Example #1
def dmSim():

	dm = CsvReader('./simulation/data.csv').dataMatrix()

	# X coordinates, where positive values indicate a deviation towards the handle
	dm = dm.addField('sacc1_ex', dtype=float)
	dm = dm.addField('sacc2_ex', dtype=float)
	dm = dm.addField('sacc3_ex', dtype=float)

	dm = dm.addField('sacc1_ey', dtype=float)
	dm = dm.addField('sacc2_ey', dtype=float)
	dm = dm.addField('sacc3_ey', dtype=float)
	dm = dm.addField("trialId", dtype = str)

	# Timestamps for each fixation
	dm = dm.addField('saccLat1', dtype=float)
	dm = dm.addField('saccLat2', dtype=float)
	dm = dm.addField('saccLat3', dtype=float)

	for i in dm.range():
		trial = dm[i]
		trialNr = dm['count_trial_sequence'][i]
		dm["trialId"][i] = trialNr
		handleSide = trial['flip'][0]
		print 'Trial %d (%s)' % (trialNr, handleSide)
		sim = CsvReader('simulation/simulation/csv/%.4d.csv' % trialNr).dataMatrix()	
		fixNr = 1	
		for fix in sim:
			t = fix['t'][0]

			dx = fix['x'][0]
			dy = fix['y'][0]
			dm["sacc%s_ey" % fixNr][i] = dy
			dm['sacc%d_ex' % fixNr][i] = dx
			dm['saccLat%d' % fixNr][i] = t
			fixNr += 1
			if fixNr > 3:
	dm = dm.addField("expId", dtype = str, default = "sim")
	dm = dm.addField("symm", dtype = str, default = "asymm")
	dm = dm.addField("saccCount", default = 3)
	dm = dm.addField("mask_side", dtype = str, default = "control")
	dm = dm.addField("cond", dtype = str, default = "not_practice")
	dm = dm.addField("rep", dtype = str, default = "not_practice")
	dm = dm.addField("checkFixDotFailed", dtype = str, default = "False")
	dm = dm.addField("checkObjectFailed", dtype = str, default = "False")
	dm = dm.addField("file", dtype = str, default = "sim")
	return dm
Example #2
		# Give the landing positions the starting value '', such that 
		# the same criteria can be applied to the real and the simulated
		# saccades. In the real dm's, the value '' indicates that a certain
		# landing position was not detected (e.g. endX2 does not exist if
		# participants made only one saccade). The same criterion should
		# be applied for the simulated dm, because sometimes participants
		# looked four times on the fix dot, and one time at the object, etc.
		# These landing positions should not get the value 0!!
		# This is done automatically by making the new variables (see above)
		# strings. Every empty cell gets the value "".		
	# Walk through all cycles in the dm, and open the small simulation dm
	# corresponding to the current trial:	
	for i in dm.range():
		trial = dm[i]
		trialNr = dm['count_trial_sequence'][i]
		handleSide = trial['handle_side'][0]
		pictName = trial['pict'][0]
		boxWidth, boxHeight = boxDict[pictName]
		stim = trial['object'][0]
		# Add variables from simulation to dm:
		print 'Trial %d (%s)' % (trialNr, handleSide)
		# Open the small dm:
		sim = CsvReader('simulation/simulation/csv/%.4d.csv' \
			% trialNr).dataMatrix()