schema=schema, nullValue="NA") df = telco_data_raw.toPandas() # Get the various Model CRN details HOST = os.getenv("CDSW_API_URL").split(":")[0] + "://" + os.getenv( "CDSW_DOMAIN") USERNAME = os.getenv("CDSW_PROJECT_URL").split("/")[6] API_KEY = os.getenv("CDSW_API_KEY") PROJECT_NAME = os.getenv("CDSW_PROJECT") cml = CMLBootstrap(HOST, USERNAME, API_KEY, PROJECT_NAME) # Get newly deployed churn model details using cmlbootstrapAPI models = cml.get_models({}) churn_model_details = [ model for model in models if model["name"] == "Churn Model API Endpoint" and model["creator"] ["username"] == USERNAME and model["project"]["slug"] == PROJECT_NAME ][0] latest_model = cml.get_model({ "id": churn_model_details["id"], "latestModelDeployment": True, "latestModelBuild": True, }) Model_CRN = latest_model["crn"] Deployment_CRN = latest_model["latestModelDeployment"]["crn"] model_endpoint = (HOST.split("//")[0] + "//modelservice." + HOST.split("//")[1] + "/model")
6] # args.username # "vdibia" API_KEY = "uuc48l0gm0r3n2mib27voxazoos65em0" PROJECT_NAME = os.getenv("CDSW_PROJECT") # Instantiate API Wrapper cml = CMLBootstrap(HOST, USERNAME, API_KEY, PROJECT_NAME) #Retrieve model access keys for models that are compared #Champion can be either hardcoded or can be the most recent model from the day it was deployed #mvav17o0lwb9oogg3jlh8g7wqaw99e6w champion_ak = "mvav17o0lwb9oogg3jlh8g7wqaw99e6w" #Challenger is the most recent model deployed today project_id = cml.get_project({})['id'] #get project ID deployed_models_df = pd.DataFrame(cml.get_models({})) challenger_ak = deployed_models_df[deployed_models_df['projectId'] == project_id]\ .sort_values("createdAt", ascending=False)['accessKey'].iloc[0] def route_request(args): coin = random.randint(0, 1) #TODO: make this more coincise. Something messing up json #TODO: add more metadata about model chosen if coin == 0: r = '', data= '{"accessKey":"mvav17o0lwb9oogg3jlh8g7wqaw99e6w","request":{"recency":"2","history":"3","used_discount":"0","used_bogo":"1","is_referral":"1","channel_Phone":"1","channel_Web":"1","offer_Discount":"0","offer_No Offer":"1"}}',