def thermald_thread(): health_timeout = int(1000 * 2.5 * DT_TRML) # 2.5x the expected health frequency # now loop thermal_sock = messaging.pub_sock('thermal') health_sock = messaging.sub_sock('health', timeout=health_timeout) location_sock = messaging.sub_sock('gpsLocation') fan_speed = 0 count = 0 startup_conditions = { "ignition": False, } startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy() off_ts = None started_ts = None started_seen = False thermal_status = usb_power = True current_branch = get_git_branch() network_type = NetworkType.none network_strength = NetworkStrength.unknown current_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CURRENT_TAU, DT_TRML) cpu_temp_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CPU_TEMP_TAU, DT_TRML) health_prev = None charging_disabled = False should_start_prev = False handle_fan = None is_uno = False params = Params() pm = PowerMonitoring() no_panda_cnt = 0 thermal_config = get_thermal_config() ts_last_ip = 0 ip_addr = '' # sound trigger sound_trigger = 1 opkrAutoShutdown = 0 shutdown_trigger = 1 is_openpilot_view_enabled = 0 env = dict(os.environ) env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = mediaplayer getoff_alert = Params().get('OpkrEnableGetoffAlert') == b'1' if int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 0: opkrAutoShutdown = 0 elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 1: opkrAutoShutdown = 5 elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 2: opkrAutoShutdown = 30 elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 3: opkrAutoShutdown = 60 elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 4: opkrAutoShutdown = 180 elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 5: opkrAutoShutdown = 300 elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 6: opkrAutoShutdown = 600 elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 7: opkrAutoShutdown = 1800 elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 8: opkrAutoShutdown = 3600 elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 9: opkrAutoShutdown = 10800 else: opkrAutoShutdown = 18000 lateral_control_method = int(params.get("LateralControlMethod")) lateral_control_method_prev = int(params.get("LateralControlMethod")) lateral_control_method_cnt = 0 lateral_control_method_trigger = 0 while 1: ts = sec_since_boot() health = messaging.recv_sock(health_sock, wait=True) location = messaging.recv_sock(location_sock) location = location.gpsLocation if location else None msg = read_thermal(thermal_config) if health is not None: usb_power = != log.HealthData.UsbPowerMode.client # If we lose connection to the panda, wait 5 seconds before going offroad lateral_control_method = int(params.get("LateralControlMethod")) if lateral_control_method != lateral_control_method_prev and lateral_control_method_trigger == 0: startup_conditions["ignition"] = False lateral_control_method_trigger = 1 elif lateral_control_method != lateral_control_method_prev: lateral_control_method_cnt += 1 if lateral_control_method_cnt > 1 / DT_TRML: lateral_control_method_prev = lateral_control_method elif == log.HealthData.HwType.unknown: no_panda_cnt += 1 if no_panda_cnt > DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT / DT_TRML: if startup_conditions["ignition"]: cloudlog.error("Lost panda connection while onroad") startup_conditions["ignition"] = False shutdown_trigger = 1 else: no_panda_cnt = 0 startup_conditions["ignition"] = or sound_trigger == 1 lateral_control_method_cnt = 0 lateral_control_method_trigger = 0 # Setup fan handler on first connect to panda if handle_fan is None and != log.HealthData.HwType.unknown: is_uno = == if (not EON) or is_uno:"Setting up UNO fan handler") handle_fan = handle_fan_uno else:"Setting up EON fan handler") setup_eon_fan() handle_fan = handle_fan_eon # Handle disconnect if health_prev is not None: if == log.HealthData.HwType.unknown and \ != log.HealthData.HwType.unknown: params.panda_disconnect() health_prev = health elif int(params.get("IsOpenpilotViewEnabled")) == 1 and int(params.get("IsDriverViewEnabled")) == 0 and is_openpilot_view_enabled == 0: is_openpilot_view_enabled = 1 startup_conditions["ignition"] = True elif int(params.get("IsOpenpilotViewEnabled")) == 0 and int(params.get("IsDriverViewEnabled")) == 0 and is_openpilot_view_enabled == 1: shutdown_trigger = 0 sound_trigger == 0 is_openpilot_view_enabled = 0 startup_conditions["ignition"] = False # get_network_type is an expensive call. update every 10s if (count % int(10. / DT_TRML)) == 0: try: network_type = HARDWARE.get_network_type() network_strength = HARDWARE.get_network_strength(network_type) except Exception: cloudlog.exception("Error getting network status") msg.thermal.freeSpace = get_available_percent(default=100.0) / 100.0 msg.thermal.memUsedPercent = int(round(psutil.virtual_memory().percent)) msg.thermal.cpuPerc = int(round(psutil.cpu_percent())) msg.thermal.networkType = network_type msg.thermal.networkStrength = network_strength msg.thermal.batteryPercent = get_battery_capacity() msg.thermal.batteryStatus = get_battery_status() msg.thermal.batteryCurrent = get_battery_current() msg.thermal.batteryVoltage = get_battery_voltage() msg.thermal.usbOnline = get_usb_present() # Fake battery levels on uno for frame if (not EON) or is_uno: msg.thermal.batteryPercent = 100 msg.thermal.batteryStatus = "Charging" msg.thermal.bat = 0 # update ip every 10 seconds ts = sec_since_boot() if ts - ts_last_ip >= 10.: try: result = subprocess.check_output(["ifconfig", "wlan0"], encoding='utf8') # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg ip_addr = re.findall(r"inet addr:((\d+\.){3}\d+)", result)[0][0] except: ip_addr = 'N/A' ts_last_ip = ts msg.thermal.ipAddr = ip_addr current_filter.update(msg.thermal.batteryCurrent / 1e6) # TODO: add car battery voltage check max_cpu_temp = cpu_temp_filter.update(max(msg.thermal.cpu)) max_comp_temp = max(max_cpu_temp, msg.thermal.mem, max(msg.thermal.gpu)) bat_temp = msg.thermal.bat if handle_fan is not None: fan_speed = handle_fan(max_cpu_temp, bat_temp, fan_speed, startup_conditions["ignition"]) msg.thermal.fanSpeed = fan_speed # If device is offroad we want to cool down before going onroad # since going onroad increases load and can make temps go over 107 # We only do this if there is a relay that prevents the car from faulting is_offroad_for_5_min = (started_ts is None) and ((not started_seen) or (off_ts is None) or (sec_since_boot() - off_ts > 60 * 5)) if max_cpu_temp > 107. or bat_temp >= 63. or (is_offroad_for_5_min and max_cpu_temp > 70.0): # onroad not allowed thermal_status = ThermalStatus.danger elif max_comp_temp > 96.0 or bat_temp > 60.: # hysteresis between onroad not allowed and engage not allowed thermal_status = clip(thermal_status,, ThermalStatus.danger) elif max_cpu_temp > 94.0: # hysteresis between engage not allowed and uploader not allowed thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.yellow, elif max_cpu_temp > 80.0: # uploader not allowed thermal_status = ThermalStatus.yellow elif max_cpu_temp > 75.0: # hysteresis between uploader not allowed and all good thermal_status = clip(thermal_status,, ThermalStatus.yellow) else: # all good thermal_status = # **** starting logic **** # Check for last update time and display alerts if needed now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # show invalid date/time alert startup_conditions["time_valid"] = now.year >= True set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_InvalidTime", (not startup_conditions["time_valid"])) # Show update prompt # try: # last_update = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(params.get("LastUpdateTime", encoding='utf8')) # except (TypeError, ValueError): # last_update = now # dt = now - last_update # # update_failed_count = params.get("UpdateFailedCount") # update_failed_count = 0 if update_failed_count is None else int(update_failed_count) # last_update_exception = params.get("LastUpdateException", encoding='utf8') # # if update_failed_count > 15 and last_update_exception is not None: # if current_branch in ["release2", "dashcam"]: # extra_text = "Ensure the software is correctly installed" # else: # extra_text = last_update_exception # # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False) # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False) # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", True, extra_text=extra_text) # elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX and update_failed_count > 1: # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False) # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False) # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", True) # elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_PROMPT: # remaining_time = str(max(DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX - dt.days, 0)) # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False) # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False) # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", True, extra_text=f"{remaining_time} days.") # else: # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False) # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False) # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False) startup_conditions["not_uninstalling"] = not params.get("DoUninstall") == b"1" startup_conditions["accepted_terms"] = params.get("HasAcceptedTerms") == terms_version panda_signature = params.get("PandaFirmware") startup_conditions["fw_version_match"] = (panda_signature is None) or (panda_signature == FW_SIGNATURE) # don't show alert is no panda is connected (None) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_PandaFirmwareMismatch", (not startup_conditions["fw_version_match"])) # with 2% left, we killall, otherwise the phone will take a long time to boot startup_conditions["free_space"] = msg.thermal.freeSpace > 0.02 startup_conditions["completed_training"] = params.get("CompletedTrainingVersion") == training_version or \ (current_branch in ['dashcam', 'dashcam-staging']) startup_conditions["not_driver_view"] = not params.get("IsDriverViewEnabled") == b"1" startup_conditions["not_taking_snapshot"] = not params.get("IsTakingSnapshot") == b"1" # if any CPU gets above 107 or the battery gets above 63, kill all processes # controls will warn with CPU above 95 or battery above 60 startup_conditions["device_temp_good"] = thermal_status < ThermalStatus.danger set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_TemperatureTooHigh", (not startup_conditions["device_temp_good"])) should_start = all(startup_conditions.values()) if should_start: if not should_start_prev: params.delete("IsOffroad") off_ts = None if started_ts is None: started_ts = sec_since_boot() started_seen = True os.system('echo performance > /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/governor') else: if startup_conditions["ignition"] and (startup_conditions != startup_conditions_prev): cloudlog.event("Startup blocked", startup_conditions=startup_conditions) if should_start_prev or (count == 0): params.put("IsOffroad", "1") started_ts = None if off_ts is None: off_ts = sec_since_boot() os.system('echo powersave > /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/governor') if shutdown_trigger == 1 and sound_trigger == 1 and msg.thermal.batteryStatus == "Discharging" and started_seen and (sec_since_boot() - off_ts) > 1 and getoff_alert: subprocess.Popen([mediaplayer + 'mediaplayer', '/data/openpilot/selfdrive/assets/sounds/eondetach.wav'], shell = False, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, env = env, close_fds=True) sound_trigger = 0 # shutdown if the battery gets lower than 3%, it's discharging, we aren't running for # more than a minute but we were running if shutdown_trigger == 1 and msg.thermal.batteryStatus == "Discharging" and \ started_seen and opkrAutoShutdown and (sec_since_boot() - off_ts) > opkrAutoShutdown and not os.path.isfile(pandaflash_ongoing): os.system('LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" svc power shutdown') charging_disabled = check_car_battery_voltage(should_start, health, charging_disabled, msg) if msg.thermal.batteryCurrent > 0: msg.thermal.batteryStatus = "Discharging" else: msg.thermal.batteryStatus = "Charging" msg.thermal.chargingDisabled = charging_disabled prebuiltlet = Params().get('PutPrebuiltOn') == b'1' if not os.path.isfile(prebuiltfile) and prebuiltlet: os.system("cd /data/openpilot; touch prebuilt") elif os.path.isfile(prebuiltfile) and not prebuiltlet: os.system("cd /data/openpilot; rm -f prebuilt") # Offroad power monitoring pm.calculate(health) msg.thermal.offroadPowerUsage = pm.get_power_used() msg.thermal.carBatteryCapacity = max(0, pm.get_car_battery_capacity()) # # Check if we need to disable charging (handled by boardd) # msg.thermal.chargingDisabled = pm.should_disable_charging(health, off_ts) # # # Check if we need to shut down # if pm.should_shutdown(health, off_ts, started_seen, LEON): #"shutting device down, offroad since {off_ts}") # # TODO: add function for blocking cloudlog instead of sleep # time.sleep(10) # os.system('LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" svc power shutdown') msg.thermal.chargingError = current_filter.x > 0. and msg.thermal.batteryPercent < 90 # if current is positive, then battery is being discharged msg.thermal.started = started_ts is not None msg.thermal.startedTs = int(1e9*(started_ts or 0)) msg.thermal.thermalStatus = thermal_status thermal_sock.send(msg.to_bytes()) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ChargeDisabled", (not usb_power)) should_start_prev = should_start startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy() # report to server once per minute if (count % int(60. / DT_TRML)) == 0: cloudlog.event("STATUS_PACKET", count=count, health=(health.to_dict() if health else None), location=(location.to_dict() if location else None), thermal=msg.to_dict()) count += 1
def thermald_thread(): pm = messaging.PubMaster(['deviceState']) pandaState_timeout = int(1000 * 2.5 * DT_TRML) # 2.5x the expected pandaState frequency pandaState_sock = messaging.sub_sock('pandaState', timeout=pandaState_timeout) location_sock = messaging.sub_sock('gpsLocationExternal') managerState_sock = messaging.sub_sock('managerState', conflate=True) fan_speed = 0 count = 0 startup_conditions = { "ignition": False, } startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy() off_ts = None started_ts = None started_seen = False thermal_status = usb_power = True current_branch = get_git_branch() network_type = NetworkType.none network_strength = NetworkStrength.unknown current_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CURRENT_TAU, DT_TRML) cpu_temp_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CPU_TEMP_TAU, DT_TRML) charging_disabled = False #CHO: Add battery management pandaState_prev = None should_start_prev = False handle_fan = None is_uno = False #ui_running_prev = False ui_running_prev = True #CHO: Add battery management params = Params() power_monitor = PowerMonitoring() no_panda_cnt = 0 thermal_config = HARDWARE.get_thermal_config() # CPR3 logging if EON: base_path = "/sys/kernel/debug/cpr3-regulator/" cpr_files = [p for p in Path(base_path).glob("**/*") if p.is_file()] cpr_data = {} for cf in cpr_files: with open(cf, "r") as f: try: cpr_data[str(cf)] = except Exception: pass cloudlog.event("CPR", data=cpr_data) while 1: pandaState = messaging.recv_sock(pandaState_sock, wait=True) msg = read_thermal(thermal_config) if pandaState is not None: usb_power = pandaState.pandaState.usbPowerMode != log.PandaState.UsbPowerMode.client # If we lose connection to the panda, wait 5 seconds before going offroad if pandaState.pandaState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown: no_panda_cnt += 1 if no_panda_cnt > DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT / DT_TRML: if startup_conditions["ignition"]: cloudlog.error("Lost panda connection while onroad") startup_conditions["ignition"] = False else: no_panda_cnt = 0 startup_conditions[ "ignition"] = pandaState.pandaState.ignitionLine or pandaState.pandaState.ignitionCan startup_conditions["hardware_supported"] = True set_offroad_alert_if_changed( "Offroad_HardwareUnsupported", not startup_conditions["hardware_supported"]) # Setup fan handler on first connect to panda if handle_fan is None and pandaState.pandaState.pandaType != log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown: is_uno = pandaState.pandaState.pandaType == if (not EON) or is_uno:"Setting up UNO fan handler") handle_fan = handle_fan_uno else:"Setting up EON fan handler") setup_eon_fan() handle_fan = handle_fan_eon # Handle disconnect if pandaState_prev is not None: if pandaState.pandaState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown and \ pandaState_prev.pandaState.pandaType != log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown: params.panda_disconnect() pandaState_prev = pandaState # get_network_type is an expensive call. update every 10s if (count % int(10. / DT_TRML)) == 0: try: network_type = HARDWARE.get_network_type() network_strength = HARDWARE.get_network_strength(network_type) except Exception: cloudlog.exception("Error getting network status") msg.deviceState.freeSpacePercent = get_available_percent(default=100.0) msg.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent = int( round(psutil.virtual_memory().percent)) msg.deviceState.cpuUsagePercent = int(round(psutil.cpu_percent())) msg.deviceState.networkType = network_type msg.deviceState.networkStrength = network_strength msg.deviceState.batteryPercent = HARDWARE.get_battery_capacity() msg.deviceState.batteryStatus = HARDWARE.get_battery_status() msg.deviceState.batteryCurrent = HARDWARE.get_battery_current() msg.deviceState.batteryVoltage = HARDWARE.get_battery_voltage() msg.deviceState.usbOnline = HARDWARE.get_usb_present() # Fake battery levels on uno for frame if (not EON) or is_uno: msg.deviceState.batteryPercent = 100 msg.deviceState.batteryStatus = "Charging" msg.deviceState.batteryTempC = 0 current_filter.update(msg.deviceState.batteryCurrent / 1e6) # TODO: add car battery voltage check max_cpu_temp = cpu_temp_filter.update(max(msg.deviceState.cpuTempC)) max_comp_temp = max(max_cpu_temp, msg.deviceState.memoryTempC, max(msg.deviceState.gpuTempC)) bat_temp = msg.deviceState.batteryTempC if handle_fan is not None: fan_speed = handle_fan(max_cpu_temp, bat_temp, fan_speed, startup_conditions["ignition"]) msg.deviceState.fanSpeedPercentDesired = fan_speed # If device is offroad we want to cool down before going onroad # since going onroad increases load and can make temps go over 107 # We only do this if there is a relay that prevents the car from faulting is_offroad_for_5_min = (started_ts is None) and ( (not started_seen) or (off_ts is None) or (sec_since_boot() - off_ts > 60 * 5)) if max_cpu_temp > 107. or bat_temp >= 63. or (is_offroad_for_5_min and max_cpu_temp > 70.0): # onroad not allowed thermal_status = ThermalStatus.danger elif max_comp_temp > 96.0 or bat_temp > 60.: # hysteresis between onroad not allowed and engage not allowed thermal_status = clip(thermal_status,, ThermalStatus.danger) elif max_cpu_temp > 94.0: # hysteresis between engage not allowed and uploader not allowed thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.yellow, elif max_cpu_temp > 80.0: # uploader not allowed thermal_status = ThermalStatus.yellow elif max_cpu_temp > 75.0: # hysteresis between uploader not allowed and all good thermal_status = clip(thermal_status,, ThermalStatus.yellow) else: thermal_status = # default to good condition # **** starting logic **** # Check for last update time and display alerts if needed now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # show invalid date/time alert startup_conditions["time_valid"] = (now.year > 2020) or ( now.year == 2020 and now.month >= 10) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_InvalidTime", (not startup_conditions["time_valid"])) # Show update prompt try: last_update = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat( params.get("LastUpdateTime", encoding='utf8')) except (TypeError, ValueError): last_update = now dt = now - last_update update_failed_count = params.get("UpdateFailedCount") update_failed_count = 0 if update_failed_count is None else int( update_failed_count) last_update_exception = params.get("LastUpdateException", encoding='utf8') if update_failed_count > 15 and last_update_exception is not None: if current_branch in ["release2", "dashcam"]: extra_text = "Ensure the software is correctly installed" else: extra_text = last_update_exception set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", True, extra_text=extra_text) elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX and update_failed_count > 1: set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", True) elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_PROMPT: remaining_time = str(max(DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX - dt.days, 0)) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", True, extra_text=f"{remaining_time} days.") else: set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False) startup_conditions["up_to_date"] = params.get( "Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded") is None or params.get( "DisableUpdates") == b"1" startup_conditions["not_uninstalling"] = not params.get( "DoUninstall") == b"1" startup_conditions["accepted_terms"] = params.get( "HasAcceptedTerms") == terms_version panda_signature = params.get("PandaFirmware") startup_conditions["fw_version_match"] = (panda_signature is None) or ( panda_signature == FW_SIGNATURE ) # don't show alert is no panda is connected (None) set_offroad_alert_if_changed( "Offroad_PandaFirmwareMismatch", (not startup_conditions["fw_version_match"])) # with 2% left, we killall, otherwise the phone will take a long time to boot startup_conditions["free_space"] = msg.deviceState.freeSpacePercent > 2 startup_conditions["completed_training"] = params.get("CompletedTrainingVersion") == training_version or \ (current_branch in ['dashcam', 'dashcam-staging']) startup_conditions["not_driver_view"] = not params.get( "IsDriverViewEnabled") == b"1" startup_conditions["not_taking_snapshot"] = not params.get( "IsTakingSnapshot") == b"1" # if any CPU gets above 107 or the battery gets above 63, kill all processes # controls will warn with CPU above 95 or battery above 60 startup_conditions[ "device_temp_good"] = thermal_status < ThermalStatus.danger set_offroad_alert_if_changed( "Offroad_TemperatureTooHigh", (not startup_conditions["device_temp_good"])) # Handle offroad/onroad transition should_start = all(startup_conditions.values()) if should_start: if not should_start_prev: params.delete("IsOffroad") if TICI and DISABLE_LTE_ONROAD: os.system("sudo systemctl stop --no-block lte") off_ts = None if started_ts is None: started_ts = sec_since_boot() started_seen = True else: if startup_conditions["ignition"] and (startup_conditions != startup_conditions_prev): cloudlog.event("Startup blocked", startup_conditions=startup_conditions) if should_start_prev or (count == 0): params.put("IsOffroad", "1") if TICI and DISABLE_LTE_ONROAD: os.system("sudo systemctl start --no-block lte") started_ts = None if off_ts is None: off_ts = sec_since_boot() #CHO: Added battery management charging_disabled = check_car_battery_voltage(should_start, pandaState, charging_disabled, msg) if msg.deviceState.batteryCurrent > 0: msg.deviceState.batteryStatus = "Discharging" else: msg.deviceState.batteryStatus = "Charging" msg.deviceState.chargingDisabled = charging_disabled #CHO: END # Offroad power monitoring power_monitor.calculate(pandaState) msg.deviceState.offroadPowerUsageUwh = power_monitor.get_power_used() msg.deviceState.carBatteryCapacityUwh = max( 0, power_monitor.get_car_battery_capacity()) # Check if we need to disable charging (handled by boardd) msg.deviceState.chargingDisabled = power_monitor.should_disable_charging( pandaState, off_ts) # Check if we need to shut down if power_monitor.should_shutdown(pandaState, off_ts, started_seen):"shutting device down, offroad since {off_ts}") # TODO: add function for blocking cloudlog instead of sleep time.sleep(10) HARDWARE.shutdown() # If UI has crashed, set the brightness to reasonable non-zero value manager_state = messaging.recv_one_or_none(managerState_sock) if manager_state is not None: ui_running = "ui" in ( for p in manager_state.managerState.processes if p.running) if ui_running_prev and not ui_running: HARDWARE.set_screen_brightness(20) ui_running_prev = ui_running msg.deviceState.chargingError = current_filter.x > 0. and msg.deviceState.batteryPercent < 90 # if current is positive, then battery is being discharged msg.deviceState.started = started_ts is not None msg.deviceState.startedMonoTime = int(1e9 * (started_ts or 0)) msg.deviceState.thermalStatus = thermal_status pm.send("deviceState", msg) if EON and not is_uno: set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ChargeDisabled", (not usb_power)) should_start_prev = should_start startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy() # report to server once per minute if (count % int(60. / DT_TRML)) == 0: location = messaging.recv_sock(location_sock) cloudlog.event("STATUS_PACKET", count=count, pandaState=(strip_deprecated_keys( pandaState.to_dict()) if pandaState else None), location=(strip_deprecated_keys( location.gpsLocationExternal.to_dict()) if location else None), deviceState=strip_deprecated_keys(msg.to_dict())) count += 1
def ui_thread(addr, frame_address): # TODO: Detect car from replay and use that to select carparams CP = ToyotaInterface.get_params("TOYOTA PRIUS 2017") VM = VehicleModel(CP) CalP = np.asarray([[0, 0], [MODEL_INPUT_SIZE[0], 0], [MODEL_INPUT_SIZE[0], MODEL_INPUT_SIZE[1]], [0, MODEL_INPUT_SIZE[1]]]) vanishing_point = np.asarray([[MODEL_CX, MODEL_CY]]) pygame.init() pygame.font.init() assert pygame_modules_have_loaded() if HOR: size = (640+384+640, 960) write_x = 5 write_y = 680 else: size = (640+384, 960+300) write_x = 645 write_y = 970 pygame.display.set_caption("openpilot debug UI") screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size, pygame.DOUBLEBUF) alert1_font = pygame.font.SysFont("arial", 30) alert2_font = pygame.font.SysFont("arial", 20) info_font = pygame.font.SysFont("arial", 15) camera_surface = pygame.surface.Surface((640, 480), 0, 24).convert() cameraw_surface = pygame.surface.Surface(MODEL_INPUT_SIZE, 0, 24).convert() cameraw_test_surface = pygame.surface.Surface(MODEL_INPUT_SIZE, 0, 24) top_down_surface = pygame.surface.Surface((UP.lidar_x, UP.lidar_y),0,8) frame = messaging.sub_sock('frame', addr=addr, conflate=True) sm = messaging.SubMaster(['carState', 'plan', 'carControl', 'radarState', 'liveCalibration', 'controlsState', 'liveTracks', 'model', 'liveMpc', 'liveParameters', 'pathPlan'], addr=addr) calibration = None img = np.zeros((480, 640, 3), dtype='uint8') imgff = np.zeros((FULL_FRAME_SIZE[1], FULL_FRAME_SIZE[0], 3), dtype=np.uint8) imgw = np.zeros((160, 320, 3), dtype=np.uint8) # warped image lid_overlay_blank = get_blank_lid_overlay(UP) # plots name_to_arr_idx = { "gas": 0, "computer_gas": 1, "user_brake": 2, "computer_brake": 3, "v_ego": 4, "v_pid": 5, "angle_steers_des": 6, "angle_steers": 7, "angle_steers_k": 8, "steer_torque": 9, "v_override": 10, "v_cruise": 11, "a_ego": 12, "a_target": 13, "accel_override": 14} plot_arr = np.zeros((100, len(name_to_arr_idx.values()))) plot_xlims = [(0, plot_arr.shape[0]), (0, plot_arr.shape[0]), (0, plot_arr.shape[0]), (0, plot_arr.shape[0])] plot_ylims = [(-0.1, 1.1), (-ANGLE_SCALE, ANGLE_SCALE), (0., 75.), (-3.0, 2.0)] plot_names = [["gas", "computer_gas", "user_brake", "computer_brake", "accel_override"], ["angle_steers", "angle_steers_des", "angle_steers_k", "steer_torque"], ["v_ego", "v_override", "v_pid", "v_cruise"], ["a_ego", "a_target"]] plot_colors = [["b", "b", "g", "r", "y"], ["b", "g", "y", "r"], ["b", "g", "r", "y"], ["b", "r"]] plot_styles = [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-"]] draw_plots = init_plots(plot_arr, name_to_arr_idx, plot_xlims, plot_ylims, plot_names, plot_colors, plot_styles, bigplots=True) counter = 0 while 1: list(pygame.event.get()) screen.fill((64,64,64)) lid_overlay = lid_overlay_blank.copy() top_down = top_down_surface, lid_overlay # ***** frame ***** fpkt = messaging.recv_one(frame) rgb_img_raw = fpkt.frame.image if fpkt.frame.transform: img_transform = np.array(fpkt.frame.transform).reshape(3,3) else: # assume frame is flipped img_transform = np.array([ [-1.0, 0.0, FULL_FRAME_SIZE[0]-1], [ 0.0, -1.0, FULL_FRAME_SIZE[1]-1], [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] ]) if rgb_img_raw and len(rgb_img_raw) == FULL_FRAME_SIZE[0] * FULL_FRAME_SIZE[1] * 3: imgff = np.frombuffer(rgb_img_raw, dtype=np.uint8).reshape((FULL_FRAME_SIZE[1], FULL_FRAME_SIZE[0], 3)) imgff = imgff[:, :, ::-1] # Convert BGR to RGB cv2.warpAffine(imgff,, _BB_TO_FULL_FRAME)[:2], (img.shape[1], img.shape[0]), dst=img, flags=cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP) intrinsic_matrix = eon_intrinsics else: img.fill(0) intrinsic_matrix = np.eye(3) if calibration is not None: transform =, calibration.model_to_full_frame) imgw = cv2.warpAffine(imgff, transform[:2], (MODEL_INPUT_SIZE[0], MODEL_INPUT_SIZE[1]), flags=cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP) else: imgw.fill(0) sm.update() w = sm['controlsState'].lateralControlState.which() if w == 'lqrState': angle_steers_k = sm['controlsState'].lateralControlState.lqrState.steerAngle elif w == 'indiState': angle_steers_k = sm['controlsState'].lateralControlState.indiState.steerAngle else: angle_steers_k = np.inf plot_arr[:-1] = plot_arr[1:] plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['angle_steers']] = sm['controlsState'].angleSteers plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['angle_steers_des']] = sm['carControl'].actuators.steerAngle plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['angle_steers_k']] = angle_steers_k plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['gas']] = sm['carState'].gas plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['computer_gas']] = sm['carControl'].actuators.gas plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['user_brake']] = sm['carState'].brake plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['steer_torque']] = sm['carControl'].actuators.steer * ANGLE_SCALE plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['computer_brake']] = sm['carControl'].actuators.brake plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['v_ego']] = sm['controlsState'].vEgo plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['v_pid']] = sm['controlsState'].vPid plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['v_override']] = sm['carControl'].cruiseControl.speedOverride plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['v_cruise']] = sm['carState'].cruiseState.speed plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['a_ego']] = sm['carState'].aEgo plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['a_target']] = sm['plan'].aTarget plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['accel_override']] = sm['carControl'].cruiseControl.accelOverride # ***** model **** # if len(sm['model'].path.poly) > 0: model_data = extract_model_data(sm['model']) imgw_copy = copy.deepcopy(imgw) paths = plot_model(model_data, VM, sm['controlsState'].vEgo, sm['controlsState'].curvature, imgw, calibration, top_down, np.array(sm['pathPlan'].dPoly)) # interlock code HERE if calibration: left_fit = np.polyfit(_PATH_XD, model_data.lpath.y,2) right_fit = np.polyfit(_PATH_XD, model_data.rpath.y,2) imgw_copy = cv2.resize(imgw_copy, (int(imgw_copy.shape[1] * SCALE), int(imgw_copy.shape[0] * SCALE))) interlock(imgw_copy, left_fit, right_fit, calibration.car_to_model, REG_THRESHOLDS) # MPC if sm.updated['liveMpc']: draw_mpc(sm['liveMpc'], top_down) # draw all radar points maybe_update_radar_points(sm['liveTracks'], top_down[1]) if sm.updated['liveCalibration']: extrinsic_matrix = np.asarray(sm['liveCalibration'].extrinsicMatrix).reshape(3, 4) ke = warp_matrix = get_camera_frame_from_model_frame(ke) calibration = CalibrationTransformsForWarpMatrix(warp_matrix, intrinsic_matrix, extrinsic_matrix) # draw red pt for lead car in the main img for lead in [sm['radarState'].leadOne, sm['radarState'].leadTwo]: if lead.status: if calibration is not None: draw_lead_on(img, lead.dRel, lead.yRel, calibration, color=(192,0,0)) draw_lead_car(lead.dRel, top_down) # *** blits *** pygame.surfarray.blit_array(camera_surface, img.swapaxes(0,1)) screen.blit(camera_surface, (0, 0)) # display alerts alert_line1 = alert1_font.render(sm['controlsState'].alertText1, True, (255,0,0)) alert_line2 = alert2_font.render(sm['controlsState'].alertText2, True, (255,0,0)) screen.blit(alert_line1, (180, 150)) screen.blit(alert_line2, (180, 190)) if calibration is not None and img is not None: cpw = warp_points(CalP, calibration.model_to_bb) vanishing_pointw = warp_points(vanishing_point, calibration.model_to_bb) pygame.draw.polygon(screen, BLUE, tuple(map(tuple, cpw)), 1), BLUE, list(map(int, map(round, vanishing_pointw[0]))), 2) if HOR: screen.blit(draw_plots(plot_arr), (640+384, 0)) else: screen.blit(draw_plots(plot_arr), (0, 600)) pygame.surfarray.blit_array(cameraw_surface, imgw.swapaxes(0, 1)) screen.blit(cameraw_surface, (320, 480)) pygame.surfarray.blit_array(*top_down) screen.blit(top_down[0], (640,0)) i = 0 SPACING = 25 lines = [ info_font.render("ENABLED", True, GREEN if sm['controlsState'].enabled else BLACK), info_font.render("BRAKE LIGHTS", True, RED if sm['carState'].brakeLights else BLACK), info_font.render("SPEED: " + str(round(sm['carState'].vEgo, 1)) + " m/s", True, YELLOW), info_font.render("LONG CONTROL STATE: " + str(sm['controlsState'].longControlState), True, YELLOW), info_font.render("LONG MPC SOURCE: " + str(sm['plan'].longitudinalPlanSource), True, YELLOW), None, info_font.render("ANGLE OFFSET (AVG): " + str(round(sm['liveParameters'].angleOffsetAverage, 2)) + " deg", True, YELLOW), info_font.render("ANGLE OFFSET (INSTANT): " + str(round(sm['liveParameters'].angleOffset, 2)) + " deg", True, YELLOW), info_font.render("STIFFNESS: " + str(round(sm['liveParameters'].stiffnessFactor * 100., 2)) + " %", True, YELLOW), info_font.render("STEER RATIO: " + str(round(sm['liveParameters'].steerRatio, 2)), True, YELLOW) ] for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line is not None: screen.blit(line, (write_x, write_y + i * SPACING)) # this takes time...vsync or something pygame.display.flip()
