Example #1
    # Get referenced inputs from signal generators
	ref_input = sig_gen.getRefInputs(t)

	# The dynamics of the model will be propagated in time by t_elapse
	# at intervals of t_Ts.
	t_temp = t +t_elapse
	# import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

	while t < t_temp:

		states = dynam.Outputs()             # Get current states
		u = ctrl.getForces(ref_input,states) # Calculate the forces
		u_converted = convertForces(u)
		temp = convertForcesToPWM(u)
		# print("left: %.2f right %.2f" % (temp[0], temp[1]))
		dynam.propagateDynamics(u_converted)           # Propagate the dynamics of the model in time
		t = round(t +t_Ts,2)                 # Update time elapsed

	plt.figure(simAnimation.fig.number) # Switch current figure to animation figure
	simAnimation.drawWhirlybird(          # Update animation with current user input

	# Organizes the new data to be passed to plotGen
	new_data = [[ref_input[0], states[1]],
				[ref_input[0], states[0]],
				[ref_input[0], states[2]],
	plotGen.updateDataHistory(t, new_data)

Example #2

while t < t_end:

    # Get referenced inputs from signal generators
    ref_input = sig_gen.getRefInputs(t)

    # The dynamics of the model will be propagated in time by t_elapse
    # at intervals of t_Ts.
    t_temp = t + t_elapse
    while t < t_temp:

        states = dynam.Outputs()  # Get current states
        u = ctrl.getForces(ref_input, states)  # Calculate the forces
            [x * P.km
             for x in u])  # Propagate the dynamics of the model in time
        t = round(t + t_Ts, 2)  # Update time elapsed

    # plt.figure(simAnimation.fig.number) # Switch current figure to animation figure
    # simAnimation.drawSystem(        # Update animation with current user input
    # 	dynam.Outputs())
    # plt.pause(0.0001)

    # Organizes the new data to be passed to plotGen
    new_data = [
        [ref_input[0], states[1]],  # theta_r/theta
        [states[0]],  # phi
        [ref_input[1], states[2]],  # psi_r/psi
        [u[0], u[1]]
    ]  # u_l,u_r
Example #3
user_input = Sliders()
simAnimation = WhirlybirdAnimation()
dynam = WhirlybirdDynamics()

t = t_start  # Declare time variable to keep track of simulation time elapsed

while t < t_end:

    plt.ion()  # Make plots interactive
        user_input.fig.number)  # Switch current figure to user_input figure
    plt.pause(0.0001)  # Pause the simulation to detect user input

    # The dynamics of the model will be propagated in time by t_elapse
    # at intervals of t_Ts.
    t_temp = t + t_elapse
    while t < t_temp:
        u = convertForces(  # Convert force and torque to fl and fr
            u)  # Propagate the dynamics of the model in time
        t += t_Ts  # Update time elapsed

        simAnimation.fig.number)  # Switch current figure to animation figure
    simAnimation.drawWhirlybird(  # Update animation with current user input

    t = t + t_elapse  # Update animation with current user input
    # time.sleep(t_pause)