def tryvol(A, b, cs):
    Try to determine volume of feasible region, otherwise impose box 
        V = con2vert(A, b)[0] # get vertices for constraint set iteration
    except NameError: #catch unbound shapes
        #create large box around original shape
        fixA = r_[eye(cs.nd), -eye(cs.nd)]
        fixb = r_[[numpy.max(cs.vert[:, x]) for x in range(cs.vert.shape[1])],
                  [-numpy.min(cs.vert[:, x]) for x in range(cs.vert.shape[1])]]
        fixb = array([fixb]).T
        fA = r_[fixA, A]
        fb = 2. * r_[fixb, b]  # double the box size
        V = con2vert(fA, fb)[0]
    #return vol (normal or fixed) and vertices (normal or fixed) 
    return qhull(V, "FS"), V
 def objfn2(Ab, *args):
     """Volume objective function for SLSQP."""
     initcs = args[0]
     A, b = splitAb(Ab, initcs.nd)
     cl = con2vert(A, b)[1]
     if cl:
         closed = 1
         closed = -1
     vol = tryvol(A, b, initcs)[0]
     return closed * -vol
 def objfn(Ab, *args):
     """Volume objective function for SLSQP."""
     initcs = args[0]
     A = r_[eye(initcs.nd), -eye(initcs.nd)]
     b = array([Ab]).T
     cl = con2vert(A, b)[1]
     if cl:
         closed = 1
         closed = -1
     vol = tryvol(A, b, initcs)[0]
     return closed * -vol
 def intersect(self, conset2):
     """Determine intersection between current constraint set and another"""
     def remredcons(A, b, verts):
         """Reduce a constraint set by removing unnecessary constraints."""
         eps = 10e-9
         #1 Co-planar constraints;
         #  Remove as not to affect 3rd check
         Ab = c_[A, b]
         Abnorms = ones((Ab.shape[0], 1))
         for i in range(Ab.shape[0]):
             Abnorms[i] = linalg.norm(Ab[i, :])
         Abn = Ab/Abnorms
         Abkeep = ones((0, Ab.shape[1]))
         Abtest = ones((0, Ab.shape[1]))
         for r1 in range(Abn.shape[0]):
             noocc = ones((1, 0))
             for r2 in range(Abn.shape[0]):
                 #print abs(Abn[r1, :] - Abn[r2, :])
                 if numpy.all(abs(Abn[r1, :] - Abn[r2, :]) < eps):
                     noocc = c_[noocc, r2]
             if noocc.size == 1:
                 Abtest = vstack([Abtest, Ab[r1, :]])
                 Abkeep = vstack([Abkeep, Ab[r1, :]])
         if Abkeep.shape[0] > 1:
             Abkeep = uniqm(Abkeep, eps)
         #2 Vert subset satisfying; no action needed (redundancy uncertain)
         #3 All vert satisfying constraints;
         A, b = splitAb(array(Abtest).ravel(), verts.shape[1])
         keepA = ones((0, A.shape[1]))
         keepb = ones((0, 1))
         bt = tile(b, (1, verts.shape[0]))
         k = mat(A)*mat(verts.T) - bt
         kk = sum(k > eps, axis=1)
         for i in range(len(kk)):
             if kk[i] != 0:
                 keepA = vstack([keepA, A[i, :]])
                 keepb = vstack([keepb, b[i, :]])
         outAb = vstack([c_[keepA, keepb], Abkeep])
         return splitAb(outAb.ravel(), verts.shape[1])
     #Combine constraints and vertices
     combA = vstack((self.A, conset2.A))
     combb = vstack((self.b, conset2.b))
     combv = vstack((self.vert, conset2.vert))
     #Remove redundant constraints
     ncombA, ncombb = remredcons(combA, combb, combv)
     #Calc and return intersection
     intcombvert = con2vert(combA, combb)[0]
     return intcombvert
 def __init__(self, *inargs):
     if len(inargs) == 1:
         self.vert = inargs[0]
         self.A, self.s, self.b = vert2con(self.vert)
         self.closed = True
     elif len(inargs) == 3:
         if all(sign(inargs[1]) == -1):  # ensure an all -1 sign vector
             self.A, self.s, self.b = inargs
             self.A, self.s, self.b = mat2ab(c_[inargs])         
         self.vert, self.closed = con2vert(self.A, self.b)
         exit(1)  # TODO: Raise exception
     self.nd = self.A.shape[1]
     self.cscent = sum(self.vert, axis=0)/len(self.vert)
 def objfn2(Ab, *args):
     """Volume objective function for fmin (Simplex)."""
     initcs = args[0]
     A = r_[eye(initcs.nd), -eye(initcs.nd)]
     b = array([Ab]).T
     vol, V = tryvol(A, b, initcs)
     Pv = 200.
     # points outside of init space
     iterset = ConSet(V)
     outnorm = linalg.norm(iterset.allinside(initcs)[1])
     # open shape
     cl = con2vert(A, b)[1]
     if cl:
         closed = 1
         closed = -1
     vol = tryvol(A, b, initcs)[0]
     return (-vol*closed) + Pv*(outnorm**3)
 def objfn(Ab, *args):
     """Volume objective function for fmin (Simplex)."""
     initcs = args[0]
     A, b = splitAb(Ab, initcs.nd)
     vol, V = tryvol(A, b, initcs)
     Pv = 200.
     Pn = 100.
     # large b norm
     bnorm = abs(linalg.norm(b) - 1)
     # points outside of init space
     iterset = ConSet(V)
     outnorm = linalg.norm(iterset.allinside(initcs)[1])
     #outnorm = iterset.allinside(initcs)[2]
     # open shape
     cl = con2vert(A, b)[1]
     if cl:
         closed = 1
         closed = -1
     vol = tryvol(A, b, initcs)[0]
     return (-vol*closed) + Pn*(bnorm**initcs.nd) + Pv*(outnorm**(initcs.nd+3))