def __init__(self, sm=None, pm=None, can_sock=None): config_realtime_process(4 if TICI else 3, Priority.CTRL_HIGH) # Setup sockets = pm if is None: = messaging.PubMaster([ 'sendcan', 'controlsState', 'carState', 'carControl', 'carEvents', 'carParams' ]) self.camera_packets = ["roadCameraState", "driverCameraState"] if TICI: self.camera_packets.append("wideRoadCameraState") params = Params() self.joystick_mode = params.get_bool("JoystickDebugMode") joystick_packet = ['testJoystick'] if self.joystick_mode else [] = sm if is None: ignore = ['driverCameraState', 'managerState' ] if SIMULATION else None = messaging.SubMaster( [ 'deviceState', 'pandaStates', 'peripheralState', 'modelV2', 'liveCalibration', 'driverMonitoringState', 'longitudinalPlan', 'lateralPlan', 'liveLocationKalman', 'managerState', 'liveParameters', 'radarState' ] + self.camera_packets + joystick_packet, ignore_alive=ignore, ignore_avg_freq=['radarState', 'longitudinalPlan']) self.can_sock = can_sock if can_sock is None: can_timeout = None if os.environ.get('NO_CAN_TIMEOUT', False) else 100 self.can_sock = messaging.sub_sock('can', timeout=can_timeout) if TICI: self.log_sock = messaging.sub_sock('androidLog') # wait for one pandaState and one CAN packet print("Waiting for CAN messages...") get_one_can(self.can_sock) self.CI, self.CP = get_car(self.can_sock,['sendcan']) # read params self.is_metric = params.get_bool("IsMetric") self.is_ldw_enabled = params.get_bool("IsLdwEnabled") community_feature_toggle = params.get_bool("CommunityFeaturesToggle") openpilot_enabled_toggle = params.get_bool("OpenpilotEnabledToggle") passive = params.get_bool("Passive") or not openpilot_enabled_toggle # detect sound card presence and ensure successful init sounds_available = HARDWARE.get_sound_card_online() car_recognized = self.CP.carName != 'mock' controller_available = self.CI.CC is not None and not passive and not self.CP.dashcamOnly community_feature = self.CP.communityFeature or \ self.CP.fingerprintSource == car.CarParams.FingerprintSource.can community_feature_disallowed = community_feature and ( not community_feature_toggle) self.read_only = not car_recognized or not controller_available or \ self.CP.dashcamOnly or community_feature_disallowed if self.read_only: safety_config = car.CarParams.SafetyConfig.new_message() safety_config.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModel.noOutput self.CP.safetyConfigs = [safety_config] # Write CarParams for radard cp_bytes = self.CP.to_bytes() params.put("CarParams", cp_bytes) put_nonblocking("CarParamsCache", cp_bytes) self.CC = car.CarControl.new_message() self.AM = AlertManager() = Events() self.LoC = LongControl(self.CP) self.VM = VehicleModel(self.CP) if self.CP.steerControlType == car.CarParams.SteerControlType.angle: self.LaC = LatControlAngle(self.CP) elif self.CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'pid': self.LaC = LatControlPID(self.CP, self.CI) elif self.CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'indi': self.LaC = LatControlINDI(self.CP) elif self.CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'lqr': self.LaC = LatControlLQR(self.CP) self.initialized = False self.state = State.disabled self.enabled = False = False self.can_rcv_error = False self.soft_disable_timer = 0 self.v_cruise_kph = 255 self.v_cruise_kph_last = 0 self.mismatch_counter = 0 self.cruise_mismatch_counter = 0 self.can_error_counter = 0 self.last_blinker_frame = 0 self.saturated_count = 0 self.distance_traveled = 0 self.last_functional_fan_frame = 0 self.events_prev = [] self.current_alert_types = [ET.PERMANENT] self.logged_comm_issue = False self.button_timers = { ButtonEvent.Type.decelCruise: 0, ButtonEvent.Type.accelCruise: 0 } # scc smoother self.is_cruise_enabled = False self.applyMaxSpeed = 0 self.apply_accel = 0. self.fused_accel = 0. self.lead_drel = 0. self.aReqValue = 0. self.aReqValueMin = 0. self.aReqValueMax = 0. self.sccStockCamStatus = 0 self.sccStockCamAct = 0 self.left_lane_visible = False self.right_lane_visible = False self.wide_camera = TICI and params.get_bool('EnableWideCamera') self.disable_op_fcw = params.get_bool('DisableOpFcw') # TODO: no longer necessary, aside from process replay['liveParameters'].valid = True self.startup_event = get_startup_event(car_recognized, controller_available, len(self.CP.carFw) > 0) if not sounds_available:, static=True) if community_feature_disallowed and car_recognized and not self.CP.dashcamOnly:, static=True) if not car_recognized:, static=True) if len(self.CP.carFw) > 0: set_offroad_alert("Offroad_CarUnrecognized", True) else: set_offroad_alert("Offroad_NoFirmware", True) elif self.read_only:, static=True) elif self.joystick_mode:, static=True) self.startup_event = None # controlsd is driven by can recv, expected at 100Hz self.rk = Ratekeeper(100, print_delay_threshold=None) = Profiler(False) # off by default
def __init__(self, sm=None, pm=None, can_sock=None): config_realtime_process(3, Priority.CTRL_HIGH) # Setup sockets = pm if is None: = messaging.PubMaster([ 'sendcan', 'controlsState', 'carState', 'carControl', 'carEvents', 'carParams' ]) = sm if is None: = messaging.SubMaster([ 'thermal', 'health', 'model', 'liveCalibration', 'frontFrame', 'dMonitoringState', 'plan', 'pathPlan', 'liveLocationKalman' ]) self.can_sock = can_sock if can_sock is None: can_timeout = None if os.environ.get('NO_CAN_TIMEOUT', False) else 100 self.can_sock = messaging.sub_sock('can', timeout=can_timeout) # wait for one health and one CAN packet print("Waiting for CAN messages...") get_one_can(self.can_sock) self.CI, self.CP = get_car(self.can_sock,['sendcan']) # read params params = Params() self.is_metric = params.get("IsMetric", encoding='utf8') == "1" self.is_ldw_enabled = params.get("IsLdwEnabled", encoding='utf8') == "1" internet_needed = (params.get("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", encoding='utf8') is not None) and ( params.get("DisableUpdates") != b"1") community_feature_toggle = params.get("CommunityFeaturesToggle", encoding='utf8') == "1" openpilot_enabled_toggle = params.get("OpenpilotEnabledToggle", encoding='utf8') == "1" passive = params.get("Passive", encoding='utf8') == "1" or \ internet_needed or not openpilot_enabled_toggle # detect sound card presence and ensure successful init sounds_available = HARDWARE.get_sound_card_online() car_recognized = self.CP.carName != 'mock' # If stock camera is disconnected, we loaded car controls and it's not dashcam mode controller_available = self.CP.enableCamera and self.CI.CC is not None and not passive and not self.CP.dashcamOnly community_feature_disallowed = self.CP.communityFeature and not community_feature_toggle self.read_only = not car_recognized or not controller_available or \ self.CP.dashcamOnly or community_feature_disallowed if self.read_only: self.CP.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModel.noOutput # Write CarParams for radard and boardd safety mode cp_bytes = self.CP.to_bytes() params.put("CarParams", cp_bytes) put_nonblocking("CarParamsCache", cp_bytes) self.CC = car.CarControl.new_message() self.AM = AlertManager() = Events() self.LoC = LongControl(self.CP, self.CI.compute_gb) self.VM = VehicleModel(self.CP) if self.CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'pid': self.LaC = LatControlPID(self.CP) elif self.CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'indi': self.LaC = LatControlINDI(self.CP) elif self.CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'lqr': self.LaC = LatControlLQR(self.CP) self.state = State.disabled self.enabled = False = False self.can_rcv_error = False self.soft_disable_timer = 0 self.v_cruise_kph = 255 self.v_cruise_kph_last = 0 self.mismatch_counter = 0 self.can_error_counter = 0 self.last_blinker_frame = 0 self.saturated_count = 0 self.distance_traveled = 0 self.last_functional_fan_frame = 0 self.events_prev = [] self.current_alert_types = [ET.PERMANENT]['liveCalibration'].calStatus = Calibration.CALIBRATED['thermal'].freeSpace = 1.['dMonitoringState'].events = []['dMonitoringState'].awarenessStatus = 1.['dMonitoringState'].faceDetected = False self.startup_event = get_startup_event(car_recognized, controller_available) if not sounds_available:, static=True) if internet_needed:, static=True) if community_feature_disallowed:, static=True) if not car_recognized:, static=True) # controlsd is driven by can recv, expected at 100Hz self.rk = Ratekeeper(100, print_delay_threshold=None) = Profiler(False) # off by default
def manager_thread(): # now loop thermal_sock = messaging.sub_sock('thermal')"manager start"){"environ": os.environ}) # save boot log["./loggerd", "--bootlog"], cwd=os.path.join(BASEDIR, "selfdrive/loggerd")) params = Params() # start daemon processes for p in daemon_processes: start_daemon_process(p) # start persistent processes for p in persistent_processes: start_managed_process(p) # start offroad if ANDROID: pm_apply_packages('enable') start_offroad() if os.getenv("NOBOARD") is None: start_managed_process("pandad") if os.getenv("BLOCK") is not None: for k in os.getenv("BLOCK").split(","): del managed_processes[k] started_prev = False logger_dead = False while 1: msg = messaging.recv_sock(thermal_sock, wait=True) # heavyweight batch processes are gated on favorable thermal conditions if msg.thermal.thermalStatus >= ThermalStatus.yellow: for p in green_temp_processes: if p in persistent_processes: kill_managed_process(p) else: for p in green_temp_processes: if p in persistent_processes: start_managed_process(p) if msg.thermal.freeSpace < 0.05: logger_dead = True if msg.thermal.started: for p in car_started_processes: if p == "loggerd" and logger_dead: kill_managed_process(p) else: start_managed_process(p) else: logger_dead = False driver_view = params.get("IsDriverViewEnabled") == b"1" # TODO: refactor how manager manages processes for p in reversed(car_started_processes): if p not in driver_view_processes or not driver_view: kill_managed_process(p) for p in driver_view_processes: if driver_view: start_managed_process(p) else: kill_managed_process(p) # trigger an update after going offroad if started_prev: send_managed_process_signal("updated", signal.SIGHUP) started_prev = msg.thermal.started # check the status of all processes, did any of them die? running_list = [ "%s%s\u001b[0m" % ("\u001b[32m" if running[p].is_alive() else "\u001b[31m", p) for p in running ] cloudlog.debug(' '.join(running_list)) # Exit main loop when uninstall is needed if params.get("DoUninstall", encoding='utf8') == "1": break
def __init__(self): self.slowing_down = False self.started_dist = 0 self.sock = messaging.sub_sock("roadLimitSpeed") self.roadLimitSpeed = None
def mapsd_thread(): global last_gps gps_sock = messaging.sub_sock('gpsLocation', conflate=True) gps_external_sock = messaging.sub_sock('gpsLocationExternal', conflate=True) map_data_sock = messaging.pub_sock('liveMapData') cur_way = None curvature_valid = False curvature = None upcoming_curvature = 0. dist_to_turn = 0. road_points = None while True: gps = messaging.recv_one(gps_sock) gps_ext = messaging.recv_one_or_none(gps_external_sock) if gps_ext is not None: gps = gps_ext.gpsLocationExternal else: gps = gps.gpsLocation last_gps = gps fix_ok = gps.flags & 1 if not fix_ok or last_query_result is None or not cache_valid: cur_way = None curvature = None curvature_valid = False upcoming_curvature = 0. dist_to_turn = 0. road_points = None map_valid = False else: map_valid = True lat = gps.latitude lon = gps.longitude heading = gps.bearing speed = gps.speed query_lock.acquire() cur_way = Way.closest(last_query_result, lat, lon, heading, cur_way) if cur_way is not None: pnts, curvature_valid = cur_way.get_lookahead( lat, lon, heading, MAPS_LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE) xs = pnts[:, 0] ys = pnts[:, 1] road_points = [float(x) for x in xs], [float(y) for y in ys] if speed < 10: curvature_valid = False if curvature_valid and pnts.shape[0] <= 3: curvature_valid = False # The curvature is valid when at least MAPS_LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE of road is found if curvature_valid: # Compute the curvature for each point with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): circles = [ circle_through_points(*p) for p in zip(pnts, pnts[1:], pnts[2:]) ] circles = np.asarray(circles) radii = np.nan_to_num(circles[:, 2]) radii[radii < 10] = np.inf curvature = 1. / radii # Index of closest point closest = np.argmin(np.linalg.norm(pnts, axis=1)) dist_to_closest = pnts[ closest, 0] # We can use x distance here since it should be close # Compute distance along path dists = list() dists.append(0) for p, p_prev in zip(pnts, pnts[1:, :]): dists.append(dists[-1] + np.linalg.norm(p - p_prev)) dists = np.asarray(dists) dists = dists - dists[closest] + dist_to_closest dists = dists[1:-1] close_idx = np.logical_and(dists > 0, dists < 500) dists = dists[close_idx] curvature = curvature[close_idx] if len(curvature): # TODO: Determine left or right turn curvature = np.nan_to_num(curvature) # Outlier rejection new_curvature = np.percentile(curvature, 90, interpolation='lower') k = 0.6 upcoming_curvature = k * upcoming_curvature + ( 1 - k) * new_curvature in_turn_indices = curvature > 0.8 * new_curvature if np.any(in_turn_indices): dist_to_turn = np.min(dists[in_turn_indices]) else: dist_to_turn = 999 else: upcoming_curvature = 0. dist_to_turn = 999 query_lock.release() dat = messaging.new_message('liveMapData') if last_gps is not None: dat.liveMapData.lastGps = last_gps if cur_way is not None: dat.liveMapData.wayId = # Speed limit max_speed = cur_way.max_speed() if max_speed is not None: dat.liveMapData.speedLimitValid = True dat.liveMapData.speedLimit = max_speed # TODO: use the function below to anticipate upcoming speed limits #max_speed_ahead, max_speed_ahead_dist = cur_way.max_speed_ahead(max_speed, lat, lon, heading, MAPS_LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE) #if max_speed_ahead is not None and max_speed_ahead_dist is not None: # dat.liveMapData.speedLimitAheadValid = True # dat.liveMapData.speedLimitAhead = float(max_speed_ahead) # dat.liveMapData.speedLimitAheadDistance = float(max_speed_ahead_dist) advisory_max_speed = cur_way.advisory_max_speed() if advisory_max_speed is not None: dat.liveMapData.speedAdvisoryValid = True dat.liveMapData.speedAdvisory = advisory_max_speed # Curvature dat.liveMapData.curvatureValid = curvature_valid dat.liveMapData.curvature = float(upcoming_curvature) dat.liveMapData.distToTurn = float(dist_to_turn) if road_points is not None: dat.liveMapData.roadX, dat.liveMapData.roadY = road_points if curvature is not None: dat.liveMapData.roadCurvatureX = [float(x) for x in dists] dat.liveMapData.roadCurvature = [float(x) for x in curvature] dat.liveMapData.mapValid = map_valid map_data_sock.send(dat.to_bytes())
