Example #1
    def __init__(self):

        self.name = "FSRS Scan"

        # stores the camera module
        self.cameras = []
        self.axes = []
        self.shutters = []
        self.inputs = []

        # stores the plotting window stuff
        self.plotWnd = None
        self.plotInit = False

        # when creating the properties, you should create a start/stop button with the label "Start"
        prop = []
        prop.append({"label": "Camera", "type": "choice", "choices": [], "value": 0})
        prop.append({"label": "Type", "type": "choice", "choices": ["FSRS", "TA", "T/T0"], "value": 0})
        prop.append({"label": "# of Frames", "type": "spin", "value": 8000, "info": (2, 20000)})

        prop.append({"label": "Axis", "type": "choice", "choices": [], "value": 0})
        prop = cutils.appendStageParameters(prop)

        prop.append({"label": "Shutter", "type": "choice", "choices": [], "value": 0})
        prop.append({"label": "Take Ref.", "type": "choice", "choices": [], "value": 0})

        prop.append({"label": "# of Sets", "type": "spin", "value": 1, "info": (1, 1000)})
        prop.append({"label": "Basename", "type": "input", "value": ""})
        prop.append({"label": "Output Path", "type": "file", "value": os.getcwd(), "info": "path"})
        prop.append({"label": "Progress", "type": "progress", "value": 0})
        prop.append({"label": "Status", "type": "label", "value": ""})
        prop.append({"label": "Start", "type": "button", "value": "Scan", "event": "onStart"})

        # convert dictionary to properties object

        self.data = np.array([])
        self.Nsteps = 0
        self.Nsets = 0
Example #2
    def __init__(self):

        self.name = "DAQ Scan"

        self.daqs = []

        self.plotWnd = None
        self.plotID = -1

        self.data = []
        self.points = []

        # when creating the properties, you should create a start/stop button with the label "Start"
        prop = []
        prop.append({"label": "DAQ", "type": "choice", "choices": [], "value": 0})
        prop.append({"label": "Axis", "type": "choice", "choices": [], "value": 0})
        prop = cutils.appendStageParameters(prop)
        prop.append({"label": "Save Scan", "type": "button", "value": "Save", "event": "onSave"})
        prop.append({"label": "Progress", "type": "progress", "value": 0})
        prop.append({"label": "Start", "type": "button", "value": "Scan", "event": "onStart"})
Example #3
    def __init__(self):

        self.name = "XC Scan"

        # stores the camera module
        self.cameras = []
        self.axes = []
        self.shutters = []

        # stores the 2d data, each column is a new timepoint
        self.data = []
        self.points = []
        self.bg = []

        # stores the plotting window stuff
        self.plotWnd = None
        self.plotInit = False
        self.plotID = 0
        self.running = False

        # when creating the properties, you should create a start/stop button with the label "Start"
        prop = []
        prop.append({"label": "Camera", "type": "choice", "choices": [], "value": 0})
        prop.append({"label": "Type", "type": "choice", "choices": ["FSRS", "TA", "T/T0", "Kerr"], "value": 3})
        prop.append({"label": "# of Frames", "type": "spin", "value": 100, "info": (2, 20000)})

        prop.append({"label": "Axis", "type": "choice", "choices": [], "value": 0})
        prop = cutils.appendStageParameters(prop, -300, 300, 20)
        prop.append({"label": "Shutter", "type": "choice", "choices": [], "value": 0})

        prop.append({"label": "Save Last", "type": "button", "value": "Save", "event": "onSave"})

        prop.append({"label": "Progress", "type": "progress", "value": 0})
        prop.append({"label": "Start", "type": "button", "value": "Scan", "event": "onStart"})
        prop.append({"label": "Fit", "type": "button", "value": "Fit", "event": "onFit"})
        self.data = np.array([])