def mostrar_perfil(item): alfav = kodfavoritesData() itemlist = [] i_perfil = item.i_perfil if not alfav.user_favorites[i_perfil]: return itemlist last_i = len(alfav.user_favorites[i_perfil]['items']) - 1 ruta_runtime = config.get_runtime_path() for i_enlace, enlace in enumerate(alfav.user_favorites[i_perfil]['items']): it = Item().fromurl(enlace) it.context = [{ 'title': '[COLOR blue]' + config.get_localized_string(70617) + '[/COLOR]', 'channel':, 'action': 'acciones_enlace', 'i_enlace': i_enlace, 'i_perfil': i_perfil }] it.plot += '[CR][CR][COLOR blue]' + config.get_localized_string( 70724 ) + ':[/COLOR] ' + + ' [COLOR blue]' + config.get_localized_string( 60266) + ':[/COLOR] ' + it.action if it.extra != '': it.plot += ' [COLOR blue]Extra:[/COLOR] ' + it.extra it.plot += '[CR][COLOR blue]Url:[/COLOR] ' + it.url if isinstance( it.url, str) else '...' if it.date_added != '': it.plot += '[CR][COLOR blue]' + config.get_localized_string( 70469) + ':[/COLOR] ' + it.date_added # Si no es una url, ni tiene la ruta del sistema, convertir el path ya que se habrá copiado de otro dispositivo. # Sería más óptimo que la conversión se hiciera con un menú de importar, pero de momento se controla en run-time. if it.thumbnail and '://' not in it.thumbnail and not it.thumbnail.startswith( ruta_runtime): ruta, fichero = filetools.split(it.thumbnail) if ruta == '' and fichero == it.thumbnail: # en linux el split con un path de windows no separa correctamente ruta, fichero = filetools.split(it.thumbnail.replace( '\\', '/')) if 'channels' in ruta and 'thumb' in ruta: it.thumbnail = filetools.join(ruta_runtime, 'resources', 'media', 'channels', 'thumb', fichero) elif 'themes' in ruta and 'default' in ruta: it.thumbnail = filetools.join(ruta_runtime, 'resources', 'media', 'themes', 'default', fichero) itemlist.append(it) return itemlist
def mostrar_perfil(item): alfav = KodfavouritesData() itemlist = [] i_perfil = item.i_perfil if not alfav.user_favorites[i_perfil]: return itemlist last_i = len(alfav.user_favorites[i_perfil]['items']) - 1 ruta_runtime = config.get_runtime_path() for i_enlace, enlace in enumerate(alfav.user_favorites[i_perfil]['items']): it = Item().fromurl(enlace) it.context = [{ 'title': '[COLOR blue]' + config.get_localized_string(70617) + '[/COLOR]', 'channel':, 'action': 'acciones_enlace', 'i_enlace': i_enlace, 'i_perfil': i_perfil }] it.plot += '[CR][CR][COLOR blue]' + config.get_localized_string( 70724 ) + ':[/COLOR] ' + + ' [COLOR blue]' + config.get_localized_string( 60266) + ':[/COLOR] ' + it.action if it.extra != '': it.plot += ' [COLOR blue]Extra:[/COLOR] ' + it.extra it.plot += '[CR][COLOR blue]Url:[/COLOR] ' + it.url if isinstance( it.url, str) else '...' if it.date_added != '': it.plot += '[CR][COLOR blue]' + config.get_localized_string( 70469) + ':[/COLOR] ' + it.date_added # If it is not a url, nor does it have the system path, convert the path since it will have been copied from another device. # It would be more optimal if the conversion was done with an import menu, but at the moment it is controlled in run-time. if it.thumbnail and '://' not in it.thumbnail and not it.thumbnail.startswith( ruta_runtime): ruta, fichero = filetools.split(it.thumbnail) if ruta == '' and fichero == it.thumbnail: # in linux the split with a windows path does not separate correctly ruta, fichero = filetools.split(it.thumbnail.replace( '\\', '/')) if 'channels' in ruta and 'thumb' in ruta: it.thumbnail = filetools.join(ruta_runtime, 'resources', 'media', 'channels', 'thumb', fichero) elif 'themes' in ruta and 'default' in ruta: it.thumbnail = filetools.join(ruta_runtime, 'resources', 'media', 'themes', 'default', fichero) itemlist.append(it) return itemlist
def move_to_libray(item): try: from platformcode import library except: return # Copiamos el archivo a la biblioteca origen = filetools.join(config.get_setting("downloadpath"), item.downloadFilename) destino = filetools.join(config.get_library_path(), *filetools.split(item.downloadFilename)) if not filetools.isdir(filetools.dirname(destino)): filetools.mkdir(filetools.dirname(destino)) if filetools.isfile(destino) and filetools.isfile(origen) : filetools.remove(destino) if filetools.isfile(origen): filetools.move(origen, destino) if len(filetools.listdir(filetools.dirname(origen))) == 0: filetools.rmdir(filetools.dirname(origen)) else: logger.error("No se ha encontrado el archivo: %s" % origen) if filetools.isfile(destino): if item.contentType == "movie" and item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"]: library_item = Item(title="Descargado: %s" % item.downloadFilename, channel= "descargas", action="findvideos", infoLabels=item.infoLabels, url=destino) library.save_library_movie(library_item) elif item.contentType == "episode" and item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"]: library_item = Item(title="Descargado: %s" % item.downloadFilename, channel= "descargas", action="findvideos", infoLabels=item.infoLabels, url=destino) tvshow = Item(channel= "descargas", contentType="tvshow", infoLabels = {"tmdb_id": item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"]}) library.save_library_tvshow(tvshow, [library_item])
def move_to_libray(item): download_path = filetools.join(config.get_setting("downloadpath"), item.downloadFilename) library_path = filetools.join(config.get_library_path(), *filetools.split(item.downloadFilename)) final_path = download_path if config.get_setting("library_add", "descargas") == True and config.get_setting("library_move", "descargas") == True: if not filetools.isdir(filetools.dirname(library_path)): filetools.mkdir(filetools.dirname(library_path)) if filetools.isfile(library_path) and filetools.isfile(download_path) : filetools.remove(library_path) if filetools.isfile(download_path): if filetools.move(download_path, library_path): final_path = library_path if len(filetools.listdir(filetools.dirname(download_path))) == 0: filetools.rmdir(filetools.dirname(download_path)) if config.get_setting("library_add", "descargas") == True: if filetools.isfile(final_path): if item.contentType == "movie" and item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"]: library_item = Item(title="Descargado: %s" % item.downloadFilename, channel= "descargas", action="findvideos", infoLabels=item.infoLabels, url=final_path) library.save_library_movie(library_item) elif item.contentType == "episode" and item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"]: library_item = Item(title="Descargado: %s" % item.downloadFilename, channel= "descargas", action="findvideos", infoLabels=item.infoLabels, url=final_path) tvshow = Item(channel= "descargas", contentType="tvshow", infoLabels = {"tmdb_id": item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"]}) library.save_library_tvshow(tvshow, [library_item])
def extract(self, file, dir, folder_to_extract="", overwrite_question=False, backup=False):"file= %s" % file)"dir= %s" % dir) if not dir.endswith(':') and not filetools.exists(dir): filetools.mkdir(dir) zf = zipfile.ZipFile(filetools.file_open(file, vfs=False)) if not folder_to_extract: self._createstructure(file, dir) num_files = len(zf.namelist()) for nameo in zf.namelist(): name = nameo.replace(':', '_').replace('<', '_').replace('>', '_').replace('|', '_').replace('"', '_').replace('?', '_').replace('*', '_')"name=%s" % nameo) if not name.endswith('/'):"it's not a directory") try: (path, filename) = filetools.split(filetools.join(dir, name))"path=%s" % path)"name=%s" % name) if folder_to_extract: if path != filetools.join(dir, folder_to_extract): break else: filetools.mkdir(path) except: pass if folder_to_extract: outfilename = filetools.join(dir, filename) else: outfilename = filetools.join(dir, name)"outfilename=%s" % outfilename) try: if filetools.exists(outfilename) and overwrite_question: from platformcode import platformtools dyesno = platformtools.dialog_yesno("File already exists "," File %s to unzip already exists, do you want to overwrite it?" % filetools.basename(outfilename)) if not dyesno: break if backup: import time hora_folder = "Backup [%s]" % time.strftime("%d-%m_%H-%M", time.localtime()) backup = filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), 'backups', hora_folder, folder_to_extract) if not filetools.exists(backup): filetools.mkdir(backup) filetools.copy(outfilename, filetools.join(backup, filetools.basename(outfilename))) if not filetools.write(outfilename,, silent=True, vfs=VFS): #TRUNCA en FINAL en Kodi 19 con VFS logger.error("File error " + nameo) except: import traceback logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error("File error " + nameo) try: zf.close() except:"Error closing .zip " + file)
def find_file(hash): path = xbmc.translatePath(config.get_setting('downloadlistpath')) files = filetools.listdir(path) for f in files: filepath = filetools.join(path, f) json = jsontools.load( if ('downloadServer' in json and 'url' in json['downloadServer'] and hash in json['downloadServer']['url']) or ('url' in json and hash in json['url']): break return filetools.split(filepath)[-1]
def rename(File): jsonPath = xbmc.translatePath(config.get_setting('downloadlistpath')) json = jsontools.load(open(filetools.join(jsonPath, File), "r").read()) filePath = filetools.join(xbmc.translatePath(config.get_setting('downloadpath')), json['downloadFilename']) if json['infoLabels']['mediatype'] == 'movie': if filetools.isdir(filePath): extension = '' files = filetools.listdir(filePath) oldName = json['downloadFilename'] newName = json['backupFilename'] for f in files: ext = os.path.splitext(f)[-1] if ext in extensions_list: extension = ext filetools.rename(filetools.join(filePath, f), f.replace(oldName, newName)) filetools.rename(filePath, newName) jsontools.update_node(filetools.join(newName, newName + extension), File, 'downloadFilename', jsonPath) else: oldName = json['downloadFilename'] newName = json['backupFilename'] + os.path.splitext(oldName)[-1] filetools.rename(filePath, newName) jsontools.update_node(newName, File, 'downloadFilename', jsonPath) else: sep = '/' if filePath.lower().startswith("smb://") else os.sep FolderName = json['backupFilename'].split(sep)[0] Title = re.sub(r'(\s*\[[^\]]+\])', '', FolderName) if filetools.isdir(filePath): files = filetools.listdir(filePath) file_dict = {} for f in files: title = process_filename(f, Title, ext=False) ext = os.path.splitext(f)[-1] name = os.path.splitext(f)[0] if title not in file_dict and ext in extensions_list: file_dict[title] = name for title, name in file_dict.items(): for f in files: if name in f: filetools.rename(filetools.join(filePath, f), f.replace(name, title)) filetools.rename(filePath, FolderName) jsontools.update_node(FolderName, File, 'downloadFilename', jsonPath) else: filename = filetools.split(filePath)[-1] title = process_filename(filename, Title) NewFolder = filetools.join(config.get_setting('downloadpath'), FolderName) if not filetools.isdir(NewFolder): filetools.mkdir(NewFolder) from_folder = filetools.join(config.get_setting('downloadpath'), filename) to_folder = filetools.join(config.get_setting('downloadpath'), FolderName, title) filetools.move(from_folder, to_folder) jsontools.update_node(filetools.join(FolderName, title), File, 'downloadFilename', jsonPath)
def set_Subtitle(): exts = [".srt", ".sub", ".txt", ".smi", ".ssa", ".ass"] subtitle_folder_path = filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), "subtitles") subtitle_type = config.get_setting("subtitle_type") if subtitle_type == "2": subtitle_path = config.get_setting("subtitlepath_file")"Con subtitulo : " + subtitle_path) xbmc.Player().setSubtitles(subtitle_path) else: if subtitle_type == "0": subtitle_path = config.get_setting("subtitlepath_folder") if subtitle_path == "": subtitle_path = subtitle_folder_path config.set_setting("subtitlepath_folder", subtitle_path) else: subtitle_path = config.get_setting("subtitlepath_keyboard") long = len(subtitle_path) if long > 0: if subtitle_path.startswith("http") or subtitle_path[ long - 4, long] in exts:"Con subtitulo : " + subtitle_path) xbmc.Player().setSubtitles(subtitle_path) return else: subtitle_path = subtitle_folder_path config.set_setting("subtitlepath_keyboard", subtitle_path) import glob subtitle_name = config.get_setting("subtitle_name").replace("amp;", "") tvshow_title, season, episode = regex_tvshow(False, subtitle_name) try: if episode != "": Subnames = glob.glob( filetools.join( subtitle_path, "Tvshows", tvshow_title, "%s %sx%s" % (tvshow_title, season, episode) + "*.??.???")) else: Subnames = glob.glob( filetools.join(subtitle_path, "Movies", subtitle_name + "*.??.???")) for Subname in Subnames: if os.path.splitext(Subname)[1] in exts:"Con subtitulo : " + filetools.split(Subname)[1]) xbmc.Player().setSubtitles((Subname)) except: logger.error("error al cargar subtitulos")
def move_to_libray(item): if not config.get_setting("library_move", "descargas") == True: return try: from core import library except: return # Copiamos el archivo a la biblioteca origen = filetools.join(config.get_setting("downloadpath"), item.downloadFilename) destino = filetools.join(config.get_library_path(), *filetools.split(item.downloadFilename)) if not filetools.isdir(filetools.dirname(destino)): filetools.mkdir(filetools.dirname(destino)) if filetools.isfile(destino) and filetools.isfile(origen): filetools.remove(destino) if filetools.isfile(origen): filetools.move(origen, destino) if len(filetools.listdir(filetools.dirname(origen))) == 0: filetools.rmdir(filetools.dirname(origen)) else: logger.error("No se ha encontrado el archivo: %s" % origen) if filetools.isfile(destino): if item.contentType == "movie" and item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"]: library_item = Item(title="Scaricato: %s" % item.downloadFilename, channel="descargas", action="findvideos", infoLabels=item.infoLabels, url=item.downloadFilename) library.save_library_movie(library_item) elif item.contentType == "episode" and item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"]: library_item = Item(title="Scaricato: %s" % item.downloadFilename, channel="descargas", action="findvideos", infoLabels=item.infoLabels, url=item.downloadFilename) tvshow = Item(channel="descargas", contentType="tvshow", infoLabels={"tmdb_id": item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"]}) library.save_library_tvshow(tvshow, [library_item])
def remove_files( download, torrent_file, video_file, ses, h, ren_video_file="", item={} ): dialog_view = False torrent = False if os.path.isfile( torrent_file ): dialog_view = True torrent = True if download > 0: dialog_view = True if bkg_user and not extracted_rar: dialog_view = False if erase_file_path and erase_file_path != \ os.path.join( DOWNLOAD_PATH , "MCT-torrent-videos" ): ren_video_file = erase_file_path if filetools.isfile(ren_video_file) and filetools.split(ren_video_file)[0] != \ os.path.join( DOWNLOAD_PATH , "MCT-torrent-videos" ): ren_video_file = filetools.split(ren_video_file)[0] elif filetools.isdir(ren_video_file) and ren_video_file == \ os.path.join( DOWNLOAD_PATH , "MCT-torrent-videos" ): ren_video_file = '' # Actualizado .json de control de descargas if not torrent_file or item.downloadProgress == 0: item.downloadProgress = 0 #log("##### .torrent borrado: %s" % erase_file_path) else: item.downloadProgress = 100 torr.update_control(item, function='mct_remove_files') if item.downloadStatus in [2, 4] and item.downloadProgress in [100]: dialog_view = False if dialog_view and ren_video_file: if h.status().num_pieces >= tot_piece_set: d = xbmcgui.Dialog() ok = d.yesno(msg_header, '¿Borrarmos los archivos descargados? (completos)' + '\n' + video_file) else: ok = True # -- SI ------------------------------------------------- if ok: # -- Borrar archivo - torrent ----------------------- if torrent: try: os.remove( torrent_file ) except: pass # -- Borrar carpeta/archivos y sesión - vídeo ------- try: ses.remove_torrent( h, 1 ) ses_lt = False except: ses_lt = False try: if os.path.isdir(ren_video_file): filetools.rmdirtree(ren_video_file, silent=True) elif os.path.exists(ren_video_file) and os.path.isfile(ren_video_file): os.remove(ren_video_file) log("##### erase_file_path: %s" % ren_video_file) except: log("##### erase_file_path: %s" % ren_video_file) log("### End session #########") else: # -- Borrar sesión ---------------------------------- try: ses.remove_torrent( h ) ses_lt = False except: ses_lt = False log("### End session #########") else: # -- Borrar sesión -------------------------------------- try: ses.remove_torrent( h ) ses_lt = False except: ses_lt = False # -- Borrar archivo - torrent ----------------------- if torrent: try: os.remove( torrent_file ) except: pass log("### End session #########") filetools.remove(filetools.join( DOWNLOAD_PATH , "MCT-torrent-videos", '.' + \ os.path.splitext(filetools.basename(torrent_file))[0].lower() + '.parts'), silent=True) return
def remove_files( download, torrent_file, video_file, ses, h, ren_video_file="", erase_file_path='' ): dialog_view = False torrent = False if os.path.isfile( torrent_file ): dialog_view = True torrent = True if download > 0: dialog_view = True if bkg_user and not extracted_rar: dialog_view = False if erase_file_path and erase_file_path != os.path.join( DOWNLOAD_PATH , "MCT-torrent-videos" ): ren_video_file = erase_file_path if filetools.isfile(ren_video_file) and filetools.split(ren_video_file)[0] != os.path.join( DOWNLOAD_PATH , "MCT-torrent-videos" ): ren_video_file = filetools.split(ren_video_file)[0] elif filetools.isdir(ren_video_file) and ren_video_file == os.path.join( DOWNLOAD_PATH , "MCT-torrent-videos" ): ren_video_file = '' if dialog_view and ren_video_file: if h.status().num_pieces >= tot_piece_set: d = xbmcgui.Dialog() ok = d.yesno(msg_header, config.get_localized_string(30031), video_file) else: ok = True # -- SI ------------------------------------------------- if ok: # -- Borrar archivo - torrent ----------------------- if torrent: try: os.remove( torrent_file ) except: pass # -- Borrar carpeta/archivos y sesión - vídeo ------- try: ses.remove_torrent( h, 1 ) ses_lt = False except: ses_lt = False try: if os.path.isdir(ren_video_file): filetools.rmdirtree(ren_video_file, silent=True) elif os.path.exists(ren_video_file) and os.path.isfile(ren_video_file): os.remove(ren_video_file) log("##### erase_file_path: %s" % ren_video_file) except: log("##### erase_file_path: %s" % ren_video_file) log("### End session #########") else: # -- Borrar sesión ---------------------------------- try: ses.remove_torrent( h ) ses_lt = False except: ses_lt = False log("### End session #########") else: # -- Borrar sesión -------------------------------------- try: ses.remove_torrent( h ) ses_lt = False except: ses_lt = False # -- Borrar archivo - torrent ----------------------- if torrent: try: os.remove( torrent_file ) except: pass log("### End session #########") return
def findvideos(item): from core import autoplay from platformcode import platformtools logger.debug() # logger.debug("item:\n" + item.tostring('\n')) videolibrarytools.check_renumber_options(item) itemlist = [] list_canales = {} item_local = None # Disable autoplay # autoplay.set_status(False) if not item.contentTitle or not item.strm_path: logger.debug("Unable to search for videos due to lack of parameters") return [] if item.contentEpisodeNumber: content_title = str(item.contentSeason) + 'x' + (str(item.contentEpisodeNumber) if item.contentEpisodeNumber > 9 else '0' + str(item.contentEpisodeNumber)) else: content_title = item.contentTitle.strip().lower() if item.contentType == 'movie': item.strm_path = filetools.join(videolibrarytools.MOVIES_PATH, item.strm_path) path_dir = filetools.dirname(item.strm_path) item.nfo = filetools.join(path_dir, filetools.basename(path_dir) + ".nfo") else: item.strm_path = filetools.join(videolibrarytools.TVSHOWS_PATH, item.strm_path) path_dir = filetools.dirname(item.strm_path) item.nfo = filetools.join(path_dir, 'tvshow.nfo') for fd in filetools.listdir(path_dir): if fd.endswith('.json'): contenido, nom_canal = fd[:-6].split('[') if (contenido.startswith(content_title) or item.contentType == 'movie') and nom_canal not in list(list_canales.keys()): list_canales[nom_canal] = filetools.join(path_dir, fd) num_canales = len(list_canales) if 'downloads' in list_canales: json_path = list_canales['downloads'] item_json = Item().fromjson( item_json.contentChannel = "local" # Support for relative paths in downloads if filetools.is_relative(item_json.url): item_json.url = filetools.join(videolibrarytools.VIDEOLIBRARY_PATH, item_json.url) del list_canales['downloads'] # Check that the video has not been deleted if filetools.exists(item_json.url): item_local = item_json.clone(action='play') itemlist.append(item_local) else: num_canales -= 1 filtro_canal = '' if num_canales > 1 and config.get_setting("ask_channel", "videolibrary"): opciones = [config.get_localized_string(70089) % k.capitalize() for k in list(list_canales.keys())] opciones.insert(0, config.get_localized_string(70083)) if item_local: opciones.append(item_local.title) index = platformtools.dialog_select(config.get_localized_string(30163), opciones) if index < 0: return [] elif item_local and index == len(opciones) - 1: filtro_canal = 'downloads' platformtools.play_video(item_local) elif index > 0: filtro_canal = opciones[index].replace(config.get_localized_string(70078), "").strip() itemlist = [] all_videolibrary = [] for nom_canal, json_path in list(list_canales.items()): if filtro_canal and filtro_canal != nom_canal.capitalize(): continue item_canal = Item() # We import the channel of the selected part try: if nom_canal == 'community': channel = __import__('specials.%s' % nom_canal, fromlist=["channels.%s" % nom_canal]) else: channel = __import__('channels.%s' % nom_canal, fromlist=["channels.%s" % nom_canal]) except ImportError: exec("import channels." + nom_canal + " as channel") except: dead_list = [] zombie_list = [] if nom_canal not in dead_list and nom_canal not in zombie_list: confirm = platformtools.dialog_yesno(config.get_localized_string(30131), config.get_localized_string(30132) % nom_canal.upper() + '\n' + config.get_localized_string(30133)) elif nom_canal in zombie_list: confirm = False else: confirm = True if confirm: # delete the channel from all movie and tvshow from past.utils import old_div num_enlaces = 0 dialog = platformtools.dialog_progress(config.get_localized_string(30131), config.get_localized_string(60005) % nom_canal) if not all_videolibrary: all_videolibrary = list_movies(Item()) + list_tvshows(Item()) for n, it in enumerate(all_videolibrary): if nom_canal in it.library_urls: dead_item = Item(multichannel=len(it.library_urls) > 1, contentType=it.contentType, dead=nom_canal, path=filetools.split(it.nfo)[0], nfo=it.nfo, library_urls=it.library_urls, infoLabels={'title': it.contentTitle}) num_enlaces += delete(dead_item) dialog.update(old_div(100*n, len(all_videolibrary))) dialog.close() msg_txt = config.get_localized_string(70087) % (num_enlaces, nom_canal) platformtools.dialog_notification(config.get_localized_string(30131), msg_txt) platformtools.itemlist_refresh() if nom_canal not in dead_list: dead_list.append(nom_canal) continue else: if nom_canal not in zombie_list: zombie_list.append(nom_canal) if len(dead_list) > 0: for nom_canal in dead_list: if nom_canal in item.library_urls: del item.library_urls[nom_canal] item_json = Item().fromjson( list_servers = [] try: # FILTERTOOLS # if the channel has a filter, the name it has saved is passed to it so that it filters correctly. if "list_language" in item_json: # if it comes from the addon video library if "library_filter_show" in item: = item.library_filter_show.get(nom_canal, "") # We run find_videos, from the channel or common item_json.contentChannel = 'videolibrary' item_json.play_from = item.play_from item_json.nfo = item.nfo item_json.strm_path = item.strm_path if hasattr(channel, 'findvideos'): from core import servertools if item_json.videolibray_emergency_urls: del item_json.videolibray_emergency_urls list_servers = getattr(channel, 'findvideos')(item_json) elif item_json.action == 'play': from platformcode import platformtools # autoplay.set_status(True) item_json.contentChannel = = "videolibrary" platformtools.play_video(item_json) return '' else: from core import servertools list_servers = servertools.find_video_items(item_json) except Exception as ex: logger.error("The findvideos function for the channel %s failed" % nom_canal) template = "An exception of type %s occured. Arguments:\n%r" message = template % (type(ex).__name__, ex.args) logger.error(message) logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) # Change the title to the servers adding the name of the channel in front and the infoLabels and the images of the item if the server does not have for server in list_servers: server.contentChannel = = "videolibrary" server.nfo = item.nfo server.strm_path = item.strm_path server.play_from = item.play_from # Kodi 18 Compatibility - Prevents wheel from spinning around in Direct Links if server.action == 'play': server.folder = False # Channel name is added if desired if config.get_setting("quit_channel_name", "videolibrary") == 0: server.title = "%s: %s" % (nom_canal.capitalize(), server.title) if not server.thumbnail: server.thumbnail = item.thumbnail # logger.debug("server:\n%s" % server.tostring('\n')) itemlist.append(server) if autoplay.play_multi_channel(item, itemlist): # hideserver return [] add_download_items(item, itemlist) return itemlist
def mark_content_as_watched_on_kodi(item, value=1): """ marca el contenido como visto o no visto en la libreria de Kodi @type item: item @param item: elemento a marcar @type value: int @param value: >0 para visto, 0 para no visto """ # logger.debug("item:\n" + item.tostring('\n')) payload_f = '' if item.contentType == "movie": movieid = 0 payload = {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetMovies", "params": {"properties": ["title", "playcount", "originaltitle", "file"]}, "id": 1} data = get_data(payload) if 'result' in data and "movies" in data['result']: filename = filetools.basename(item.strm_path) head, tail = filetools.split(filetools.split(item.strm_path)[0]) path = filetools.join(tail, filename) for d in data['result']['movies']: if d['file'].replace("/", "\\").endswith(path.replace("/", "\\")): # logger.debug("marco la pelicula como vista") movieid = d['movieid'] break if movieid != 0: payload_f = {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.SetMovieDetails", "params": { "movieid": movieid, "playcount": value}, "id": 1} else: # item.contentType != 'movie' episodeid = 0 payload = {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes", "params": {"properties": ["title", "playcount", "showtitle", "file", "tvshowid"]}, "id": 1} data = get_data(payload) if 'result' in data and "episodes" in data['result']: filename = filetools.basename(item.strm_path) head, tail = filetools.split(filetools.split(item.strm_path)[0]) path = filetools.join(tail, filename) for d in data['result']['episodes']: if d['file'].replace("/", "\\").endswith(path.replace("/", "\\")): # logger.debug("marco el episodio como visto") episodeid = d['episodeid'] break if episodeid != 0: payload_f = {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.SetEpisodeDetails", "params": { "episodeid": episodeid, "playcount": value}, "id": 1} if payload_f: # Marcar como visto data = get_data(payload_f) # logger.debug(str(data)) if data['result'] != 'OK': logger.error("ERROR al poner el contenido como visto")
def get_results(nfo_path, root, Type, local=False): dead_list = [] zombie_list = [] value = 0 if Type == 'movie': folder = "folder_movies" else: folder = "folder_tvshows" if filetools.exists(nfo_path): # We synchronize the episodes seen from the Kodi video library with that of KoD from platformcode import xbmc_videolibrary xbmc_videolibrary.mark_content_as_watched_on_kod(nfo_path) head_nfo, item = videolibrarytools.read_nfo(nfo_path) # If you have not read the .nfo well, we will proceed to the next if not item: logger.error('.nfo erroneous in ' + str(nfo_path)) return Item(), 0 if len(item.library_urls) > 1: multichannel = True else: multichannel = False # Verify the existence of the channels. If the channel does not exist, ask yourself if you want to remove the links from that channel. for canal in item.library_urls: try: if canal in ['community', 'downloads']: channel_verify = __import__('specials.%s' % canal, fromlist=["channels.%s" % canal]) else: channel_verify = __import__('channels.%s' % canal, fromlist=["channels.%s" % canal]) logger.debug('Channel %s seems correct' % channel_verify) except: dead_item = Item(multichannel=multichannel, contentType='tvshow', dead=canal, path=filetools.split(nfo_path)[0], nfo=nfo_path, library_urls=item.library_urls, infoLabels={'title': item.contentTitle}) if canal not in dead_list and canal not in zombie_list: confirm = platformtools.dialog_yesno(config.get_localized_string(30131), config.get_localized_string(30132) % canal.upper() + '\n' + config.get_localized_string(30133)) elif canal in zombie_list: confirm = False else: confirm = True if confirm: delete(dead_item) if canal not in dead_list: dead_list.append(canal) continue else: if canal not in zombie_list: zombie_list.append(canal) if len(dead_list) > 0: for canal in dead_list: if canal in item.library_urls: del item.library_urls[canal] # continue loading the elements of the video library if Type == 'movie': item.path = filetools.split(nfo_path)[0] item.nfo = nfo_path sep = '/' if '/' in nfo_path else '\\' item.extra = filetools.join(config.get_setting("videolibrarypath"), config.get_setting(folder), item.path.split(sep)[-1]) strm_path = item.strm_path.replace("\\", "/").rstrip("/") if not item.thumbnail: item.thumbnail = item.infoLabels['thumbnail'] if '/' in item.path: item.strm_path = strm_path # If strm has been removed from kodi library, don't show it if not filetools.exists(filetools.join(item.path, filetools.basename(strm_path))) and not local: return Item(), 0 # Contextual menu: Mark as seen / not seen visto = item.library_playcounts.get(item.path.split(sep)[0], 0) item.infoLabels["playcount"] = visto if visto > 0: seen_text = config.get_localized_string(60016) counter = 0 else: seen_text = config.get_localized_string(60017) counter = 1 # Context menu: Delete series / channel channels_num = len(item.library_urls) if "downloads" in item.library_urls: channels_num -= 1 if channels_num > 1: delete_text = config.get_localized_string(60018) else: delete_text = config.get_localized_string(60019) item.context = [{"title": seen_text, "action": "mark_content_as_watched", "channel": "videolibrary", "playcount": counter}, {"title": delete_text, "action": "delete", "channel": "videolibrary", "multichannel": multichannel}] else: # Sometimes it gives random errors, for not finding the .nfo. Probably timing issues try: item.title = item.contentTitle item.path = filetools.split(nfo_path)[0] item.nfo = nfo_path sep = '/' if '/' in nfo_path else '\\' item.extra = filetools.join(config.get_setting("videolibrarypath"), config.get_setting(folder), item.path.split(sep)[-1]) # Contextual menu: Mark as seen / not seen visto = item.library_playcounts.get(item.contentTitle, 0) item.infoLabels["playcount"] = visto'item\n' + str(item)) if visto > 0: seen_text = config.get_localized_string(60020) counter = 0 else: seen_text = config.get_localized_string(60021) counter = 1 except: logger.error('Not find: ' + str(nfo_path)) logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) return Item(), 0 # Context menu: Automatically search for new episodes or not if and int( > 0: update_text = config.get_localized_string(60022) value = 0 else: update_text = config.get_localized_string(60023) value = 1 item.title += " [B]" + u"\u2022" + "[/B]" # Context menu: Delete series / channel channels_num = len(item.library_urls) if "downloads" in item.library_urls: channels_num -= 1 if channels_num > 1: delete_text = config.get_localized_string(60024) else: delete_text = config.get_localized_string(60025) item.context = [{"title": seen_text, "action": "mark_content_as_watched", "channel": "videolibrary", "playcount": counter}, {"title": update_text, "action": "mark_tvshow_as_updatable", "channel": "videolibrary", "active": value}, {"title": delete_text, "action": "delete", "channel": "videolibrary", "multichannel": multichannel}, {"title": config.get_localized_string(70269), "action": "update_tvshow", "channel": "videolibrary"}] if item.local_episodes_path == "": item.context.append({"title": config.get_localized_string(80048), "action": "add_local_episodes", "channel": "videolibrary"}) else: item.context.append({"title": config.get_localized_string(80049), "action": "remove_local_episodes", "channel": "videolibrary"}) else: item = Item() return item, value
def get_environment(): """ Devuelve las variables de entorno del OS, de Kodi y de Alfa más habituales, necesarias para el diagnóstico de fallos """ try: import base64 import ast environment = config.get_platform(full_version=True) environment['num_version'] = str(environment['num_version']) environment['python_version'] = str(platform.python_version()) environment['os_release'] = str(platform.release()) if xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.platform.Windows"): try: if platform._syscmd_ver()[2]: environment['os_release'] = str(platform._syscmd_ver()[2]) except: pass environment['prod_model'] = '' if xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.platform.Android"): environment['os_name'] = 'Android' try: for label_a in subprocess.check_output('getprop').split('\n'): if 'build.version.release' in label_a: environment['os_release'] = str( scrapertools.find_single_match( label_a, ':\s*\[(.*?)\]$')) if 'product.model' in label_a: environment['prod_model'] = str( scrapertools.find_single_match( label_a, ':\s*\[(.*?)\]$')) except: try: for label_a in['ANDROID_ROOT'] + '/build.prop').split(): if 'build.version.release' in label_a: environment['os_release'] = str( scrapertools.find_single_match( label_a, '=(.*?)$')) if 'product.model' in label_a: environment['prod_model'] = str( scrapertools.find_single_match( label_a, '=(.*?)$')) except: pass elif xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.platform.Linux.RaspberryPi"): environment['os_name'] = 'RaspberryPi' else: environment['os_name'] = str(platform.system()) environment['machine'] = str(platform.machine()) environment['architecture'] = str(sys.maxsize > 2**32 and "64-bit" or "32-bit") environment['language'] = str(xbmc.getInfoLabel('System.Language')) environment['cpu_usage'] = str(xbmc.getInfoLabel('System.CpuUsage')) environment['mem_total'] = str( xbmc.getInfoLabel('System.Memory(total)')).replace('MB', '').replace( 'KB', '') environment['mem_free'] = str( xbmc.getInfoLabel('System.Memory(free)')).replace('MB', '').replace( 'KB', '') if not environment['mem_total'] or not environment['mem_free']: try: if environment['os_name'].lower() == 'windows': kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32 c_ulong = ctypes.c_ulong c_ulonglong = ctypes.c_ulonglong class MEMORYSTATUS(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [('dwLength', c_ulong), ('dwMemoryLoad', c_ulong), ('dwTotalPhys', c_ulonglong), ('dwAvailPhys', c_ulonglong), ('dwTotalPageFile', c_ulonglong), ('dwAvailPageFile', c_ulonglong), ('dwTotalVirtual', c_ulonglong), ('dwAvailVirtual', c_ulonglong), ('availExtendedVirtual', c_ulonglong)] memoryStatus = MEMORYSTATUS() memoryStatus.dwLength = ctypes.sizeof(MEMORYSTATUS) kernel32.GlobalMemoryStatus(ctypes.byref(memoryStatus)) environment['mem_total'] = str( int(memoryStatus.dwTotalPhys) / (1024**2)) environment['mem_free'] = str( int(memoryStatus.dwAvailPhys) / (1024**2)) else: with open('/proc/meminfo') as f: meminfo = environment['mem_total'] = str( int('MemTotal:\s+(\d+)', meminfo).groups()[0]) / 1024) environment['mem_free'] = str( int('MemAvailable:\s+(\d+)', meminfo).groups()[0]) / 1024) except: environment['mem_total'] = '' environment['mem_free'] = '' try: environment['kodi_buffer'] = '20' environment['kodi_bmode'] = '0' environment['kodi_rfactor'] = '4.0' if filetools.exists( filetools.join(xbmc.translatePath("special://userdata"), "advancedsettings.xml")): advancedsettings = filetools.join(xbmc.translatePath("special://userdata"), "advancedsettings.xml")).split('\n') for label_a in advancedsettings: if 'memorysize' in label_a: environment['kodi_buffer'] = str( int( scrapertools.find_single_match( label_a, '>(\d+)<\/')) / 1024**2) if 'buffermode' in label_a: environment['kodi_bmode'] = str( scrapertools.find_single_match( label_a, '>(\d+)<\/')) if 'readfactor' in label_a: environment['kodi_rfactor'] = str( scrapertools.find_single_match( label_a, '>(.*?)<\/')) except: pass environment['userdata_path'] = str( xbmc.translatePath(config.get_data_path())) try: if environment['os_name'].lower() == 'windows': free_bytes = ctypes.c_ulonglong(0) ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetDiskFreeSpaceExW( ctypes.c_wchar_p(environment['userdata_path']), None, None, ctypes.pointer(free_bytes)) environment['userdata_free'] = str( round(float(free_bytes.value) / (1024**3), 3)) else: disk_space = os.statvfs(environment['userdata_path']) if not disk_space.f_frsize: disk_space.f_frsize = disk_space.f_frsize.f_bsize environment['userdata_free'] = str(round((float(disk_space.f_bavail) / \ (1024**3)) * float(disk_space.f_frsize), 3)) except: environment['userdata_free'] = '?' try: environment['videolab_series'] = '?' environment['videolab_episodios'] = '?' environment['videolab_pelis'] = '?' environment['videolab_path'] = str( xbmc.translatePath(config.get_videolibrary_path())) if filetools.exists(filetools.join(environment['videolab_path'], \ config.get_setting("folder_tvshows"))): environment['videolab_series'] = str(len(filetools.listdir(filetools.join(environment['videolab_path'], \ config.get_setting("folder_tvshows"))))) counter = 0 for root, folders, files in filetools.walk(filetools.join(environment['videolab_path'], \ config.get_setting("folder_tvshows"))): for file in files: if file.endswith('.strm'): counter += 1 environment['videolab_episodios'] = str(counter) if filetools.exists(filetools.join(environment['videolab_path'], \ config.get_setting("folder_movies"))): environment['videolab_pelis'] = str(len(filetools.listdir(filetools.join(environment['videolab_path'], \ config.get_setting("folder_movies"))))) except: pass try: video_updates = ['No', 'Inicio', 'Una vez', 'Inicio+Una vez'] environment['videolab_update'] = str( video_updates[config.get_setting("update", "videolibrary")]) except: environment['videolab_update'] = '?' try: if environment['os_name'].lower() == 'windows': free_bytes = ctypes.c_ulonglong(0) ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetDiskFreeSpaceExW( ctypes.c_wchar_p(environment['videolab_path']), None, None, ctypes.pointer(free_bytes)) environment['videolab_free'] = str( round(float(free_bytes.value) / (1024**3), 3)) else: disk_space = os.statvfs(environment['videolab_path']) if not disk_space.f_frsize: disk_space.f_frsize = disk_space.f_frsize.f_bsize environment['videolab_free'] = str(round((float(disk_space.f_bavail) / \ (1024**3)) * float(disk_space.f_frsize), 3)) except: environment['videolab_free'] = '?' environment['torrent_list'] = [] environment['torrentcli_option'] = '' environment['torrent_error'] = '' environment['torrentcli_rar'] = config.get_setting("mct_rar_unpack", server="torrent", default=True) environment['torrentcli_backgr'] = config.get_setting( "mct_background_download", server="torrent", default=True) environment['torrentcli_lib_path'] = config.get_setting( "libtorrent_path", server="torrent", default="") if environment['torrentcli_lib_path']: lib_path = 'Activo' else: lib_path = 'Inactivo' environment['torrentcli_unrar'] = config.get_setting("unrar_path", server="torrent", default="") if environment['torrentcli_unrar']: if xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.platform.Android"): unrar = 'Android' else: unrar, bin = filetools.split(environment['torrentcli_unrar']) unrar = unrar.replace('\\', '/') if not unrar.endswith('/'): unrar = unrar + '/' unrar = scrapertools.find_single_match( unrar, '\/([^\/]+)\/$').capitalize() else: unrar = 'Inactivo' torrent_id = config.get_setting("torrent_client", server="torrent", default=0) environment['torrentcli_option'] = str(torrent_id) torrent_options = platformtools.torrent_client_installed() if lib_path == 'Activo': torrent_options = ['MCT'] + torrent_options torrent_options = ['BT'] + torrent_options environment['torrent_list'].append({'Torrent_opt': str(torrent_id), 'Libtorrent': lib_path, \ 'RAR_Auto': str(environment['torrentcli_rar']), \ 'RAR_backgr': str(environment['torrentcli_backgr']), \ 'UnRAR': unrar}) environment['torrent_error'] = config.get_setting("libtorrent_error", server="torrent", default="") if environment['torrent_error']: environment['torrent_list'].append( {'Libtorrent_error': environment['torrent_error']}) for torrent_option in torrent_options: cliente = dict() cliente['D_load_Path'] = '' cliente['Libre'] = '?' cliente['Plug_in'] = torrent_option.replace('Plugin externo: ', '') if cliente['Plug_in'] == 'BT': cliente['D_load_Path'] = str( config.get_setting("bt_download_path", server="torrent", default='')) if not cliente['D_load_Path']: continue cliente['Buffer'] = str( config.get_setting("bt_buffer", server="torrent", default=50)) elif cliente['Plug_in'] == 'MCT': cliente['D_load_Path'] = str( config.get_setting("mct_download_path", server="torrent", default='')) if not cliente['D_load_Path']: continue cliente['Buffer'] = str( config.get_setting("mct_buffer", server="torrent", default=50)) elif xbmc.getCondVisibility('System.HasAddon("")' % cliente['Plug_in']): __settings__ = xbmcaddon.Addon(id="" % cliente['Plug_in']) cliente['Plug_in'] = cliente['Plug_in'].capitalize() if cliente['Plug_in'] == 'Torrenter': cliente['D_load_Path'] = str( xbmc.translatePath(__settings__.getSetting('storage'))) if not cliente['D_load_Path']: cliente['D_load_Path'] = str(filetools.join(xbmc.translatePath("special://home/"), \ "cache", "xbmcup", "", "Torrenter")) cliente['Buffer'] = str( __settings__.getSetting('pre_buffer_bytes')) else: cliente['D_load_Path'] = str( xbmc.translatePath( __settings__.getSetting('download_path'))) cliente['Buffer'] = str( __settings__.getSetting('buffer_size')) if __settings__.getSetting( 'download_storage' ) == '1' and __settings__.getSetting('memory_size'): cliente['Memoria'] = str( __settings__.getSetting('memory_size')) if cliente['D_load_Path']: try: if environment['os_name'].lower() == 'windows': free_bytes = ctypes.c_ulonglong(0) ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetDiskFreeSpaceExW( ctypes.c_wchar_p(cliente['D_load_Path']), None, None, ctypes.pointer(free_bytes)) cliente['Libre'] = str(round(float(free_bytes.value) / \ (1024**3), 3)).replace('.', ',') else: disk_space = os.statvfs(cliente['D_load_Path']) if not disk_space.f_frsize: disk_space.f_frsize = disk_space.f_frsize.f_bsize cliente['Libre'] = str(round((float(disk_space.f_bavail) / \ (1024**3)) * float(disk_space.f_frsize), 3)).replace('.', ',') except: pass environment['torrent_list'].append(cliente) environment['proxy_active'] = '' try: proxy_channel_bloqued_str = base64.b64decode( config.get_setting('proxy_channel_bloqued')).decode('utf-8') proxy_channel_bloqued = dict() proxy_channel_bloqued = ast.literal_eval(proxy_channel_bloqued_str) for channel_bloqued, proxy_active in proxy_channel_bloqued.items(): if proxy_active == 'ON': environment['proxy_active'] += channel_bloqued + ', ' except: pass if not environment['proxy_active']: environment['proxy_active'] = 'OFF' environment['proxy_active'] = environment['proxy_active'].rstrip(', ') for root, folders, files in filetools.walk( xbmc.translatePath("special://logpath/")): for file in files: if file.lower() in ['kodi.log', 'jarvis.log', 'spmc.log', 'cemc.log', \ 'mygica.log', 'wonderbox.log', 'leiapp,log', \ 'leianmc.log', 'kodiapp.log', 'anmc.log', \ 'latin-anmc.log']: environment['log_path'] = str(filetools.join(root, file)) break else: environment['log_path'] = '' break if environment['log_path']: environment['log_size_bytes'] = str( filetools.getsize(environment['log_path'])) environment['log_size'] = str(round(float(environment['log_size_bytes']) / \ (1024*1024), 3)) else: environment['log_size_bytes'] = '' environment['log_size'] = '' environment['debug'] = str(config.get_setting('debug')) environment['addon_version'] = str(config.get_addon_version()) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) environment = {} environment['log_size'] = '' environment['cpu_usage'] = '' environment['python_version'] = '' environment['log_path'] = '' environment['userdata_free'] = '' environment['mem_total'] = '' environment['machine'] = '' environment['platform'] = '' environment['videolab_path'] = '' environment['num_version'] = '' environment['os_name'] = '' environment['video_db'] = '' environment['userdata_path'] = '' environment['log_size_bytes'] = '' environment['name_version'] = '' environment['language'] = '' environment['mem_free'] = '' environment['prod_model'] = '' environment['proxy_active'] = '' environment['architecture'] = '' environment['os_release'] = '' environment['videolab_free'] = '' environment['kodi_buffer'] = '' environment['kodi_bmode'] = '' environment['kodi_rfactor'] = '' environment['videolab_series'] = '' environment['videolab_episodios'] = '' environment['videolab_pelis'] = '' environment['videolab_update'] = '' environment['debug'] = '' environment['addon_version'] = '' environment['torrent_list'] = [] environment['torrentcli_option'] = '' environment['torrentcli_rar'] = '' environment['torrentcli_lib_path'] = '' environment['torrentcli_unrar'] = '' environment['torrent_error'] = '' return environment