fig, ax = plt.subplots() #fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 15)) #ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.grid(True) fig.canvas.draw() subs_name = sys.argv[1:] lines = [] x, y = [], [] LEN = 500 for i, sub in enumerate(subs_name): sub_split = sub.split(".") services.append(sub_split[0]) fields.append(".".join(sub_split[1:])) subs.append(messaging.sub_sock(sub_split[0], poller)) x.append(np.ones(LEN) * np.nan) y.append(np.ones(LEN) * np.nan) lines.append(ax.plot(x[i], y[i])[0]) for l in lines: l.set_marker("*") cur_t = 0. ax.legend(subs_name) ax.set_xlabel('time [s]') while 1: print(1. / (time.time() - cur_t)) cur_t = time.time()
def ui_thread(addr, frame_address): pygame.init() pygame.font.init() assert pygame_modules_have_loaded() size = (int(_FULL_FRAME_SIZE[0] * SCALE), int(_FULL_FRAME_SIZE[1] * SCALE)) print(size) pygame.display.set_caption("comma one debug UI") screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size, pygame.DOUBLEBUF) camera_surface = pygame.surface.Surface( (_FULL_FRAME_SIZE[0] * SCALE, _FULL_FRAME_SIZE[1] * SCALE), 0, 24).convert() frame = messaging.sub_sock('frame', conflate=True) img = np.zeros((_FULL_FRAME_SIZE[1], _FULL_FRAME_SIZE[0], 3), dtype='uint8') imgff = np.zeros((_FULL_FRAME_SIZE[1], _FULL_FRAME_SIZE[0], 3), dtype=np.uint8) while 1: list(pygame.event.get()) screen.fill((64, 64, 64)) # ***** frame ***** fpkt = messaging.recv_one(frame) yuv_img = fpkt.frame.image if fpkt.frame.transform: yuv_transform = np.array(fpkt.frame.transform).reshape(3, 3) else: # assume frame is flipped yuv_transform = np.array([[-1.0, 0.0, _FULL_FRAME_SIZE[0] - 1], [0.0, -1.0, _FULL_FRAME_SIZE[1] - 1], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]) if yuv_img and len( yuv_img) == _FULL_FRAME_SIZE[0] * _FULL_FRAME_SIZE[1] * 3 // 2: yuv_np = np.frombuffer(yuv_img, dtype=np.uint8).reshape( _FULL_FRAME_SIZE[1] * 3 // 2, -1) cv2.cvtColor(yuv_np, cv2.COLOR_YUV2RGB_I420, dst=imgff) cv2.warpAffine(imgff,, _BB_TO_FULL_FRAME)[:2], (img.shape[1], img.shape[0]), dst=img, flags=cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP) else: # actually RGB img = np.frombuffer(yuv_img, dtype=np.uint8).reshape( (_FULL_FRAME_SIZE[1], _FULL_FRAME_SIZE[0], 3)) img = img[:, :, ::-1] # Convert BGR to RGB height, width = img.shape[:2] img_resized = cv2.resize(img, (int(SCALE * width), int(SCALE * height)), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) # *** blits *** pygame.surfarray.blit_array(camera_surface, img_resized.swapaxes(0, 1)) screen.blit(camera_surface, (0, 0)) # this takes time...vsync or something pygame.display.flip()
def thermald_thread(): pm = messaging.PubMaster(['deviceState']) pandaState_timeout = int(1000 * 2.5 * DT_TRML) # 2.5x the expected pandaState frequency pandaState_sock = messaging.sub_sock('pandaStates', timeout=pandaState_timeout) sm = messaging.SubMaster( ["peripheralState", "gpsLocationExternal", "managerState"]) fan_speed = 0 count = 0 startup_conditions = { "ignition": False, } startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy() off_ts = None started_ts = None started_seen = False thermal_status = usb_power = True network_type = NetworkType.none network_strength = NetworkStrength.unknown network_info = None modem_version = None registered_count = 0 nvme_temps = None modem_temps = None current_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CURRENT_TAU, DT_TRML) temp_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., TEMP_TAU, DT_TRML) pandaState_prev = None should_start_prev = False in_car = False handle_fan = None is_uno = False ui_running_prev = False params = Params() power_monitor = PowerMonitoring() no_panda_cnt = 0 HARDWARE.initialize_hardware() thermal_config = HARDWARE.get_thermal_config() # TODO: use PI controller for UNO controller = PIController(k_p=0, k_i=2e-3, neg_limit=-80, pos_limit=0, rate=(1 / DT_TRML)) # Leave flag for loggerd to indicate device was left onroad if params.get_bool("IsOnroad"): params.put_bool("BootedOnroad", True) while True: pandaStates = messaging.recv_sock(pandaState_sock, wait=True) sm.update(0) peripheralState = sm['peripheralState'] msg = read_thermal(thermal_config) if pandaStates is not None and len(pandaStates.pandaStates) > 0: pandaState = pandaStates.pandaStates[0] # If we lose connection to the panda, wait 5 seconds before going offroad if pandaState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown: no_panda_cnt += 1 if no_panda_cnt > DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT / DT_TRML: if startup_conditions["ignition"]: cloudlog.error("Lost panda connection while onroad") startup_conditions["ignition"] = False else: no_panda_cnt = 0 startup_conditions[ "ignition"] = pandaState.ignitionLine or pandaState.ignitionCan in_car = pandaState.harnessStatus != log.PandaState.HarnessStatus.notConnected usb_power = peripheralState.usbPowerMode != log.PeripheralState.UsbPowerMode.client # Setup fan handler on first connect to panda if handle_fan is None and peripheralState.pandaType != log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown: is_uno = peripheralState.pandaType == if TICI:"Setting up TICI fan handler") handle_fan = handle_fan_tici elif is_uno or PC:"Setting up UNO fan handler") handle_fan = handle_fan_uno else:"Setting up EON fan handler") setup_eon_fan() handle_fan = handle_fan_eon # Handle disconnect if pandaState_prev is not None: if pandaState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown and \ pandaState_prev.pandaType != log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown: params.clear_all(ParamKeyType.CLEAR_ON_PANDA_DISCONNECT) pandaState_prev = pandaState # these are expensive calls. update every 10s if (count % int(10. / DT_TRML)) == 0: try: network_type = HARDWARE.get_network_type() network_strength = HARDWARE.get_network_strength(network_type) network_info = HARDWARE.get_network_info() # pylint: disable=assignment-from-none nvme_temps = HARDWARE.get_nvme_temperatures() modem_temps = HARDWARE.get_modem_temperatures() # Log modem version once if modem_version is None: modem_version = HARDWARE.get_modem_version() # pylint: disable=assignment-from-none if modem_version is not None: cloudlog.warning(f"Modem version: {modem_version}") if TICI and (network_info.get('state', None) == "REGISTERED"): registered_count += 1 else: registered_count = 0 if registered_count > 10: cloudlog.warning( f"Modem stuck in registered state {network_info}. nmcli conn up lte" ) os.system("nmcli conn up lte") registered_count = 0 except Exception: cloudlog.exception("Error getting network status") msg.deviceState.freeSpacePercent = get_available_percent(default=100.0) msg.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent = int( round(psutil.virtual_memory().percent)) msg.deviceState.cpuUsagePercent = [ int(round(n)) for n in psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True) ] msg.deviceState.gpuUsagePercent = int( round(HARDWARE.get_gpu_usage_percent())) msg.deviceState.networkType = network_type msg.deviceState.networkStrength = network_strength if network_info is not None: msg.deviceState.networkInfo = network_info if nvme_temps is not None: msg.deviceState.nvmeTempC = nvme_temps if modem_temps is not None: msg.deviceState.modemTempC = modem_temps msg.deviceState.screenBrightnessPercent = HARDWARE.get_screen_brightness( ) msg.deviceState.batteryPercent = HARDWARE.get_battery_capacity() msg.deviceState.batteryCurrent = HARDWARE.get_battery_current() msg.deviceState.usbOnline = HARDWARE.get_usb_present() current_filter.update(msg.deviceState.batteryCurrent / 1e6) max_comp_temp = temp_filter.update( max(max(msg.deviceState.cpuTempC), msg.deviceState.memoryTempC, max(msg.deviceState.gpuTempC))) if handle_fan is not None: fan_speed = handle_fan(controller, max_comp_temp, fan_speed, startup_conditions["ignition"]) msg.deviceState.fanSpeedPercentDesired = fan_speed is_offroad_for_5_min = (started_ts is None) and ( (not started_seen) or (off_ts is None) or (sec_since_boot() - off_ts > 60 * 5)) if is_offroad_for_5_min and max_comp_temp > OFFROAD_DANGER_TEMP: # If device is offroad we want to cool down before going onroad # since going onroad increases load and can make temps go over 107 thermal_status = ThermalStatus.danger else: current_band = THERMAL_BANDS[thermal_status] band_idx = list(THERMAL_BANDS.keys()).index(thermal_status) if current_band.min_temp is not None and max_comp_temp < current_band.min_temp: thermal_status = list(THERMAL_BANDS.keys())[band_idx - 1] elif current_band.max_temp is not None and max_comp_temp > current_band.max_temp: thermal_status = list(THERMAL_BANDS.keys())[band_idx + 1] # **** starting logic **** # Check for last update time and display alerts if needed now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # show invalid date/time alert startup_conditions["time_valid"] = (now.year > 2020) or ( now.year == 2020 and now.month >= 10) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_InvalidTime", (not startup_conditions["time_valid"])) # Show update prompt try: last_update = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat( params.get("LastUpdateTime", encoding='utf8')) except (TypeError, ValueError): last_update = now dt = now - last_update update_failed_count = params.get("UpdateFailedCount") update_failed_count = 0 if update_failed_count is None else int( update_failed_count) last_update_exception = params.get("LastUpdateException", encoding='utf8') if update_failed_count > 15 and last_update_exception is not None: if tested_branch: extra_text = "Ensure the software is correctly installed" else: extra_text = last_update_exception set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", True, extra_text=extra_text) elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX and update_failed_count > 1: set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", True) elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_PROMPT: remaining_time = str(max(DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX - dt.days, 0)) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", True, extra_text=f"{remaining_time} days.") else: set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False) startup_conditions["up_to_date"] = params.get( "Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded") is None or params.get_bool( "DisableUpdates") startup_conditions["not_uninstalling"] = not params.get_bool( "DoUninstall") startup_conditions["accepted_terms"] = params.get( "HasAcceptedTerms") == terms_version panda_signature = params.get("PandaFirmware") startup_conditions["fw_version_match"] = (panda_signature is None) or ( panda_signature == FW_SIGNATURE ) # don't show alert is no panda is connected (None) set_offroad_alert_if_changed( "Offroad_PandaFirmwareMismatch", (not startup_conditions["fw_version_match"])) # with 2% left, we killall, otherwise the phone will take a long time to boot startup_conditions["free_space"] = msg.deviceState.freeSpacePercent > 2 startup_conditions["completed_training"] = params.get("CompletedTrainingVersion") == training_version or \ params.get_bool("Passive") startup_conditions["not_driver_view"] = not params.get_bool( "IsDriverViewEnabled") startup_conditions["not_taking_snapshot"] = not params.get_bool( "IsTakingSnapshot") # if any CPU gets above 107 or the battery gets above 63, kill all processes # controls will warn with CPU above 95 or battery above 60 startup_conditions[ "device_temp_good"] = thermal_status < ThermalStatus.danger set_offroad_alert_if_changed( "Offroad_TemperatureTooHigh", (not startup_conditions["device_temp_good"])) if TICI: set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_StorageMissing", (not Path("/data/media").is_mount())) # Handle offroad/onroad transition should_start = all(startup_conditions.values()) if should_start != should_start_prev or (count == 0): params.put_bool("IsOnroad", should_start) params.put_bool("IsOffroad", not should_start) HARDWARE.set_power_save(not should_start) if should_start: off_ts = None if started_ts is None: started_ts = sec_since_boot() started_seen = True else: if startup_conditions["ignition"] and (startup_conditions != startup_conditions_prev): cloudlog.event("Startup blocked", startup_conditions=startup_conditions) started_ts = None if off_ts is None: off_ts = sec_since_boot() # Offroad power monitoring power_monitor.calculate(peripheralState, startup_conditions["ignition"]) msg.deviceState.offroadPowerUsageUwh = power_monitor.get_power_used() msg.deviceState.carBatteryCapacityUwh = max( 0, power_monitor.get_car_battery_capacity()) # Check if we need to disable charging (handled by boardd) msg.deviceState.chargingDisabled = power_monitor.should_disable_charging( startup_conditions["ignition"], in_car, off_ts) # Check if we need to shut down if power_monitor.should_shutdown(peripheralState, startup_conditions["ignition"], in_car, off_ts, started_seen):"shutting device down, offroad since {off_ts}") # TODO: add function for blocking cloudlog instead of sleep time.sleep(10) HARDWARE.shutdown() # If UI has crashed, set the brightness to reasonable non-zero value ui_running = "ui" in ( for p in sm["managerState"].processes if p.running) if ui_running_prev and not ui_running: HARDWARE.set_screen_brightness(20) ui_running_prev = ui_running msg.deviceState.chargingError = current_filter.x > 0. and msg.deviceState.batteryPercent < 90 # if current is positive, then battery is being discharged msg.deviceState.started = started_ts is not None msg.deviceState.startedMonoTime = int(1e9 * (started_ts or 0)) last_ping = params.get("LastAthenaPingTime") if last_ping is not None: msg.deviceState.lastAthenaPingTime = int(last_ping) msg.deviceState.thermalStatus = thermal_status pm.send("deviceState", msg) if EON and not is_uno: set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ChargeDisabled", (not usb_power)) should_start_prev = should_start startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy() # report to server once every 10 minutes if (count % int(600. / DT_TRML)) == 0: if EON and started_ts is None and msg.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent > 40: cloudlog.event("High offroad memory usage", mem=msg.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent) cloudlog.event( "STATUS_PACKET", count=count, pandaStates=(strip_deprecated_keys(pandaStates.to_dict()) if pandaStates else None), peripheralState=strip_deprecated_keys( peripheralState.to_dict()), location=(strip_deprecated_keys( sm["gpsLocationExternal"].to_dict()) if sm.alive["gpsLocationExternal"] else None), deviceState=strip_deprecated_keys(msg.to_dict())) count += 1
