Example #1
def delete_user(username):   
    data_directory = settings.DATA_DIRECTORY
    datastage_orphan = pwd.getpwnam(settings.get('main:datastage_orphan'))
    for name in ('private', 'shared', 'collab'):
        path = os.path.join(data_directory, name , username)
        os.chown(path, datastage_orphan.pw_uid, datastage_orphan.pw_gid)
    res = subprocess.call(['smbpasswd', username, '-x'])    
    result = subprocess.call(['userdel', username])
    if res or result:
        yield ExitMenu()

    yield ExitMenu(2)
Example #2
def delete_user(username):
    data_directory = settings.DATA_DIRECTORY

    datastage_orphan = pwd.getpwnam(settings.get('main:datastage_orphan'))

    for name in ('private', 'shared', 'collab'):
        path = os.path.join(data_directory, name, username)

        collaborators = get_members('datastage-collaborator')
        if username not in collaborators:
            os.chown(path, datastage_orphan.pw_uid, datastage_orphan.pw_gid)

    res = subprocess.call(['smbpasswd', username, '-x'])
    result = subprocess.call(['userdel', username])
    if res or result:
        yield ExitMenu()


    yield ExitMenu(2)
Example #3
def config_menu():
    def service_check(label, check_port, pid_filenames, service_name, firewall_ports):
        actions = {}
        listening_on = set()
        for proto, addr, port in listening:
            if port == check_port and proto.startswith('tcp'):
                if addr is None:
                    listening_on |= ips
        available_at = check_port_listening(listening_on, check_port)
        pid = check_pid(*pid_filenames)
        if pid:
            print "%10s:  Status:       \033[92mRunning\033[0m (%d)" % (label, pid)
            print "             Listening on: %s" % ', '.join(sorted(listening_on))
            print "             Available at: %s" % ', '.join(sorted(available_at))
            if listening_on != available_at:
                print "             Warning:      Not available on all interfaces."
                print "             \033[95mAction:       Type '%s' to tweak the firewall\033[0m" % service_name
                actions[service_name] = update_firewall_service(*firewall_ports)
            print "%10s:  Status:       \033[91mNot running\033[0m" % label
            print "             \033[95mAction:       Type '%s' to start %s\033[0m" % (service_name, label)
            actions[service_name] = enable_service(service_name, label)

        return actions

    while True:
        actions = {'refresh': lambda: None}
        listening = get_all_listening()
        ips = get_ips()
        print "Status of some services"
        actions.update(service_check('DataStage', settings.get('server:port'),
                                     'datastage', ['']))

        actions.update(service_check('SSH', 22,
                                     'sshd', ['ssh/tcp']))
        actions.update(service_check('Apache', 80,
                                     ['/var/run/apache2.pid', '/var/run/httpd/httpd.pid'],
                                     'apache2', ['www/tcp']))
        if os.path.exists('/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default'):
            print "             Warning:      Default site exists at /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default"
            print "             \033[95mAction:       Type 'defaultsite' to remove it and restart Apache\033[0m"
            actions['defaultsite'] = remove_default_apache_site()
        actions.update(service_check('Samba', 445,
                                     'samba', ['netbios-ns/udp', 'netbios-dgm/udp',
                                               'netbios-ssn/tcp', 'microsoft-ds/tcp']))
        if SambaConfigurer.needs_configuring():
            print "             Warning:      Samba is not configured to serve DataStage files"
            print "             \033[95mAction:       Type 'confsamba' to configure and restart Samba\033[0m"
            actions['confsamba'] = SambaConfigurer()

        if FilesystemAttributes.needs_configuring():
            print "             Warning:      The filesystem frpm which DataStage will serve data is missing mount options "
            print "             \033[95mAction:       Type 'fs' to ensure the filesystem is mounted with acl and user_xattr options\033[0m"
            actions['fs'] = FilesystemAttributes()

        yield menu(actions)
def sync_permissions():
    leaders = get_members('datastage-leader')
    members = get_members('datastage-member')
    collabs = get_members('datastage-collaborator')

    data_directory = settings.DATA_DIRECTORY
    datastage_user = pwd.getpwnam(settings.get('main:datastage_user'))

    # Force leaders to be superusers
    for username in leaders | members | collabs:
        user, _ = User.objects.get_or_create(username=username)
        user.is_staff = user.is_superuser = user.username in leaders

    for name in ('private', 'shared', 'collab'):
        path = os.path.join(data_directory, name)
        if not os.path.exists(path):
        os.chown(path, datastage_user.pw_uid, datastage_user.pw_gid)
        os.chmod(path, 0755)

        for user in leaders | members:
            pw_user = pwd.getpwnam(user)

            path = os.path.join(data_directory, name, user)
            if not os.path.exists(path):

