Example #1
def run():
	initialized = False
	# open data row by row to avoid memory overflow
	fname = 'data_cleaned.csv'
	with open(fname, 'r+') as f:
		# this reads in one line at a time from stdin
		date_previous = None 
		ticker_previous = None

		observation = {}
		observationPrevious = {}

		lineo = 0

		for i, line in enumerate(f):
			#print line
			fList = line.split(",")
			date = fList[0]
			value = float(fList[1])
			ticker = str(fList[2])
			fundamental = str(fList[3])

			# if lineo == 100000:
			# 	break

			if ticker_previous == None:
				ticker_previous = ticker
				date_previous = date

			if date == date_previous:
				observation[fundamental] = value

			if date != date_previous:
				lineo += 1
				#print observation
				observedData = dataParser.getObservation(observation, observationPrevious)

				observationPrevious = observation
				observation = {}
				observation[fundamental] = value

				date_previous = date

				curState = state(observedData)
				if (not initialized):
					initialized = True
					print "register initial"
					#print "called observe function"
					if (i % 100000 == 0):
						print "HERE"
					elif (i % 100 == 0):
						print "HERE NOW"
						initialized = False
Example #2
def run():
	initialized = False
	# open data row by row to avoid memory overflow
	fname = 'data_cleaned.csv'
	with open(fname, 'r+') as f:
		# this reads in one line at a time from stdin
		date_previous = None 
		ticker_previous = None

		observation = {}
		observationPrevious = {}
		isFirstObservation = True

		lineo = 0

		for i, line in enumerate(f):
			#print line
			fList = line.split(",")
			date = fList[0]
			value = float(fList[1])
			ticker = str(fList[2])
			fundamental = str(fList[3])

			if (date_previous == None):
				date_previous = date
			elif (date_previous != date):
				if (not isFirstObservation):
					observedData = dataParser.getObservation(observationPrevious, observation)
					curState = state(observedData)
					action = agent.getAction(curState)
					priceChange = curState.getScore()
					reward = action * priceChange
					agent.update(reward, curState, action)
					#print observation
					#print observationPrevious
					print agent.getPercentCorrect()
					print agent.getTotalRewards()
					isFirstObservation = False
				observationPrevious = copy.deepcopy(observation)
				observation = {}
				date_previous = date

			if (ticker_previous == None):
				ticker_previous = ticker
			elif (ticker_previous != ticker):
				isFirstObservation = True
				ticker_previous = ticker

			observation[fundamental] = value