def __init__(self, sm=None, pm=None, can_sock=None): gc.disable() set_realtime_priority(3) # Setup sockets = pm if is None: = messaging.PubMaster(['sendcan', 'controlsState', 'carState', \ 'carControl', 'carEvents', 'carParams']) = sm if is None: = messaging.SubMaster(['thermal', 'health', 'model', 'liveCalibration', \ 'dMonitoringState', 'plan', 'pathPlan', 'liveLocationKalman']) self.can_sock = can_sock if can_sock is None: can_timeout = None if os.environ.get('NO_CAN_TIMEOUT', False) else 100 self.can_sock = messaging.sub_sock('can', timeout=can_timeout) # wait for one health and one CAN packet hw_type = messaging.recv_one(['health']).health.hwType has_relay = hw_type in [HwType.blackPanda,] print("Waiting for CAN messages...") messaging.get_one_can(self.can_sock) self.CI, self.CP = get_car(self.can_sock,['sendcan'], has_relay) # read params params = Params() self.is_metric = params.get("IsMetric", encoding='utf8') == "1" self.is_ldw_enabled = params.get("IsLdwEnabled", encoding='utf8') == "1" internet_needed = params.get("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", encoding='utf8') is not None community_feature_toggle = params.get("CommunityFeaturesToggle", encoding='utf8') == "1" openpilot_enabled_toggle = params.get("OpenpilotEnabledToggle", encoding='utf8') == "1" passive = params.get("Passive", encoding='utf8') == "1" or \ internet_needed or not openpilot_enabled_toggle # detect sound card presence and ensure successful init sounds_available = not os.path.isfile('/EON') or (os.path.isfile('/proc/asound/card0/state') \ and open('/proc/asound/card0/state').read().strip() == 'ONLINE') car_recognized = self.CP.carName != 'mock' # If stock camera is disconnected, we loaded car controls and it's not dashcam mode controller_available = self.CP.enableCamera and self.CI.CC is not None and not passive community_feature_disallowed = self.CP.communityFeature and not community_feature_toggle self.read_only = not car_recognized or not controller_available or \ self.CP.dashcamOnly or community_feature_disallowed if self.read_only: self.CP.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModel.noOutput # Write CarParams for radard and boardd safety mode cp_bytes = self.CP.to_bytes() params.put("CarParams", cp_bytes) put_nonblocking("CarParamsCache", cp_bytes) put_nonblocking("LongitudinalControl", "1" if self.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl else "0") self.CC = car.CarControl.new_message() self.AM = AlertManager() = Events() self.LoC = LongControl(self.CP, self.CI.compute_gb) self.VM = VehicleModel(self.CP) if self.CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'pid': self.LaC = LatControlPID(self.CP) elif self.CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'indi': self.LaC = LatControlINDI(self.CP) elif self.CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'lqr': self.LaC = LatControlLQR(self.CP) self.state = State.disabled self.enabled = False = False self.can_rcv_error = False self.soft_disable_timer = 0 self.v_cruise_kph = 255 self.v_cruise_kph_last = 0 self.mismatch_counter = 0 self.can_error_counter = 0 self.consecutive_can_error_count = 0 self.last_blinker_frame = 0 self.saturated_count = 0 self.events_prev = [] self.current_alert_types = []['liveCalibration'].calStatus = Calibration.INVALID['thermal'].freeSpace = 1.['dMonitoringState'].events = []['dMonitoringState'].awarenessStatus = 1.['dMonitoringState'].faceDetected = False self.startup_event = get_startup_event(car_recognized, controller_available, hw_type) if not sounds_available:, static=True) if internet_needed:, static=True) if community_feature_disallowed:, static=True) if self.read_only and not passive:, static=True) # if hw_type == HwType.whitePanda: #, static=True) # controlsd is driven by can recv, expected at 100Hz self.rk = Ratekeeper(100, print_delay_threshold=None) = Profiler(False) # off by default
def thermald_thread(): # prevent LEECO from undervoltage BATT_PERC_OFF = 100 #10 if LEON else 3 health_timeout = int(1000 * 2.5 * DT_TRML) # 2.5x the expected health frequency # now loop thermal_sock = messaging.pub_sock('thermal') health_sock = messaging.sub_sock('health', timeout=health_timeout) location_sock = messaging.sub_sock('gpsLocation') ignition = False fan_speed = 0 count = 0 off_ts = None started_ts = None started_seen = False thermal_status = thermal_status_prev = usb_power = True usb_power_prev = True network_type = NetworkType.none network_strength = NetworkStrength.unknown current_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CURRENT_TAU, DT_TRML) cpu_temp_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CPU_TEMP_TAU, DT_TRML) health_prev = None fw_version_match_prev = True current_connectivity_alert = None time_valid_prev = True should_start_prev = False handle_fan = None is_uno = False params = Params() pm = PowerMonitoring() no_panda_cnt = 0 IsOpenpilotViewEnabled = 0 OpkrLoadStep = 0 OpkrAutoShutdown = 0 do_uninstall = 0 accepted_terms = 0 completed_training = 0 panda_signature = 0 ts_last_ip = 0 ip_addr = '' # sound trigger sound_trigger = 1 env = dict(os.environ) env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = mediaplayer getoff_alert = Params().get('OpkrEnableGetoffAlert') == b'1' while 1: OpkrLoadStep += 1 if OpkrLoadStep == 1: OpkrAutoShutdown = params.get_OpkrAutoShutdown() elif OpkrLoadStep == 2: do_uninstall = params.get("DoUninstall") == b"1" elif OpkrLoadStep == 3: accepted_terms = params.get("HasAcceptedTerms") == terms_version elif OpkrLoadStep == 4: completed_training = params.get( "CompletedTrainingVersion") == training_version elif OpkrLoadStep == 5: panda_signature = params.get("PandaFirmware") else: OpkrLoadStep = 0 ts = sec_since_boot() health = messaging.recv_sock(health_sock, wait=True) location = messaging.recv_sock(location_sock) location = location.gpsLocation if location else None msg = read_thermal() if health is not None: usb_power = != log.HealthData.UsbPowerMode.client # If we lose connection to the panda, wait 5 seconds before going offroad if == log.HealthData.HwType.unknown: no_panda_cnt += 1 if no_panda_cnt > DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT / DT_TRML: if ignition: cloudlog.error("Lost panda connection while onroad") ignition = False else: no_panda_cnt = 0 ignition = or # Setup fan handler on first connect to panda if handle_fan is None and != log.HealthData.HwType.unknown: is_uno = == if is_uno or not ANDROID:"Setting up UNO fan handler") handle_fan = handle_fan_uno else:"Setting up EON fan handler") setup_eon_fan() handle_fan = handle_fan_eon # Handle disconnect if health_prev is not None: if == log.HealthData.HwType.unknown and \ != log.HealthData.HwType.unknown: params.panda_disconnect() health_prev = health elif ignition == False or IsOpenpilotViewEnabled: IsOpenpilotViewEnabled = int(params.get("IsOpenpilotViewEnabled")) ignition = IsOpenpilotViewEnabled # get_network_type is an expensive call. update every 10s if (count % int(10. / DT_TRML)) == 0: try: network_type = get_network_type() network_strength = get_network_strength(network_type) except Exception: cloudlog.exception("Error getting network status") msg.thermal.freeSpace = get_available_percent(default=100.0) / 100.0 msg.thermal.memUsedPercent = int(round( psutil.virtual_memory().percent)) msg.thermal.cpuPerc = int(round(psutil.cpu_percent())) msg.thermal.networkType = network_type msg.thermal.networkStrength = network_strength msg.thermal.batteryPercent = get_battery_capacity() msg.thermal.batteryStatus = get_battery_status() msg.thermal.batteryCurrent = get_battery_current() msg.thermal.batteryVoltage = get_battery_voltage() msg.thermal.usbOnline = get_usb_present() # Fake battery levels on uno for frame if is_uno: msg.thermal.batteryPercent = 100 msg.thermal.batteryStatus = "Charging" # update ip every 10 seconds ts = sec_since_boot() if ts - ts_last_ip >= 10.: try: result = subprocess.check_output(["ifconfig", "wlan0"], encoding='utf8') # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg ip_addr = re.findall(r"inet addr:((\d+\.){3}\d+)", result)[0][0] except: ip_addr = 'N/A' ts_last_ip = ts msg.thermal.ipAddr = ip_addr current_filter.update(msg.thermal.batteryCurrent / 1e6) # TODO: add car battery voltage check max_cpu_temp = cpu_temp_filter.update( max(msg.thermal.cpu0, msg.thermal.cpu1, msg.thermal.cpu2, msg.thermal.cpu3) / 10.0) max_comp_temp = max(max_cpu_temp, msg.thermal.mem / 10., msg.thermal.gpu / 10.) bat_temp = msg.thermal.bat / 1000. if handle_fan is not None: fan_speed = handle_fan(max_cpu_temp, bat_temp, fan_speed, ignition) msg.thermal.fanSpeed = fan_speed # thermal logic with hysterisis if max_cpu_temp > 107. or bat_temp >= 63.: # onroad not allowed thermal_status = ThermalStatus.danger elif max_comp_temp > 92.5 or bat_temp > 60.: # CPU throttling starts around ~90C # hysteresis between onroad not allowed and engage not allowed thermal_status = clip(thermal_status,, ThermalStatus.danger) elif max_cpu_temp > 87.5: # hysteresis between engage not allowed and uploader not allowed thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.yellow, elif max_cpu_temp > 80.0: # uploader not allowed thermal_status = ThermalStatus.yellow elif max_cpu_temp > 75.0: # hysteresis between uploader not allowed and all good thermal_status = clip(thermal_status,, ThermalStatus.yellow) else: # all good thermal_status = # **** starting logic **** # Check for last update time and display alerts if needed now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # show invalid date/time alert time_valid = now.year >= 2019 if time_valid and not time_valid_prev: params.delete("Offroad_InvalidTime") if not time_valid and time_valid_prev: put_nonblocking("Offroad_InvalidTime", json.dumps(OFFROAD_ALERTS["Offroad_InvalidTime"])) time_valid_prev = time_valid # Show update prompt # try: # last_update = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(params.get("LastUpdateTime", encoding='utf8')) # except (TypeError, ValueError): # last_update = now # dt = now - last_update # update_failed_count = params.get("UpdateFailedCount") # update_failed_count = 0 if update_failed_count is None else int(update_failed_count) # if dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX and update_failed_count > 1: # if current_connectivity_alert != "expired": # current_connectivity_alert = "expired" # params.delete("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt") # put_nonblocking("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", json.dumps(OFFROAD_ALERTS["Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded"])) # elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_PROMPT: # remaining_time = str(max(DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX - dt.days, 0)) # if current_connectivity_alert != "prompt" + remaining_time: # current_connectivity_alert = "prompt" + remaining_time # alert_connectivity_prompt = copy.copy(OFFROAD_ALERTS["Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt"]) # alert_connectivity_prompt["text"] += remaining_time + " days." # params.delete("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded") # put_nonblocking("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", json.dumps(alert_connectivity_prompt)) # elif current_connectivity_alert is not None: # current_connectivity_alert = None # params.delete("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded") # params.delete("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt") #accepted_terms = params.get("HasAcceptedTerms") == terms_version #completed_training = params.get("CompletedTrainingVersion") == training_version #panda_signature = params.get("PandaFirmware") fw_version_match = (panda_signature is None) or ( panda_signature == FW_SIGNATURE ) # don't show alert is no panda is connected (None) should_start = ignition # with 2% left, we killall, otherwise the phone will take a long time to boot should_start = should_start and msg.thermal.freeSpace > 0.02 # confirm we have completed training and aren't uninstalling should_start = should_start and accepted_terms and completed_training and ( not do_uninstall) # check for firmware mismatch should_start = should_start and fw_version_match # check if system time is valid should_start = should_start and time_valid # don't start while taking snapshot if not should_start_prev: is_viewing_driver = params.get("IsDriverViewEnabled") == b"1" is_taking_snapshot = params.get("IsTakingSnapshot") == b"1" should_start = should_start and (not is_taking_snapshot) and ( not is_viewing_driver) if fw_version_match and not fw_version_match_prev: params.delete("Offroad_PandaFirmwareMismatch") if not fw_version_match and fw_version_match_prev: put_nonblocking( "Offroad_PandaFirmwareMismatch", json.dumps(OFFROAD_ALERTS["Offroad_PandaFirmwareMismatch"])) # if any CPU gets above 107 or the battery gets above 63, kill all processes # controls will warn with CPU above 95 or battery above 60 if thermal_status >= ThermalStatus.danger: should_start = False if thermal_status_prev < ThermalStatus.danger: put_nonblocking( "Offroad_TemperatureTooHigh", json.dumps(OFFROAD_ALERTS["Offroad_TemperatureTooHigh"])) else: if thermal_status_prev >= ThermalStatus.danger: params.delete("Offroad_TemperatureTooHigh") current_ts = sec_since_boot() if should_start: if not should_start_prev: params.delete("IsOffroad") off_ts = None if started_ts is None: started_ts = current_ts started_seen = True os.system( 'echo performance > /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/governor' ) else: if should_start_prev or (count == 0): put_nonblocking("IsOffroad", "1") started_ts = None if off_ts is None: off_ts = current_ts os.system( 'echo powersave > /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/governor' ) if sound_trigger == 1 and msg.thermal.batteryStatus == "Discharging" and started_seen and ( sec_since_boot() - off_ts) > 1 and getoff_alert: subprocess.Popen([ mediaplayer + 'mediaplayer', '/data/openpilot/selfdrive/assets/sounds/eondetach.wav' ], shell=False, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, env=env, close_fds=True) sound_trigger = 0 # shutdown if the battery gets lower than 3%, it's discharging, we aren't running for # more than a minute but we were running power_shutdown = False if msg.thermal.batteryStatus == "Discharging": delta_ts = current_ts - off_ts if started_seen: if msg.thermal.batteryPercent <= BATT_PERC_OFF and ( OpkrAutoShutdown and delta_ts > OpkrAutoShutdown): power_shutdown = True elif delta_ts > 240 and msg.thermal.batteryPercent < 10: power_shutdown = True if power_shutdown: os.system('LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" svc power shutdown') print('power_shutdown batterypercent={} should_start={}'. format(msg.thermal.batteryPercent, should_start)) else: off_ts = current_ts #print( 'OpkrAutoShutdown = {}'.format( OpkrAutoShutdown ) ) #if msg.thermal.batteryPercent < BATT_PERC_OFF and msg.thermal.batteryStatus == "Discharging" and \ # started_seen and (current_ts - off_ts) > 60: # os.system('LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" svc power shutdown') # print( 'batterypercent={} should_start={}'.format(msg.thermal.batteryPercent, should_start) ) # Offroad power monitoring pm.calculate(health, msg) msg.thermal.offroadPowerUsage = pm.get_power_used() msg.thermal.chargingError = current_filter.x > 0. and msg.thermal.batteryPercent < 90 # if current is positive, then battery is being discharged msg.thermal.started = started_ts is not None msg.thermal.startedTs = int(1e9 * (started_ts or 0)) msg.thermal.thermalStatus = thermal_status thermal_sock.send(msg.to_bytes()) if usb_power_prev and not usb_power: put_nonblocking( "Offroad_ChargeDisabled", json.dumps(OFFROAD_ALERTS["Offroad_ChargeDisabled"])) elif usb_power and not usb_power_prev: params.delete("Offroad_ChargeDisabled") thermal_status_prev = thermal_status usb_power_prev = usb_power fw_version_match_prev = fw_version_match should_start_prev = should_start if usb_power: pm.charging_ctrl(msg, ts, 80, 70) # report to server once per minute if (count % int(60. / DT_TRML)) == 0: cloudlog.event("STATUS_PACKET", count=count, health=(health.to_dict() if health else None), location=(location.to_dict() if location else None), thermal=msg.to_dict()) count += 1
