def watch(self): from dagster.core.serdes import unpack_value last_pass = False while True: if self.is_done.is_set(): last_pass = True else: time.sleep(0.1) # 100 ms with self.connect() as conn: res = (conn.cursor().execute( RETRIEVE_LOG_RECORDS_STATEMENT, (self.next_timestamp, )).fetchall()) if res: self.next_timestamp = res[-1][0] + 1 json_records = [r[1] for r in res] for json_record in json_records: base_dict = json.loads(json_record) if base_dict.get('dagster_meta'): base_dict['dagster_meta'] = unpack_value( base_dict['dagster_meta']) record = logging.makeLogRecord(base_dict) for logger in self.log_manager.loggers: for handler in logger.handlers: # Because we're rehydrating the LogMessage, rather than passing # through Logger._log again (which would obscure the original metadata) # we need to filter for log level here if handler.level <= record.levelno: handler.handle(record) if last_pass: conn.close() return
def reconstitute_pipeline_context( self, output_log_path=None, marshal_dir=None, environment_dict=None, handle_kwargs=None, pipeline_run_dict=None, solid_subset=None, solid_handle_kwargs=None, instance_ref_dict=None, ): '''Reconstitutes a context for dagstermill-managed execution. You'll see this function called to reconstruct a pipeline context within the ``injected parameters`` cell of a dagstermill output notebook. Users should not call this function interactively except when debugging output notebooks. Use :func:`dagstermill.get_context` in the ``parameters`` cell of your notebook to define a context for interactive exploration and development. This call will be replaced by one to :func:`dagstermill.reconstitute_pipeline_context` when the notebook is executed by dagstermill. ''' check.opt_str_param(output_log_path, 'output_log_path') check.opt_str_param(marshal_dir, 'marshal_dir') environment_dict = check.opt_dict_param(environment_dict, 'environment_dict', key_type=str) check.dict_param(pipeline_run_dict, 'pipeline_run_dict') check.dict_param(handle_kwargs, 'handle_kwargs') check.opt_list_param(solid_subset, 'solid_subset', of_type=str) check.dict_param(solid_handle_kwargs, 'solid_handle_kwargs') check.dict_param(instance_ref_dict, 'instance_ref_dict') try: handle = load_handle.handle_for_pipeline_cli_args( handle_kwargs, use_default_repository_yaml=False) except (check.CheckError, load_handle.UsageError) as err: six.raise_from( DagstermillError( 'Cannot invoke a dagstermill solid from an in-memory pipeline that was not loaded ' 'from an ExecutionTargetHandle. Run this pipeline using dagit, the dagster CLI, ' 'through dagster-graphql, or in-memory after loading it through an ' 'ExecutionTargetHandle.'), err, ) try: instance_ref = unpack_value(instance_ref_dict) instance = DagsterInstance.from_ref(instance_ref) except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except six.raise_from( DagstermillError( 'Error when attempting to resolve DagsterInstance from serialized InstanceRef' ), err, ) pipeline_def = check.inst_param( handle.build_pipeline_definition(), 'pipeline_def (from handle {handle_dict})'.format(, PipelineDefinition, ).build_sub_pipeline(solid_subset) solid_handle = SolidHandle.from_dict(solid_handle_kwargs) solid_def = pipeline_def.get_solid(solid_handle) pipeline_run = unpack_value(pipeline_run_dict) self.marshal_dir = marshal_dir self.in_pipeline = True self.solid_def = solid_def self.pipeline_def = pipeline_def with scoped_pipeline_context( self.pipeline_def, environment_dict, pipeline_run, instance=instance, scoped_resources_builder_cm=self._setup_resources, ) as pipeline_context: self.context = DagstermillExecutionContext(pipeline_context) return self.context