Example #1
def main(path):
    Read in the Antibody
    sheet_name = 'Sheet1'
    sheet = iu.readtable([path, sheet_name, 0])

    properties = ('model_field', 'required', 'default', 'converter')
    column_definitions = {
        'AR_Name': ('name', True),
        ('facility_id', True, None, lambda x: x[x.index('HMSL') + 4:]),
        'target_protein_lincs_id': ('target_protein_lincs_id', False, None,
                                    lambda x: x[x.index('HMSL') + 4:]
                                    if x else None),
        'Date Data Received':
        ('date_data_received', False, None, util.date_converter),
        'Date Loaded': ('date_loaded', False, None, util.date_converter),
        'Date Publicly Available':
        ('date_publicly_available', False, None, util.date_converter),
        'Most Recent Update':
        ('date_updated', False, None, util.date_converter),
        'Is Restricted': ('is_restricted', False, False, util.bool_converter)

    # convert the labels to fleshed out dict's, with strategies for optional, default and converter
    column_definitions = util.fill_in_column_definitions(
        properties, column_definitions)

    # create a dict mapping the column ordinal to the proper column definition dict
    cols = util.find_columns(column_definitions, sheet.labels)

    rows = 0
    logger.debug('cols: %s' % cols)
    for row in sheet:
        logger.debug('row %s - %s' % (rows, row))
        r = util.make_row(row)
        dict = {}
        initializer = {}
        for i, value in enumerate(r):
            if i not in cols: continue
            properties = cols[i]

            logger.debug('read col: %d: %s' % (i, properties))
            required = properties['required']
            default = properties['default']
            converter = properties['converter']
            model_field = properties['model_field']

            logger.debug('raw value %r' % value)
            if (value == None or value == 'None'):
                value = None
                if (default != None):
                    value = default
            if (value == None and required == True):
                raise Exception('Field is required: %s, record: %d' %
                                (properties['column_label'], rows))
            if (value and converter != None):
                value = converter(value)

            logger.debug('model_field: %s, converted value %r' %
                         (model_field, value))
            initializer[model_field] = value
            logger.debug('row: %s, initializer: %s' % (rows, initializer))

            target_protein_lincs_id = initializer.pop(
                'target_protein_lincs_id', None)
            if target_protein_lincs_id:
                    target_protein = Protein.objects.get(
                    initializer['target_protein'] = target_protein
                except ObjectDoesNotExist, e:
                        'target_protein_lincs_id "%s" does not exist, row: %d'
                        % (target_protein_lincs_id, i))
            antibody = Antibody(**initializer)
            logger.info('antibody created: %s' % antibody)
            rows += 1

            # create a default batch - 0
            AntibodyBatch.objects.create(reagent=antibody, batch_id=0)

        except Exception, e:
            logger.error("Invalid antibody initializer: %s" % initializer)
def main(path):
    Read in the Antibody
    sheet_name = 'Sheet1'
    sheet = iu.readtable([path, sheet_name, 1]) # Note, skipping the header row by default

    properties = ('model_field','required','default','converter')
    column_definitions = { 
              'AR_Name': ('name',True),
              'AR_LINCS_ID': 'lincs_id', 
              'AR_Alternative_Name': 'alternative_names',
              'AR_Center_ID': ('facility_id', True),
              'AR_Target_Protein': 'target_protein_name',
              'AR_Target_Protein_ID': 'target_protein_uniprot_id',
              'AR_Target_Gene': 'target_gene_name',
              'AR_Target_Gene_ID': 'target_gene_id',
              'AR_Target_Organism': 'target_organism',
              'AR_Immunogen': 'immunogen',
              'AR_Immunogen_Sequence': 'immunogen_sequence',
              'AR_AntibodyClonality': 'antibody_clonality',
              'AR_Source_Organism': 'source_organism',
              'AR_Antibody_Isotype': 'antibody_isotype',
              'AR_Engineering': 'engineering',
              'AR_Antibody_Purity': 'antibody_purity',
              'AR_Antibody_Labeling': 'antibody_labeling',
              'AR_Recommended_Experiment_Type': 'recommended_experiment_type',
              'AR_Relevant_Reference': 'relevant_reference',
              'AR_Specificity': 'specificity',
              'Date Data Received':('date_data_received',False,None,util.date_converter),
              'Date Loaded': ('date_loaded',False,None,util.date_converter),
              'Date Publicly Available': ('date_publicly_available',False,None,util.date_converter),
              'Most Recent Update': ('date_updated',False,None,util.date_converter),
              'Is Restricted':('is_restricted',False,False)}

    # convert the labels to fleshed out dict's, with strategies for optional, default and converter
    column_definitions = util.fill_in_column_definitions(properties,column_definitions)
    # create a dict mapping the column ordinal to the proper column definition dict
    cols = util.find_columns(column_definitions, sheet.labels)

    rows = 0    
    logger.debug(str(('cols: ' , cols)))
    for row in sheet:
        r = util.make_row(row)
        dict = {}
        initializer = {}
        for i,value in enumerate(r):
            if i not in cols: continue
            properties = cols[i]

            logger.debug(str(('read col: ', i, ', ', properties)))
            required = properties['required']
            default = properties['default']
            converter = properties['converter']
            model_field = properties['model_field']

            # Todo, refactor to a method
            logger.debug(str(('raw value', value)))
            if(converter != None):
                value = converter(value)
            if(value == None ):
                if( default != None ):
                    value = default
            if(value == None and  required == True):
                raise Exception('Field is required: %s, record: %d' % (properties['column_label'],rows))
            logger.debug(str(('model_field: ' , model_field, ', value: ', value)))
            initializer[model_field] = value
            logger.debug(str(('initializer: ', initializer)))
            antibody = Antibody(**initializer)
            logger.info(str(('antibody created: ', antibody)))
            rows += 1
        except Exception, e:
            logger.error(str(( "Invalid antibody initializer: ", initializer)))
Example #3
 def build_schema(self):
     schema = super(AntibodyResource,self).build_schema()
     schema['fields'] = get_detail_schema(Antibody(),['antibody'])
     return schema 
Example #4
def main(path):
    Read in the Antibody
    sheet_name = 'Sheet1'
    sheet = iu.readtable([path, sheet_name, 0]) 

    properties = ('model_field','required','default','converter')
    column_definitions = { 
              'AR_Name': ('name',True),
              'AR_LINCS_ID': 'lincs_id', 
              'AR_Alternative_Name': 'alternative_names',
              'AR_Center_Specific_ID': ('facility_id',True,None, lambda x: x[x.index('HMSL')+4:]),
              'AR_Clone_Name': 'clone_name',
              'AR_RRID': 'rrid',
              'AR_Antibody_Type': 'type',
              'target_protein_lincs_id': (
                  lambda x: x[x.index('HMSL')+4:] if x else None ),
              'AR_Non-Protein_Target': 'non_protein_target_name',
              'AR_Target_Organism': 'target_organism',
              'AR_Immunogen': 'immunogen',
              'AR_Immunogen_Sequence': 'immunogen_sequence',
              'AR_Antibody_Species': 'species',
              'AR_Antibody_Clonality': 'clonality',
              'AR_Antibody_Isotype': 'isotype',
              'AR_Antibody_Production_Source_Organism': 'source_organism',
              'AR_Antibody_Production_Details': 'production_details',
              'AR_Antibody_Labeling': 'labeling',
              'AR_Antibody_Labeling_Details': 'labeling_details',
              'AR_Relevant_Citations': 'relevant_citations',

              'Date Data Received':('date_data_received',False,None,util.date_converter),
              'Date Loaded': ('date_loaded',False,None,util.date_converter),
              'Date Publicly Available': ('date_publicly_available',False,None,util.date_converter),
              'Most Recent Update': ('date_updated',False,None,util.date_converter),
              'Is Restricted':('is_restricted',False,False,util.bool_converter)}
    # convert the labels to fleshed out dict's, with strategies for optional, default and converter
    column_definitions = util.fill_in_column_definitions(properties,column_definitions)
    # create a dict mapping the column ordinal to the proper column definition dict
    cols = util.find_columns(column_definitions, sheet.labels)

    rows = 0    
    logger.debug('cols: %s' % cols)
    for row in sheet:
        logger.debug('row %s - %s' %(rows,row))
        r = util.make_row(row)
        dict = {}
        initializer = {}
        for i,value in enumerate(r):
            if i not in cols: continue
            properties = cols[i]

            logger.debug('read col: %d: %s' % (i,properties))
            required = properties['required']
            default = properties['default']
            converter = properties['converter']
            model_field = properties['model_field']

            logger.debug('raw value %r' % value)
            if(value == None or value == 'None'):
                value = None
                if( default != None ):
                    value = default
            if(value == None and  required == True):
                raise Exception('Field is required: %s, record: %d' 
                    % (properties['column_label'],rows))
            if(value and converter != None):
                value = converter(value)

            logger.debug('model_field: %s, converted value %r'
                % (model_field, value) )
            initializer[model_field] = value
            logger.debug('row: %s, initializer: %s' % (rows,initializer))
            target_protein_lincs_id = initializer.pop('target_protein_lincs_id',None)
            if target_protein_lincs_id: 
                    target_protein = Protein.objects.get(lincs_id=target_protein_lincs_id)
                    initializer['target_protein'] = target_protein
                except ObjectDoesNotExist, e:
                    logger.error('target_protein_lincs_id "%s" does not exist, row: %d' 
                        % (target_protein_lincs_id,i))
            antibody = Antibody(**initializer)
            logger.info('antibody created: %s' % antibody)
            rows += 1

            # create a default batch - 0
        except Exception, e:
            logger.error("Invalid antibody initializer: %s" % initializer)