Example #1
def fluxes(my_data, rp, ivars, solid, tc):
    unsplitFluxes returns the fluxes through the x and y interfaces by
    doing an unsplit reconstruction of the interface values and then
    solving the Riemann problem through all the interfaces at once

    currently we assume a gamma-law EOS

    my_data : CellCenterData2d object
        The data object containing the grid and advective scalar that
        we are advecting.
    rp : RuntimeParameters object
        The runtime parameters for the simulation
    vars : Variables object
        The Variables object that tells us which indices refer to which
    tc : TimerCollection object
        The timers we are using to profile

    out : ndarray, ndarray
        The fluxes on the x- and y-interfaces


    tm_flux = tc.timer("unsplitFluxes")

    myg = my_data.grid

    gamma = rp.get_param("eos.gamma")

    # =========================================================================
    # compute the primitive variables
    # =========================================================================
    # Q = (rho, u, v, p)

    q = comp.cons_to_prim(my_data.data, gamma, ivars, myg)

    # =========================================================================
    # compute the flattening coefficients
    # =========================================================================

    # there is a single flattening coefficient (xi) for all directions
    use_flattening = rp.get_param("compressible.use_flattening")

    if use_flattening:
        xi_x = reconstruction.flatten(myg, q, 1, ivars, rp)
        xi_y = reconstruction.flatten(myg, q, 2, ivars, rp)

        xi = reconstruction.flatten_multid(myg, q, xi_x, xi_y, ivars)
        xi = 1.0

    # monotonized central differences in x-direction
    tm_limit = tc.timer("limiting")

    limiter = rp.get_param("compressible.limiter")

    ldx = myg.scratch_array(nvar=ivars.nvar)
    ldy = myg.scratch_array(nvar=ivars.nvar)

    for n in range(ivars.nvar):
        ldx[:, :, n] = xi * reconstruction.limit(q[:, :, n], myg, 1, limiter)
        ldy[:, :, n] = xi * reconstruction.limit(q[:, :, n], myg, 2, limiter)


    # if we are doing a well-balanced scheme, then redo the pressure
    # note: we only have gravity in the y direction, so we will only
    # modify the y pressure slope
    well_balanced = rp.get_param("compressible.well_balanced")
    grav = rp.get_param("compressible.grav")

    if well_balanced:
        ldy[:, :,
            ivars.ip] = reconstruction.well_balance(q, myg, limiter, ivars,

    # =========================================================================
    # x-direction
    # =========================================================================

    # left and right primitive variable states
    tm_states = tc.timer("interfaceStates")

    V_l = myg.scratch_array(ivars.nvar)
    V_r = myg.scratch_array(ivars.nvar)

    for n in range(ivars.nvar):
        V_l.ip(1, n=n, buf=2)[:, :] = q.v(n=n, buf=2) + 0.5 * ldx.v(n=n, buf=2)
        V_r.v(n=n, buf=2)[:, :] = q.v(n=n, buf=2) - 0.5 * ldx.v(n=n, buf=2)


    # transform interface states back into conserved variables
    U_xl = comp.prim_to_cons(V_l, gamma, ivars, myg)
    U_xr = comp.prim_to_cons(V_r, gamma, ivars, myg)

    # =========================================================================
    # y-direction
    # =========================================================================

    # left and right primitive variable states

    for n in range(ivars.nvar):
        if well_balanced and n == ivars.ip:
            # we want to do p0 + p1 on the interfaces.  We found the
            # limited slope for p1 (it's average is 0).  So now we
            # need p0 on the interface too
            V_l.jp(1, n=n, buf=2)[:, :] = q.v(n=ivars.ip, buf=2) + \
                0.5 * myg.dy * q.v(n=ivars.irho, buf=2) * \
                grav + 0.5 * ldy.v(n=ivars.ip, buf=2)
            V_r.v(n=n, buf=2)[:, :] = q.v(n=ivars.ip, buf=2) - \
                0.5 * myg.dy * q.v(n=ivars.irho, buf=2) * \
                grav - 0.5 * ldy.v(n=ivars.ip, buf=2)
            V_l.jp(1, n=n,
                   buf=2)[:, :] = q.v(n=n, buf=2) + 0.5 * ldy.v(n=n, buf=2)
            V_r.v(n=n, buf=2)[:, :] = q.v(n=n, buf=2) - 0.5 * ldy.v(n=n, buf=2)


    # transform interface states back into conserved variables
    U_yl = comp.prim_to_cons(V_l, gamma, ivars, myg)
    U_yr = comp.prim_to_cons(V_r, gamma, ivars, myg)

    # =========================================================================
    # construct the fluxes normal to the interfaces
    # =========================================================================
    tm_riem = tc.timer("Riemann")

    riemann = rp.get_param("compressible.riemann")

    if riemann == "HLLC":
        riemannFunc = interface.riemann_hllc
    elif riemann == "CGF":
        riemannFunc = interface.riemann_cgf
        msg.fail("ERROR: Riemann solver undefined")

    _fx = riemannFunc(1, myg.ng, ivars.idens, ivars.ixmom, ivars.iymom,
                      ivars.iener, ivars.irhox, ivars.naux, solid.xl, solid.xr,
                      gamma, U_xl, U_xr)

    _fy = riemannFunc(2, myg.ng, ivars.idens, ivars.ixmom, ivars.iymom,
                      ivars.iener, ivars.irhox, ivars.naux, solid.yl, solid.yr,
                      gamma, U_yl, U_yr)

    F_x = ai.ArrayIndexer(d=_fx, grid=myg)
    F_y = ai.ArrayIndexer(d=_fy, grid=myg)


    # =========================================================================
    # apply artificial viscosity
    # =========================================================================
    cvisc = rp.get_param("compressible.cvisc")

    _ax, _ay = interface.artificial_viscosity(myg.ng, myg.dx, myg.dy, cvisc,
                                              q.v(n=ivars.iu, buf=myg.ng),
                                              q.v(n=ivars.iv, buf=myg.ng))

    avisco_x = ai.ArrayIndexer(d=_ax, grid=myg)
    avisco_y = ai.ArrayIndexer(d=_ay, grid=myg)

    b = (2, 1)

    for n in range(ivars.nvar):
        # F_x = F_x + avisco_x * (U(i-1,j) - U(i,j))
        var = my_data.get_var_by_index(n)

        F_x.v(buf=b, n=n)[:, :] += \
            avisco_x.v(buf=b) * (var.ip(-1, buf=b) - var.v(buf=b))

        # F_y = F_y + avisco_y * (U(i,j-1) - U(i,j))
        F_y.v(buf=b, n=n)[:, :] += \
            avisco_y.v(buf=b) * (var.jp(-1, buf=b) - var.v(buf=b))


    return F_x, F_y
Example #2
def unsplit_fluxes(my_data, my_aux, rp, ivars, solid, tc, dt):
    unsplitFluxes returns the fluxes through the x and y interfaces by
    doing an unsplit reconstruction of the interface values and then
    solving the Riemann problem through all the interfaces at once

    currently we assume a gamma-law EOS

    The runtime parameter grav is assumed to be the gravitational
    acceleration in the y-direction

    my_data : CellCenterData2d object
        The data object containing the grid and advective scalar that
        we are advecting.
    rp : RuntimeParameters object
        The runtime parameters for the simulation
    vars : Variables object
        The Variables object that tells us which indices refer to which
    tc : TimerCollection object
        The timers we are using to profile
    dt : float
        The timestep we are advancing through.

    out : ndarray, ndarray
        The fluxes on the x- and y-interfaces


    tm_flux = tc.timer("unsplitFluxes")

    myg = my_data.grid

    gamma = rp.get_param("eos.gamma")

    # =========================================================================
    # compute the primitive variables
    # =========================================================================
    # Q = (rho, u, v, p, {X})

    dens = my_data.get_var("density")
    ymom = my_data.get_var("y-momentum")

    q = comp.cons_to_prim(my_data.data, gamma, ivars, myg)

    # =========================================================================
    # compute the flattening coefficients
    # =========================================================================

    # there is a single flattening coefficient (xi) for all directions
    use_flattening = rp.get_param("compressible.use_flattening")

    if use_flattening:
        xi_x = reconstruction.flatten(myg, q, 1, ivars, rp)
        xi_y = reconstruction.flatten(myg, q, 2, ivars, rp)

        xi = reconstruction.flatten_multid(myg, q, xi_x, xi_y, ivars)
        xi = 1.0

    # monotonized central differences
    tm_limit = tc.timer("limiting")

    limiter = rp.get_param("compressible.limiter")

    ldx = myg.scratch_array(nvar=ivars.nvar)
    ldy = myg.scratch_array(nvar=ivars.nvar)

    for n in range(ivars.nvar):
        ldx[:, :, n] = xi*reconstruction.limit(q[:, :, n], myg, 1, limiter)
        ldy[:, :, n] = xi*reconstruction.limit(q[:, :, n], myg, 2, limiter)


    # =========================================================================
    # x-direction
    # =========================================================================

