Example #1
    def testPredefinedManifest(self):
        raw = '''
        // ==UserScript==
        // @name           hello world
        // @namespace      http://foobar.example.com
        // @version        3.1.4
        // @description    This is a test description.
        // @match          http://a.example.com
        // @grant          GM_xmlhttpRequest
        // @permissions    activeTab
        // @manifest_version 3
        // ==/UserScript==

        predefined = {
            'manifest_version': 1,
            'background': {}

        metadata = parse_metadata(raw)
        manifest, remote, grant = build_manifest(metadata, '1.js', predefined)

        # Merge list.
        self.assertIn('activeTab', manifest['permissions'])

        # Predefined manifest should have higher priority.
        self.assertEqual(1, int(manifest['manifest_version']))

        # Has extra keys:
        self.assertIn('background', manifest)
Example #2
 def testRemoteSciprtsOrder(self):
     raw = '''
     // ==UserScript==
     // @name           hello world
     // @namespace      http://foobar.example.com
     // @version        3.1.4
     // @description    This is a test description.
     // @match          http://a.example.com
     // @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.0.3.min.js
     // @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.1.min.js
     // @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.0.0.min.js
     // ==/UserScript==
     metadata = parse_metadata(raw)
     manifest, remote, grant = build_manifest(metadata, '1.js')
     scripts = manifest['content_scripts'][0]['js']
     self.assertIsInstance(scripts, list)
     self.assertEqual(scripts[0], 'jquery-2.0.3.min.js')
     self.assertEqual(scripts[1], 'jquery-2.1.1.min.js')
     self.assertEqual(scripts[2], 'jquery-2.0.0.min.js')
Example #3
    def testBuildManifest(self):
        raw = '''
        // ==UserScript==
        // @name           hello world
        // @namespace      http://foobar.example.com
        // @version        3.1.4
        // @description    This is a test description.
        // @match          http://a.example.com
        // @grant          GM_xmlhttpRequest
        // @require        http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.0.3.min.js
        // ==/UserScript==
        metadata = parse_metadata(raw)
        manifest, remote, grant = build_manifest(metadata, '1.js')

        self.assertEqual(manifest['name'], 'hello world')
        self.assertEqual(manifest['manifest_version'], 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(manifest['content_scripts']), 1)
        self.assertIn('jquery-2.0.3.min.js', remote)
        self.assertIn('grantGM_xmlhttpRequest.js', grant)
Example #4
    def testMergeKey(self):
        raw = '''
        // ==UserScript==
        // @name           hello world
        // @namespace      http://foobar.example.com
        // @version        3.1.4
        // @description    This is a test description.
        // @match          http://a.example.com
        // @grant          GM_xmlhttpRequest
        // @permissions    activeTab
        // @manifest_version 3
        // ==/UserScript==
        metadata = parse_metadata(raw)
        manifest, remote, grant = build_manifest(metadata, '1.js')

        # Merge list.
        self.assertIn('activeTab', manifest['permissions'])

        # Metadata block should have higher priority.
        self.assertEqual(3, int(manifest['manifest_version']))