Example #1
	elif line.startswith('chrX') or line.startswith('chr23'): 
		thisMarker = ChrXMarker()
	else:  #TODO: more thorough check for validity of data format, like chr numbers??
		thisMarker = AutosomalMarker()
	#get vcf columns
 	vcfValues = line.strip().split('\t')

	#assert that all genotype values are numeric #TODO: verify that this assert works
	assert(all(v.isdigit() or v=="NA" for v in vcfValues[1:]))   #1st column is variant id, 2nd onwards are sample genotypes

	#set this marker object's sample values 
	thisMarker.markerID = vcfValues[0]
	#Note: thought of checking if chrX marker has heterozygous males, but it's not possible since the feature matrix comes in with encoded genotypes. 
	#So all you can check is whether autosomal chrs have any genotypes other than 0/1/2/NA and chrX has any genotypes other that 0/1/NA for males, 0/1/2/NA for females
	#for chrX
	#TODO: verify that hasValidGenotypes() works
	if isinstance(thisMarker,ChrXMarker) and not thisMarker.hasValidGenotypes(pedNBGender,pedMemberType):
		print 'Invalid genotype found at ',thisMarker.markerID,'. This marker will not be tested.'
	#for autosomal chromosomes
	elif not isinstance(thisMarker,ChrXMarker) and not thisMarker.hasValidGenotypes():
		print 'Invalid genotype found at ',thisMarker.markerID,'. This marker will not be tested.'
	#compute regardless of whether 'mi' has been selected or not, because allele frequency will be reported in the output