    # left and right primitive variable states
    tm_states = tc.timer("interfaceStates")

    V_l, V_r = ifc.states(1, myg.ng, myg.dx, dt,
                          ivars.irho, ivars.iu, ivars.iv, ivars.ip, ivars.ix,
                          q, ldx)


    # transform interface states back into conserved variables
    U_xl = comp.prim_to_cons(V_l, gamma, ivars, myg)
    U_xr = comp.prim_to_cons(V_r, gamma, ivars, myg)

    # =========================================================================
    # y-direction
    # =========================================================================

    # left and right primitive variable states

    _V_l, _V_r = ifc.states(2, myg.ng, myg.dy, dt,
                            ivars.irho, ivars.iu, ivars.iv, ivars.ip, ivars.ix,
                            q, ldy)
    V_l = ai.ArrayIndexer(d=_V_l, grid=myg)
    V_r = ai.ArrayIndexer(d=_V_r, grid=myg)


    # transform interface states back into conserved variables
    U_yl = comp.prim_to_cons(V_l, gamma, ivars, myg)
    U_yr = comp.prim_to_cons(V_r, gamma, ivars, myg)

    # =========================================================================
    # apply source terms
    # =========================================================================
    grav = rp.get_param("compressible.grav")

    ymom_src = my_aux.get_var("ymom_src")
    ymom_src.v()[:, :] = dens.v()*grav

    E_src = my_aux.get_var("E_src")
    E_src.v()[:, :] = ymom.v()*grav

    # ymom_xl[i,j] += 0.5*dt*dens[i-1,j]*grav
    U_xl.v(buf=1, n=ivars.iymom)[:, :] += 0.5*dt*ymom_src.ip(-1, buf=1)
    U_xl.v(buf=1, n=ivars.iener)[:, :] += 0.5*dt*E_src.ip(-1, buf=1)

    # ymom_xr[i,j] += 0.5*dt*dens[i,j]*grav
    U_xr.v(buf=1, n=ivars.iymom)[:, :] += 0.5*dt*ymom_src.v(buf=1)
    U_xr.v(buf=1, n=ivars.iener)[:, :] += 0.5*dt*E_src.v(buf=1)

    # ymom_yl[i,j] += 0.5*dt*dens[i,j-1]*grav
    U_yl.v(buf=1, n=ivars.iymom)[:, :] += 0.5*dt*ymom_src.jp(-1, buf=1)
    U_yl.v(buf=1, n=ivars.iener)[:, :] += 0.5*dt*E_src.jp(-1, buf=1)

    # ymom_yr[i,j] += 0.5*dt*dens[i,j]*grav
    U_yr.v(buf=1, n=ivars.iymom)[:, :] += 0.5*dt*ymom_src.v(buf=1)
    U_yr.v(buf=1, n=ivars.iener)[:, :] += 0.5*dt*E_src.v(buf=1)

    # =========================================================================
    # compute transverse fluxes
    # =========================================================================
    tm_riem = tc.timer("riemann")

    riemann = rp.get_param("compressible.riemann")

    if riemann == "HLLC":
        riemannFunc = ifc.riemann_hllc
    elif riemann == "CGF":
        riemannFunc = ifc.riemann_cgf
        msg.fail("ERROR: Riemann solver undefined")

    _fx = riemannFunc(1, myg.ng,
                      ivars.idens, ivars.ixmom, ivars.iymom, ivars.iener, ivars.irhox, ivars.naux,
                      solid.xl, solid.xr,
                      gamma, U_xl, U_xr)

    _fy = riemannFunc(2, myg.ng,
                      ivars.idens, ivars.ixmom, ivars.iymom, ivars.iener, ivars.irhox, ivars.naux,
                      solid.yl, solid.yr,
                      gamma, U_yl, U_yr)

    F_x = ai.ArrayIndexer(d=_fx, grid=myg)
    F_y = ai.ArrayIndexer(d=_fy, grid=myg)


    # =========================================================================
    # construct the interface values of U now
    # =========================================================================

    finally, we can construct the state perpendicular to the interface
    by adding the central difference part to the trasverse flux

    The states that we represent by indices i,j are shown below

             |          |          |          |
             |          |          |          |
        j+1 -+          |          |          |
             |          |          |          |
             |          |          |          |    1: U_xl[i,j,:] = U
      j+1/2--+----------XXXXXXXXXXXX----------+                      i-1/2,j,L
             |          X          X          |
             |          X          X          |
          j -+        1 X 2        X          |    2: U_xr[i,j,:] = U
             |          X          X          |                      i-1/2,j,R
             |          X    4     X          |
             |          |    3     |          |    3: U_yl[i,j,:] = U
             |          |          |          |                      i,j-1/2,L
        j-1 -+          |          |          |
             |          |          |          |
             |          |          |          |    4: U_yr[i,j,:] = U
      j-3/2--+----------+----------+----------+                      i,j-1/2,R
             |    |     |    |     |    |     |
                 i-1         i         i+1
           i-3/2      i-1/2      i+1/2      i+3/2

    remember that the fluxes are stored on the left edge, so

    F_x[i,j,:] = F_x
                    i-1/2, j

    F_y[i,j,:] = F_y
                    i, j-1/2


    tm_transverse = tc.timer("transverse flux addition")

    dtdx = dt/myg.dx
    dtdy = dt/myg.dy

    b = (2, 1)

    for n in range(ivars.nvar):

        # U_xl[i,j,:] = U_xl[i,j,:] - 0.5*dt/dy * (F_y[i-1,j+1,:] - F_y[i-1,j,:])
        U_xl.v(buf=b, n=n)[:, :] += \
            - 0.5*dtdy*(F_y.ip_jp(-1, 1, buf=b, n=n) - F_y.ip(-1, buf=b, n=n))

        # U_xr[i,j,:] = U_xr[i,j,:] - 0.5*dt/dy * (F_y[i,j+1,:] - F_y[i,j,:])
        U_xr.v(buf=b, n=n)[:, :] += \
            - 0.5*dtdy*(F_y.jp(1, buf=b, n=n) - F_y.v(buf=b, n=n))

        # U_yl[i,j,:] = U_yl[i,j,:] - 0.5*dt/dx * (F_x[i+1,j-1,:] - F_x[i,j-1,:])
        U_yl.v(buf=b, n=n)[:, :] += \
            - 0.5*dtdx*(F_x.ip_jp(1, -1, buf=b, n=n) - F_x.jp(-1, buf=b, n=n))

        # U_yr[i,j,:] = U_yr[i,j,:] - 0.5*dt/dx * (F_x[i+1,j,:] - F_x[i,j,:])
        U_yr.v(buf=b, n=n)[:, :] += \
            - 0.5*dtdx*(F_x.ip(1, buf=b, n=n) - F_x.v(buf=b, n=n))


    # =========================================================================
    # construct the fluxes normal to the interfaces
    # =========================================================================

    # up until now, F_x and F_y stored the transverse fluxes, now we
    # overwrite with the fluxes normal to the interfaces


    _fx = riemannFunc(1, myg.ng,
                      ivars.idens, ivars.ixmom, ivars.iymom, ivars.iener, ivars.irhox, ivars.naux,
                      solid.xl, solid.xr,
                      gamma, U_xl, U_xr)

    _fy = riemannFunc(2, myg.ng,
                      ivars.idens, ivars.ixmom, ivars.iymom, ivars.iener, ivars.irhox, ivars.naux,
                      solid.yl, solid.yr,
                      gamma, U_yl, U_yr)

    F_x = ai.ArrayIndexer(d=_fx, grid=myg)
    F_y = ai.ArrayIndexer(d=_fy, grid=myg)


    # =========================================================================
    # apply artificial viscosity
    # =========================================================================
    cvisc = rp.get_param("compressible.cvisc")

    _ax, _ay = ifc.artificial_viscosity(myg.ng, myg.dx, myg.dy,
        cvisc, q.v(n=ivars.iu, buf=myg.ng), q.v(n=ivars.iv, buf=myg.ng))

    avisco_x = ai.ArrayIndexer(d=_ax, grid=myg)
    avisco_y = ai.ArrayIndexer(d=_ay, grid=myg)

    b = (2, 1)

    for n in range(ivars.nvar):
        # F_x = F_x + avisco_x * (U(i-1,j) - U(i,j))
        var = my_data.get_var_by_index(n)

        F_x.v(buf=b, n=n)[:, :] += \
            avisco_x.v(buf=b)*(var.ip(-1, buf=b) - var.v(buf=b))

