Example #1
	if pwml >= 0.6:
		pwml = 0.6
	if pwmr >= 0.6:
		pwmr = 0.6
	return [pwml,pwmr]

t_start = 0.0   # Start time of simulation
t_end = 15.0	# End time of simulation
t_Ts = P.Ts	 # Simulation time step
t_elapse = 0.1 # Simulation time elapsed between each iteration
t_pause = 0.01  # Pause between each iteration

plotGen = plotGenerator()
sig_gen = Signals()                   # Instantiate Signals class
simAnimation = WhirlybirdAnimation()  # Instantiate Animate class
dynam = WhirlybirdDynamics()			# Instantiate Dynamics class
ctrl = controllerPID()

t = t_start			   # Declare time variable to keep track of simulation time elapsed

while t < t_end:
    # Get referenced inputs from signal generators
	ref_input = sig_gen.getRefInputs(t)

	# The dynamics of the model will be propagated in time by t_elapse
	# at intervals of t_Ts.
	t_temp = t +t_elapse
	# import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

	while t < t_temp:
Example #2
# so the parent directory path needs to be added.
from dynamics import WhirlybirdDynamics
from animation import WhirlybirdAnimation

t_start = 0.0  # Start time of simulation
t_end = 40.0  # End time of simulation
t_Ts = P.Ts  # Simulation time step
t_elapse = 0.1  # Simulation time elapsed between each iteration
t_pause = 0.01  # Pause between each iteration

sig_gen = Signals()  # Instantiate Signals class
plotGen = plotGenerator()  # Instantiate plotGenerator class
ctrl = controllerPD()  # Instantiate controllerPD class
simAnimation = WhirlybirdAnimation()  # Instantiate Animate class
dynam = WhirlybirdDynamics()  # Instantiate Dynamics class

t = t_start  # Declare time variable to keep track of simulation time elapsed

# Converts force and torque into the left and
# right forces produced by the propellers.
def convertForces(u):
    F = u[0]  # Force, N
    tau = u[1]  # Torque, Nm
    # Convert Force and Torque to fl and fr
    # fl is the force created by the left propeller
    # fr is the force created by the right propeller
    ul = 1.0 / (P.km * 2.0) * (F + tau / P.d)
    ur = 1.0 / (P.km * 2.0) * (F - tau / P.d)
    u = saturatePWM([ul, ur])
Example #3
    # fr is the force created by the right propeller
    fl = 1.0 / 2.0 * F + 1.0 / (2 * P.d) * tau
    fr = 1.0 / 2.0 * F - 1.0 / (2 * P.d) * tau
    return [fl, fr]

t_start = 0.0  # Start time of simulation
t_end = 20.0  # End time of simulation
t_Ts = P.Ts  # Simulation time step
t_elapse = 0.01  # Simulation time elapsed between each iteration
t_pause = 0.01  # Pause between each iteration

# Instantiate classes
user_input = Sliders()
simAnimation = WhirlybirdAnimation()
dynam = WhirlybirdDynamics()

t = t_start  # Declare time variable to keep track of simulation time elapsed

while t < t_end:

    plt.ion()  # Make plots interactive
        user_input.fig.number)  # Switch current figure to user_input figure
    plt.pause(0.0001)  # Pause the simulation to detect user input

    # The dynamics of the model will be propagated in time by t_elapse
    # at intervals of t_Ts.
    t_temp = t + t_elapse
    while t < t_temp:
        u = convertForces(  # Convert force and torque to fl and fr