def extract(self, file, dir, folder_to_extract="", overwrite_question=False, backup=False):"file=%s" % file)"dir=%s" % dir) if not dir.endswith(':') and not filetools.exists(dir): filetools.mkdir(dir) zf = zipfile.ZipFile(file) if not folder_to_extract: self._createstructure(file, dir) num_files = len(zf.namelist()) for nameo in zf.namelist(): name = nameo.replace(':', '_').replace('<', '_').replace( '>', '_').replace('|', '_').replace('"', '_').replace('?', '_').replace('*', '_')"name=%s" % nameo) if not name.endswith('/'):"no es un directorio") try: (path, filename) = filetools.split(filetools.join(dir, name))"path=%s" % path)"name=%s" % name) if folder_to_extract: if path != filetools.join(dir, folder_to_extract): break else: filetools.mkdir(path) except: pass if folder_to_extract: outfilename = filetools.join(dir, filename) else: outfilename = filetools.join(dir, name)"outfilename=%s" % outfilename) try: if filetools.exists(outfilename) and overwrite_question: from platformcode import platformtools dyesno = platformtools.dialog_yesno("El archivo ya existe", "El archivo %s a descomprimir ya existe" \ ", ¿desea sobrescribirlo?" \ % filetools.basename(outfilename)) if not dyesno: break if backup: import time hora_folder = "Copia seguridad [%s]" % time.strftime( "%d-%m_%H-%M", time.localtime()) backup = filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), 'backups', hora_folder, folder_to_extract) if not filetools.exists(backup): filetools.mkdir(backup) filetools.copy( outfilename, filetools.join( backup, filetools.basename(outfilename))) outfile = filetools.file_open(outfilename, 'wb') outfile.write( except: import traceback logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error("Error en fichero " + nameo) try: zf.close() except:"Error cerrando .zip " + file)
def mostrar_perfil(item): alfav = AlfavoritesData() itemlist = [] i_perfil = item.i_perfil if not alfav.user_favorites[i_perfil]: return itemlist last_i = len(alfav.user_favorites[i_perfil]['items']) - 1 ruta_runtime = config.get_runtime_path() for i_enlace, enlace in enumerate(alfav.user_favorites[i_perfil]['items']): context = [] if i_enlace > 0: context.append({ 'title': 'Mover arriba del todo', 'channel':, 'action': 'mover_enlace', 'i_enlace': i_enlace, 'i_perfil': i_perfil, 'direccion': 'top' }) context.append({ 'title': 'Mover hacia arriba', 'channel':, 'action': 'mover_enlace', 'i_enlace': i_enlace, 'i_perfil': i_perfil, 'direccion': 'arriba' }) if i_enlace < last_i: context.append({ 'title': 'Mover hacia abajo', 'channel':, 'action': 'mover_enlace', 'i_enlace': i_enlace, 'i_perfil': i_perfil, 'direccion': 'abajo' }) context.append({ 'title': 'Mover abajo del todo', 'channel':, 'action': 'mover_enlace', 'i_enlace': i_enlace, 'i_perfil': i_perfil, 'direccion': 'bottom' }) if len( alfav.user_favorites ) > 1: # si se tiene más de una carpeta permitir mover entre ellas context.append({ 'title': 'Mover a otra carpeta', 'channel':, 'action': 'editar_enlace_carpeta', 'i_enlace': i_enlace, 'i_perfil': i_perfil }) context.append({ 'title': 'Cambiar título', 'channel':, 'action': 'editar_enlace_titulo', 'i_enlace': i_enlace, 'i_perfil': i_perfil }) context.append({ 'title': 'Cambiar color', 'channel':, 'action': 'editar_enlace_color', 'i_enlace': i_enlace, 'i_perfil': i_perfil }) context.append({ 'title': 'Cambiar thumbnail', 'channel':, 'action': 'editar_enlace_thumbnail', 'i_enlace': i_enlace, 'i_perfil': i_perfil }) context.append({ 'title': 'Eliminar enlace', 'channel':, 'action': 'eliminar_enlace', 'i_enlace': i_enlace, 'i_perfil': i_perfil }) it = Item().fromurl(enlace) it.context = context it.plot = '[COLOR blue]Canal: ' + + '[/COLOR][CR]' + it.plot # Si no es una url, ni tiene la ruta del sistema, convertir el path ya que se habrá copiado de otro dispositivo. # Sería más óptimo que la conversión se hiciera con un menú de importar, pero de momento se controla en run-time. if it.thumbnail and '://' not in it.thumbnail and not it.thumbnail.startswith( ruta_runtime): ruta, fichero = filetools.split(it.thumbnail) if ruta == '' and fichero == it.thumbnail: # en linux el split con un path de windows no separa correctamente ruta, fichero = filetools.split(it.thumbnail.replace( '\\', '/')) if 'channels' in ruta and 'thumb' in ruta: it.thumbnail = filetools.join(ruta_runtime, 'resources', 'media', 'channels', 'thumb', fichero) elif 'themes' in ruta and 'default' in ruta: it.thumbnail = filetools.join(ruta_runtime, 'resources', 'media', 'themes', 'default', fichero) itemlist.append(it) return itemlist
def extract_files(rar_file, save_path_videos, password, dp, item=None, torr_client=None): import sys #reload(sys) #sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') sys.path.insert(0, config.get_setting("unrar_path", server="torrent", default="")\ .replace('/unrar', '').replace('\\unrar,exe', '')) import rarfile # Verificamos si hay path para UnRAR rarfile.UNRAR_TOOL = config.get_setting("unrar_path", server="torrent", default="") if not rarfile.UNRAR_TOOL: if xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.platform.Android"): rarfile.UNRAR_TOOL = xbmc.executebuiltin("StartAndroidActivity(com.rarlab.rar)") return rar_file, False, '', '' log("##### unrar_path: %s" % rarfile.UNRAR_TOOL) rarfile.DEFAULT_CHARSET = 'utf-8' # Preparamos un path alternativo más corto para no sobrepasar la longitud máxima video_path = '' if item: if item.contentType == 'movie': video_path = '%s-%s' % (item.contentTitle, item.infoLabels['tmdb_id']) else: video_path = '%s-%sx%s-%s' % (item.contentSerieName, item.contentSeason, \ item.contentEpisodeNumber, item.infoLabels['tmdb_id']) # Renombramos el path dejado en la descarga a uno más corto rename_status = False org_rar_file = rar_file org_save_path_videos = save_path_videos if video_path and '/' in rar_file: log("##### rar_file: %s" % rar_file) rename_status, rar_file = rename_rar_dir(org_rar_file, org_save_path_videos, video_path, torr_client) # Calculamos el path para del RAR if "/" in rar_file: folders = rar_file.split("/") erase_file_path = filetools.join(save_path_videos, folders[0]) file_path = save_path_videos for f in folders: file_path = filetools.join(file_path, f) else: file_path = save_path_videos erase_file_path = save_path_videos # Calculamos el path para la extracción if "/" in rar_file: folders = rar_file.split("/") for f in folders: if not '.rar' in f: save_path_videos = filetools.join(save_path_videos, f) save_path_videos = filetools.join(save_path_videos, 'Extracted') if not filetools.exists(save_path_videos): filetools.mkdir(save_path_videos) log("##### save_path_videos: %s" % save_path_videos) # Permite hasta 5 pasadas de extracción de .RARs anidados platformtools.dialog_notification("Empezando extracción...", rar_file, time=5000) for x in range(5): try: archive = rarfile.RarFile(file_path.decode("utf8")) except: log("##### ERROR en Archivo rar: %s" % rar_file) log("##### ERROR en Carpeta del rar: %s" % file_path) log(traceback.format_exc()) platformtools.dialog_notification("Error al abrir el RAR", "Comprueba el log para más detalles") return rar_file, False, '', '' # Analizamos si es necesaria una contraseña, que debería estar en item.password if archive.needs_password(): if not password: pass_path = filetools.split(file_path)[0] password = last_password_search(pass_path) if not password : password = platformtools.dialog_input(heading="Introduce la contraseña (Mira en %s)" % pass_path) if not password: return rar_file, False, '', '' archive.setpassword(password) log("##### Password rar: %s" % password) # Miramos el contenido del RAR a extraer files = archive.infolist() info = [] for idx, i in enumerate(files): if i.file_size == 0: files.pop(idx) continue filename = i.filename if "/" in filename: filename = filename.rsplit("/", 1)[1] info.append("%s - %.2f MB" % (filename, i.file_size / 1048576.0)) if info: info.append("Extraer todo sin reproducir") else: platformtools.dialog_notification("El RAR está vacío", "O no contiene archivos válidos") return rar_file, False, '', erase_file_path # Seleccionamos extraer TODOS los archivos del RAR #selection = xbmcgui.Dialog().select("Selecciona el fichero a extraer y reproducir", info) selection = len(info) - 1 if selection < 0: return rar_file, False, '', erase_file_path else: try: log("##### RAR Extract INI #####") if selection == len(info) - 1: log("##### rar_file 1: %s" % file_path) log("##### save_path_videos 1: %s" % save_path_videos) dp.update(99, "Extrayendo archivos...", "Espera unos minutos....") archive.extractall(save_path_videos) else: log("##### rar_file 2: %s" % file_path) log("##### save_path_videos 2: %s" % save_path_videos) dp.update(99, "Espera unos minutos....", "Extrayendo archivo... %s" % info[selection]) archive.extract(files[selection], save_path_videos) log("##### RAR Extract END #####") except (rarfile.RarWrongPassword, rarfile.RarCRCError): platformtools.dialog_notification("Error al extraer", "Contraseña incorrecta") log(traceback.format_exc(1)) return rar_file, False, '', erase_file_path except rarfile.BadRarFile: platformtools.dialog_notification("Error al extraer", "Archivo rar con errores") log(traceback.format_exc(1)) return