        # F_y = F_y + avisco_y * (U(i,j-1) - U(i,j))
        F_y.v(buf=b, n=n)[:, :] += \
            avisco_y.v(buf=b)*(var.jp(-1, buf=b) - var.v(buf=b))


    return F_x, F_y
Example #3
def fluxes(my_data, rp, ivars, solid, tc):
    unsplitFluxes returns the fluxes through the x and y interfaces by
    doing an unsplit reconstruction of the interface values and then
    solving the Riemann problem through all the interfaces at once

    currently we assume a gamma-law EOS

    my_data : CellCenterData2d object
        The data object containing the grid and advective scalar that
        we are advecting.
    rp : RuntimeParameters object
        The runtime parameters for the simulation
    vars : Variables object
        The Variables object that tells us which indices refer to which
    tc : TimerCollection object
        The timers we are using to profile

    out : ndarray, ndarray
        The fluxes on the x- and y-interfaces


    tm_flux = tc.timer("unsplitFluxes")

    myg = my_data.grid

    gamma = rp.get_param("eos.gamma")

    # =========================================================================
    # compute the primitive variables
    # =========================================================================
    # Q = (rho, u, v, p)

    q = comp.cons_to_prim(my_data.data, gamma, ivars, myg)

    # =========================================================================
    # compute the flattening coefficients
    # =========================================================================

    # there is a single flattening coefficient (xi) for all directions
    use_flattening = rp.get_param("compressible.use_flattening")

    if use_flattening:
        xi_x = reconstruction.flatten(myg, q, 1, ivars, rp)
        xi_y = reconstruction.flatten(myg, q, 2, ivars, rp)

        xi = reconstruction.flatten_multid(myg, q, xi_x, xi_y, ivars)
        xi = 1.0

    # monotonized central differences in x-direction
    tm_limit = tc.timer("limiting")

    limiter = rp.get_param("compressible.limiter")

    ldx = myg.scratch_array(nvar=ivars.nvar)
    ldy = myg.scratch_array(nvar=ivars.nvar)

    for n in range(ivars.nvar):
        ldx[:, :, n] = xi * reconstruction.limit(q[:, :, n], myg, 1, limiter)
        ldy[:, :, n] = xi * reconstruction.limit(q[:, :, n], myg, 2, limiter)


    # if we are doing a well-balanced scheme, then redo the pressure
    # note: we only have gravity in the y direction, so we will only
    # modify the y pressure slope
    well_balanced = rp.get_param("compressible.well_balanced")
    grav = rp.get_param("compressible.grav")

    if well_balanced:
        ldy[:, :, ivars.ip] = reconstruction.well_balance(
            q, myg, limiter, ivars, grav)

    # =========================================================================
    # x-direction
    # =========================================================================

    # left and right primitive variable states
    tm_states = tc.timer("interfaceStates")

    V_l = myg.scratch_array(ivars.nvar)
    V_r = myg.scratch_array(ivars.nvar)

    for n in range(ivars.nvar):
        V_l.ip(1, n=n, buf=2)[:, :] = q.v(n=n, buf=2) + 0.5 * ldx.v(n=n, buf=2)
        V_r.v(n=n, buf=2)[:, :] = q.v(n=n, buf=2) - 0.5 * ldx.v(n=n, buf=2)


    # transform interface states back into conserved variables
    U_xl = comp.prim_to_cons(V_l, gamma, ivars, myg)
    U_xr = comp.prim_to_cons(V_r, gamma, ivars, myg)

    # =========================================================================
    # y-direction
    # =========================================================================

    # left and right primitive variable states

    for n in range(ivars.nvar):
        if well_balanced and n == ivars.ip:
            # we want to do p0 + p1 on the interfaces.  We found the
            # limited slope for p1 (it's average is 0).  So now we
            # need p0 on the interface too
            V_l.jp(1, n=n, buf=2)[:, :] = q.v(n=ivars.ip, buf=2) + \
                0.5 * myg.dy * q.v(n=ivars.irho, buf=2) * \
                grav + 0.5 * ldy.v(n=ivars.ip, buf=2)
            V_r.v(n=n, buf=2)[:, :] = q.v(n=ivars.ip, buf=2) - \
                0.5 * myg.dy * q.v(n=ivars.irho, buf=2) * \
                grav - 0.5 * ldy.v(n=ivars.ip, buf=2)
            V_l.jp(1, n=n, buf=2)[:, :] = q.v(
                n=n, buf=2) + 0.5 * ldy.v(n=n, buf=2)
            V_r.v(n=n, buf=2)[:, :] = q.v(n=n, buf=2) - 0.5 * ldy.v(n=n, buf=2)


    # transform interface states back into conserved variables
    U_yl = comp.prim_to_cons(V_l, gamma, ivars, myg)
    U_yr = comp.prim_to_cons(V_r, gamma, ivars, myg)

