model_id = "88" # Get the various Model CRN details HOST = os.getenv("CDSW_API_URL").split(":")[0] + "://" + os.getenv( "CDSW_DOMAIN") USERNAME = os.getenv("CDSW_PROJECT_URL").split("/")[ 6] # args.username # "vdibia" API_KEY = os.getenv("CDSW_API_KEY") PROJECT_NAME = os.getenv("CDSW_PROJECT") cml = CMLBootstrap(HOST, USERNAME, API_KEY, PROJECT_NAME) latest_model = cml.get_model({ "id": model_id, "latestModelDeployment": True, "latestModelBuild": True }) Model_CRN = latest_model["crn"] Deployment_CRN = latest_model["latestModelDeployment"]["crn"] # Read in the model metrics dict. model_metrics = cdsw.read_metrics(model_crn=Model_CRN, model_deployment_crn=Deployment_CRN) # This is a handy way to unravel the dict into a big pandas dataframe. metrics_df = model_metrics["metrics"]) # [metric_start_index:]) metrics_df.tail().T
"memoryMb": 2048, "nvidiaGPUs": 0, "replicationPolicy": { "type": "fixed", "numReplicas": 1 }, "environment": {} } new_model_details = cml.create_model(create_model_params) access_key = new_model_details["accessKey"] # todo check for bad response print("New model created with access key", access_key) # Wait for the model to deploy. is_deployed = False while is_deployed == False: model = cml.get_model({ "id": str(new_model_details["id"]), "latestModelDeployment": True, "latestModelBuild": True }) if model["latestModelDeployment"]["status"] == 'deployed': print("Model is deployed") break else: print("Model deployment status .....", model["latestModelDeployment"]["status"]) time.sleep(10)
USERNAME = os.getenv("CDSW_PROJECT_URL").split("/")[6] API_KEY = os.getenv("CDSW_API_KEY") PROJECT_NAME = os.getenv("CDSW_PROJECT") cml = CMLBootstrap(HOST, USERNAME, API_KEY, PROJECT_NAME) # Get newly deployed churn model details using cmlbootstrapAPI models = cml.get_models({}) churn_model_details = [ model for model in models if model["name"] == "Churn Model API Endpoint" and model["creator"] ["username"] == USERNAME and model["project"]["slug"] == PROJECT_NAME ][0] latest_model = cml.get_model({ "id": churn_model_details["id"], "latestModelDeployment": True, "latestModelBuild": True, }) Model_CRN = latest_model["crn"] Deployment_CRN = latest_model["latestModelDeployment"]["crn"] model_endpoint = (HOST.split("//")[0] + "//modelservice." + HOST.split("//")[1] + "/model") # This will randomly return True for input and increases the likelihood of returning # true based on `percent` def churn_error(item, percent): if random.random() < percent: return True else: