def wcalResampleToLinearCoords(self,rc):

        """ Uses the Wavecal fit_image solution
        # Instantiate the log
        log = logutils.get_logger(__name__)
        # Define the keyword to be used for the time stamp
        timestamp_key = self.timestamp_keys["wcalResampleToLinearCoords"]

        # Log the standard "starting primitive" debug message
        log.debug(gt.log_message("primitive", "wcalResampleToLinearCoords", 
        # Initialize the list of output AstroData objects
        adoutput_list = []

        # Loop over each input AstroData object in the input list
        for ad in rc.get_inputs_as_astrodata():

            # Check for a wavelength solution
            if ad["WAVECAL"] is None:
                if "qa" in rc.context:
                    log.warning("No wavelength solution found for %s" %

                    adout=ad   # Don't do anything 
                    raise Errors.InputError("No wavelength solution found "\
                                            "for %s" % ad.filename)
                # Wavelength solution found. 
                wc = Wavecal(ad)
                adout = wc.resample_image_asAstrodata()

            # Add the appropriate time stamps to the PHU
            gt.mark_history(adinput=adout, keyword=timestamp_key)

            # Change the filename
            adout.filename = gt.filename_updater(
                adinput=adout, suffix=rc["suffix"], strip=True)
            # Append the output AstroData object to the list
            # of output AstroData objects
        # Report the list of output AstroData objects to the reduction
        # context
        yield rc
    def determineWaveCal(self,rc):

        # Instantiate the log
        log = logutils.get_logger(__name__)
        # Define the keyword to be used for the time stamp
        timestamp_key = self.timestamp_keys["determineWaveCalSolution"]

        # Log the standard "starting primitive" debug message
        log.debug(gt.log_message("primitive", "determineWaveCalSolution",
        # Initialize the list of output AstroData objects
        adoutput_list = []

        # Loop over each input AstroData object in the input list
        for ad in rc.get_inputs_as_astrodata():

                wc = Wavecal(ad,linelist=   rc['linelist'],
                                fitorder=   rc['fitorder'],
                                match=      rc['match'],
                                nsum=       rc['nsum'],
                                ntmax=      rc['ntmax'],
                                minsep=     rc['minsep'],
                                debug=      rc['debug'],
                wc.wavecal()         # Determine wave solution
                wc.fit_image()       # Fit image
                tbout = wc.save_wavecal_fit()  # Create a FITS BINARY table WAVECAL
                #adout = deepcopy(ad)
                adout = ad

            except Errors.OutputError:
                if "qa" in rc.context:
                    log.warning("Wavecal failed for input " + ad.filename)
                    raise Errors.ScienceError("Wavecal failed for input "+
                                              ad.filename + ". Try interactive"+

            # Add the appropriate time stamps to the PHU
            gt.mark_history(adinput=adout, keyword=timestamp_key)

            # Change the filename
            adout.filename = gt.filename_updater(
                adinput=adout, suffix=rc["suffix"], strip=True)
            # Append the output AstroData object to the list
            # of output AstroData objects
        # Report the list of output AstroData objects to the reduction
        # context

        yield rc