    # =========================================================================
    # construct the fluxes normal to the interfaces
    # =========================================================================
    tm_riem = tc.timer("Riemann")

    riemann = rp.get_param("compressible.riemann")

    if riemann == "HLLC":
        riemannFunc = interface.riemann_hllc
    elif riemann == "CGF":
        riemannFunc = interface.riemann_cgf
        msg.fail("ERROR: Riemann solver undefined")

    _fx = riemannFunc(1, myg.ng,
                      ivars.idens, ivars.ixmom, ivars.iymom, ivars.iener, ivars.irhox, ivars.naux,
                      solid.xl, solid.xr,
                      gamma, U_xl, U_xr)

    _fy = riemannFunc(2, myg.ng,
                      ivars.idens, ivars.ixmom, ivars.iymom, ivars.iener, ivars.irhox, ivars.naux,
                      solid.yl, solid.yr,
                      gamma, U_yl, U_yr)

    F_x = ai.ArrayIndexer(d=_fx, grid=myg)
    F_y = ai.ArrayIndexer(d=_fy, grid=myg)


    # =========================================================================
    # apply artificial viscosity
    # =========================================================================
    cvisc = rp.get_param("compressible.cvisc")

    _ax, _ay = interface.artificial_viscosity(myg.ng, myg.dx, myg.dy,
        cvisc, q.v(n=ivars.iu, buf=myg.ng), q.v(n=ivars.iv, buf=myg.ng))

    avisco_x = ai.ArrayIndexer(d=_ax, grid=myg)
    avisco_y = ai.ArrayIndexer(d=_ay, grid=myg)

    b = (2, 1)

    for n in range(ivars.nvar):
        # F_x = F_x + avisco_x * (U(i-1,j) - U(i,j))
        var = my_data.get_var_by_index(n)

        F_x.v(buf=b, n=n)[:, :] += \
            avisco_x.v(buf=b) * (var.ip(-1, buf=b) - var.v(buf=b))

        # F_y = F_y + avisco_y * (U(i,j-1) - U(i,j))
        F_y.v(buf=b, n=n)[:, :] += \
            avisco_y.v(buf=b) * (var.jp(-1, buf=b) - var.v(buf=b))


    return F_x, F_y
Example #4
def unsplit_fluxes(my_data, my_aux, rp, ivars, solid, tc, dt):
    unsplitFluxes returns the fluxes through the x and y interfaces by
    doing an unsplit reconstruction of the interface values and then
    solving the Riemann problem through all the interfaces at once

    currently we assume a gamma-law EOS

    The runtime parameter grav is assumed to be the gravitational
    acceleration in the y-direction

    my_data : CellCenterData2d object
        The data object containing the grid and advective scalar that
        we are advecting.
    rp : RuntimeParameters object
        The runtime parameters for the simulation
    vars : Variables object
        The Variables object that tells us which indices refer to which
    tc : TimerCollection object
        The timers we are using to profile
    dt : float
        The timestep we are advancing through.

    out : ndarray, ndarray
        The fluxes on the x- and y-interfaces


    tm_flux = tc.timer("unsplitFluxes")

    myg = my_data.grid

    gamma = rp.get_param("eos.gamma")

    # =========================================================================
    # compute the primitive variables
    # =========================================================================
    # Q = (rho, u, v, p, {X})

    dens = my_data.get_var("density")
    ymom = my_data.get_var("y-momentum")

    q = comp.cons_to_prim(my_data.data, gamma, ivars, myg)

    # =========================================================================
    # compute the flattening coefficients
    # =========================================================================

    # there is a single flattening coefficient (xi) for all directions
    use_flattening = rp.get_param("compressible.use_flattening")

    if use_flattening:
        xi_x = reconstruction.flatten(myg, q, 1, ivars, rp)
        xi_y = reconstruction.flatten(myg, q, 2, ivars, rp)

        xi = reconstruction.flatten_multid(myg, q, xi_x, xi_y, ivars)
        xi = 1.0

    # monotonized central differences
    tm_limit = tc.timer("limiting")

    limiter = rp.get_param("compressible.limiter")

    ldx = myg.scratch_array(nvar=ivars.nvar)
    ldy = myg.scratch_array(nvar=ivars.nvar)

    for n in range(ivars.nvar):
        ldx[:, :, n] = xi * reconstruction.limit(q[:, :, n], myg, 1, limiter)
        ldy[:, :, n] = xi * reconstruction.limit(q[:, :, n], myg, 2, limiter)


    # =========================================================================
    # x-direction
    # =========================================================================