            # Make sure the directory is owned by the right person
            os.chown(path, pw_user.pw_uid, pw_user.pw_gid)

            acl_text = 'u::rwx,g::-,o::-,m::rwx,u:datastage:rwx'

            if name in ('private', 'shared'):
                acl_text += ',g:datastage-leader:rx'
            if name == 'collab':
                acl_text += ',g:datastage-leader:rwx'

            if name == 'shared':
                acl_text += ',g:datastage-member:rx'
            if name == 'collab':
                acl_text += ',g:datastage-member:rwx'

            if name == 'collab':
                acl_text += ',g:datastage-collaborator:rx'

            for acl_type in (posix1e.ACL_TYPE_ACCESS, posix1e.ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT):
                posix1e.ACL(text=acl_text).applyto(path, acl_type)

            with open(os.path.join(path, 'permissions.txt'), 'w') as f:
                f.write("By default, this directory is accessible by the following people:\n\n")
                f.write(" * Its owner (%s; %s) has read and write permissions;\n" % (get_name(user), user))
                if name in ('private', 'shared'):
                    f.write(" * The following research group leaders have read permissions:\n")
                    for leader in sorted(leaders):
                        f.write("   - %s (%s)\n" % (get_name(leader), leader))
                if name == 'shared':
                    f.write(" * The following research group members also have read permissions:\n")
                    for member in sorted(members):
                        f.write("   - %s (%s)\n" % (get_name(member), member))
                if name == 'collab':
                    f.write(" * The following research group leaders and members have read and write permissions:\n")
                    for person in sorted(leaders | members):
                        f.write("   - %s (%s)\n" % (get_name(person), person))
                    f.write(" * The following collaborators have read permissions:\n")
                    for collab in sorted(collabs):
                        f.write("   - %s (%s)\n" % (get_name(collab), collab))

            os.chown(f.name, datastage_user.pw_uid, datastage_user.pw_gid)
            os.chmod(f.name, 0774)
Example #5
def config_menu():
    def service_check(label, check_port, pid_filenames, service_name,
        actions = {}
        listening_on = set()
        for proto, addr, port in listening:
            if port == check_port and proto.startswith('tcp'):
                if addr is None:
                    listening_on |= ips

        available_at = check_port_listening(listening_on, check_port)

        pid = check_pid(*pid_filenames)
        if pid:
            print "%10s:  Status:       \033[92mRunning\033[0m (%d)" % (label,
            print "             Listening on: %s" % ', '.join(
            print "             Available at: %s" % ', '.join(
            if listening_on != available_at:
                print "             Warning:      Not available on all interfaces."
                print "             \033[95mAction:       Type '%s' to tweak the firewall\033[0m" % service_name
                actions[service_name] = update_firewall_service(
            print "%10s:  Status:       \033[91mNot running\033[0m" % label
            print "             \033[95mAction:       Type '%s' to start %s\033[0m" % (
                service_name, label)
            actions[service_name] = enable_service(service_name, label)

        return actions

    while True:
        actions = {'refresh': lambda: None}
        listening = get_all_listening()
        ips = get_ips()

        print "Status of some services"

            service_check('DataStage', settings.get('server:port'),
                          ['/var/run/datastage.pid'], 'datastage', ['']))

            service_check('SSH', 22, ['/var/run/sshd.pid'], 'sshd',
            service_check('Apache', 80,
                          ['/var/run/apache2.pid', '/var/run/httpd/httpd.pid'],
                          'apache2', ['www/tcp']))

        if os.path.exists('/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default'):
            print "             Warning:      Default site exists at /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default"
            print "             \033[95mAction:       Type 'defaultsite' to remove it and restart Apache\033[0m"
            actions['defaultsite'] = remove_default_apache_site()

            service_check('Samba', 445, ['/var/run/samba/smbd.pid'], 'samba', [
                'netbios-ns/udp', 'netbios-dgm/udp', 'netbios-ssn/tcp',

        if SambaConfigurer.needs_configuring():
            print "             Warning:      Samba is not configured to serve DataStage files"
            print "             \033[95mAction:       Type 'confsamba' to configure and restart Samba\033[0m"
            actions['confsamba'] = SambaConfigurer()

        if FilesystemAttributes.needs_configuring():
            print "             Warning:      The filesystem frpm which DataStage will serve data is missing mount options "
            print "             \033[95mAction:       Type 'fs' to ensure the filesystem is mounted with acl and user_xattr options\033[0m"
            actions['fs'] = FilesystemAttributes()

        yield menu(actions)