Example #1
 def test_01_03_set_readonly(self):
     attrs = gpcf.get_file_attributes(self.temp)
                              attrs | gpcf.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY)
     self.assertRaises(IOError, lambda: open(self.temp, "w"))
                              attrs & ~gpcf.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY)
 def test_01_03_set_readonly(self):
     attrs = gpcf.get_file_attributes(self.temp)
         self.temp, attrs | gpcf.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY)
     self.assertRaises(IOError, lambda :open(self.temp, "w"))
         self.temp, attrs & ~ gpcf.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY)
Example #3
 def test_01_04_read_and_write(self):
     attrs = gpcf.get_file_attributes(self.temp)
     for flag in (gpcf.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN,
         gpcf.set_file_attributes(self.temp, attrs ^ flag)
         new_attrs = gpcf.get_file_attributes(self.temp)
         self.assertEqual(new_attrs, attrs ^ flag)
         gpcf.set_file_attributes(self.temp, attrs)
 def test_01_04_read_and_write(self):
     attrs = gpcf.get_file_attributes(self.temp)
     for flag in (gpcf.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN,
         gpcf.set_file_attributes(self.temp, attrs ^ flag)
         new_attrs = gpcf.get_file_attributes(self.temp)
         self.assertEqual(new_attrs, attrs ^ flag)
         gpcf.set_file_attributes(self.temp, attrs)
def lock_file(path, timeout=3):
    """Lock a file
    path - path to the file
    timeout - timeout in seconds when waiting for announcement
    returns True if we obtained the lock, False if the file is already owned.
    lock_path = get_lock_path(path)
    uid = uuid.uuid4().hex
        fd = os.open(lock_path, os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL | os.O_RDWR)
        with os.fdopen(fd, "a") as f:
            f.write(the_boundary.external_request_address + "\n" + uid)
        if sys.platform == "win32":
            # Hide file in Windows.
            attrs = get_file_attributes(lock_path)
            set_file_attributes(lock_path, attrs | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN)
    except OSError as e:
        if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
        logger.info("Lockfile for %s already exists - contacting owner" % path)
        with open(lock_path, "r") as f:
            remote_address = f.readline().strip()
            remote_uid = f.readline().strip()
        if len(remote_address) > 0 and len(remote_uid) > 0:
            logger.info("Owner is %s" % remote_address)
            request_socket = the_boundary.zmq_context.socket(zmq.REQ)
            request_socket.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0)
            assert isinstance(request_socket, zmq.Socket)

            lock_request = LockStatusRequest(remote_uid)
            poller = zmq.Poller()
            poller.register(request_socket, zmq.POLLIN)
            keep_polling = True
            while keep_polling:
                keep_polling = False
                for socket, status in poller.poll(timeout * 1000):
                    keep_polling = True
                    if socket == request_socket and status == zmq.POLLIN:
                        lock_response = lock_request.recv(socket)
                        if isinstance(lock_response, LockStatusReply):
                            if lock_response.locked:
                                logger.info("%s is locked" % path)
                                return False
                            keep_polling = False
        # Fall through if we believe that the other end is dead
        if sys.platform == "win32":
            # I'm not a patient person. Python open apparently can't
            # open hidden files - are you kidding? It's some screwed up
            # who's on first scenario between Windows and Python "it's hidden
            # so when I go to see if it's there, it's not but when I open it
            # it is there!". Another 15 minutes of my life down the drain.
            attrs = get_file_attributes(lock_path)
            set_file_attributes(lock_path, attrs & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN)
        with open(lock_path, "w") as f:
            f.write(the_boundary.request_address + "\n" + uid)
        if sys.platform == "win32":
            attrs = get_file_attributes(lock_path)
            set_file_attributes(lock_path, attrs | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN)
    # The coast is clear to lock
    q = Queue.Queue()
    __lock_queue.put((None, LOCK_REQUEST, (uid, path), q))
    return True
Example #6
def lock_file(path, timeout=3):
    '''Lock a file
    path - path to the file
    timeout - timeout in seconds when waiting for announcement
    returns True if we obtained the lock, False if the file is already owned.
    lock_path = get_lock_path(path)
    uid = uuid.uuid4().hex
        fd = os.open(lock_path, os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL | os.O_RDWR)
        with os.fdopen(fd, "a") as f:
            f.write(the_boundary.external_request_address + "\n" + uid)
        if sys.platform == "win32":
            # Hide file in Windows.
            attrs = get_file_attributes(lock_path)
            set_file_attributes(lock_path, attrs | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN)
    except OSError as e:
        if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
        logger.info("Lockfile for %s already exists - contacting owner" % path)
        with open(lock_path, "r") as f:
            remote_address = f.readline().strip()
            remote_uid = f.readline().strip()
        if len(remote_address) > 0 and len(remote_uid) > 0:
            logger.info("Owner is %s" % remote_address)
            request_socket = the_boundary.zmq_context.socket(zmq.REQ)
            request_socket.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0)
            assert isinstance(request_socket, zmq.Socket)

            lock_request = LockStatusRequest(remote_uid)
            poller = zmq.Poller()
            poller.register(request_socket, zmq.POLLIN)
            keep_polling = True
            while (keep_polling):
                keep_polling = False
                for socket, status in poller.poll(timeout * 1000):
                    keep_polling = True
                    if socket == request_socket and status == zmq.POLLIN:
                        lock_response = lock_request.recv(socket)
                        if isinstance(lock_response, LockStatusReply):
                            if lock_response.locked:
                                logger.info("%s is locked" % path)
                                return False
                            keep_polling = False
        # Fall through if we believe that the other end is dead
        if sys.platform == "win32":
            # I'm not a patient person. Python open apparently can't
            # open hidden files - are you kidding? It's some screwed up
            # who's on first scenario between Windows and Python "it's hidden
            # so when I go to see if it's there, it's not but when I open it
            # it is there!". Another 15 minutes of my life down the drain.
            attrs = get_file_attributes(lock_path)
            set_file_attributes(lock_path, attrs & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN)
        with open(lock_path, "w") as f:
            f.write(the_boundary.request_address + "\n" + uid)
        if sys.platform == "win32":
            attrs = get_file_attributes(lock_path)
            set_file_attributes(lock_path, attrs | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN)
    # The coast is clear to lock
    q = Queue.Queue()
    __lock_queue.put((None, LOCK_REQUEST, (uid, path), q))
    return True