    # left and right primitive variable states
    tm_states = tc.timer("interfaceStates")

    V_l, V_r = ifc.states(1, myg.qx, myg.qy, myg.ng, myg.dx, dt, ivars.irho,
                          ivars.iu, ivars.iv, ivars.ip, ivars.ix, ivars.nvar,
                          ivars.naux, gamma, q, ldx)


    # transform interface states back into conserved variables
    U_xl = comp.prim_to_cons(V_l, gamma, ivars, myg)
    U_xr = comp.prim_to_cons(V_r, gamma, ivars, myg)

    # =========================================================================
    # y-direction
    # =========================================================================

    # left and right primitive variable states

    _V_l, _V_r = ifc.states(2, myg.qx, myg.qy, myg.ng, myg.dy, dt, ivars.irho,
                            ivars.iu, ivars.iv, ivars.ip, ivars.ix, ivars.nvar,
                            ivars.naux, gamma, q, ldy)
    V_l = ai.ArrayIndexer(d=_V_l, grid=myg)
    V_r = ai.ArrayIndexer(d=_V_r, grid=myg)


    # transform interface states back into conserved variables
    U_yl = comp.prim_to_cons(V_l, gamma, ivars, myg)
    U_yr = comp.prim_to_cons(V_r, gamma, ivars, myg)

    # =========================================================================
    # apply source terms
    # =========================================================================
    grav = rp.get_param("compressible.grav")

    ymom_src = my_aux.get_var("ymom_src")
    ymom_src.v()[:, :] = dens.v() * grav

    E_src = my_aux.get_var("E_src")
    E_src.v()[:, :] = ymom.v() * grav

    # ymom_xl[i,j] += 0.5*dt*dens[i-1,j]*grav
    U_xl.v(buf=1, n=ivars.iymom)[:, :] += 0.5 * dt * ymom_src.ip(-1, buf=1)
    U_xl.v(buf=1, n=ivars.iener)[:, :] += 0.5 * dt * E_src.ip(-1, buf=1)

    # ymom_xr[i,j] += 0.5*dt*dens[i,j]*grav
    U_xr.v(buf=1, n=ivars.iymom)[:, :] += 0.5 * dt * ymom_src.v(buf=1)
    U_xr.v(buf=1, n=ivars.iener)[:, :] += 0.5 * dt * E_src.v(buf=1)

    # ymom_yl[i,j] += 0.5*dt*dens[i,j-1]*grav
    U_yl.v(buf=1, n=ivars.iymom)[:, :] += 0.5 * dt * ymom_src.jp(-1, buf=1)
    U_yl.v(buf=1, n=ivars.iener)[:, :] += 0.5 * dt * E_src.jp(-1, buf=1)

    # ymom_yr[i,j] += 0.5*dt*dens[i,j]*grav
    U_yr.v(buf=1, n=ivars.iymom)[:, :] += 0.5 * dt * ymom_src.v(buf=1)
    U_yr.v(buf=1, n=ivars.iener)[:, :] += 0.5 * dt * E_src.v(buf=1)

    # =========================================================================
    # compute transverse fluxes
    # =========================================================================
    tm_riem = tc.timer("riemann")

    riemann = rp.get_param("compressible.riemann")

    if riemann == "HLLC":
        riemannFunc = ifc.riemann_hllc
    elif riemann == "CGF":
        riemannFunc = ifc.riemann_cgf
        msg.fail("ERROR: Riemann solver undefined")

    _fx = riemannFunc(1, myg.qx, myg.qy, myg.ng, ivars.nvar, ivars.idens,
                      ivars.ixmom, ivars.iymom, ivars.iener, ivars.irhox,
                      ivars.naux, solid.xl, solid.xr, gamma, U_xl, U_xr)

    _fy = riemannFunc(2, myg.qx, myg.qy, myg.ng, ivars.nvar, ivars.idens,
                      ivars.ixmom, ivars.iymom, ivars.iener, ivars.irhox,
                      ivars.naux, solid.yl, solid.yr, gamma, U_yl, U_yr)

    F_x = ai.ArrayIndexer(d=_fx, grid=myg)
    F_y = ai.ArrayIndexer(d=_fy, grid=myg)


    # =========================================================================
    # construct the interface values of U now
    # =========================================================================
    finally, we can construct the state perpendicular to the interface
    by adding the central difference part to the trasverse flux

