def __init__(self): super().__init__(command_prefix=_callable_prefix, formatter=_chiaki_formatter, description=config.description, pm_help=None) # loop is needed to prevent outside coro errors self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=self.loop) try: with open('data/command_image_urls.json') as f: self.command_image_urls = __import__('json').load(f) except FileNotFoundError: self.command_image_urls = {} self.message_counter = 0 self.command_counter = collections.Counter() self.custom_prefixes = JSONFile('customprefixes.json') self.cog_aliases = {} self.reset_requested = False psql = f'postgresql://{config.psql_user}:{config.psql_pass}@{config.psql_host}/{config.psql_db}' self.db = asyncqlio.DatabaseInterface(psql) self.loop.run_until_complete(self._connect_to_db()) self.db_scheduler = DatabaseScheduler(self.db, timefunc=datetime.utcnow) self.db_scheduler.add_callback(self._dispatch_from_scheduler) for ext in config.extensions: # Errors should never pass silently, if there's a bug in an extension, # better to know now before the bot logs in, because a restart # can become extremely expensive later on, especially with the # 1000 IDENTIFYs a day limit. self.load_extension(ext)
def __init__(self): super().__init__(command_prefix=_callable_prefix, description=config.description, pm_help=None) # Case-insensitive dict so we don't have to override get_cog # or get_cog_commands self.cogs = CIDict() # loop is needed to prevent outside coro errors self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=self.loop) try: with open('data/command_image_urls.json') as f: self.command_image_urls = json.load(f) except FileNotFoundError: self.command_image_urls = {} self.message_counter = 0 self.command_counter = collections.Counter() self.custom_prefixes = JSONFile('customprefixes.json') self.reset_requested = False psql = f'postgresql://{config.psql_user}:{config.psql_pass}@{config.psql_host}/{config.psql_db}' self.pool = self.loop.run_until_complete( _create_pool(psql, command_timeout=60)) self.db_scheduler = DatabaseScheduler(self.pool, timefunc=datetime.utcnow) self.db_scheduler.add_callback(self._dispatch_from_scheduler) for ext in config.extensions: # Errors should never pass silently, if there's a bug in an extension, # better to know now before the bot logs in, because a restart # can become extremely expensive later on, especially with the # 1000 IDENTIFYs a day limit. self.load_extension(ext) self._game_task = self.loop.create_task(self.change_game())
class Chiaki(commands.AutoShardedBot): __version__ = '1.4.0a' version_info = VersionInfo(major=1, minor=4, micro=0, releaselevel='alpha', serial=0) def __init__(self): super().__init__(command_prefix=_callable_prefix, description=config.description, pm_help=None, case_insensitive=True) # Case-insensitive dict so we don't have to override get_cog # or get_cog_commands self.cogs = CIDict() # loop is needed to prevent outside coro errors self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=self.loop) self.message_counter = 0 self.command_counter = collections.Counter() self.custom_prefixes = JSONFile('customprefixes.json') self.reset_requested = False psql = f'postgresql://{config.psql_user}:{config.psql_pass}@{config.psql_host}/{config.psql_db}' self.pool = self.loop.run_until_complete( db.create_pool(psql, command_timeout=60)) self.db_scheduler = DatabaseScheduler(self.pool, timefunc=datetime.utcnow) self.db_scheduler.add_callback(self._dispatch_from_scheduler) for ext in config.extensions: # Errors should never pass silently, if there's a bug in an extension, # better to know now before the bot logs in, because a restart # can become extremely expensive later on, especially with the # 1000 IDENTIFYs a day limit. self.load_extension(ext) self.load_extension('core.errors') self._game_task = self.loop.create_task(self.change_game()) def _import_emojis(self): import emojis d = {} # These are not recognized by the Unicode or Emoji standard, but # discord never really was one to follow standards. is_edge_case_emoji = { *(chr(i + 0x1f1e6) for i in range(26)), *(f'{i}\u20e3' for i in [*range(10), '#', '*']), }.__contains__ def parse_emoji(em): if isinstance(em, int) and not isinstance(em, bool): return self.get_emoji(em) if isinstance(em, str): match = re.match(r'<a?:[a-zA-Z0-9\_]+:([0-9]+)>$', em) if match: return self.get_emoji(int(match[1])) if em in emoji.UNICODE_EMOJI or is_edge_case_emoji(em): return _UnicodeEmoji(name=em) log.warning('Unknown Emoji: %r', em) return em for name, em in inspect.getmembers(emojis): if name[0] == '_': continue if hasattr(em, '__iter__') and not isinstance(em, str): em = list(map(parse_emoji, em)) else: em = parse_emoji(em) d[name] = em del emojis # break reference to module for easy reloading self.emoji_config = collections.namedtuple('EmojiConfig', d)(**d) def _dispatch_from_scheduler(self, entry): self.dispatch(entry.event, entry) async def close(self): await self.session.close() self._game_task.cancel() await super().close() def add_cog(self, cog): super().add_cog(cog) if _is_cog_hidden(cog): for _, command in inspect.getmembers( cog, lambda m: isinstance(m, commands.Command)): command.hidden = True @staticmethod def find_extensions(name): spec = importlib.util.find_spec(name) if spec is None: raise ModuleNotFoundError(f'No module called {name!r}') path = spec.submodule_search_locations if path is None: # Not a package (packages have __path__) return None return ( name for _, name, is_pkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(path, + '.') if not is_pkg) def load_extension(self, name): modules = self.find_extensions(name) if modules is None: super().load_extension(name) return for module_name in modules: try: super().load_extension(module_name) except discord.ClientException as e: # Only suppress errors about not having a setup function because # we might've mixed util files along with the modules for # convenience. However, errors like commands already being # registered and later on passing classes to add_cog might # just end up failing silently which could pose a huge # inconvenience. if 'extension does not have a setup function' not in str(e): raise # Force the package name in there because needs the module # for unloading self.extensions[name] = importlib.import_module(name) def unload_extension(self, name): super().unload_extension(name) # unload_extension removes the commands/cogs in submodules but not the # submodule itself. for module_name in list(self.extensions): if _is_submodule(name, module_name): del self.extensions[module_name] @contextlib.contextmanager def temp_listener(self, func, name=None): """Context manager for temporary listeners""" self.add_listener(func, name) try: yield finally: self.remove_listener(func) def __format_name_for_activity(self, name): return name.format( server_count=self.guild_count, user_count=self.user_count, version=self.__version__, ) def __parse_activity(self, game): if isinstance(game, str): return discord.Game(name=self.__format_name_for_activity(game)) if isinstance(game, type_, name, url = ( *game, config.twitch_url)[:3] # not accepting a seq of just "[type]" type_ = _parse_type(type_) name = self.__format_name_for_activity(name) return _get_proper_activity(type_, name, url) if isinstance(game, def get(key): try: return game[key] except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"game mapping must have a {key!r} key, got {game!r}") data = { **game, 'type': _parse_type(get('type')), 'name': self.__format_name_for_activity(get('name')) } data.setdefault('url', config.twitch_url) return _get_proper_activity(**data) raise TypeError( f'expected a str, sequence, or mapping for game, got {type(game).__name__!r}' ) async def change_game(self): await self.wait_until_ready() while True: pick = random.choice( try: activity = self.__parse_activity(pick) except (TypeError, ValueError): log.exception( f'inappropriate game {pick!r}, removing it from the list.') await self.change_presence(activity=activity) await asyncio.sleep(random.uniform(0.5, 2) * 60) def run(self): super().run(config.token, reconnect=True) def get_guild_prefixes(self, guild): proxy_msg = discord.Object(id=None) proxy_msg.guild = guild return _callable_prefix(self, proxy_msg) def get_raw_guild_prefixes(self, guild): return self.custom_prefixes.get(, self.default_prefix) async def set_guild_prefixes(self, guild, prefixes): prefixes = prefixes or [] if len(prefixes) > 10: raise RuntimeError( "You have too many prefixes you indecisive goof!") await self.custom_prefixes.put(, sorted(set(prefixes), reverse=True)) async def process_commands(self, message): if config.ignore_bots and return elif == self.user: return ctx = await self.get_context(message, cls=context.Context) if ctx.command is None: return async with ctx.acquire(): await self.invoke(ctx) # --------- Events ---------- async def on_ready(self): print('Logged in as') print( print( print('------') self._import_emojis() if not hasattr(self, 'appinfo'): self.appinfo = (await self.application_info()) if self.owner_id is None: self.owner = self.appinfo.owner self.owner_id = else: self.owner = self.get_user(self.owner_id) if not hasattr(self, 'creator'): self.creator = await self.get_user_info(239110748180054017) if not hasattr(self, 'start_time'): self.start_time = datetime.utcnow() async def on_command_error(self, ctx, error): if not (isinstance(error, commands.CheckFailure) and not isinstance(error, commands.BotMissingPermissions) and await self.is_owner( return try: # Try to release the connection regardless of whether or not # it has been released already. According to the asyncpg source, # attempting to release an already released connection does # nothing. # # This is important because we can't rely on the connection # being released as this can be called from a command-local # error handler where the connection wasn't released yet. await ctx.release() async with ctx.acquire(): await ctx.reinvoke() except Exception as exc: await ctx.command.dispatch_error(ctx, exc) async def on_message(self, message): await self.process_commands(message) # ------ Viewlikes ------ # Note these views and properties look deceptive. They look like a thin # wrapper len(self.guilds). However, the reason why these are here is # to avoid a temporary list to get the len of. Bot.guilds and Bot.users # creates a list which can cause a massive hit in performance later on. def guildsview(self): return self._connection._guilds.values() def usersview(self): return self._connection._users.values() @property def guild_count(self): return len(self._connection._guilds) @property def user_count(self): return len(self._connection._users) # ------ Config-related properties ------ @discord.utils.cached_property def invite_url(self): return discord.utils.oauth_url(, _MINIMAL_PERMISSIONS) @property def default_prefix(self): return list(always_iterable(config.command_prefix)) @property def colour(self): return config.colour @property def webhook(self): wh_url = config.webhook_url if not wh_url: return None return discord.Webhook.from_url(wh_url, adapter=discord.AsyncWebhookAdapter( self.session)) # ------ misc. properties ------ @property def support_invite(self): # The following is the link to the bot's support server. # You are allowed to change this to be another server of your choice. # However, doing so will instantly void your warranty. # Change this at your own peril. return config.support_server_invite @property def uptime(self): return datetime.utcnow() - self.start_time @property def str_uptime(self): return duration_units(self.uptime.total_seconds())
class Chiaki(commands.Bot): __version__ = '1.1.0' version_info = VersionInfo(major=1, minor=1, micro=0) def __init__(self): super().__init__(command_prefix=_callable_prefix, formatter=_chiaki_formatter, description=config.description, pm_help=None) # loop is needed to prevent outside coro errors self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=self.loop) self.table_base = None try: with open('data/command_image_urls.json') as f: self.command_image_urls = __import__('json').load(f) except FileNotFoundError: self.command_image_urls = {} self.message_counter = 0 self.command_counter = collections.Counter() self.custom_prefixes = JSONFile('customprefixes.json') self.cog_aliases = {} self.reset_requested = False psql = f'postgresql://{config.psql_user}:{config.psql_pass}@{config.psql_host}/{config.psql_db}' self.db = asyncqlio.DatabaseInterface(psql) self.loop.run_until_complete(self._connect_to_db()) self.db_scheduler = DatabaseScheduler(self.db, timefunc=datetime.utcnow) self.db_scheduler.add_callback(self._dispatch_from_scheduler) for ext in config.extensions: # Errors should never pass silently, if there's a bug in an extension, # better to know now before the bot logs in, because a restart # can become extremely expensive later on, especially with the # 1000 IDENTIFYs a day limit. self.load_extension(ext) self._game_task = self.loop.create_task(self.change_game()) def _import_emojis(self): import emojis d = {} for name, em in inspect.getmembers(emojis): if name[0] == '_': continue if isinstance(em, int): em = self.get_emoji(em) elif isinstance(em, str): match = re.match(r'<:[a-zA-Z0-9\_]+:([0-9]+)>$', em) if match: em = self.get_emoji(int(match[1])) elif em in emoji.UNICODE_EMOJI: em = _ProxyEmoji(em) elif em: log.warn('Unknown Emoji: %r', em) d[name] = em del emojis # break reference to module for easy reloading self.emoji_config = collections.namedtuple('EmojiConfig', d)(**d) def _dispatch_from_scheduler(self, entry): self.dispatch(entry.event, entry) async def _connect_to_db(self): # Unfortunately, while DatabaseInterface.connect takes in **kwargs, and # passes them to the underlying connector, the AsyncpgConnector doesn't # take them AT ALL. This is a big problem for my case, because I use JSONB # types, which requires the type_codec to be set first (they need to be str). # # As a result I have to explicitly use json.dumps when storing them, # which is rather annoying, but doable, since I only use JSONs in two # places (reminders and welcome/leave messages). await self.db.connect() async def close(self): await self.session.close() await self.db.close() self._game_task.cancel() await super().close() def add_cog(self, cog): if not isinstance(cog, Cog): raise discord.ClientException( f'cog must be an instance of {Cog.__qualname__}') # cog aliases for alias in cog.__aliases__: if alias in self.cog_aliases: raise discord.ClientException( f'"{alias}" already has a cog registered') self.cog_aliases[alias.lower()] = cog super().add_cog(cog) cog_name = cog.__class__.__name__ self.cog_aliases[] = self.cogs[ cog_name.lower()] = self.cogs.pop(cog_name) def remove_cog(self, name): lowered = name.lower() cog = self.cogs.get(lowered) if cog is None: return super().remove_cog(lowered) # remove cog aliases self.cog_aliases = { alias: real for alias, real in self.cog_aliases.items() if real is not cog } def get_cog(self, name): return self.all_cogs.get(name.lower()) # This must be implemented because Bot.get_all_commands doesn't call # Bot.get_cog, so it will throw KeyError, and thus return an empty set. def get_cog_commands(self, name): return super().get_cog_commands(name.lower()) def load_extension(self, name): super().load_extension(name) # Bind all the tables to set up tables that were added here. self.table_base = self.db.bind_tables(TableBase) def unload_extension(self, name): super().unload_extension(name) # Delete the tables so that we don't have old table references for k, v in list(self.table_base.tables.items()): if _is_submodule(name, v.__module__): del self.table_base.tables[k] self.table_base.setup_tables() async def create_tables(self): # This hack is here because asyncqlio doesn't make a query that checks # if an existing index is ok. Maybe I should make an issue this but # MySQL doesn't support CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS which might make # the issue even harder. old_idx_ddl_sql = asyncqlio.Index.get_ddl_sql def new_ddl_sql(index): return old_idx_ddl_sql(index).replace('INDEX', 'INDEX IF NOT EXISTS', 1) asyncqlio.Index.get_ddl_sql = new_ddl_sql try: for table in self.table_base.tables.values(): await table.create() finally: asyncqlio.Index.get_ddl_sql = old_idx_ddl_sql @contextlib.contextmanager def temp_listener(self, func, name=None): """Context manager for temporary listeners""" self.add_listener(func, name) try: yield finally: self.remove_listener(func) async def change_game(self): await self.wait_until_ready() while True: name = random.choice( formatted = name.format( server_count=self.guild_count, user_count=self.user_count, version=self.__version__, ) await self.change_presence( game=discord.Game(name=formatted, type=0)) await asyncio.sleep(random.uniform(0.5, 2) * 60) def run(self): super().run(config.token, reconnect=True) def get_guild_prefixes(self, guild): proxy_msg = discord.Object(id=None) proxy_msg.guild = guild return _callable_prefix(self, proxy_msg) def get_raw_guild_prefixes(self, guild): return self.custom_prefixes.get(, self.default_prefix) async def set_guild_prefixes(self, guild, prefixes): prefixes = prefixes or [] if len(prefixes) > 10: raise RuntimeError( "You have too many prefixes you indecisive goof!") await self.custom_prefixes.put(, sorted(set(prefixes), reverse=True)) async def process_commands(self, message): # prevent responding to other bots if return ctx = await self.get_context(message, cls=context.Context) if ctx.command is None: return async with ctx.acquire(): await self.invoke(ctx) # --------- Events ---------- async def on_ready(self): print('Logged in as') print( print( print('------') self._import_emojis() if not hasattr(self, 'appinfo'): self.appinfo = (await self.application_info()) if self.owner_id is None: self.owner = self.appinfo.owner self.owner_id = else: self.owner = self.get_user(self.owner_id) if not hasattr(self, 'creator'): self.creator = await self.get_user_info(239110748180054017) if not hasattr(self, 'start_time'): self.start_time = datetime.utcnow() async def on_command_error(self, ctx, error): if isinstance(error, commands.CheckFailure) and await self.is_owner( # There is actually a race here. When this command is invoked the # first time, it's wrapped in a context manager that automatically # starts and closes a DB session. # # The issue is that this event is dispatched, which means during the # first invoke, it creates a task for this and goes on with its day. # The problem is that it doesn't wait for this event, meaning it might # accidentally close the session before or during this command's # reinvoke. # # This solution is dirty but since I'm only doing it once here # it's fine. Besides it works anyway. while ctx.session: await asyncio.sleep(0) try: async with ctx.acquire(): await ctx.reinvoke() except Exception as exc: await ctx.command.dispatch_error(ctx, exc) return # command_counter['failed'] += 0 sets the 'failed' key. We don't want that. if not isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound): self.command_counter['failed'] += 1 cause = error.__cause__ if isinstance(error, errors.ChiakiException): await ctx.send(str(error)) elif type(error) is commands.BadArgument: await ctx.send(str(cause or error)) elif isinstance(error, commands.NoPrivateMessage): await ctx.send('This command cannot be used in private messages.') elif isinstance(error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument): await ctx.send( f'This command ({ctx.command}) needs another parameter ({error.param})' ) elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandInvokeError): print(f'In {ctx.command.qualified_name}:', file=sys.stderr) traceback.print_tb(error.original.__traceback__) print(f'{error.__class__.__name__}: {error}'.format(error), file=sys.stderr) async def on_message(self, message): self.message_counter += 1 await self.process_commands(message) async def on_command(self, ctx): self.command_counter['commands'] += 1 self.command_counter['executed in DMs'] += isinstance(, fmt = ( 'Command executed in {} ({}) from {0.guild} ({}) ' 'by {} ({}) Message: "{0.message.content}"') async def on_command_completion(self, ctx): self.command_counter['succeeded'] += 1 # ------ Viewlikes ------ # Note these views and properties look deceptive. They look like a thin # wrapper len(self.guilds). However, the reason why these are here is # to avoid a temporary list to get the len of. Bot.guilds and Bot.users # creates a list which can cause a massive hit in performance later on. def guildsview(self): return self._connection._guilds.values() def usersview(self): return self._connection._users.values() @property def guild_count(self): return len(self._connection._guilds) @property def user_count(self): return len(self._connection._users) # ------ Config-related properties ------ @discord.utils.cached_property def minimal_invite_url(self): return discord.utils.oauth_url(, _MINIMAL_PERMISSIONS) @discord.utils.cached_property def invite_url(self): return discord.utils.oauth_url(, _FULL_PERMISSIONS) @property def default_prefix(self): return always_iterable(config.command_prefix) @property def colour(self): return config.colour @property def webhook(self): wh_url = config.webhook_url if not wh_url: return None return discord.Webhook.from_url(wh_url, adapter=discord.AsyncWebhookAdapter( self.session)) @discord.utils.cached_property def feedback_destination(self): dest = config.feedback_destination if not dest: return None if isinstance(dest, int): return self.get_channel(dest) return discord.Webhook.from_url(dest, adapter=discord.AsyncWebhookAdapter( self.session)) # ------ misc. properties ------ @property def support_invite(self): # The following is the link to the bot's support server. # You are allowed to change this to be another server of your choice. # However, doing so will instantly void your warranty. # Change this at your own peril. return '' @property def uptime(self): return datetime.utcnow() - self.start_time @property def str_uptime(self): return duration_units(self.uptime.total_seconds()) @property def all_cogs(self): return collections.ChainMap(self.cogs, self.cog_aliases)
class Chiaki(commands.Bot): def __init__(self): super().__init__(command_prefix=_callable_prefix, formatter=_chiaki_formatter, description=config.description, pm_help=None) # loop is needed to prevent outside coro errors self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=self.loop) try: with open('data/command_image_urls.json') as f: self.command_image_urls = __import__('json').load(f) except FileNotFoundError: self.command_image_urls = {} self.message_counter = 0 self.command_counter = collections.Counter() self.custom_prefixes = JSONFile('customprefixes.json') self.cog_aliases = {} self.reset_requested = False psql = f'postgresql://{config.psql_user}:{config.psql_pass}@{config.psql_host}/{config.psql_db}' self.db = asyncqlio.DatabaseInterface(psql) self.loop.run_until_complete(self._connect_to_db()) self.db_scheduler = DatabaseScheduler(self.db, timefunc=datetime.utcnow) self.db_scheduler.add_callback(self._dispatch_from_scheduler) for ext in config.extensions: # Errors should never pass silently, if there's a bug in an extension, # better to know now before the bot logs in, because a restart # can become extremely expensive later on, especially with the # 1000 IDENTIFYs a day limit. self.load_extension(ext) def _dispatch_from_scheduler(self, entry): self.dispatch(entry.event, entry) async def _connect_to_db(self): # Unfortunately, while DatabaseInterface.connect takes in **kwargs, and # passes them to the underlying connector, the AsyncpgConnector doesn't # take them AT ALL. This is a big problem for my case, because I use JSONB # types, which requires the type_codec to be set first (they need to be str). # # As a result I have to explicitly use json.dumps when storing them, # which is rather annoying, but doable, since I only use JSONs in two # places (reminders and welcome/leave messages). await self.db.connect() async def close(self): await self.session.close() await self.db.close() await super().close() def add_cog(self, cog): members = inspect.getmembers(cog) # cog aliases for alias in getattr(cog, '__aliases__', ()): if alias in self.cog_aliases: raise discord.ClientException( f'"{alias}" already has a cog registered') self.cog_aliases[alias] = cog # add to namespace cog.__hidden__ = getattr(cog, '__hidden__', False) super().add_cog(cog) def remove_cog(self, cog_name): cog = self.cogs.get(cog_name) if cog is None: return super().remove_cog(cog_name) # remove cog aliases self.cog_aliases = { alias: real for alias, real in self.cog_aliases.items() if real is not cog } @contextlib.contextmanager def temp_listener(self, func, name=None): """Context manager for temporary listeners""" self.add_listener(func, name) try: yield finally: self.remove_listener(func) async def change_game(self): await self.wait_until_ready() while True: name = random.choice( await self.change_presence(game=discord.Game(name=name, type=0)) await asyncio.sleep(random.uniform(0.5, 10) * 60) def run(self): super().run(config.token, reconnect=True) def get_guild_prefixes(self, guild): proxy_msg = discord.Object(id=None) proxy_msg.guild = guild return _callable_prefix(self, proxy_msg) def get_raw_guild_prefixes(self, guild): return self.custom_prefixes.get(, self.default_prefix) async def set_guild_prefixes(self, guild, prefixes): prefixes = prefixes or [] if len(prefixes) > 10: raise RuntimeError( "You have too many prefixes you indecisive goof!") await self.custom_prefixes.put(, sorted(set(prefixes), reverse=True)) async def process_commands(self, message): ctx = await self.get_context(message, cls=context.Context) if ctx.command is None: return async with ctx.acquire(): await self.invoke(ctx) # --------- Events ---------- async def on_ready(self): print('Logged in as') print( print( print('------') if not hasattr(self, 'appinfo'): self.appinfo = (await self.application_info()) if self.owner_id is None: self.owner = self.appinfo.owner self.owner_id = else: self.owner = self.get_user(self.owner_id) if not hasattr(self, 'creator'): self.creator = await self.get_user_info(239110748180054017) if not hasattr(self, 'start_time'): self.start_time = datetime.utcnow() self.loop.create_task(self.change_game()) async def on_command_error(self, ctx, error): if isinstance(error, commands.CheckFailure) and await self.is_owner( # There is actually a race here. When this command is invoked the # first time, it's wrapped in a context manager that automatically # starts and closes a DB session. # # The issue is that this event is dispatched, which means during the # first invoke, it creates a task for this and goes on with its day. # The problem is that it doesn't wait for this event, meaning it might # accidentally close the session before or during this command's # reinvoke. # # This solution is dirty but since I'm only doing it once here # it's fine. Besides it works anyway. while ctx.session: await asyncio.sleep(0) try: async with ctx.acquire(): await ctx.reinvoke() except Exception as exc: await ctx.command.dispatch_error(ctx, exc) return # command_counter['failed'] += 0 sets the 'failed' key. We don't want that. if not isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound): self.command_counter['failed'] += 1 cause = error.__cause__ if isinstance(error, errors.ChiakiException): await ctx.send(str(error)) elif type(error) is commands.BadArgument: await ctx.send(str(cause or error)) elif isinstance(error, commands.NoPrivateMessage): await ctx.send('This command cannot be used in private messages.') elif isinstance(error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument): await ctx.send( f'This command ({ctx.command}) needs another parameter ({error.param})' ) elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandInvokeError): print(f'In {ctx.command.qualified_name}:', file=sys.stderr) traceback.print_tb(error.original.__traceback__) print(f'{error.__class__.__name__}: {error}'.format(error), file=sys.stderr) async def on_message(self, message): self.message_counter += 1 # prevent other selfs from triggering commands if not await self.process_commands(message) async def on_command(self, ctx): self.command_counter['commands'] += 1 self.command_counter['executed in DMs'] += isinstance(, fmt = ( 'Command executed in {} ({}) from {0.guild} ({}) ' 'by {} ({}) Message: "{0.message.content}"') async def on_command_completion(self, ctx): self.command_counter['succeeded'] += 1 # ------ Config-related properties ------ @discord.utils.cached_property def minimal_invite_url(self): return discord.utils.oauth_url(, _MINIMAL_PERMISSIONS) @discord.utils.cached_property def invite_url(self): return discord.utils.oauth_url(, _FULL_PERMISSIONS) @property def default_prefix(self): return always_iterable(config.command_prefix) @property def colour(self): return config.colour @property def webhook(self): wh_url = config.webhook_url if not wh_url: return None return discord.Webhook.from_url(wh_url, adapter=discord.AsyncWebhookAdapter( self.session)) @property def confirm_reaction_emoji(self): return _parse_emoji_for_reaction(self.confirm_emoji) @property def deny_reaction_emoji(self): return _parse_emoji_for_reaction(self.deny_emoji) @property def confirm_emoji(self): return config.confirm_emoji @property def deny_emoji(self): return config.deny_emoji # ------ misc. properties ------ @property def support_invite(self): # The following is the link to the bot's support server. # You are allowed to change this to be another server of your choice. # However, doing so will instantly void your warranty. # Change this at your own peril. return '' @property def uptime(self): return datetime.utcnow() - self.start_time @property def str_uptime(self): return duration_units(self.uptime.total_seconds()) @property def all_cogs(self): return collections.ChainMap(self.cogs, self.cog_aliases)
class Chiaki(commands.Bot): __version__ = '1.3.0a' version_info = VersionInfo(major=1, minor=3, micro=0, releaselevel='alpha', serial=0) def __init__(self): super().__init__(command_prefix=_callable_prefix, description=config.description, pm_help=None) # Case-insensitive dict so we don't have to override get_cog # or get_cog_commands self.cogs = CIDict() # loop is needed to prevent outside coro errors self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=self.loop) try: with open('data/command_image_urls.json') as f: self.command_image_urls = json.load(f) except FileNotFoundError: self.command_image_urls = {} self.message_counter = 0 self.command_counter = collections.Counter() self.custom_prefixes = JSONFile('customprefixes.json') self.reset_requested = False psql = f'postgresql://{config.psql_user}:{config.psql_pass}@{config.psql_host}/{config.psql_db}' self.pool = self.loop.run_until_complete( _create_pool(psql, command_timeout=60)) self.db_scheduler = DatabaseScheduler(self.pool, timefunc=datetime.utcnow) self.db_scheduler.add_callback(self._dispatch_from_scheduler) for ext in config.extensions: # Errors should never pass silently, if there's a bug in an extension, # better to know now before the bot logs in, because a restart # can become extremely expensive later on, especially with the # 1000 IDENTIFYs a day limit. self.load_extension(ext) self._game_task = self.loop.create_task(self.change_game()) def _import_emojis(self): import emojis d = {} # These are not recognized by the Unicode or Emoji standard, but # discord never really was one to follow standards. is_edge_case_emoji = { *(chr(i + 0x1f1e6) for i in range(26)), *(f'{i}\u20e3' for i in [*range(10), '#', '*']), }.__contains__ def parse_emoji(em): if isinstance(em, int) and not isinstance(em, bool): return self.get_emoji(em) if isinstance(em, str): match = re.match(r'<:[a-zA-Z0-9\_]+:([0-9]+)>$', em) if match: return self.get_emoji(int(match[1])) if em in emoji.UNICODE_EMOJI or is_edge_case_emoji(em): return _UnicodeEmoji(name=em) log.warn('Unknown Emoji: %r', em) return em for name, em in inspect.getmembers(emojis): if name[0] == '_': continue if hasattr(em, '__iter__') and not isinstance(em, str): em = list(map(parse_emoji, em)) else: em = parse_emoji(em) d[name] = em del emojis # break reference to module for easy reloading self.emoji_config = collections.namedtuple('EmojiConfig', d)(**d) def _dispatch_from_scheduler(self, entry): self.dispatch(entry.event, entry) async def close(self): await self.session.close() self._game_task.cancel() await super().close() def add_cog(self, cog): super().add_cog(cog) if getattr(cog, '__hidden__', False): for _, command in inspect.getmembers( cog, lambda m: isinstance(m, commands.Command)): command.hidden = True @contextlib.contextmanager def temp_listener(self, func, name=None): """Context manager for temporary listeners""" self.add_listener(func, name) try: yield finally: self.remove_listener(func) def __format_name_for_activity(self, name): return name.format( server_count=self.guild_count, user_count=self.user_count, version=self.__version__, ) def __parse_activity(self, game): if isinstance(game, str): return discord.Game(name=self.__format_name_for_activity(game)) if isinstance(game, type_, name, url = ( *game, config.twitch_url)[:3] # not accepting a seq of just "[type]" type_ = _parse_type(type_) name = self.__format_name_for_activity(name) return _get_proper_activity(type_, name, url) if isinstance(game, def get(key): try: return game[key] except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"game mapping must have a {key!r} key, got {game!r}") data = { **game, 'type': _parse_type(get('type')), 'name': self.__format_name_for_activity(get('name')) } data.setdefault('url', config.twitch_url) return _get_proper_activity(**data) raise TypeError( f'expected a str, sequence, or mapping for game, got {type(game).__name__!r}' ) async def change_game(self): await self.wait_until_ready() while True: pick = random.choice( try: activity = self.__parse_activity(pick) except (TypeError, ValueError): log.exception( f'inappropriate game {pick!r}, removing it from the list.') await self.change_presence(activity=activity) await asyncio.sleep(random.uniform(0.5, 2) * 60) def run(self): super().run(config.token, reconnect=True) def get_guild_prefixes(self, guild): proxy_msg = discord.Object(id=None) proxy_msg.guild = guild return _callable_prefix(self, proxy_msg) def get_raw_guild_prefixes(self, guild): return self.custom_prefixes.get(, self.default_prefix) async def set_guild_prefixes(self, guild, prefixes): prefixes = prefixes or [] if len(prefixes) > 10: raise RuntimeError( "You have too many prefixes you indecisive goof!") await self.custom_prefixes.put(, sorted(set(prefixes), reverse=True)) async def process_commands(self, message): # prevent responding to other bots if return ctx = await self.get_context(message, cls=context.Context) if ctx.command is None: return async with ctx.acquire(): await self.invoke(ctx) async def run_sql(self): await self.pool.execute(self.schema) def _dump_schema(self): with open('schema.sql', 'w') as f: f.write(self.schema) async def dump_sql(self): await self.loop.run_in_executor(None, self._dump_schema) # --------- Events ---------- async def on_ready(self): print('Logged in as') print( print( print('------') self._import_emojis() if not hasattr(self, 'appinfo'): self.appinfo = (await self.application_info()) if self.owner_id is None: self.owner = self.appinfo.owner self.owner_id = else: self.owner = self.get_user(self.owner_id) if not hasattr(self, 'creator'): self.creator = await self.get_user_info(239110748180054017) if not hasattr(self, 'start_time'): self.start_time = datetime.utcnow() async def on_command_error(self, ctx, error, *, bypass=False): if not bypass and hasattr(ctx.command, 'on_error'): return if (isinstance(error, commands.CheckFailure) and not isinstance(error, commands.BotMissingPermissions) and await self.is_owner( try: # Try to release the connection regardless of whether or not # it has been released already. According to the asyncpg source, # attempting to release an already released connection does # nothing. # # This is important because we can't rely on the connection # being released as this can be called from a command-local # error handler where the connection wasn't released yet. await ctx.release() async with ctx.acquire(): await ctx.reinvoke() except Exception as exc: await ctx.command.dispatch_error(ctx, exc) return cause = error.__cause__ if isinstance(error, errors.ChiakiException): await ctx.send(str(error)) elif type(error) is commands.BadArgument: await ctx.send(str(cause or error)) elif isinstance(error, commands.NoPrivateMessage): await ctx.send('This command cannot be used in private messages.') elif isinstance(error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument): await ctx.missing_required_arg(error.param) elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandInvokeError): print(f'In {ctx.command.qualified_name}:', file=sys.stderr) traceback.print_tb(error.original.__traceback__) print(f'{error.__class__.__name__}: {error}'.format(error), file=sys.stderr) elif isinstance(error, commands.BotMissingPermissions): await ctx.bot_missing_perms(error.missing_perms) async def on_message(self, message): self.message_counter += 1 await self.process_commands(message) async def on_command(self, ctx): self.command_counter['total'] += 1 if isinstance(, self.command_counter['in DMs'] += 1 fmt = ( 'Command executed in {} ({}) from {0.guild} ({}) ' 'by {} ({}) Message: "{0.message.content}"') async def on_command_completion(self, ctx): self.command_counter['succeeded'] += 1 # ------ Viewlikes ------ # Note these views and properties look deceptive. They look like a thin # wrapper len(self.guilds). However, the reason why these are here is # to avoid a temporary list to get the len of. Bot.guilds and Bot.users # creates a list which can cause a massive hit in performance later on. def guildsview(self): return self._connection._guilds.values() def usersview(self): return self._connection._users.values() @property def guild_count(self): return len(self._connection._guilds) @property def user_count(self): return len(self._connection._users) # ------ Config-related properties ------ @discord.utils.cached_property def minimal_invite_url(self): return discord.utils.oauth_url(, _MINIMAL_PERMISSIONS) @discord.utils.cached_property def invite_url(self): return discord.utils.oauth_url(, _FULL_PERMISSIONS) @property def default_prefix(self): return always_iterable(config.command_prefix) @property def colour(self): return config.colour @property def webhook(self): wh_url = config.webhook_url if not wh_url: return None return discord.Webhook.from_url(wh_url, adapter=discord.AsyncWebhookAdapter( self.session)) @discord.utils.cached_property def feedback_destination(self): dest = config.feedback_destination if not dest: return None if isinstance(dest, int): return self.get_channel(dest) return discord.Webhook.from_url(dest, adapter=discord.AsyncWebhookAdapter( self.session)) # ------ misc. properties ------ @property def support_invite(self): # The following is the link to the bot's support server. # You are allowed to change this to be another server of your choice. # However, doing so will instantly void your warranty. # Change this azt your own peril. return '' @property def uptime(self): return datetime.utcnow() - self.start_time @property def str_uptime(self): return duration_units(self.uptime.total_seconds()) @property def schema(self): schema = ''.join( getattr(ext, '__schema__', '') for ext in self.extensions.values()) return textwrap.dedent(schema + self.db_scheduler.__schema__)