""" Show how decoding errors can be automatically handled using the EncodingPanel. """ import sys from pyqode.qt import QtWidgets from pyqode.core import api, panels from common import setup_editor, get_file_path app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) editor = setup_editor( panels=[(panels.EncodingPanel(), api.Panel.Position.TOP)]) editor.file.open(get_file_path(), use_cached_encoding=False) app.exec_()
""" Use the encoding choice dialog to reload file in case of error. """ import sys from common import setup_editor, get_file_path from pyqode.qt import QtWidgets from pyqode.core import dialogs app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) success = False editor = setup_editor() pth = get_file_path() success = False encoding = 'utf-8' while not success: try: editor.file.open(pth, encoding=encoding, use_cached_encoding=False) except UnicodeDecodeError: encoding = dialogs.DlgEncodingsChoice.choose_encoding( editor, pth, encoding) else: success = True app.exec_()
""" Use the encoding choice dialog to reload file in case of error. """ import sys from pyqode.qt import QtWidgets from pyqode.core import dialogs from common import setup_editor, get_file_path app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) success = False editor = setup_editor() pth = get_file_path() success = False encoding = "utf-8" while not success: try: editor.file.open(pth, encoding=encoding, use_cached_encoding=False) except UnicodeDecodeError: encoding = dialogs.DlgEncodingsChoice.choose_encoding(editor, pth, encoding) else: success = True app.exec_()