    The states that we represent by indices i,j are shown below

             |          |          |          |
             |          |          |          |
        j+1 -+          |          |          |
             |          |          |          |
             |          |          |          |    1: U_xl[i,j,:] = U
      j+1/2--+----------XXXXXXXXXXXX----------+                      i-1/2,j,L
             |          X          X          |
             |          X          X          |
          j -+        1 X 2        X          |    2: U_xr[i,j,:] = U
             |          X          X          |                      i-1/2,j,R
             |          X    4     X          |
             |          |    3     |          |    3: U_yl[i,j,:] = U
             |          |          |          |                      i,j-1/2,L
        j-1 -+          |          |          |
             |          |          |          |
             |          |          |          |    4: U_yr[i,j,:] = U
      j-3/2--+----------+----------+----------+                      i,j-1/2,R
             |    |     |    |     |    |     |
                 i-1         i         i+1
           i-3/2      i-1/2      i+1/2      i+3/2

    remember that the fluxes are stored on the left edge, so

    F_x[i,j,:] = F_x
                    i-1/2, j

    F_y[i,j,:] = F_y
                    i, j-1/2


    tm_transverse = tc.timer("transverse flux addition")

    dtdx = dt / myg.dx
    dtdy = dt / myg.dy

    b = (2, 1)

    for n in range(ivars.nvar):

        # U_xl[i,j,:] = U_xl[i,j,:] - 0.5*dt/dy * (F_y[i-1,j+1,:] - F_y[i-1,j,:])
        U_xl.v(buf=b, n=n)[:, :] += \
            - 0.5*dtdy*(F_y.ip_jp(-1, 1, buf=b, n=n) - F_y.ip(-1, buf=b, n=n))

        # U_xr[i,j,:] = U_xr[i,j,:] - 0.5*dt/dy * (F_y[i,j+1,:] - F_y[i,j,:])
        U_xr.v(buf=b, n=n)[:, :] += \
            - 0.5*dtdy*(F_y.jp(1, buf=b, n=n) - F_y.v(buf=b, n=n))

        # U_yl[i,j,:] = U_yl[i,j,:] - 0.5*dt/dx * (F_x[i+1,j-1,:] - F_x[i,j-1,:])
        U_yl.v(buf=b, n=n)[:, :] += \
            - 0.5*dtdx*(F_x.ip_jp(1, -1, buf=b, n=n) - F_x.jp(-1, buf=b, n=n))

        # U_yr[i,j,:] = U_yr[i,j,:] - 0.5*dt/dx * (F_x[i+1,j,:] - F_x[i,j,:])
        U_yr.v(buf=b, n=n)[:, :] += \
            - 0.5*dtdx*(F_x.ip(1, buf=b, n=n) - F_x.v(buf=b, n=n))


    # =========================================================================
    # construct the fluxes normal to the interfaces
    # =========================================================================

    # up until now, F_x and F_y stored the transverse fluxes, now we
    # overwrite with the fluxes normal to the interfaces


    _fx = riemannFunc(1, myg.qx, myg.qy, myg.ng, ivars.nvar, ivars.idens,
                      ivars.ixmom, ivars.iymom, ivars.iener, ivars.irhox,
                      ivars.naux, solid.xl, solid.xr, gamma, U_xl, U_xr)

    _fy = riemannFunc(2, myg.qx, myg.qy, myg.ng, ivars.nvar, ivars.idens,
                      ivars.ixmom, ivars.iymom, ivars.iener, ivars.irhox,
                      ivars.naux, solid.yl, solid.yr, gamma, U_yl, U_yr)

    F_x = ai.ArrayIndexer(d=_fx, grid=myg)
    F_y = ai.ArrayIndexer(d=_fy, grid=myg)


    # =========================================================================
    # apply artificial viscosity
    # =========================================================================
    cvisc = rp.get_param("compressible.cvisc")

    _ax, _ay = ifc.artificial_viscosity(myg.qx, myg.qy, myg.ng, myg.dx, myg.dy,
                                        cvisc, q.v(n=ivars.iu, buf=myg.ng),
                                        q.v(n=ivars.iv, buf=myg.ng))

    avisco_x = ai.ArrayIndexer(d=_ax, grid=myg)
    avisco_y = ai.ArrayIndexer(d=_ay, grid=myg)

    b = (2, 1)

    for n in range(ivars.nvar):
        # F_x = F_x + avisco_x * (U(i-1,j) - U(i,j))
        var = my_data.get_var_by_index(n)

        F_x.v(buf=b, n=n)[:, :] += \
            avisco_x.v(buf=b)*(var.ip(-1, buf=b) - var.v(buf=b))

        # F_y = F_y + avisco_y * (U(i,j-1) - U(i,j))
        F_y.v(buf=b, n=n)[:, :] += \
            avisco_y.v(buf=b)*(var.jp(-1, buf=b) - var.v(buf=b))


    return F_x, F_y