rar_file, False, '', erase_file_path except: platformtools.dialog_notification("Error al extraer", "Comprueba el log para más detalles") log(traceback.format_exc(1)) return rar_file, False, '', erase_file_path extensions_list = ['.aaf', '.3gp', '.asf', '.avi', '.flv', '.mpeg', '.m1v', '.m2v', '.m4v', '.mkv', '.mov', '.mpg', '.mpe', '.mp4', '.ogg', '.wmv'] # Localizamos el path donde se ha dejado la extracción folder = True file_result = filetools.listdir(save_path_videos) while folder: for file_r in file_result: if filetools.isdir(filetools.join(save_path_videos, file_r)): file_result_alt = filetools.listdir(filetools.join(save_path_videos, file_r)) if file_result_alt: file_result = file_result_alt save_path_videos = filetools.join(save_path_videos, file_r) else: folder = False break else: folder = False # Si hay RARs anidados, ajustamos los paths para la siguiente pasada if '.rar' in str(file_result): for file_r in file_result: if '.rar' in file_r: rar_file = file_r file_path = str(filetools.join(save_path_videos, rar_file)) save_path_videos = filetools.join(save_path_videos, 'Extracted') if not filetools.exists(save_path_videos): filetools.mkdir(save_path_videos) platformtools.dialog_notification("Siguiente extracción...", rar_file, time=5000) # Si ya se ha extraido todo, preparamos el retorno else: video_list = [] for file_r in file_result: if os.path.splitext(file_r)[1] in extensions_list: video_list += [file_r] if len(video_list) == 0: platformtools.dialog_notification("El rar está vacío", "O no contiene archivos válidos") return rar_file, False, '', erase_file_path else: log("##### Archivo extraído: %s" % video_list[0]) platformtools.dialog_notification("Archivo extraído...", video_list[0], time=10000) return str(video_list[0]), True, save_path_videos, erase_file_path
def get_results(nfo_path, root, Type, local=False): value = 0 if Type == 'movie': folder = "folder_movies" else: folder = "folder_tvshows" if filetools.exists(nfo_path): # We synchronize the episodes seen from the Kodi video library with that of KoD from platformcode import xbmc_videolibrary xbmc_videolibrary.mark_content_as_watched_on_kod(nfo_path) head_nfo, item = videolibrarytools.read_nfo(nfo_path) # If you have not read the .nfo well, we will proceed to the next if not item: logger.error('.nfo erroneous in ' + str(nfo_path)) return Item(), 0 if len(item.library_urls) > 1: multichannel = True else: multichannel = False # continue loading the elements of the video library if Type == 'movie': item.path = filetools.split(nfo_path)[0] item.nfo = nfo_path sep = '/' if '/' in nfo_path else '\\' item.extra = filetools.join(config.get_setting("videolibrarypath"), config.get_setting(folder), item.path.split(sep)[-1]) strm_path = item.strm_path.replace("\\", "/").rstrip("/") if not item.thumbnail: item.thumbnail = item.infoLabels['thumbnail'] if '/' in item.path: item.strm_path = strm_path # If strm has been removed from kodi library, don't show it if not filetools.exists(filetools.join(item.path, filetools.basename(strm_path))) and not local: return Item(), 0 # Contextual menu: Mark as seen / not seen visto = item.library_playcounts.get(item.path.split(sep)[0], 0) item.infoLabels["playcount"] = visto if visto > 0: seen_text = config.get_localized_string(60016) counter = 0 else: seen_text = config.get_localized_string(60017) counter = 1 # Context menu: Delete series / channel channels_num = len(item.library_urls) if "downloads" in item.library_urls: channels_num -= 1 if channels_num > 1: delete_text = config.get_localized_string(60018) else: delete_text = config.get_localized_string(60019) item.context = [{"title": seen_text, "action": "mark_content_as_watched", "channel": "videolibrary", "playcount": counter}, {"title": delete_text, "action": "delete", "channel": "videolibrary", "multichannel": multichannel}] else: # Sometimes it gives random errors, for not finding the .nfo. Probably timing issues try: item.title = item.contentTitle item.path = filetools.split(nfo_path)[0] item.nfo = nfo_path sep = '/' if '/' in nfo_path else '\\' item.extra = filetools.join(config.get_setting("videolibrarypath"), config.get_setting(folder), item.path.split(sep)[-1]) # Contextual menu: Mark as seen / not seen visto = item.library_playcounts.get(item.contentTitle, 0) item.infoLabels["playcount"] = visto logger.debug('item\n' + str(item)) if visto > 0: seen_text = config.get_localized_string(60020) counter = 0 else: seen_text = config.get_localized_string(60021) counter = 1 except: logger.error('Not find: ' + str(nfo_path)) logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) return Item(), 0 # Context menu: Automatically search for new episodes or not if and int( > 0: update_text = config.get_localized_string(60022) value = 0 else: update_text = config.get_localized_string(60023) value = 1 item.title += " [B]" + u"\u2022" + "[/B]" # Context menu: Delete series / channel channels_num = len(item.library_urls) if "downloads" in item.library_urls: channels_num -= 1 if channels_num > 1: delete_text = config.get_localized_string(60024) else: delete_text = config.get_localized_string(60025) item.context = [{"title": seen_text, "action": "mark_content_as_watched", "channel": "videolibrary", "playcount": counter}, {"title": update_text, "action": "mark_tvshow_as_updatable", "channel": "videolibrary", "active": value}, {"title": delete_text, "action": "delete", "channel": "videolibrary", "multichannel": multichannel}, {"title": config.get_localized_string(70269), "action": "update_tvshow", "channel": "videolibrary"}] if item.local_episodes_path == "": item.context.append({"title": config.get_localized_string(80048), "action": "add_local_episodes", "channel": "videolibrary"}) else: item.context.append({"title": config.get_localized_string(80049), "action": "remove_local_episodes", "channel": "videolibrary"}) else: item = Item() return item, value
def move_to_libray(item): if item.contentType == 'movie': FOLDER = FOLDER_MOVIES path_title = "%s [%s]" % (item.contentTitle.strip(), item.infoLabels['IMDBNumber']) move_path = filetools.join(config.get_videolibrary_path(), FOLDER, path_title) else: FOLDER = FOLDER_TVSHOWS path_title = "%s [%s]" % (item.contentSerieName, item.infoLabels['IMDBNumber']) move_path = filetools.join(config.get_videolibrary_path(), FOLDER) download_path = filetools.join(config.get_setting("downloadpath"), item.downloadFilename) library_path = filetools.join(move_path, *filetools.split(item.downloadFilename)) final_path = download_path if config.get_setting("library_add", "downloads") == True and config.get_setting( "library_move", "downloads") == True: if not filetools.isdir(filetools.dirname(library_path)): filetools.mkdir(filetools.dirname(library_path)) if filetools.isfile(library_path) and filetools.isfile(download_path): filetools.remove(library_path) if filetools.isfile(download_path): if filetools.move(download_path, library_path): final_path = library_path if len(filetools.listdir(filetools.dirname(download_path))) == 0: filetools.rmdir(filetools.dirname(download_path))'ITEM = ' + str(item)) name = item.contentTitle if item.contentType == 'movie' else str( item.infoLabels['season']) + 'x' + str( item.infoLabels['episode']).zfill(2) list_item = os.listdir( filetools.join(config.get_videolibrary_path(), FOLDER, path_title)) clean = False for File in list_item: filename = File.lower() name = name.lower() if filename.startswith(name) and (filename.endswith('.strm') or filename.endswith('.json') or filename.endswith('.nfo')): clean = True'Delete File: ' + str( os.path.join(config.get_videolibrary_path(), FOLDER, path_title, File))) os.remove( os.path.join(config.get_videolibrary_path(), FOLDER, path_title, File)) from platformcode import xbmc_videolibrary xbmc_videolibrary.update(FOLDER) if clean == True: import xbmc while xbmc.getCondVisibility('Library.IsScanningVideo()'): xbmc.sleep(500) xbmc_videolibrary.clean() if config.get_setting("library_add", "downloads") == True and config.get_setting( "library_move", "downloads") == False: if filetools.isfile(final_path): if item.contentType == "movie" and item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"]: library_item = Item(title=config.get_localized_string(70228) % item.downloadFilename, channel="downloads", action="findvideos", infoLabels=item.infoLabels, url=final_path) videolibrarytools.save_movie(library_item) elif item.contentType == "episode" and item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"]: library_item = Item(title=config.get_localized_string(70228) % item.downloadFilename, channel="downloads", action="findvideos", infoLabels=item.infoLabels, url=final_path) tvshow = Item( channel="downloads", contentType="tvshow", infoLabels={"tmdb_id": item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"]}) videolibrarytools.save_tvshow(tvshow, [library_item])
def create_necessary_paths(filename): try: (path, name) = filetools.split(filename) filetools.mkdir(path) except: pass
