Example #1
# import classes from the chultun module
from chultun import Target  # name, ra, dec
from chultun import Stack  # exposure, filter, binning, count
from chultun import Sequence  # stacks, repeat
from chultun import Observatory  # code, latitude, longitude, altitude
from chultun import Observation  # target, sequence
from chultun import Scheduler  # observatory, observations
from chultun import Telescope  # the telescope commands

import log
import datetime
import traceback
import sys
import subprocess
from astropy.time import Time
import time
import numpy as np
from astropy.io import fits

# seo telescope
telescope = Telescope(False)

Example #2
# load target and comparison observations
with open(cfg_path) as f:
    cfg = json.load(f)

# user, hardcode for now
user = cfg['user']

# min obs altitude
min_obs_alt = float(cfg['min_obs_alt'])

# seo
observatory = Observatory(cfg['observatory']['code'], cfg['observatory']['latitude'], cfg['observatory']
                          ['longitude'], cfg['observatory']['altitude'], cfg['observatory']['timezone'])

# init seo telescope
telescope = Telescope(cfg['simulate'])

# pause time while waiting for object to become available
delay_time = cfg['delay_time']

# build main asteroid observation
observation_json = cfg['observations']
target_json = observation_json['target']
sequence_json = observation_json['sequences']['main']
stacks_json = sequence_json['stacks']
# build target
target = Target.from_name(
    target_json['name'], observatory, target_json['type'], target_json.get('ra_offset'), target_json.get('dec_offset'))
logger.debug(target.toString().replace('\n', '; '))
# build image stacks
stacks = []
Example #3
# user, hardcode for now
user = cfg['user']

# min obs altitude
min_obs_alt = float(cfg['min_obs_alt'])

# seo
observatory = Observatory(cfg['observatory']['code'],

# init seo telescope
telescope = Telescope(cfg['simulate'])

# pause time while waiting for object to become available
wait_time_s = cfg['wait_time_s']

# build main star observation
observation_json = cfg['observations']['star']
target_json = observation_json['target']
sequence_json = observation_json['sequences']['main']
stacks_json = sequence_json['stacks']
# build target
target = Target.from_name(target_json['name'], observatory,
logger.debug(target.toString().replace('\n', '; '))
# build image stacks
stacks = []
Example #4
input_fname = '/home/mcnowinski/seo/nebulizer/asteroids.txt'

# simulate? set to True
simulate = False

# time between checks for object observability in seconds
delay_time = 30

# min time available for background observations in seconds
min_background_time = 10 * 60  # 10 minutes

# seo
observatory = Observatory('G52', 38.2886, -122.50400, 8, 'US/Pacific')

# seo telescope
telescope = Telescope(simulate)

# default min observation alt in degrees
min_obs_alt = 30.0

# list of observations
observations = []

# init the scheduler
scheduler = Scheduler(observatory)

# read in observations from file
with open(input_fname) as f:
    inputs = f.readlines()
inputs = [x.strip() for x in inputs if not x.startswith('#')]
Example #5
# user, hardcode for now
user = cfg['user']

# min obs altitude
min_obs_alt = float(cfg['min_obs_alt'])

# seo
observatory = Observatory(cfg['observatory']['code'],

# init seo telescope
telescope = Telescope(cfg['simulate'])

# pause time while waiting for object to become available
wait_time_s = cfg['wait_time_s']

# build main asteroid observation
observation_json = cfg['observations']['asteroid']
target_json = observation_json['target']
sequence_json = observation_json['sequences']['main']
stacks_json = sequence_json['stacks']
# build target
target = Target.from_name(target_json['name'], observatory,
logger.debug(target.toString().replace('\n', '; '))
# build image stacks
stacks = []
Example #6
psfex_psf_path = '/home/mcnowinski/seo/nebulizer/hf.psf'

# focus plot
plt_path = '/tmp/hocusfocus.png'

# image path
image_path = '/tmp'

# image filename
image_filename = 'hocusfocus.fits'

# seo
observatory = Observatory('G52', 38.2886, -122.50400, 8, 'US/Pacific')

# seo telescope
telescope = Telescope(simulate)

# list of observations
observations = []

# list of image stacks
stacks = []

# initialize array covering a range of focus positions
pass1_array = [
    4650, 4675, 4700, 4725, 4750, 4775, 4800, 4825, 4850, 4875, 4900, 4925,
    4950, 4975, 5000
pass1_array_focus = np.zeros((len(pass1_array), 2))

# read in reference stars from file
Example #7
input_fname = '/home/mcnowinski/seo/nebulizer/observations.txt'

# simulate? set to True
simulate = False

# time between checks for object observability in seconds
delay_time = 30

# min time available for background observations in seconds
min_background_time = 10 * 60  # 10 minutes

# seo
observatory = Observatory('G52', 38.2886, -122.50400, 8, 'US/Pacific')

# seo telescope
telescope = Telescope(simulate)

# default min observation alt in degrees
min_obs_alt = 30.0

# list of observations
observations = []

# init the scheduler
scheduler = Scheduler(observatory)

# read in observations from file
with open(input_fname) as f:
    inputs = f.readlines()
inputs = [x.strip() for x in inputs if not x.startswith('#')]
Example #8
# load target and comparison observations
with open(cfg_path) as f:
    cfg = json.load(f)

# user, hardcode for now
user = cfg['user']

# min obs altitude
min_obs_alt = float(cfg['min_obs_alt'])

# seo
observatory = Observatory(cfg['observatory']['code'], cfg['observatory']['latitude'], cfg['observatory']
                          ['longitude'], cfg['observatory']['altitude'], cfg['observatory']['timezone'])

# init seo telescope
telescope = Telescope(cfg['simulate'])

# pause time while waiting for object to become available
delay_time = cfg['delay_time']

# build observation
observation_json = cfg['observations']
target_json = observation_json['target']
sequence_json = observation_json['sequences']
stacks_json = sequence_json['stacks']
# build target
target = Target.from_name(
    target_json['name'], observatory, target_json['type'], target_json.get('ra_offset'), target_json.get('dec_offset'))
logger.debug(target.toString().replace('\n', '; '))
# build image stacks
stacks = []
Example #9
input_fname = '/home/mcnowinski/seo/nebulizer/observations.txt'

# simulate? set to True
simulate = False

# time between checks for object observability in seconds
delay_time = 30

# min time available for background observations in seconds
min_background_time = 10 * 60  # 10 minutes

# seo
observatory = Observatory('G52', 38.2886, -122.50400, 8, 'US/Pacific')

# seo telescope
telescope = Telescope(simulate)

# default min observation alt in degrees
min_obs_alt = 30.0

# list of observations
observations = []

# init the scheduler
scheduler = Scheduler(observatory)

input = [
    'mcnowinski', 'Solar System', '3982', 120, 1, 'clear', 2,