Example #1
class Clock():
	Init the clock object.
	Calculate also the start position of the "hours". There will be displayed at the end.
	Normally there are 60 kummerling glasses. Under each glass are two leds. 
	After the clock the hours leds start. The normal start position is 60 * 2. (Index 0 to 119, at index 120 the hours start)
    def __init__(self):
        self.programm = None

        self.drawing = Drawing()
        self.rainbowEffect = RainbowEffect(self.drawing, self.nextMode)
        self.runningLightEffect = RunningLightEfect(self.drawing,
        self.waitEffect = WaitEffect(self.drawing, self.nextMode)
        self.appearEffect = AppearEffect(self.drawing, self.nextMode)
        self.cycleEffect = CycleEffect(self.drawing, self.nextMode)
        self.pendulumEffect = PendulumEffect(self.drawing, self.nextMode)
        self.waveEffect = WaveEffect(self.drawing, self.nextMode)
        self.clockEffect = ClockEffect(self.drawing, self.nextMode)
        self.debugEffect = DebugEffect(self.drawing, self.nextMode)

        self.mode = 0
        self.showSingleEffect = False

	Draw a clear plan.

    def clear(self):

	Set the color of the seconds.

    def setColorSeconds(self, rgbColor):

	Set the color of the minutes.

    def setColorMinutes(self, rgbColor):

	Set the color of the hours.

    def setColorHours(self, rgbColor):

	Set the mode and show it. 

    def setMode(self, mode):
        self.mode = mode

	Get a new plan

    def getNewPlan(self):
        plan = list()
        for _ in range(Constants.leds):
        return plan

	Start a timer. If any other timer exist stop it first. 

    def startTimer(self, time, function):
        if (self.programm != None):
        self.programm = RepeatedTimer(time, function, self.getNewPlan())

	Run mode

    def nextMode(self, mode=None, showSingleEffect=None):
        if mode != None:
            self.mode = mode

        if showSingleEffect != None:
            self.showSingleEffect = showSingleEffect

        #self.startTimer(0.02, self.debugEffect.show)

        if (self.mode == 0):
            self.startTimer(0.02, self.runningLightEffect.show)
        elif (self.mode == 1):
            self.startTimer(0.01, self.waitEffect.show)
        elif (self.mode == 2):
            self.startTimer(0.025, self.appearEffect.show)
        elif (self.mode == 3):
            self.startTimer(0.10, self.rainbowEffect.show)
        elif (self.mode == 4):
            self.startTimer(0.05, self.cycleEffect.show)
        elif (self.mode == 5):
            self.startTimer(0.0125, self.pendulumEffect.show)
            self.startTimer(0.25, self.clockEffect.show)
		elif(self.mode == 6):
			self.startTimer(0.05, self.waveEffect.show)

        if self.showSingleEffect == False:
            self.mode += 1
            self.mode = 99