def mark_content_as_watched_on_kodi(item, value=1): """ marca el contenido como visto o no visto en la libreria de Kodi @type item: item @param item: elemento a marcar @type value: int @param value: >0 para visto, 0 para no visto """ # logger.debug("item:\n" + item.tostring('\n')) payload_f = '' if item.contentType == "movie": movieid = 0 payload = {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetMovies", "params": {"properties": ["title", "playcount", "originaltitle", "file"]}, "id": 1} data = get_data(payload) if 'result' in data and "movies" in data['result']: if item.strm_path: #Si Item es de un episodio filename = filetools.basename(item.strm_path) head, tail = filetools.split(filetools.split(item.strm_path)[0]) else: #Si Item es de la Serie filename = filetools.basename(item.path) head, tail = filetools.split(filetools.split(item.path)[0]) path = filetools.join(tail, filename) for d in data['result']['movies']: if d['file'].replace("/", "\\").endswith(path.replace("/", "\\")): # logger.debug("marco la pelicula como vista") movieid = d['movieid'] break if movieid != 0: payload_f = {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.SetMovieDetails", "params": { "movieid": movieid, "playcount": value}, "id": 1} else: # item.contentType != 'movie' episodeid = 0 payload = {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes", "params": {"properties": ["title", "playcount", "showtitle", "file", "tvshowid"]}, "id": 1} data = get_data(payload) if 'result' in data and "episodes" in data['result']: if item.strm_path: #Si Item es de un episodio filename = filetools.basename(item.strm_path) head, tail = filetools.split(filetools.split(item.strm_path)[0]) else: #Si Item es de la Serie filename = filetools.basename(item.path) head, tail = filetools.split(filetools.split(item.path)[0]) path = filetools.join(tail, filename) for d in data['result']['episodes']: if d['file'].replace("/", "\\").endswith(path.replace("/", "\\")): # logger.debug("marco el episodio como visto") episodeid = d['episodeid'] break if episodeid != 0: payload_f = {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.SetEpisodeDetails", "params": { "episodeid": episodeid, "playcount": value}, "id": 1} if payload_f: # Marcar como visto data = get_data(payload_f) # logger.debug(str(data)) if data['result'] != 'OK': logger.error("ERROR al poner el contenido como visto")
def downloadpage(url, **opt): """ Abre una url y retorna los datos obtenidos @param url: url que abrir. @type url: str @param post: Si contiene algun valor este es enviado mediante POST. @type post: str @param headers: Headers para la petición, si no contiene nada se usara los headers por defecto. @type headers: dict, list @param timeout: Timeout para la petición. @type timeout: int @param follow_redirects: Indica si se han de seguir las redirecciones. @type follow_redirects: bool @param cookies: Indica si se han de usar las cookies. @type cookies: bool @param replace_headers: Si True, los headers pasados por el parametro "headers" sustituiran por completo los headers por defecto. Si False, los headers pasados por el parametro "headers" modificaran los headers por defecto. @type replace_headers: bool @param add_referer: Indica si se ha de añadir el header "Referer" usando el dominio de la url como valor. @type add_referer: bool @param only_headers: Si True, solo se descargarán los headers, omitiendo el contenido de la url. @type only_headers: bool @param random_headers: Si True, utiliza el método de seleccionar headers aleatorios. @type random_headers: bool @param ignore_response_code: Si es True, ignora el método para WebErrorException para error como el error 404 en veseriesonline, pero es un data funcional @type ignore_response_code: bool @return: Resultado de la petición @rtype: HTTPResponse Parametro Tipo Descripción ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HTTPResponse.sucess: bool True: Peticion realizada correctamente | False: Error al realizar la petición HTTPResponse.code: int Código de respuesta del servidor o código de error en caso de producirse un error HTTPResponse.error: str Descripción del error en caso de producirse un error HTTPResponse.headers: dict Diccionario con los headers de respuesta del servidor str Respuesta obtenida del servidor HTTPResponse.json: dict Respuesta obtenida del servidor en formato json HTTPResponse.time: float Tiempo empleado para realizar la petición """ load_cookies() # Headers por defecto, si no se especifica nada req_headers = default_headers.copy() # Headers pasados como parametros if opt.get('headers', None) is not None: if not opt.get('replace_headers', False): req_headers.update(dict(opt['headers'])) else: req_headers = dict(opt('headers')) if opt.get('random_headers', False) or HTTPTOOLS_DEFAULT_RANDOM_HEADERS: req_headers['User-Agent'] = random_useragent() url = urllib.quote(url, safe="%/:=&?~#+!$,;'@()*[]") opt['proxy_retries_counter'] = 0 opt['url_save'] = url opt['post_save'] = opt.get('post', None) while opt['proxy_retries_counter'] <= opt.get('proxy_retries', 1): response = {} info_dict = [] payload = dict() files = {} file_name = '' opt['proxy_retries_counter'] += 1 session = cloudscraper.create_scraper() session.verify = False if opt.get('cookies', True): session.cookies = cj session.headers.update(req_headers) # Prepara la url en caso de necesitar proxy, o si se envía "proxies" desde el canal url, proxy_data, opt = check_proxy(url, **opt) if opt.get('proxies', None) is not None: session.proxies = opt['proxies'] elif proxy_data.get('dict', {}): session.proxies = proxy_data['dict'] inicio = time.time() if opt.get('timeout', None) is None and HTTPTOOLS_DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT is not None: opt['timeout'] = HTTPTOOLS_DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT if opt['timeout'] == 0: opt['timeout'] = None if len(url) > 0: try: if opt.get('post', None) is not None or opt.get('file', None) is not None: if opt.get('post', None) is not None: ### Convert string post in dict try: json.loads(opt['post']) payload = opt['post'] except: if not isinstance(opt['post'], dict): post = urlparse.parse_qs(opt['post'], keep_blank_values=1) payload = dict() for key, value in post.items(): try: payload[key] = value[0] except: payload[key] = '' else: payload = opt['post'] ### Verifies 'file' and 'file_name' options to upload a file o buffer if opt.get('file', None) is not None: from core import filetools if filetools.isfile(opt['file']): if opt.get('file_name', None) is None: path_file, opt['file_name'] = filetools.split(opt['file']) files = {'file': (opt['file_name'], open(opt['file'], 'rb'))} file_name = opt['file'] else: files = {'file': (opt.get('file_name', 'Default'), opt['file'])} file_name = opt.get('file_name', 'Default') + ', Buffer de memoria' info_dict = fill_fields_pre(url, opt, proxy_data, file_name) if opt.get('only_headers', False): ### Makes the request with HEAD method req = session.head(url, allow_redirects=opt.get('follow_redirects', True), timeout=opt['timeout']) else: ### Makes the request with POST method req =, data=payload, allow_redirects=opt.get('follow_redirects', True), files=files, timeout=opt['timeout']) elif opt.get('only_headers', False): info_dict = fill_fields_pre(url, opt, proxy_data, file_name) ### Makes the request with HEAD method req = session.head(url, allow_redirects=opt.get('follow_redirects', True), timeout=opt['timeout']) else: info_dict = fill_fields_pre(url, opt, proxy_data, file_name) ### Makes the request with GET method req = session.get(url, allow_redirects=opt.get('follow_redirects', True), timeout=opt['timeout']) except Exception, e: if not opt.get('ignore_response_code', False) and not proxy_data.get('stat', ''): req = requests.Response() response['data'] = '' response['sucess'] = False info_dict.append(('Success', 'False')) response['code'] = str(e) info_dict.append(('Response code', str(e))) info_dict.append(('Finalizado en', time.time() - inicio)) if not opt.get('alfa_s', False): show_infobox(info_dict) return type('HTTPResponse', (), response) else: req = requests.Response() req.status_code = str(e) else: response['data'] = '' response['sucess'] = False response['code'] = '' return type('HTTPResponse', (), response) response_code = req.status_code response['data'] = req.content response['url'] = req.url if not response['data']: response['data'] = '' try: response['json'] = to_utf8(req.json()) except: response['json'] = dict() response['code'] = response_code response['headers'] = req.headers info_dict, response = fill_fields_post(info_dict, req, response, req_headers, inicio) if opt.get('cookies', True): save_cookies(alfa_s=opt.get('alfa_s', False)) is_channel = inspect.getmodule(inspect.currentframe().f_back) is_channel = scrapertools.find_single_match(str(is_channel), "<module '(channels).*?'") if is_channel and isinstance(response_code, int): if not opt.get('ignore_response_code', False) and not proxy_data.get('stat', ''): if response_code > 399: show_infobox(info_dict) raise WebErrorException(urlparse.urlparse(url)[1]) if not 'api.themoviedb' in url and not opt.get('alfa_s', False): show_infobox(info_dict) # Si hay error del proxy, refresca la lista y reintenta el numero indicada en proxy_retries response['data'], response['sucess'], url, opt = proxy_post_processing(url, proxy_data, response, opt) if opt.get('out_break', False): break