def manager_thread(): # now loop thermal_sock = messaging.sub_sock('thermal') gps_sock = messaging.sub_sock('gpsLocation', conflate=True) if os.getenv("GET_CPU_USAGE"): proc_sock = messaging.sub_sock('procLog', conflate=True)"manager start"){"environ": os.environ}) # save boot log["./loggerd", "--bootlog"], cwd=os.path.join(BASEDIR, "selfdrive/loggerd")) params = Params() # start daemon processes #for p in daemon_processes: # start_daemon_process(p) # start persistent processes for p in persistent_processes: start_managed_process(p) # start offroad if ANDROID: pm_apply_packages('enable') start_offroad() if os.getenv("NOBOARD") is None: start_managed_process("pandad") if os.getenv("BLOCK") is not None: for k in os.getenv("BLOCK").split(","): del managed_processes[k] logger_dead = False start_t = time.time() first_proc = None while 1: gps = messaging.recv_one_or_none(gps_sock) msg = messaging.recv_sock(thermal_sock, wait=True) if gps: if 47.3024876979 < gps.gpsLocation.latitude < 54.983104153 and 5.98865807458 < gps.gpsLocation.longitude < 15.0169958839: logger_dead = True else: logger_dead = True # heavyweight batch processes are gated on favorable thermal conditions if msg.thermal.thermalStatus >= ThermalStatus.yellow: for p in green_temp_processes: if p in persistent_processes: kill_managed_process(p) else: for p in green_temp_processes: if p in persistent_processes: start_managed_process(p) if msg.thermal.freeSpace < 0.05: logger_dead = True if msg.thermal.started and "driverview" not in running: for p in car_started_processes: if p == "loggerd" and logger_dead: kill_managed_process(p) else: start_managed_process(p) else: logger_dead = False for p in reversed(car_started_processes): kill_managed_process(p) # this is ugly if "driverview" not in running and params.get( "IsDriverViewEnabled") == b"1": start_managed_process("driverview") elif "driverview" in running and params.get( "IsDriverViewEnabled") == b"0": kill_managed_process("driverview") # check the status of all processes, did any of them die? running_list = [ "%s%s\u001b[0m" % ("\u001b[32m" if running[p].is_alive() else "\u001b[31m", p) for p in running ] cloudlog.debug(' '.join(running_list)) # Exit main loop when uninstall is needed if params.get("DoUninstall", encoding='utf8') == "1": break if os.getenv("GET_CPU_USAGE"): dt = time.time() - start_t # Get first sample if dt > 30 and first_proc is None: first_proc = messaging.recv_sock(proc_sock) # Get last sample and exit if dt > 90: last_proc = messaging.recv_sock(proc_sock, wait=True) cleanup_all_processes(None, None) sys.exit(print_cpu_usage(first_proc, last_proc))
def __init__(self, sm=None, pm=None, can_sock=None): config_realtime_process(3, Priority.CTRL_HIGH) self.op_params = opParams() # Setup sockets = pm if is None: = messaging.PubMaster([ 'sendcan', 'controlsState', 'carState', 'carControl', 'carEvents', 'carParams' ]) = sm if is None: ignore = ['driverCameraState', 'managerState' ] if SIMULATION else None = messaging.SubMaster([ 'deviceState', 'pandaState', 'modelV2', 'liveCalibration', 'driverMonitoringState', 'longitudinalPlan', 'lateralPlan', 'liveLocationKalman', 'roadCameraState', 'driverCameraState', 'managerState', 'liveParameters', 'radarState' ], ignore_alive=ignore) self.sm_smiskol = messaging.SubMaster([ 'radarState', 'dynamicFollowData', 'liveTracks', 'dynamicFollowButton', 'laneSpeed', 'dynamicCameraOffset', 'modelLongButton' ]) self.op_params = opParams() self.df_manager = dfManager() self.support_white_panda = self.op_params.get('support_white_panda') self.last_model_long = False self.can_sock = can_sock if can_sock is None: can_timeout = None if os.environ.get('NO_CAN_TIMEOUT', False) else 100 self.can_sock = messaging.sub_sock('can', timeout=can_timeout) # wait for one pandaState and one CAN packet panda_type = messaging.recv_one(['pandaState']).pandaState.pandaType has_relay = panda_type in [ PandaType.blackPanda,, PandaType.dos ] print("Waiting for CAN messages...") get_one_can(self.can_sock) self.CI, self.CP, candidate = get_car(self.can_sock,['sendcan'], has_relay) threading.Thread(target=log_fingerprint, args=[candidate]).start() # read params params = Params() self.is_metric = params.get("IsMetric", encoding='utf8') == "1" self.is_ldw_enabled = params.get("IsLdwEnabled", encoding='utf8') == "1" community_feature_toggle = params.get("CommunityFeaturesToggle", encoding='utf8') == "1" openpilot_enabled_toggle = params.get("OpenpilotEnabledToggle", encoding='utf8') == "1" passive = params.get( "Passive", encoding='utf8') == "1" or not openpilot_enabled_toggle # detect sound card presence and ensure successful init sounds_available = HARDWARE.get_sound_card_online() car_recognized = self.CP.carName != 'mock' # If stock camera is disconnected, we loaded car controls and it's not dashcam mode controller_available = self.CP.enableCamera and self.CI.CC is not None and not passive and not self.CP.dashcamOnly community_feature_disallowed = self.CP.communityFeature and not community_feature_toggle self.read_only = not car_recognized or not controller_available or \ self.CP.dashcamOnly or community_feature_disallowed if self.read_only: self.CP.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModel.noOutput # Write CarParams for radard and boardd safety mode cp_bytes = self.CP.to_bytes() params.put("CarParams", cp_bytes) put_nonblocking("CarParamsCache", cp_bytes) self.CC = car.CarControl.new_message() self.AM = AlertManager() = Events() self.LoC = LongControl(self.CP, self.CI.compute_gb, candidate) self.VM = VehicleModel(self.CP) if self.CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'pid': self.LaC = LatControlPID(self.CP) elif self.CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'indi': self.LaC = LatControlINDI(self.CP) elif self.CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'lqr': self.LaC = LatControlLQR(self.CP) self.state = State.disabled self.enabled = False = False self.can_rcv_error = False self.soft_disable_timer = 0 self.v_cruise_kph = 255 self.v_cruise_kph_last = 0 self.mismatch_counter = 0 self.can_error_counter = 0 self.last_blinker_frame = 0 self.saturated_count = 0 self.distance_traveled = 0 self.last_functional_fan_frame = 0 self.events_prev = [] self.current_alert_types = [ET.PERMANENT] self.logged_comm_issue = False['liveCalibration'].calStatus = Calibration.CALIBRATED['deviceState'].freeSpacePercent = 100['driverMonitoringState'].events = []['driverMonitoringState'].awarenessStatus = 1.['driverMonitoringState'].faceDetected = False self.startup_event = get_startup_event(car_recognized, controller_available) if not sounds_available:, static=True) if community_feature_disallowed:, static=True) if not car_recognized:, static=True) # controlsd is driven by can recv, expected at 100Hz self.rk = Ratekeeper(100, print_delay_threshold=None) = Profiler(False) # off by default self.lead_rel_speed = 255 self.lead_long_dist = 255
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Sniff a communcation socket') parser.add_argument('--addr', default='') args = parser.parse_args() if args.addr != "": os.environ["ZMQ"] = "1" messaging.context = messaging.Context() carControl = messaging.sub_sock('carControl', addr=args.addr, conflate=True) sm = messaging.SubMaster(['carState', 'carControl', 'controlsState'], addr=args.addr) msg_cnt = 0 stats = defaultdict(lambda: {'err': 0, "cnt": 0, "=": 0, "+": 0, "-": 0}) cnt = 0 total_error = 0 while messaging.recv_one(carControl): sm.update() msg_cnt += 1 actual_speed = sm['carState'].vEgo enabled = sm['controlsState'].enabled
parser.add_argument('--dump-json', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--no-print', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--addr', default='') parser.add_argument('--values', help='values to monitor (instead of entire event)') parser.add_argument("socket", type=str, nargs='*', help="socket name") args = parser.parse_args() if args.addr != "": os.environ["ZMQ"] = "1" messaging.context = messaging.Context() poller = messaging.Poller() for m in args.socket if len(args.socket) > 0 else service_list: messaging.sub_sock(m, poller, addr=args.addr) values = None if args.values: values = [s.strip().split(".") for s in args.values.split(",")] while 1: polld = poller.poll(100) for sock in polld: msg = sock.receive() evt = log.Event.from_bytes(msg) if not args.no_print: if args.pipe: sys.stdout.write(msg) sys.stdout.flush()
def mpc_vwr_thread(addr=""): plt.ion() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.set_xlim([-SCALE, SCALE]) ax.set_ylim([-SCALE, SCALE]) ax.grid(True) line, = ax.plot([0.0], [0.0], ".b") line2, = ax.plot([0.0], [0.0], 'r') ax.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim') live_location = messaging.sub_sock('liveLocation', addr=addr, conflate=True) gps_planner_points = messaging.sub_sock('gpsPlannerPoints', conflate=True) gps_planner_plan = messaging.sub_sock('gpsPlannerPlan', conflate=True) last_points = messaging.recv_one(gps_planner_points) last_plan = messaging.recv_one(gps_planner_plan) while True: p = messaging.recv_one_or_none(gps_planner_points) pl = messaging.recv_one_or_none(gps_planner_plan) ll = messaging.recv_one(live_location).liveLocation if p is not None: last_points = p if pl is not None: last_plan = pl if not last_plan.gpsPlannerPlan.valid: time.sleep(0.1) line2.set_color('r') continue p0 = last_points.gpsPlannerPoints.points[0] p0 = np.array([p0.x, p0.y, p0.z]) n = LocalCoord.from_geodetic(np.array([, ll.lon, ll.alt])) points = [] print(len(last_points.gpsPlannerPoints.points)) for p in last_points.gpsPlannerPoints.points: ecef = np.array([p.x, p.y, p.z]) points.append(n.ecef2ned(ecef)) points = np.vstack(points) line.set_xdata(points[:, 1]) line.set_ydata(points[:, 0]) y = np.matrix(np.arange(-100, 100.0, 0.5)) x = -np.matrix(np.polyval(last_plan.gpsPlannerPlan.poly, y)) xy = np.hstack([x.T, y.T]) cur_heading = np.radians(ll.heading - 90) c, s = np.cos(cur_heading), np.sin(cur_heading) R = np.array([[c, -s], [s, c]]) xy = line2.set_xdata(xy[:, 1]) line2.set_ydata(-xy[:, 0]) line2.set_color('g') ax.set_xlim([-SCALE, SCALE]) ax.set_ylim([-SCALE, SCALE]) fig.canvas.draw() fig.canvas.flush_events()
def thermald_thread(): pm = messaging.PubMaster(['thermal']) health_timeout = int(1000 * 2.5 * DT_TRML) # 2.5x the expected health frequency health_sock = messaging.sub_sock('health', timeout=health_timeout) location_sock = messaging.sub_sock('gpsLocation') fan_speed = 0 count = 0 startup_conditions = { "ignition": False, } startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy() off_ts = None started_ts = None started_seen = False thermal_status = usb_power = True current_branch = get_git_branch() network_type = NetworkType.none network_strength = NetworkStrength.unknown current_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CURRENT_TAU, DT_TRML) cpu_temp_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CPU_TEMP_TAU, DT_TRML) health_prev = None should_start_prev = False handle_fan = None is_uno = False params = Params() power_monitor = PowerMonitoring() no_panda_cnt = 0 thermal_config = get_thermal_config() while 1: health = messaging.recv_sock(health_sock, wait=True) msg = read_thermal(thermal_config) if health is not None: usb_power = != log.HealthData.UsbPowerMode.client # If we lose connection to the panda, wait 5 seconds before going offroad if == log.HealthData.HwType.unknown: no_panda_cnt += 1 if no_panda_cnt > DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT / DT_TRML: if startup_conditions["ignition"]: cloudlog.error("Lost panda connection while onroad") startup_conditions["ignition"] = False else: no_panda_cnt = 0 startup_conditions[ "ignition"] = or # Setup fan handler on first connect to panda if handle_fan is None and != log.HealthData.HwType.unknown: is_uno = == if (not EON) or is_uno:"Setting up UNO fan handler") handle_fan = handle_fan_uno else:"Setting up EON fan handler") setup_eon_fan() handle_fan = handle_fan_eon # Handle disconnect if health_prev is not None: if == log.HealthData.HwType.unknown and \ != log.HealthData.HwType.unknown: params.panda_disconnect() health_prev = health # get_network_type is an expensive call. update every 10s if (count % int(10. / DT_TRML)) == 0: try: network_type = HARDWARE.get_network_type() network_strength = HARDWARE.get_network_strength(network_type) except Exception: cloudlog.exception("Error getting network status") msg.thermal.freeSpace = get_available_percent(default=100.0) / 100.0 msg.thermal.memUsedPercent = int(round( psutil.virtual_memory().percent)) msg.thermal.cpuPerc = int(round(psutil.cpu_percent())) msg.thermal.networkType = network_type msg.thermal.networkStrength = network_strength msg.thermal.batteryPercent = HARDWARE.get_battery_capacity() msg.thermal.batteryStatus = HARDWARE.get_battery_status() msg.thermal.batteryCurrent = HARDWARE.get_battery_current() msg.thermal.batteryVoltage = HARDWARE.get_battery_voltage() msg.thermal.usbOnline = HARDWARE.get_usb_present() # Fake battery levels on uno for frame if (not EON) or is_uno: msg.thermal.batteryPercent = 100 msg.thermal.batteryStatus = "Charging" msg.thermal.bat = 0 current_filter.update(msg.thermal.batteryCurrent / 1e6) # TODO: add car battery voltage check max_cpu_temp = cpu_temp_filter.update(max(msg.thermal.cpu)) max_comp_temp = max(max_cpu_temp, msg.thermal.mem, max(msg.thermal.gpu)) bat_temp = msg.thermal.bat if handle_fan is not None: fan_speed = handle_fan(max_cpu_temp, bat_temp, fan_speed, startup_conditions["ignition"]) msg.thermal.fanSpeed = fan_speed # If device is offroad we want to cool down before going onroad # since going onroad increases load and can make temps go over 107 # We only do this if there is a relay that prevents the car from faulting is_offroad_for_5_min = (started_ts is None) and ( (not started_seen) or (off_ts is None) or (sec_since_boot() - off_ts > 60 * 5)) if max_cpu_temp > 107. or bat_temp >= 63. or (is_offroad_for_5_min and max_cpu_temp > 70.0): # onroad not allowed thermal_status = ThermalStatus.danger elif max_comp_temp > 96.0 or bat_temp > 60.: # hysteresis between onroad not allowed and engage not allowed thermal_status = clip(thermal_status,, ThermalStatus.danger) elif max_cpu_temp > 94.0: # hysteresis between engage not allowed and uploader not allowed thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.yellow, elif max_cpu_temp > 80.0: # uploader not allowed thermal_status = ThermalStatus.yellow elif max_cpu_temp > 75.0: # hysteresis between uploader not allowed and all good thermal_status = clip(thermal_status,, ThermalStatus.yellow) else: thermal_status = # default to good condition # **** starting logic **** # Check for last update time and display alerts if needed now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # show invalid date/time alert startup_conditions["time_valid"] = (now.year > 2020) or ( now.year == 2020 and now.month >= 10) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_InvalidTime", (not startup_conditions["time_valid"])) # Show update prompt try: last_update = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat( params.get("LastUpdateTime", encoding='utf8')) except (TypeError, ValueError): last_update = now dt = now - last_update update_failed_count = params.get("UpdateFailedCount") update_failed_count = 0 if update_failed_count is None else int( update_failed_count) last_update_exception = params.get("LastUpdateException", encoding='utf8') if update_failed_count > 15 and last_update_exception is not None: if current_branch in ["release2", "dashcam"]: extra_text = "Ensure the software is correctly installed" else: extra_text = last_update_exception set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", True, extra_text=extra_text) elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX and update_failed_count > 1: set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", True) elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_PROMPT: remaining_time = str(max(DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX - dt.days, 0)) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", True, extra_text=f"{remaining_time} days.") else: set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False) startup_conditions["up_to_date"] = params.get( "Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded") is None or params.get( "DisableUpdates") == b"1" startup_conditions["not_uninstalling"] = not params.get( "DoUninstall") == b"1" startup_conditions["accepted_terms"] = params.get( "HasAcceptedTerms") == terms_version panda_signature = params.get("PandaFirmware") startup_conditions["fw_version_match"] = (panda_signature is None) or ( panda_signature == FW_SIGNATURE ) # don't show alert is no panda is connected (None) set_offroad_alert_if_changed( "Offroad_PandaFirmwareMismatch", (not startup_conditions["fw_version_match"])) # with 2% left, we killall, otherwise the phone will take a long time to boot startup_conditions["free_space"] = msg.thermal.freeSpace > 0.02 startup_conditions["completed_training"] = params.get("CompletedTrainingVersion") == training_version or \ (current_branch in ['dashcam', 'dashcam-staging']) startup_conditions["not_driver_view"] = not params.get( "IsDriverViewEnabled") == b"1" startup_conditions["not_taking_snapshot"] = not params.get( "IsTakingSnapshot") == b"1" # if any CPU gets above 107 or the battery gets above 63, kill all processes # controls will warn with CPU above 95 or battery above 60 startup_conditions[ "device_temp_good"] = thermal_status < ThermalStatus.danger set_offroad_alert_if_changed( "Offroad_TemperatureTooHigh", (not startup_conditions["device_temp_good"])) startup_conditions[ "hardware_supported"] = health is not None and not in [ log.HealthData.HwType.whitePanda, log.HealthData.HwType.greyPanda ] set_offroad_alert_if_changed( "Offroad_HardwareUnsupported", health is not None and not startup_conditions["hardware_supported"]) # Handle offroad/onroad transition should_start = all(startup_conditions.values()) if should_start: if not should_start_prev: params.delete("IsOffroad") off_ts = None if started_ts is None: started_ts = sec_since_boot() started_seen = True else: if startup_conditions["ignition"] and (startup_conditions != startup_conditions_prev): cloudlog.event("Startup blocked", startup_conditions=startup_conditions) if should_start_prev or (count == 0): params.put("IsOffroad", "1") started_ts = None if off_ts is None: off_ts = sec_since_boot() # Offroad power monitoring power_monitor.calculate(health) msg.thermal.offroadPowerUsage = power_monitor.get_power_used() msg.thermal.carBatteryCapacity = max( 0, power_monitor.get_car_battery_capacity()) # Check if we need to disable charging (handled by boardd) msg.thermal.chargingDisabled = power_monitor.should_disable_charging( health, off_ts) # Check if we need to shut down if power_monitor.should_shutdown(health, off_ts, started_seen, LEON):"shutting device down, offroad since {off_ts}") # TODO: add function for blocking cloudlog instead of sleep time.sleep(10) os.system('LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" svc power shutdown') msg.thermal.chargingError = current_filter.x > 0. and msg.thermal.batteryPercent < 90 # if current is positive, then battery is being discharged msg.thermal.started = started_ts is not None msg.thermal.startedTs = int(1e9 * (started_ts or 0)) msg.thermal.thermalStatus = thermal_status pm.send("thermal", msg) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ChargeDisabled", (not usb_power)) should_start_prev = should_start startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy() # report to server once per minute if (count % int(60. / DT_TRML)) == 0: location = messaging.recv_sock(location_sock) cloudlog.event("STATUS_PACKET", count=count, health=(health.to_dict() if health else None), location=(location.gpsLocation.to_dict() if location else None), thermal=msg.to_dict()) count += 1
def thermald_thread(): # prevent LEECO from undervoltage BATT_PERC_OFF = 10 if LEON else 3 health_timeout = int(1000 * 2.5 * DT_TRML) # 2.5x the expected health frequency # now loop thermal_sock = messaging.pub_sock('thermal') health_sock = messaging.sub_sock('health', timeout=health_timeout) location_sock = messaging.sub_sock('gpsLocation') ignition = False fan_speed = 0 count = 0 off_ts = None started_ts = None started_seen = False thermal_status = thermal_status_prev = usb_power = True usb_power_prev = True network_type = NetworkType.none network_strength = NetworkStrength.unknown current_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CURRENT_TAU, DT_TRML) cpu_temp_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CPU_TEMP_TAU, DT_TRML) health_prev = None fw_version_match_prev = True current_connectivity_alert = None time_valid_prev = True should_start_prev = False handle_fan = None is_uno = False has_relay = False params = Params() pm = PowerMonitoring() no_panda_cnt = 0 while 1: health = messaging.recv_sock(health_sock, wait=True) location = messaging.recv_sock(location_sock) location = location.gpsLocation if location else None msg = read_thermal() if health is not None: usb_power = != log.HealthData.UsbPowerMode.client # If we lose connection to the panda, wait 5 seconds before going offroad if == log.HealthData.HwType.unknown: no_panda_cnt += 1 if no_panda_cnt > DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT / DT_TRML: if ignition: cloudlog.error("Lost panda connection while onroad") ignition = False else: no_panda_cnt = 0 ignition = or # Setup fan handler on first connect to panda if handle_fan is None and != log.HealthData.HwType.unknown: is_uno = == has_relay = in [ log.HealthData.HwType.blackPanda, ] if is_uno or not ANDROID:"Setting up UNO fan handler") handle_fan = handle_fan_uno else:"Setting up EON fan handler") setup_eon_fan() handle_fan = handle_fan_eon # Handle disconnect if health_prev is not None: if == log.HealthData.HwType.unknown and \ != log.HealthData.HwType.unknown: params.panda_disconnect() health_prev = health # get_network_type is an expensive call. update every 10s if (count % int(10. / DT_TRML)) == 0: try: network_type = get_network_type() network_strength = get_network_strength(network_type) except Exception: cloudlog.exception("Error getting network status") msg.thermal.freeSpace = get_available_percent(default=100.0) / 100.0 msg.thermal.memUsedPercent = int(round( psutil.virtual_memory().percent)) msg.thermal.cpuPerc = int(round(psutil.cpu_percent())) msg.thermal.networkType = network_type msg.thermal.networkStrength = network_strength msg.thermal.batteryPercent = get_battery_capacity() msg.thermal.batteryStatus = get_battery_status() msg.thermal.batteryCurrent = get_battery_current() msg.thermal.batteryVoltage = get_battery_voltage() msg.thermal.usbOnline = get_usb_present() # Fake battery levels on uno for frame if is_uno: msg.thermal.batteryPercent = 100 msg.thermal.batteryStatus = "Charging" current_filter.update(msg.thermal.batteryCurrent / 1e6) # TODO: add car battery voltage check max_cpu_temp = cpu_temp_filter.update( max(msg.thermal.cpu0, msg.thermal.cpu1, msg.thermal.cpu2, msg.thermal.cpu3) / 10.0) max_comp_temp = max(max_cpu_temp, msg.thermal.mem / 10., msg.thermal.gpu / 10.) bat_temp = msg.thermal.bat / 1000. if handle_fan is not None: fan_speed = handle_fan(max_cpu_temp, bat_temp, fan_speed, ignition) msg.thermal.fanSpeed = fan_speed # If device is offroad we want to cool down before going onroad # since going onroad increases load and can make temps go over 107 # We only do this if there is a relay that prevents the car from faulting if max_cpu_temp > 107. or bat_temp >= 63. or (has_relay and (started_ts is None) and max_cpu_temp > 75.0): # onroad not allowed thermal_status = ThermalStatus.danger elif max_comp_temp > 100.0 or bat_temp > 60.: # hysteresis between onroad not allowed and engage not allowed thermal_status = clip(thermal_status,, ThermalStatus.danger) elif max_cpu_temp > 97.0: # hysteresis between engage not allowed and uploader not allowed thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.yellow, elif max_cpu_temp > 80.0: # uploader not allowed thermal_status = ThermalStatus.yellow elif max_cpu_temp > 75.0: # hysteresis between uploader not allowed and all good thermal_status = clip(thermal_status,, ThermalStatus.yellow) else: # all good thermal_status = # **** starting logic **** # Check for last update time and display alerts if needed now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # show invalid date/time alert time_valid = now.year >= 2019 if time_valid and not time_valid_prev: params.delete("Offroad_InvalidTime") if not time_valid and time_valid_prev: put_nonblocking("Offroad_InvalidTime", json.dumps(OFFROAD_ALERTS["Offroad_InvalidTime"])) time_valid_prev = time_valid # Show update prompt try: last_update = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat( params.get("LastUpdateTime", encoding='utf8')) except (TypeError, ValueError): last_update = now dt = now - last_update update_failed_count = params.get("UpdateFailedCount") update_failed_count = 0 if update_failed_count is None else int( update_failed_count) if dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX and update_failed_count > 1: if current_connectivity_alert != "expired": current_connectivity_alert = "expired" params.delete("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt") put_nonblocking( "Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", json.dumps(OFFROAD_ALERTS["Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded"])) elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_PROMPT: remaining_time = str(max(DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX - dt.days, 0)) if current_connectivity_alert != "prompt" + remaining_time: current_connectivity_alert = "prompt" + remaining_time alert_connectivity_prompt = copy.copy( OFFROAD_ALERTS["Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt"]) alert_connectivity_prompt["text"] += remaining_time + " days." params.delete("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded") put_nonblocking("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", json.dumps(alert_connectivity_prompt)) elif current_connectivity_alert is not None: current_connectivity_alert = None params.delete("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded") params.delete("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt") do_uninstall = params.get("DoUninstall") == b"1" accepted_terms = params.get("HasAcceptedTerms") == terms_version completed_training = params.get( "CompletedTrainingVersion") == training_version panda_signature = params.get("PandaFirmware") fw_version_match = (panda_signature is None) or ( panda_signature == FW_SIGNATURE ) # don't show alert is no panda is connected (None) should_start = ignition # with 2% left, we killall, otherwise the phone will take a long time to boot should_start = should_start and msg.thermal.freeSpace > 0.02 # confirm we have completed training and aren't uninstalling should_start = should_start and accepted_terms and completed_training and ( not do_uninstall) # check for firmware mismatch should_start = should_start and fw_version_match # check if system time is valid should_start = should_start and time_valid # don't start while taking snapshot if not should_start_prev: is_viewing_driver = params.get("IsDriverViewEnabled") == b"1" is_taking_snapshot = params.get("IsTakingSnapshot") == b"1" should_start = should_start and (not is_taking_snapshot) and ( not is_viewing_driver) if fw_version_match and not fw_version_match_prev: params.delete("Offroad_PandaFirmwareMismatch") if not fw_version_match and fw_version_match_prev: put_nonblocking( "Offroad_PandaFirmwareMismatch", json.dumps(OFFROAD_ALERTS["Offroad_PandaFirmwareMismatch"])) # if any CPU gets above 107 or the battery gets above 63, kill all processes # controls will warn with CPU above 95 or battery above 60 if thermal_status >= ThermalStatus.danger: should_start = False if thermal_status_prev < ThermalStatus.danger: put_nonblocking( "Offroad_TemperatureTooHigh", json.dumps(OFFROAD_ALERTS["Offroad_TemperatureTooHigh"])) else: if thermal_status_prev >= ThermalStatus.danger: params.delete("Offroad_TemperatureTooHigh") if should_start: if not should_start_prev: params.delete("IsOffroad") off_ts = None if started_ts is None: started_ts = sec_since_boot() started_seen = True os.system( 'echo performance > /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/governor' ) else: if should_start_prev or (count == 0): put_nonblocking("IsOffroad", "1") started_ts = None if off_ts is None: off_ts = sec_since_boot() os.system( 'echo powersave > /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/governor' ) # shutdown if the battery gets lower than 3%, it's discharging, we aren't running for # more than a minute but we were running if msg.thermal.batteryPercent < BATT_PERC_OFF and msg.thermal.batteryStatus == "Discharging" and \ started_seen and (sec_since_boot() - off_ts) > 60: os.system('LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" svc power shutdown') # Offroad power monitoring pm.calculate(health) msg.thermal.offroadPowerUsage = pm.get_power_used() msg.thermal.chargingError = current_filter.x > 0. and msg.thermal.batteryPercent < 90 # if current is positive, then battery is being discharged msg.thermal.started = started_ts is not None msg.thermal.startedTs = int(1e9 * (started_ts or 0)) msg.thermal.thermalStatus = thermal_status thermal_sock.send(msg.to_bytes()) if usb_power_prev and not usb_power: put_nonblocking( "Offroad_ChargeDisabled", json.dumps(OFFROAD_ALERTS["Offroad_ChargeDisabled"])) elif usb_power and not usb_power_prev: params.delete("Offroad_ChargeDisabled") thermal_status_prev = thermal_status usb_power_prev = usb_power fw_version_match_prev = fw_version_match should_start_prev = should_start # report to server once per minute if (count % int(60. / DT_TRML)) == 0: cloudlog.event("STATUS_PACKET", count=count, health=(health.to_dict() if health else None), location=(location.to_dict() if location else None), thermal=msg.to_dict()) count += 1
def manager_thread():"manager start"){"environ": os.environ}) # save boot log"./bootlog", cwd=os.path.join(BASEDIR, "selfdrive/loggerd")) # start daemon processes for p in daemon_processes: start_daemon_process(p) # start persistent processes for p in persistent_processes: start_managed_process(p) # start offroad if EON: pm_apply_packages('enable') start_offroad() if os.getenv("NOBOARD") is not None: del managed_processes["pandad"] if os.getenv("BLOCK") is not None: for k in os.getenv("BLOCK").split(","): del managed_processes[k] started_prev = False logger_dead = False params = Params() thermal_sock = messaging.sub_sock('thermal') pm = messaging.PubMaster(['managerState']) while 1: msg = messaging.recv_sock(thermal_sock, wait=True) if msg.thermal.freeSpacePercent < 0.05: logger_dead = True if msg.thermal.started: for p in car_started_processes: if p == "loggerd" and logger_dead: kill_managed_process(p) else: start_managed_process(p) else: logger_dead = False driver_view = params.get("IsDriverViewEnabled") == b"1" # TODO: refactor how manager manages processes for p in reversed(car_started_processes): if p not in driver_view_processes or not driver_view: kill_managed_process(p) for p in driver_view_processes: if driver_view: start_managed_process(p) else: kill_managed_process(p) # trigger an update after going offroad if started_prev: os.sync() send_managed_process_signal("updated", signal.SIGHUP) started_prev = msg.thermal.started # check the status of all processes, did any of them die? running_list = [ "%s%s\u001b[0m" % ("\u001b[32m" if running[p].is_alive() else "\u001b[31m", p) for p in running ] cloudlog.debug(' '.join(running_list)) # send managerState states = [] for p in managed_processes: state = log.ManagerState.ProcessState.new_message() = p if p in running: state.running = running[p].is_alive() = running[p].pid state.exitCode = running[p].exitcode or 0 states.append(state) msg = messaging.new_message('managerState') msg.managerState.processes = states pm.send('managerState', msg) # Exit main loop when uninstall is needed if params.get("DoUninstall", encoding='utf8') == "1": break
