def clock(buffer=None): bufferedDisplay = 1 if buffer == None: buffer = ci.pygame.display.get_surface() bufferedDisplay = 0 = time.strftime('%w', time.localtime()) # 0=Sunday ci.orario = time.ctime() # .ctime instead of .locatime Ritorna: 'DAY MON DA OR:MI:SE YEAR' ci.hou_min = int(ci.orario[11]) * 600 + int(ci.orario[12]) * 60 \ + int(ci.orario[14]) * 10 + int(ci.orario[15]) # ############################## UPDATED BY ROB ################################## # Fixed midnight bug, moved AM/PM calculation to here instead of gfx to simplify and eliminate duplicate code # Draw 12 Hour mode instead of 24 hour # if (ci.sw_config[1] == 0): if ci_config.preferences['militaryTime'] == 0: hours = int(ci.orario[11]) * 10 + int(ci.orario[12]) ci.isPM = 0 if hours > 11: ci.isPM = 1 if hours == 0: hours = 12 if hours > 12: hours = hours - 12 ci.timeDigits = str(hours) if hours < 10: ci.timeDigits = '0' + ci.timeDigits else: ci.timeDigits = ci.orario[11] + ci.orario[12] ci.timeDigits = ci.timeDigits + ci.orario[14] + ci.orario[15] # ############################# DONE UPDATED BY ROB ############################## # ####################### UPDATED BY ROB ###################################### # # WE don't need to redraw everything all the time... just the parts that change. # Here, since the clock() method is called based on a timeout, we only redraw # parts of screens that are clock/time based... everything else can be # redrawn based on interaction and events... print 'clock!!!!!' print ci.fcmode print ci.FCMODE_CLOCK if ci.fcmode == ci.FCMODE_CLOCK or ci.fcmode == ci.FCMODE_NIXIE: # ***clockMode ******************************** ci_events.initializeScreen(buffer) ci_gfx.drawclock(buffer) if bufferedDisplay == 0: ci_gfx.gfx_refresh() elif ci.fcmode == ci.FCMODE_ALARM_CONTROL: # ALARM******************************* pass elif ci.fcmode == ci.FCMODE_ABOUT: # ABOUT******************************** ci_gfx.bg_about() if ci.tablet == 1: ci.hildon.hildon_play_system_sound(ci.path + ci.alarmsound) ci_gfx.gfx_refresh() elif ci.fcmode == ci.FCMODE_WINDOW: # WINDOW******************************** ci_gfx.bg_windo() ci_gfx.drawdate() ci_gfx.drawsveglia() ci_gfx.changecaption() ci_gfx.drawwindo() elif ci.fcmode == ci.FCMODE_NIGHT: # its business (night) time ci_events.initializeScreen(buffer) ci_gfx.drawnight(buffer) if bufferedDisplay == 0: ci_gfx.gfx_refresh() # elif ci.fcmode==5: #Alarm playing # ....#### This never occurs ##### # ci_gfx.bg_clock() # ci_gfx.drawclock() # ci_gfx.drawdate() # ci_gfx.drawsveglia() # ci_gfx.drawmood() # ci_gfx.gfx_refresh() return
def init_clock(): ci_gfx.drawclock() if ci.sw_led == 1: ci_alarm.carnevale() ci.pygame.display.flip()