Example #1
def handle_break(e):
    """ Handle a Break event. """
    # print ^C at current position
    if not state.basic_state.input_mode and not e.stop:
    # if we're in a program, save pointer
    if state.basic_state.run_mode:
        console.write_error_message("Break", program.get_line_number(e.pos))
        state.basic_state.stop = state.basic_state.bytecode.tell()
        console.write_error_message("Break", -1)
    state.basic_state.execute_mode = False
    state.basic_state.input_mode = False
Example #2
 def handle_break(self, e):
     """ Handle a Break event. """
     # print ^C at current position
     if not state.basic_state.input_mode and not e.stop:
     # if we're in a program, save pointer
     pos = -1
     if state.basic_state.run_mode:
         pos = state.basic_state.bytecode.tell()
         state.basic_state.stop = pos
     console.write_error_message(e.message, program.get_line_number(pos))
     state.basic_state.parse_mode = False
     state.basic_state.input_mode = False
Example #3
def handle_break(e):
    """ Handle a Break event. """
    # print ^C at current position
    if not state.basic_state.input_mode and not e.stop:
    # if we're in a program, save pointer
    if state.basic_state.run_mode:
        console.write_error_message("Break", program.get_line_number(e.pos))
        state.basic_state.stop = state.basic_state.bytecode.tell()
        console.write_error_message("Break", -1)
    state.basic_state.execute_mode = False
    state.basic_state.input_mode = False
Example #4
 def handle_error(self, e):
     """ Handle a BASIC error through error message. """
     # not handled by ON ERROR, stop execution
     console.write_error_message(e.message, program.get_line_number(e.pos))
     state.basic_state.error_handle_mode = False
     state.basic_state.parse_mode = False
     state.basic_state.input_mode = False
     # special case: syntax error
     if e.err == error.STX:
         # for some reason, err is reset to zero by GW-BASIC in this case.
         state.basic_state.errn = 0
         if e.pos != -1:
             # line edit gadget appears
             state.basic_state.edit_prompt = (program.get_line_number(e.pos), e.pos+1)
Example #5
def handle_error(e):
    """ Handle a BASIC error through error message. """
    # not handled by ON ERROR, stop execution
    console.write_error_message(e.message, program.get_line_number(e.pos))
    state.basic_state.error_handle_mode = False
    state.basic_state.execute_mode = False
    state.basic_state.input_mode = False
    # special case: syntax error
    if e.err == error.STX:
        # for some reason, err is reset to zero by GW-BASIC in this case.
        state.basic_state.errn = 0
        if e.pos != -1:
            # line edit gadget appears
            state.basic_state.edit_prompt = (program.get_line_number(e.pos), e.pos+1)
Example #6
def handle_error(s):
    """ Handle a BASIC error through trapping or error message. """
    # not handled by ON ERROR, stop execution
    console.write_error_message(error.get_message(s.err), program.get_line_number(s.pos))
    state.basic_state.error_handle_mode = False
    state.basic_state.execute_mode = False
    state.basic_state.input_mode = False
    # special case: syntax error
    if s.err == 2:
        # for some reason, err is reset to zero by GW-BASIC in this case.
        state.basic_state.errn = 0
        if s.pos != -1:
            # line edit gadget appears
            state.basic_state.edit_prompt = (program.get_line_number(s.pos),
Example #7
def handle_error(s):
    """ Handle a BASIC error through trapping or error message. """
    # not handled by ON ERROR, stop execution
    console.write_error_message(error.get_message(s.err), program.get_line_number(s.pos))
    state.basic_state.error_handle_mode = False
    state.basic_state.execute_mode = False
    state.basic_state.input_mode = False
    # special case: syntax error
    if s.err == 2:
        # for some reason, err is reset to zero by GW-BASIC in this case.
        state.basic_state.errn = 0
        if s.pos != -1:
            # line edit gadget appears
            state.basic_state.edit_prompt = (program.get_line_number(s.pos),