds)
     if leng == 0:
         return None
     candidate = birds[random.randint(0, leng - 1)]
     for i in range(dim - 1):
         candidate2 = birds[random.randint(0, leng - 1)]
         if candidate2.energy > candidate.energy:
             candidate = candidate2
     return candidate
    def getAngle(self, otherMobile):
        tempVector = breve.vector()

        if (breve.length(self.getVelocity()) == 0):
            return 0

        tempVector = (otherMobile.getLocation() - self.getLocation())
        return breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.angle(self,
Example #34
    def nonSpatialTournamentSelect(self):
        '''This method performs a tournament selection for reproduction.  It  is used internally and typically not called by any other object.  '''

        n = 0
        test = 0
        best = 0

        best = breve.randomExpression(
            (breve.length(self.populations[self.currentPopulation]) - 1))
        n = 0
        while (n < (self.tournamentSize - 1)):
            test = breve.randomExpression(
                (breve.length(self.populations[self.currentPopulation]) - 1))
            if (self.populations[self.currentPopulation][test].getFitness(
            ) > self.populations[self.currentPopulation][best].getFitness()):
                best = test

            n = (n + 1)

        return self.populations[self.currentPopulation][best]
    def iterate(self):
        location = breve.vector()
        topDiff = 0
        highLoc = breve.vector()

        for self.item in self.birds:
            location = (location + self.item.getLocation())
            if (breve.length(self.item.getLocation()) > breve.length(highLoc)):
                highLoc = self.item.getLocation()

        location = (location / breve.length(self.birds))
        topDiff = 0.000000
        for self.item in self.birds:
            if (topDiff < breve.length((location - self.item.getLocation()))):
                topDiff = breve.length((location - self.item.getLocation()))

Example #36
    def pickRootNode(self, nodes):
        node = None
        best = None
        bestCount = 0

        for node in nodes:
            if (breve.length(node.getConnectedNodes()) > bestCount):
                best = node
                bestCount = node.getConnectedNodes()

        return best
Example #37
    def checkPenetration(self):
        link = None

        self.running = 1
        if self.body.checkSelfPenetration():

        self.startlocation = breve.vector(0, 0, 0)
        for link in breve.allInstances("Links"):
            self.startlocation = (self.startlocation + link.getLocation())

        if breve.length(breve.allInstances("Links")):
            self.startlocation = (self.startlocation /

            (self.startlocation - breve.vector(0,
                                               (self.startlocation.y - 2), 0)))
Example #38
File: Real.py Project: pemby/breve
	def setRotation( self, thisAxis, amount ):
		'''Sets the rotation of this object around vector axis thisAxis  by scalar amount (in radians).  This is an "absolute" rotation--the  current rotation of the object does not affect how the  object will be rotated.  For a rotation relative to the  current orientation, set METHOD(relative-rotate).'''

		length = 0

		length = breve.length( thisAxis )
		if ( length == 0.000000 ):

		thisAxis = ( thisAxis / length )
		breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.realSetRotation( self, self.realWorldPointer, thisAxis, amount )
    def dearchive(self):
        n = 0

        n = 0
        while (n < self.dim):
            self.setValue(n, self.vectorList[n])

            n = (n + 1)

        return breve.Object.archive(self)
Example #40
	def rotate( self, thisAxis, amount ):
		'''Sets the rotation of this multibody around vector axis thisAxis by scalar amount (in radians).  This is an "absolute" rotation--the current rotation of the object does not affect how the object will be rotated.   <p> This method implicitly changes the rotation and location of all attached link objects.'''

		length = 0

		length = breve.length( thisAxis )
		if ( length == 0.000000 ):

		thisAxis = ( thisAxis / length )
		breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.multibodySetRotation( self, self.multibodyPointer, thisAxis, amount )
Example #41
    def crossover(self, p1, p2):
        crossoverPoint = 0
        n = 0
        tmp = None

        if breve.randomExpression(1):
            tmp = p2
            p2 = p1
            p1 = tmp

        crossoverPoint = breve.randomExpression(
            (breve.length(self.genomeData) - 1))
        n = 0
        while (n < breve.length(self.genomeData)):
            if (n < crossoverPoint):
                self.genomeData[n] = p1.getValue(n)
                self.genomeData[n] = p2.getValue(n)

            n = (n + 1)
	def adjustCamera( self, location ):
		topDiff = 0
		item = None

		topDiff = 0.000000
		for item in breve.allInstances( "Birds" ):
			if ( topDiff < breve.length( ( location - item.getLocation() ) ) ):
				topDiff = breve.length( ( location - item.getLocation() ) )

		self.provisionalNewZoom = ( ( 0.500000 * topDiff ) + 10 )
		if ( self.cameraHasBeenAimed == 0 ):
			self.aimCamera( location )
			self.zoomCamera( self.provisionalNewZoom )
			self.prevCameraAim = location
			self.prevCameraZoom = self.provisionalNewZoom
			self.cameraHasBeenAimed = 1

			if ( breve.length( ( self.prevCameraAim - location ) ) < self.maxAimDelta ):
				self.aimCamera( location )
				self.prevCameraAim = location

				self.aimCamera( ( ( ( ( location - self.prevCameraAim ) / breve.length( ( location - self.prevCameraAim ) ) ) * self.maxAimDelta ) + self.prevCameraAim ) )
				self.prevCameraAim = ( ( ( ( location - self.prevCameraAim ) / breve.length( ( location - self.prevCameraAim ) ) ) * self.maxAimDelta ) + self.prevCameraAim )

			if ( breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.abs( self, ( self.prevCameraZoom - self.provisionalNewZoom ) ) < self.maxZoomDelta ):
				self.zoomCamera( self.provisionalNewZoom )
				self.prevCameraZoom = self.provisionalNewZoom

				if ( ( self.prevCameraZoom - self.provisionalNewZoom ) < 0 ):
					self.zoomCamera( ( self.prevCameraZoom + self.maxZoomDelta ) )
					self.prevCameraZoom = ( self.prevCameraZoom + self.maxZoomDelta )

					self.zoomCamera( ( self.prevCameraZoom - self.maxZoomDelta ) )
					self.prevCameraZoom = ( self.prevCameraZoom - self.maxZoomDelta )
    def iterate(self):
        item = None
        location = breve.vector()
        topDiff = 0

        for item in self.birds:
            location = (location + item.getLocation())

        location = (location / breve.length(self.birds))
        topDiff = 0.000000
        for item in self.birds:
            if (topDiff < breve.length((location - item.getLocation()))):
                topDiff = breve.length((location - item.getLocation()))

        if self.useDizzyCameraControl:
            self.setCameraRotation(breve.length(location), 0.000000)

Example #44
    def myPoint(self, theVertex, theLocation):
        v = breve.vector()
        a = 0

        v = self.cross(theVertex, theLocation)
        a = breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.angle(self, theVertex,
        if (breve.length(v) == 0.000000):
            self.rotate(theVertex, 0.100000)

        self.rotate(v, a)
    def randomizeLocation(self):
        '''Move the Wanderer to a random location within the wander space.'''

        randomVector = breve.vector()

            (self.wanderMag *
             ((2 * breve.randomExpression(self.wanderVec)) - self.wanderVec)))
        randomVector = (breve.randomExpression(
            (2 * self.wanderVec)) - self.wanderVec)
        randomVector = (randomVector / breve.length(randomVector))
        self.setVelocity((self.topVelocity * randomVector))
Example #46
	def iterate( self ):
		location = breve.vector()
		topDiff = 0

		for self.item in self.birds:
			location = ( location + self.item.getLocation() )

		location = ( location / breve.length( self.birds ) )
		topDiff = 0.000000
		for self.item in self.birds:
			if ( topDiff < breve.length( ( location - self.item.getLocation() ) ) ):
				topDiff = breve.length( ( location - self.item.getLocation() ) )

		self.aimCamera( location )
		self.zoomCamera( ( ( 0.500000 * topDiff ) + 10 ) )
		breve.Control.iterate( self )
Example #47
	def destroy( self ):
		chem = None

		if ( breve.length( self.diffusingChemicals ) > 0 ):
			breve.deleteInstances( self.patches )

		for chem in self.diffusingChemicals:
			breve.deleteInstances( self.chemicalConcentrationMatrix[ chem ] )

		breve.deleteInstances( self.tempMatrix )
		if self.gridPointer:
			breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.patchGridFree( self, self.gridPointer )
	def iterate( self ):

		for bird in breve.allInstances( "Bird" ):
			if bird.isAlive:

		for predator in breve.allInstances( "Predator" ):
			if predator.isAlive:

		self.totalFoodSupply = 0
		for feeder in breve.allInstances( "Feeder" ):
			if feeder.rapid:
				self.totalFoodSupply += feeder.VirtualEnergy
			self.totalFoodSupply += feeder.energy
			if feeder.energy <= 0 and not feeder.rapid:
				breve.deleteInstances( feeder )

		for corpse in breve.allInstances( "Corpse" ):
			if sum(corpse.getColor()) <= 0:	
				breve.deleteInstances( corpse.shape )
				breve.deleteInstances( corpse )

		for i in range(breve.length(self.pollBirds)):
		for i in range(breve.length(self.pollPredators)):

		self.setDisplayText("Dead Birds: "+str(self.num_dead_birds), xLoc = -0.950000, yLoc = -0.850000, messageNumber = 0, theColor = breve.vector( 1, 1, 1 ))
		self.setDisplayText("Dead Predators: "+str(self.num_dead_predators), xLoc = -0.950000, yLoc = -0.950000, messageNumber = 1, theColor = breve.vector( 1, 1, 1 ))

		# needed to move the agents with velocity and acceleration
		# also needed to detect collisions
		# print str(self.numBirdsBirth)

		breve.Control.iterate( self )
Example #49
    def init(self):
        n = 0
        m = 0

        self.setBackgroundColor(breve.vector(1, 1, 1))
        self.pointCamera(breve.vector(0, 0, 0), breve.vector(0, 0, 70))
        self.U = breve.createInstances(breve.Matrix2D, 1)
        self.V = breve.createInstances(breve.Matrix2D, 1)
        self.inflow = breve.createInstances(breve.Matrix2D, 1)
        self.delta = breve.createInstances(breve.Matrix2D, 1)
        self.deltareact = breve.createInstances(breve.Matrix2D, 1)
        self.U.setSize(128, 128)
        self.V.setSize(128, 128)
        self.delta.setSize(128, 128)
        self.deltareact.setSize(128, 128)
        self.inflow.setSize(128, 128)
        self.texture = breve.createInstances(breve.MatrixImage, 1)
        self.texture.initWith(self.U, 1.000000)
        self.cube = breve.createInstances(breve.Mobile, 1)
                                  1).initWith(breve.vector(400, 400, 1)))
        n = 0
        while (n < 128):
            m = 0
            while (m < 128):
                    ((0.500000 + breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.sqrt(
                            (0.250000 -
                             ((0.010000 * (1.000000 + (0.040000 / 0.010000))) *
                              (1.000000 + (0.040000 / 0.010000))))))) +
                     (0.020000 *
                      (breve.randomExpression(1.000000) - 0.500000))), m, n)
                    (((1.000000 - self.U.getValue(m, n)) /
                      (1.000000 + (0.040000 / 0.010000))) +
                     (0.020000 *
                      (breve.randomExpression(1.000000) - 0.500000))), m, n)
                self.inflow.setValue(0.010000, n, m)

                m = (m + 1)

            n = (n + 1)
Example #50
    def popState(self):
        '''"Pops" a state from the state stack and makes it current.  This method reenables the most recently "pushed" state (done with METHOD(push-state)).'''

        state = breve.objectList()

        if (breve.length(self.states) < 1):

        state = self.states.pop()
        self.currentPoint = state[0]
        self.currentDirection = state[1]
        self.currentColor = state[2]
        self.penDown = state[4]
	def changeDrivers( self ):
		newDriver = 0
		newOffset = breve.vector()

		if self.locked:

		newOffset = ( breve.randomExpression( breve.vector( 30, 6, 30 ) ) + breve.vector( -15, 1, -15 ) )
		if ( breve.length( newOffset ) < 14 ):
			newOffset = ( ( 14 * newOffset ) / breve.length( newOffset ) )

		self.panCameraOffset( newOffset, 30 )
		self.seats[ self.currentSeat ].setDistance( breve.length( self.walker.getLocation() ) )
		self.currentSeat = ( self.currentSeat + 1 )
		if ( self.currentSeat > 3 ):

		newDriver = self.seats[ self.currentSeat ].getNumber()
		self.schedule( 'changeDrivers', ( self.getTime() + 20.000000 ) )
    def evaluate(self):
        fitness = 0
        n = 0

        fitness = self.computeZeroDurationFitness(
        if (fitness < 0.000000):
            print '''warning: error value lower than 0 for GP individual'''
            fitness = 100000000

        if (fitness < 0.001000):
            print ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'
            print ''';; Solution found at generation %s:''' % (
                self.generation), self.current[

        if ((not self._bestOfGen) or (fitness < self._bestOfGen.getFitness())):
            self._bestOfGen = self.current[self.currentIndividual]

        self._totalSize = (self._totalSize +
        self._totalErrors = (self._totalErrors + fitness)
        self.currentIndividual = (self.currentIndividual + 1)
        if (self.currentIndividual == self.populationSize):
            n = 0
            while (n < breve.length(self._solutionCountsGeneration)):
                self._solutionRatesGeneration[n] = (
                    self._solutionCountsGeneration[n] / self.populationSize)
                self._solutionRatesTotal[n] = (self._solutionCountsTotal[n] /
                                               (self.populationSize *
                                                (self.generation + 1)))

                n = (n + 1)

            self.currentIndividual = 0
            self.generation = (self.generation + 1)
            self._bestOfGen = 0
            self._totalSize = 0
            self._totalErrors = 0
            if (self.generation > self.generationLimit):
                print ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'
                print ''';; FAILURE: no solution found after %s generations''' % (
	def displayFoodSupply( self ):
		total = 0
		displayTotal = 0
		feeder = None

		total = 0.000000
		for feeder in self.feeders:
			total = ( total + feeder.getEnergy() )

		total = ( total / breve.length( self.feeders ) )
		displayTotal = ( total * 100 )
		self.setInterfaceItem( 101, '''%s''' % (  displayTotal ) )
		self.foodAccum = ( self.foodAccum + total )
Example #54
	def dearchive( self ):
		z = 0
		y = 0
		x = 0

		self.setSize( breve.length( self.archiveList ), breve.length( self.archiveList[ 0 ] ), breve.length( self.archiveList[ 0 ][ 0 ] ) )
		z = 0
		while ( z < self.zDim ):
			y = 0
			while ( y < self.yDim ):
				x = 0
				while ( x < self.xDim ):
					self.setValue( x, y, z, self.archiveList[ z ][ y ][ x ] )

					x = ( x + 1 )

				y = ( y + 1 )

			z = ( z + 1 )

		return breve.Matrix.dearchive( self )
    def getFeederUrge(self, feeders):
        closestFood = breve.vector()
        thisFood = breve.vector()
        item = None
        closestDistance = 0
        thisDistance = 0

        closestDistance = 10000.000000
        for item in feeders:
            thisFood = (item.getLocation() - self.getLocation())
            thisDistance = breve.length(thisFood)
            if (thisDistance < closestDistance):
                closestFood = thisFood
                closestDistance = thisDistance

        return closestFood
    def computeDiversity(self, t):
        '''Computes the diversity of the current population, as defined by  the OBJECT(PushDiversityPool) object.  Returns the number of  unique "species" which differ by less than t points.'''

        pool = None
        n = 0

        pool = breve.createInstances(breve.PushDiversityPool, 1)
        n = 0
        while (n < breve.length(self.current)):
            n = (n + 1)

        n = pool.getSize()
        return n
    def addLayer(self, count):
        '''Adds a layer to the output end of the neural network, with  count neurons.  The first layer added serves as the input layer, and then subsequent layers serve as hidden or output layers.   <p> To create a network with one hidden layer, for example, you  would first call METHOD(add-layer) for the input layer, then the hidden layer, then the output layer.'''

        newLayer = None

        if (count < 1):
            print '''cannot add neural network layer with %s nodes
''' % (count)

        newLayer = breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.newFFLayer(
            self, count, self.outputLayer)
        if (self.layers == 0):
            self.inputLayer = newLayer

        self.layers[breve.length(self.layers)] = newLayer
        self.outputLayer = newLayer
Example #58
	def iterate( self ):
		i = None
		lights = 0
		angle = 0
		strength = 0
		total = 0
		transDir = breve.vector()
		toBlock = breve.vector()
		transDir = ( self.getRotation() * self.direction )
		least = ()
		item = None
		flag = False
		for i in breve.allInstances( "BraitenbergBlocks" ):
			toBlock = ( i.getLocation() - self.getLocation() )
			angle = breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.angle( self, toBlock, transDir )
			if ( angle < self.sensorAngle ):
				strength = breve.length( ( self.getLocation() - i.getLocation() ) ) 
				if(strength < least):
					flag = True
					least = strength
					item = i
				#lights = ( lights + 1 )
		if flag:
			strength = (1.000000/(least * least) ) * 1/item.reflection
			#if ( self.activationMethod and self.activationObject ):
			#	strength = self.activationObject.callMethod( self.activationMethod, [ strength ] )
			strength = self.activationMethod(strength)
			if ( strength > self.upperBound ):
				strength = self.upperBound
			elif strength < self.lowerBound:
				strength = self.lowerBound
			#total = ( total + least )

		#if ( lights != 0 ):
			#total = ( total / lights )
		total = strength
		total = ( ( 50 * total ) * self.bias )		
		self.wheels.activate( total )
Example #59
    def createFeeder(self, num, rapid):
        # Simple Sequential Inhibition
        dist = 0
        x = 0
        y = 0
        while dist < self.feederMinDistance:
            dist = 99999
            x = random.uniform(self.minX, self.maxX)
            y = random.uniform(self.minY, self.maxY)

            feeders = breve.allInstances("Feeder")
            if breve.length(feeders) == 0:
            for feeder in feeders:
                norm = ((x - feeder.pos_x)**2 + (y - feeder.pos_y)**2)**0.5
                if norm < dist:
                    dist = norm
        temp_feed = breve.createInstances(breve.Feeder, 1)
        temp_feed.initializeRandomly(x, y, rapid)
	def iterate( self ):
		item = None
		swarmCenter = breve.vector()
		numBirds = 0

		numBirds = breve.length( breve.allInstances( "Birds" ) )
		self.iteration = ( self.iteration + 1 )
		if ( self.iteration > 6000 ):
			raise Exception( '''%s iterations complete''' % (  self.iteration ) )

		swarmCenter = breve.vector( 0, 0, 0 )
		for item in breve.allInstances( "Birds" ):
			if item:

			if item:
				swarmCenter = ( swarmCenter + item.getLocation() )

		swarmCenter = ( swarmCenter / numBirds )
		if self.autoCameraMode:
			self.adjustCamera( swarmCenter )

		for item in breve.allInstances( "Birds" ):

		for item in breve.allInstances( "Birds" ):
			if ( ( item.getEnergy() == 0 ) or ( item.getAge() > 150 ) ):

		if ( ( self.iteration % 100 ) == 0 ):

		breve.Control.iterate( self )