def receiver_thread(): if PYGAME: pygame.init() pygame.display.set_caption("vnet debug UI") screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1164, 874), pygame.DOUBLEBUF) camera_surface = pygame.surface.Surface((1164, 874), 0, 24).convert() addr = "" if len(sys.argv) >= 2: addr = sys.argv[1] context = zmq.Context() s = messaging.sub_sock(context, 9002, addr=addr) frame_sock = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['frame'].port) ctx = av.codec.codec.Codec('hevc', 'r').create() ctx.decode(av.packet.Packet(start.decode("hex"))) import time while 1: t1 = time.time() ts, raw = s.recv_multipart() ts = struct.unpack('q', ts)[0] * 1000 t1, t2 = time.time(), t1 #print 'ms to get frame:', (t1-t2)*1000 pkt = av.packet.Packet(raw) f = ctx.decode(pkt) if not f: continue f = f[0] t1, t2 = time.time(), t1 #print 'ms to decode:', (t1-t2)*1000 y_plane = np.frombuffer(f.planes[0], np.uint8).reshape( (874, 1216))[:, 0:1164] u_plane = np.frombuffer(f.planes[1], np.uint8).reshape( (437, 608))[:, 0:582] v_plane = np.frombuffer(f.planes[2], np.uint8).reshape( (437, 608))[:, 0:582] yuv_img = y_plane.tobytes() + u_plane.tobytes() + v_plane.tobytes() t1, t2 = time.time(), t1 #print 'ms to make yuv:', (t1-t2)*1000 #print 'tsEof:', ts dat = messaging.new_message() dat.init('frame') dat.frame.image = yuv_img dat.frame.timestampEof = ts dat.frame.transform = map(float, list(np.eye(3).flatten())) frame_sock.send(dat.to_bytes()) if PYGAME: yuv_np = np.frombuffer(yuv_img, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(874 * 3 // 2, -1) cv2.cvtColor(yuv_np, cv2.COLOR_YUV2RGB_I420, dst=imgff) #print yuv_np.shape, imgff.shape #scipy.misc.imsave("tmp.png", imgff) pygame.surfarray.blit_array(camera_surface, imgff.swapaxes(0, 1)) screen.blit(camera_surface, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip()
def manager_thread(): # now loop thermal_sock = messaging.sub_sock('thermal')"manager start"){"environ": os.environ}) params = Params() EnableLogger = int(params.get('OpkrEnableLogger')) #EnableLogger = (params.get("RecordFront") != b"0") if not EnableLogger: car_started_processes.remove('loggerd') persistent_processes.remove('logmessaged') persistent_processes.remove('uploader') persistent_processes.remove('logcatd') persistent_processes.remove('updated') persistent_processes.remove('deleter') persistent_processes.remove('tombstoned') else: # save boot log["./loggerd", "--bootlog"], cwd=os.path.join(BASEDIR, "selfdrive/loggerd")) # start daemon processes for p in daemon_processes: start_daemon_process(p) # start persistent processes for p in persistent_processes: start_managed_process(p) # start offroad if ANDROID: pm_apply_packages('enable') start_offroad() if os.getenv("NOBOARD") is None: start_managed_process("pandad") if os.getenv("BLOCK") is not None: for k in os.getenv("BLOCK").split(","): del managed_processes[k] logger_dead = False while 1: msg = messaging.recv_sock(thermal_sock, wait=True) # heavyweight batch processes are gated on favorable thermal conditions if msg.thermal.thermalStatus >= ThermalStatus.yellow: for p in green_temp_processes: if p in persistent_processes: kill_managed_process(p) else: for p in green_temp_processes: if p in persistent_processes: start_managed_process(p) if msg.thermal.freeSpace < 0.05: logger_dead = True if msg.thermal.started and "driverview" not in running: for p in car_started_processes: if p == "loggerd" and logger_dead: kill_managed_process(p) else: start_managed_process(p) else: logger_dead = False for p in reversed(car_started_processes): kill_managed_process(p) # this is ugly if "driverview" not in running and params.get( "IsDriverViewEnabled") == b"1": start_managed_process("driverview") elif "driverview" in running and params.get( "IsDriverViewEnabled") == b"0": kill_managed_process("driverview") # check the status of all processes, did any of them die? running_list = [ "%s%s\u001b[0m" % ("\u001b[32m" if running[p].is_alive() else "\u001b[31m", p) for p in running ] cloudlog.debug(' '.join(running_list)) # Exit main loop when uninstall is needed if params.get("DoUninstall", encoding='utf8') == "1": break
def controlsd_thread(sm=None, pm=None, can_sock=None): gc.disable() # start the loop set_realtime_priority(3) params = Params() is_metric = params.get("IsMetric", encoding='utf8') == "1" is_ldw_enabled = params.get("IsLdwEnabled", encoding='utf8') == "1" passive = params.get("Passive", encoding='utf8') == "1" openpilot_enabled_toggle = params.get("OpenpilotEnabledToggle", encoding='utf8') == "1" community_feature_toggle = params.get("CommunityFeaturesToggle", encoding='utf8') == "1" passive = passive or not openpilot_enabled_toggle # Pub/Sub Sockets if pm is None: pm = messaging.PubMaster([ 'sendcan', 'controlsState', 'carState', 'carControl', 'carEvents', 'carParams' ]) if sm is None: sm = messaging.SubMaster(['thermal', 'health', 'liveCalibration', 'dMonitoringState', 'plan', 'pathPlan', \ 'model']) if can_sock is None: can_timeout = None if os.environ.get('NO_CAN_TIMEOUT', False) else 100 can_sock = messaging.sub_sock('can', timeout=can_timeout) # wait for health and CAN packets hw_type = messaging.recv_one(sm.sock['health']).health.hwType has_relay = hw_type in [HwType.blackPanda,] print("Waiting for CAN messages...") messaging.get_one_can(can_sock) CI, CP = get_car(can_sock, pm.sock['sendcan'], has_relay) car_recognized = CP.carName != 'mock' # If stock camera is disconnected, we loaded car controls and it's not chffrplus controller_available = CP.enableCamera and CI.CC is not None and not passive community_feature_disallowed = CP.communityFeature and not community_feature_toggle read_only = not car_recognized or not controller_available or CP.dashcamOnly or community_feature_disallowed if read_only: CP.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModel.noOutput # Write CarParams for radard and boardd safety mode cp_bytes = CP.to_bytes() params.put("CarParams", cp_bytes) params.put("CarParamsCache", cp_bytes) params.put("LongitudinalControl", "1" if CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl else "0") CC = car.CarControl.new_message() AM = AlertManager() startup_alert = get_startup_alert(car_recognized, controller_available) AM.add(sm.frame, startup_alert, False) LoC = LongControl(CP, CI.compute_gb) VM = VehicleModel(CP) if CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'pid': LaC = LatControlPID(CP) elif CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'indi': LaC = LatControlINDI(CP) elif CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'lqr': LaC = LatControlLQR(CP) state = State.disabled soft_disable_timer = 0 v_cruise_kph = 255 v_cruise_kph_last = 0 mismatch_counter = 0 can_error_counter = 0 last_blinker_frame = 0 events_prev = [] sm['liveCalibration'].calStatus = Calibration.INVALID sm['pathPlan'].sensorValid = True sm['pathPlan'].posenetValid = True sm['thermal'].freeSpace = 1. sm['dMonitoringState'].events = [] sm['dMonitoringState'].awarenessStatus = 1. sm['dMonitoringState'].faceDetected = False # detect sound card presence sounds_available = not os.path.isfile('/EON') or ( os.path.isdir('/proc/asound/card0') and open('/proc/asound/card0/state').read().strip() == 'ONLINE') # controlsd is driven by can recv, expected at 100Hz rk = Ratekeeper(100, print_delay_threshold=None) internet_needed = params.get("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", encoding='utf8') is not None prof = Profiler(False) # off by default while True: start_time = sec_since_boot() prof.checkpoint("Ratekeeper", ignore=True) # Sample data and compute car events CS, events, cal_perc, mismatch_counter, can_error_counter = data_sample( CI, CC, sm, can_sock, state, mismatch_counter, can_error_counter, params) prof.checkpoint("Sample") # Create alerts if not sm.alive['plan'] and sm.alive[ 'pathPlan']: # only plan not being received: radar not communicating events.append( create_event('radarCommIssue', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE])) elif not sm.all_alive_and_valid(): events.append( create_event('commIssue', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE])) if not sm['pathPlan'].mpcSolutionValid: events.append( create_event('plannerError', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE])) if not sm['pathPlan'].sensorValid: events.append( create_event('sensorDataInvalid', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.PERMANENT])) if not sm['pathPlan'].paramsValid: events.append(create_event('vehicleModelInvalid', [ET.WARNING])) if not sm['pathPlan'].posenetValid: events.append( create_event('posenetInvalid', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.WARNING])) if not sm['plan'].radarValid: events.append( create_event('radarFault', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE])) if sm['plan'].radarCanError: events.append( create_event('radarCanError', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE])) if not CS.canValid: events.append( create_event('canError', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE])) if not sounds_available: events.append( create_event('soundsUnavailable', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.PERMANENT])) # if internet_needed: # events.append(create_event('internetConnectivityNeeded', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.PERMANENT])) # if community_feature_disallowed: # events.append(create_event('communityFeatureDisallowed', [ET.PERMANENT])) if read_only and not passive: events.append(create_event('carUnrecognized', [ET.PERMANENT])) # Only allow engagement with brake pressed when stopped behind another stopped car # if CS.brakePressed and sm['plan'].vTargetFuture >= STARTING_TARGET_SPEED and not CP.radarOffCan and CS.vEgo < 0.3: # events.append(create_event('noTarget', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE])) if not read_only: # update control state state, soft_disable_timer, v_cruise_kph, v_cruise_kph_last = \ state_transition(sm.frame, CS, CP, state, events, soft_disable_timer, v_cruise_kph, AM) prof.checkpoint("State transition") # Compute actuators (runs PID loops and lateral MPC) actuators, v_cruise_kph, v_acc, a_acc, lac_log, last_blinker_frame = \ state_control(sm.frame, sm.rcv_frame, sm['plan'], sm['pathPlan'], CS, CP, state, events, v_cruise_kph, v_cruise_kph_last, AM, rk, LaC, LoC, read_only, is_metric, cal_perc, last_blinker_frame) prof.checkpoint("State Control") # Publish data CC, events_prev = data_send(sm, pm, CS, CI, CP, VM, state, events, actuators, v_cruise_kph, rk, AM, LaC, LoC, read_only, start_time, v_acc, a_acc, lac_log, events_prev, last_blinker_frame, is_ldw_enabled, can_error_counter) prof.checkpoint("Sent") rk.monitor_time() prof.display()
def __init__(self): self.ubloxRaw = messaging.sub_sock('ubloxRaw') self.buf = ""
def manager_thread(): # now loop thermal_sock = messaging.sub_sock('thermal') if os.getenv("GET_CPU_USAGE"): proc_sock = messaging.sub_sock('procLog', conflate=True)"manager start"){"environ": os.environ}) # save boot log["./loggerd", "--bootlog"], cwd=os.path.join(BASEDIR, "selfdrive/loggerd")) params = Params() # start daemon processes for p in daemon_processes: start_daemon_process(p) # start persistent processes for p in persistent_processes: start_managed_process(p) # start offroad if ANDROID: pm_apply_packages('enable') start_offroad() if os.getenv("NOBOARD") is None: start_managed_process("pandad") if os.getenv("BLOCK") is not None: for k in os.getenv("BLOCK").split(","): del managed_processes[k] logger_dead = False # Tinkla interface last_tinklad_send_attempt_time = 0 tinklaClient = TinklaClient() sendUserInfoToTinkla(params=params, tinklaClient=tinklaClient) start_t = time.time() first_proc = None while 1: msg = messaging.recv_sock(thermal_sock, wait=True) # heavyweight batch processes are gated on favorable thermal conditions if msg.thermal.thermalStatus >= ThermalStatus.yellow: for p in green_temp_processes: if p in persistent_processes: kill_managed_process(p) else: for p in green_temp_processes: if p in persistent_processes: start_managed_process(p) # Attempt to send pending messages if there's any that queued while offline # Seems this loop runs every second or so, throttle to once every 30s now = time.time() if now - last_tinklad_send_attempt_time >= 30: tinklaClient.attemptToSendPendingMessages() last_tinklad_send_attempt_time = now if msg.thermal.freeSpace < 0.05: logger_dead = True if msg.thermal.started: for p in car_started_processes: if p == "loggerd" and logger_dead: kill_managed_process(p) else: start_managed_process(p) else: logger_dead = False for p in reversed(car_started_processes): kill_managed_process(p) # check the status of all processes, did any of them die? running_list = [ "%s%s\u001b[0m" % ("\u001b[32m" if running[p].is_alive() else "\u001b[31m", p) for p in running ] cloudlog.debug(' '.join(running_list)) # Exit main loop when uninstall is needed if params.get("DoUninstall", encoding='utf8') == "1": break if os.getenv("GET_CPU_USAGE"): dt = time.time() - start_t # Get first sample if dt > 30 and first_proc is None: first_proc = messaging.recv_sock(proc_sock) # Get last sample and exit if dt > 90: first_proc = first_proc last_proc = messaging.recv_sock(proc_sock, wait=True) cleanup_all_processes(None, None) sys.exit(print_cpu_usage(first_proc, last_proc))
def radard_thread(sm=None, pm=None, can_sock=None): config_realtime_process(5 if TICI else 1 if JETSON else 2, Priority.CTRL_LOW) # wait for stats about the car to come in from controls"radard is waiting for CarParams") CP = car.CarParams.from_bytes(Params().get("CarParams", block=True))"radard got CarParams") # import the radar from the fingerprint"radard is importing %s", CP.carName) RadarInterface = importlib.import_module( '' % CP.carName).RadarInterface # *** setup messaging if can_sock is None: can_sock = messaging.sub_sock('can') if sm is None: sm = messaging.SubMaster( ['modelV2', 'carState'], ignore_avg_freq=[ 'modelV2', 'carState' ]) # Can't check average frequency, since radar determines timing if pm is None: pm = messaging.PubMaster(['radarState', 'liveTracks']) RI = RadarInterface(CP) rk = Ratekeeper(1.0 / CP.radarTimeStep, print_delay_threshold=None) RD = RadarD(CP.radarTimeStep, RI.delay) # TODO: always log leads once we can hide them conditionally enable_lead = True #CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl or not CP.radarOffCan while 1: can_strings = messaging.drain_sock_raw(can_sock, wait_for_one=True) rr = RI.update(can_strings) if rr is None: continue sm.update(0) dat = RD.update(sm, rr, enable_lead) dat.radarState.cumLagMs = -rk.remaining * 1000. pm.send('radarState', dat) # *** publish tracks for UI debugging (keep last) *** tracks = RD.tracks dat = messaging.new_message('liveTracks', len(tracks)) for cnt, ids in enumerate(sorted(tracks.keys())): dat.liveTracks[cnt] = { "trackId": ids, "dRel": float(tracks[ids].dRel), "yRel": float(tracks[ids].yRel), "vRel": float(tracks[ids].vRel), } pm.send('liveTracks', dat) rk.monitor_time()
return car_fw if __name__ == "__main__": import time import argparse import cereal.messaging as messaging from import get_vin parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Get firmware version of ECUs') parser.add_argument('--scan', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() logcan = messaging.sub_sock('can') sendcan = messaging.pub_sock('sendcan') extra: Any = None if args.scan: extra = {} # Honda for i in range(256): extra[(Ecu.unknown, 0x18da00f1 + (i << 8), None)] = [] extra[(Ecu.unknown, 0x700 + i, None)] = [] extra[(Ecu.unknown, 0x750, i)] = [] extra = {"any": {"debug": extra}} time.sleep(1.) t = time.time()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import time import numpy as np import cereal.messaging as messaging import selfdrive.manager as manager N = int(os.getenv("N", "5")) TIME = int(os.getenv("TIME", "30")) if __name__ == "__main__": sock = messaging.sub_sock('modelV2', conflate=False, timeout=1000) execution_times = [] for _ in range(N): os.environ['LOGPRINT'] = 'debug' manager.start_managed_process('modeld') time.sleep(5) t = [] start = time.monotonic() while time.monotonic() - start < TIME: msgs = messaging.drain_sock(sock, wait_for_one=True) for m in msgs: t.append(m.modelV2.modelExecutionTime) execution_times.append(np.array(t[10:]) * 1000) manager.kill_managed_process('modeld') print("\n\n")
from cereal import log import cereal.messaging as messaging if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Sniff a communcation socket') parser.add_argument('--addr', default='') args = parser.parse_args() if args.addr != "": os.environ["ZMQ"] = "1" messaging.context = messaging.Context() poller = messaging.Poller() messaging.sub_sock('can', poller, addr=args.addr) active = 0 start_t = 0 start_v = 0 max_v = 0 max_t = 0 window = deque(maxlen=10) avg = 0 while 1: polld = poller.poll(1000) for sock in polld: msg = sock.receive() evt = log.Event.from_bytes(msg) for item in evt.can: