Example #1
def editClient(args, fromCLI):
  Edits the various options of a deployment client.
  THIS WORKS ON THE LOCAL FILESYSTEM.  We usually don't want this,
  so this will only be used for certain options.
    paramsReq = ()
    paramsOpt = tuple(optionMapClient.keys())
    comm.validateArgs(paramsReq, paramsOpt, args)

    returnDict = {}

    if 0 == len(args):
        raise cex.ArgError, "No changes have been specified."

    if not module.deplClientStatus({}, fromCLI)["enabled"]:
        raise cex.ServerState, ERR_CLIENT_DIS

    currConf = comm.getMergedConf(module.DEPL_CLI_CONFIG)
    if not module.DEPL_CLI_STANZA in currConf:
        raise cex.ParsingError, ERR_CLI_STANZA

    # assuming that we only support one of each of these tags - replace every tag found, and add if non-existent.
    for arg, val in args.items():
        paramName = optionMapClient[arg]

        # validate the few types of args we recognize, ignore anything else.
            if arg in (ARG_MCASTURI, ARG_DEPSERVURI):
                validate.checkIPPortOrHostPort(arg, val)
            elif arg == ARG_MCASTIP:
                validate.checkIP(arg, val)
            elif arg == ARG_POLLFREQ:
                validate.checkPosInt(arg, val)
        except cex.ValidationError:
            if "0" != val:  # we use 0 to disable these things, i guess.

        # remove if 0.
        if "0" == val and paramName in currConf[module.DEPL_CLI_STANZA]:
        # or add/set.
            currConf[module.DEPL_CLI_STANZA][paramName] = val

        # if we're at this point, *something* has changed.
        returnDict["restartRequired"] = True

        bundle_paths.make_path(module.DEPL_CLI_CONFIG + ".conf"), currConf)
    if fromCLI:
        logger.info("Configuration updated.")

    return returnDict
Example #2
def editClient(args, fromCLI):
  Edits the various options of a deployment client.
  THIS WORKS ON THE LOCAL FILESYSTEM.  We usually don't want this,
  so this will only be used for certain options.
  paramsReq = ()
  paramsOpt = tuple(optionMapClient.keys())
  comm.validateArgs(paramsReq, paramsOpt, args)

  returnDict = {}

  if 0 == len(args):
    raise cex.ArgError, "No changes have been specified."

  if not module.deplClientStatus({}, fromCLI)["enabled"]:
    raise cex.ServerState, ERR_CLIENT_DIS

  currConf = comm.getMergedConf(module.DEPL_CLI_CONFIG)
  if not module.DEPL_CLI_STANZA in currConf:
    raise cex.ParsingError, ERR_CLI_STANZA

  # assuming that we only support one of each of these tags - replace every tag found, and add if non-existent.
  for arg, val in args.items():
    paramName = optionMapClient[arg]

    # validate the few types of args we recognize, ignore anything else.
        validate.checkIPPortOrHostPort(arg, val)
      elif arg == ARG_MCASTIP:
        validate.checkIP(arg, val)
      elif arg == ARG_POLLFREQ:
        validate.checkPosInt(arg, val)
    except cex.ValidationError:
      if "0" != val: # we use 0 to disable these things, i guess.

    # remove if 0.
    if "0" == val and paramName in currConf[module.DEPL_CLI_STANZA]:
    # or add/set.
      currConf[module.DEPL_CLI_STANZA][paramName] = val

    # if we're at this point, *something* has changed.
    returnDict["restartRequired"] = True

  comm.writeConfFile(bundle_paths.make_path(module.DEPL_CLI_CONFIG + ".conf"), currConf)
  if fromCLI:
    logger.info("Configuration updated.")

  return returnDict
Example #3
def stanzaDisable(args, fromCLI):
  Disables a given stanza in a given conf file.
    paramsOpt = (ARG_AUTHSTR, ARG_USEFS)
    comm.validateArgs(paramsReq, paramsOpt, args)

    returnDict = {}
    stanza = args[ARG_STANZA]
    confFile = bundle_paths.make_path(args[ARG_CONFIG] + ".conf")

    authStr = (ARG_AUTHSTR in args) and args[ARG_AUTHSTR] or ""

    # see if it's currently enabled.
    currStatus = stanzaStatusInternal(
            ARG_CONFIG: args[ARG_CONFIG],
            ARG_MODNAME: args[ARG_MODNAME],
            ARG_STANZA: stanza,
            ARG_AUTHSTR: authStr
        }, fromCLI)
    currEnabled = currStatus["enabled"]

    # get the local .conf file.  don't use the stanzas given to us from "status",
    # because they're merged - we don't want to write out all the merged settings.
    # btw, readConfFile checks to see if the path exists and does the right thing.
    confStanzas = comm.readConfFile(confFile)

    if currEnabled:  # then disable it
        returnDict["restartRequired"] = True
        # create the stanza if it's not in the .conf already (could be on via default bundle)
        if not stanza in confStanzas:
            confStanzas[stanza] = {}
        # and make sure we set the disabled key in local to be true.
        confStanzas[stanza][KEY_DISABLED] = "true"
        stanzaXml = comm.flatDictToXML(confStanzas[stanza])
        # the following is now always true:
        # in order to support "splunk set deploy-poll", we allow this stuff to also write to the local filesystem.
        logger.debug("Attempting to disable module via local filesystem.")
        comm.writeConfFile(confFile, confStanzas)

    if not currEnabled:
        logger.info("%s is already disabled." % args[ARG_MODNAME])
        logger.info("%s disabled." % args[ARG_MODNAME])
    return returnDict
Example #4
def stanzaEnable(args, fromCLI):
  Enables a given stanza in a given conf file.
    paramsOpt = (ARG_AUTHSTR, ARG_USEFS)
    comm.validateArgs(paramsReq, paramsOpt, args)

    returnDict = {}
    authStr = (ARG_AUTHSTR in args) and args[ARG_AUTHSTR] or ""
    stanza = args[ARG_STANZA]
    confFile = bundle_paths.make_path(args[ARG_CONFIG] + ".conf")
    currStatus = stanzaStatusInternal(
            ARG_CONFIG: args[ARG_CONFIG],
            ARG_MODNAME: args[ARG_MODNAME],
            ARG_STANZA: stanza,
            ARG_AUTHSTR: authStr
        }, fromCLI)
    currEnabled = currStatus["enabled"]

    # get the local .conf file.  don't use the stanzas given to us from "status",
    # because they're merged - we don't want to write out all the merged settings.
    # btw, readConfFile checks to see if the path exists and does the right thing.
    confStanzas = comm.readConfFile(confFile)

    if not currEnabled:  # then enable it
        returnDict["restartRequired"] = True
        # create the stanza if it's not in the .conf already (if it was never enabled)
        if not stanza in confStanzas:
            confStanzas[stanza] = {}
        # at this point the only way for it to be disabled is for the disabled key to be true.
        # set it false regardless of whether or not it exists.
        confStanzas[stanza][KEY_DISABLED] = "false"
        stanzaXml = comm.flatDictToXML(confStanzas[stanza])
        # the following is now always true:
        # if applicable, just write to the local FS (used by splunk set deploy-poll).
        logger.debug("Attempting to enable module via local filesystem.")
        comm.writeConfFile(confFile, confStanzas)

    if currEnabled:
        logger.info("%s is already enabled." % args[ARG_MODNAME])
        logger.info("%s enabled." % args[ARG_MODNAME])
    return returnDict
def stanzaDisable(args, fromCLI):
  Disables a given stanza in a given conf file.
  paramsOpt = (ARG_AUTHSTR, ARG_USEFS)
  comm.validateArgs(paramsReq, paramsOpt, args)

  returnDict = {}
  stanza = args[ARG_STANZA]
  confFile = bundle_paths.make_path(args[ARG_CONFIG] + ".conf")

  authStr = (ARG_AUTHSTR in args) and args[ARG_AUTHSTR] or ""

  # see if it's currently enabled.
  currStatus = stanzaStatusInternal({ARG_CONFIG : args[ARG_CONFIG], ARG_MODNAME : args[ARG_MODNAME], ARG_STANZA : stanza, ARG_AUTHSTR: authStr}, fromCLI)
  currEnabled = currStatus["enabled"]

  # get the local .conf file.  don't use the stanzas given to us from "status",
  # because they're merged - we don't want to write out all the merged settings.
  # btw, readConfFile checks to see if the path exists and does the right thing.
  confStanzas = comm.readConfFile(confFile)

  if currEnabled: # then disable it
    returnDict["restartRequired"] = True
    # create the stanza if it's not in the .conf already (could be on via default bundle)
    if not stanza in confStanzas:
      confStanzas[stanza] = {}
    # and make sure we set the disabled key in local to be true.
    confStanzas[stanza][KEY_DISABLED] = "true"
    stanzaXml = comm.flatDictToXML(confStanzas[stanza]) 
    # the following is now always true:
    # in order to support "splunk set deploy-poll", we allow this stuff to also write to the local filesystem.
    logger.debug("Attempting to disable module via local filesystem.")
    comm.writeConfFile(confFile, confStanzas)

  if not currEnabled:
    logger.info("%s is already disabled." % args[ARG_MODNAME])
    logger.info("%s disabled." % args[ARG_MODNAME])
  return returnDict
def stanzaEnable(args, fromCLI):
  Enables a given stanza in a given conf file.
  paramsOpt = (ARG_AUTHSTR, ARG_USEFS)
  comm.validateArgs(paramsReq, paramsOpt, args)

  returnDict = {}
  authStr = (ARG_AUTHSTR in args) and args[ARG_AUTHSTR] or ""
  stanza = args[ARG_STANZA]
  confFile = bundle_paths.make_path(args[ARG_CONFIG] + ".conf")
  currStatus = stanzaStatusInternal({ARG_CONFIG : args[ARG_CONFIG], ARG_MODNAME : args[ARG_MODNAME], ARG_STANZA : stanza, ARG_AUTHSTR: authStr}, fromCLI)
  currEnabled = currStatus["enabled"]

  # get the local .conf file.  don't use the stanzas given to us from "status",
  # because they're merged - we don't want to write out all the merged settings.
  # btw, readConfFile checks to see if the path exists and does the right thing.
  confStanzas = comm.readConfFile(confFile)

  if not currEnabled: # then enable it
    returnDict["restartRequired"] = True
    # create the stanza if it's not in the .conf already (if it was never enabled)
    if not stanza in confStanzas:
      confStanzas[stanza] = {}
    # at this point the only way for it to be disabled is for the disabled key to be true.
    # set it false regardless of whether or not it exists.
    confStanzas[stanza][KEY_DISABLED] = "false"
    stanzaXml = comm.flatDictToXML(confStanzas[stanza]) 
    # the following is now always true:
    # if applicable, just write to the local FS (used by splunk set deploy-poll).
    logger.debug("Attempting to enable module via local filesystem.")
    comm.writeConfFile(confFile, confStanzas)

  if currEnabled:
    logger.info("%s is already enabled." % args[ARG_MODNAME])
    logger.info("%s enabled." % args[ARG_MODNAME])
  return returnDict
Example #7
##  global consts in this module

CONFIG_SERVER = "server"
CONFIG_WEB = "web"
STANZA_SSL = "sslConfig"
STANZA_SETTINGS = "settings"

_searchConfigPath = os.path.join("myinstall", "search.xml")
_userConfigPath = os.path.join("myinstall", "search.user.xml")
fullSearchConfig = os.path.join(comm.splunk_home, "etc", _searchConfigPath)
userSearchConfig = os.path.join(comm.splunk_home, "etc", _userConfigPath)
fullSplunkdConfig = os.path.join(comm.splunk_home, "etc", "myinstall",
fullServerConfig = bundle_paths.make_path("server.conf")
fullWebConfig = bundle_paths.make_path("web.conf")

# regex's for input validation
_URLpattern = '^http[s]?://[\w\S\-\./]*(:[\d]+)?[\w\S\-\./%~\(\)]*$'
_namespacepattern = '^[\w\S\-\.:/%~\(\)]+$'
_truefalsepattern = '[(true)(false)10]?'

webSettingsStanza = "settings"
serverGeneralStanza = "general"

prettyNameMap = {"uiversion": "Web version", "sslport": "SSL Web port"}
# map of command line params to xml tags
tagmap = {
    'mgmturl': 'managerURL',
    'mgmtns': 'managerNamespace',
##  global consts in this module

CONFIG_SERVER     = "server"
CONFIG_WEB        = "web"
STANZA_SSL        = "sslConfig"
STANZA_SETTINGS   = "settings"

_searchConfigPath = os.path.join("myinstall", "search.xml")
_userConfigPath   = os.path.join("myinstall", "search.user.xml")
fullSearchConfig  = os.path.join(comm.splunk_home, "etc", _searchConfigPath)
userSearchConfig  = os.path.join(comm.splunk_home, "etc", _userConfigPath)
fullSplunkdConfig = os.path.join(comm.splunk_home, "etc", "myinstall", "splunkd.xml")
fullServerConfig  = bundle_paths.make_path("server.conf")
fullWebConfig     = bundle_paths.make_path("web.conf")

# regex's for input validation
_URLpattern = '^http[s]?://[\w\S\-\./]*(:[\d]+)?[\w\S\-\./%~\(\)]*$'
_namespacepattern = '^[\w\S\-\.:/%~\(\)]+$'
_truefalsepattern = '[(true)(false)10]?'

webSettingsStanza = "settings"
serverGeneralStanza = "general"

prettyNameMap = {"uiversion" : "Web version", "sslport" : "SSL Web port"}
# map of command line params to xml tags
tagmap = {
    'mgmturl'   : 'managerURL',
    'mgmtns'    : 'managerNamespace',