def plotRegr(exp): """ Plots data for one experiment. Arguments: exp --- {"004A", "004B"} """ src = 'selected_dm_%s_WITH_drift_corr_onlyControl_False.csv' % exp dm = CsvReader(src).dataMatrix() R = RBridge() fig = plt.figure(figsize = (8,3)) plt.subplots_adjust(left=.2, bottom=.15) # Plot hline: plt.axhline(0, color = "black", linestyle = "--") legend = True for sacc in [1, 2]: colList = [green[1], orange[1], blue[1]] for contrast in dm.unique("contrast_side"): print "contrast side = ", contrast print "sacc = ", sacc _dm ="contrast_side == '%s'" % contrast) lmeRegr(R, _dm, sacc=sacc, corr=False, \ color = colList.pop(),stats=False, legend = contrast.strip("_")) if legend: plt.legend(frameon = False, loc='best') legend = False plt.savefig("Timecourse_contrast_per_cond%s.png" % exp)
def plotContrast(exp = "004B", trim=True, inclSim=True,stats=True,norm=False): """ Plots landing positions as a function of contrats manipulation per saccade, for Exp 1 and Exp 2, relative to CoG. Keyword arguments: trim --- (default=True) """ # Get dm: src = 'selected_dm_%s_WITH_drift_corr_onlyControl_False.csv' % exp dm = CsvReader(src).dataMatrix() colList = ["#f57900", "#3465a4"] lLegend = ["Saccade 1", "Saccade 2"] fig = plt.figure(figsize = (3,4)) plt.subplots_adjust(left=.2, bottom=.15) yLim = [-.07, .12] for sacc in ["1", "2"]: dv = "endX%sNorm" % sacc saccVar = "saccLat%s" % sacc # Get dm: # Only on-object: dm = onObject.onObject(dm, sacc,verbose=False) if trim: dm = dm.removeField("__dummyCond__") dm = dm.removeField("__stdOutlier__") dm = dm.selectByStdDev(keys = ["file"], \ dv = dv,verbose=False) dm = dm.removeField("__dummyCond__") dm = dm.removeField("__stdOutlier__") dm = dm.selectByStdDev(keys = ["file"], dv = saccVar,\ verbose=False) # Collect mean and error bar per saccade: lM = [] lErr = [] if norm: # Normalize across handle side: dm = dm.removeField("normDV") dm= dm.addField("normDV", dtype = float) dm= dm.withinize(dv, "normDV", \ ["handle_side"], whiten=False) dv = "normDV" for contrast in dm.unique("contrast_side"): contrast_dm ="contrast_side == '%s'" % contrast,\ verbose = False) cm = contrast_dm.collapse(["file"], dv) M = cm["mean"].mean() SE = cm['mean'].std() / np.sqrt(len(cm)) CI = SE * critVal lM.append(M) lErr.append(CI) if stats: # Run a full LME print "Exp = ", exp print "DV = ", dv print "trim = ", trim print "norm = ", norm print "saccVar = ", saccVar lmeContrast(R, dm, dv, saccVar, exp=exp) #raw_input() xData = range(len(lM)) yData = lM yErr = lErr col = colList.pop() plt.errorbar(xData, yData, yerr=yErr, fmt='o-', marker = "o", \ color = col, markerfacecolor='white', markeredgecolor=col, \ markeredgewidth=1) plt.axhline(0, linestyle = "--") plt.ylim(yLim) plt.ylabel(yTitle) #ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) plt.legend(lLegend, frameon = False) plt.axhline(0, color = "black", linestyle = "--") plt.xlabel("High-contrast side") spacing = 0.5 xTicks = range(0,3) xLabels = ["Left", "Control", "Right"] plt.xticks(xTicks, xLabels, rotation = .5) plt.xlim(min(xTicks)-spacing, max(xTicks)+spacing) plt.savefig(os.path.join(dst,"Contrast_Effect_%s_trim_%s_norm_%s.png") \ % (exp, trim, norm))
def plotAff(rtVar, trim=True,errBar = False,stats=True): """ """ fig = plt.figure(figsize = (5, 2.5)) plt.subplots_adjust(left=.2, bottom=.15, wspace=.4) nRows = 1 nCols = 2 nPlot = 0 lTitles = ["b) Experiment 2", "a) Experiment 1"] for exp in ["004A", "004B"]: nPlot +=1 ax = plt.subplot(nRows, nCols, nPlot) plt.title(lTitles.pop()) # Get dm: src = 'selected_dm_%s_WITH_drift_corr_onlyControl_True.csv' % exp dm = CsvReader(src).dataMatrix() # Determine the names of the dependent variables in the datamatrix if trim: dm = dm.selectByStdDev(["file"], \ rtVar, verbose=False) colList = [orange[1], blue[1]] for hand in dm.unique("response_hand"): _dm ="response_hand == '%s'" % hand) lM = [] lErr = [] for handle in dm.unique("handle_side"): __dm ="handle_side == '%s'" % handle) cm = __dm.collapse(["file"], rtVar) M = cm["mean"].mean() SE = cm['mean'].std() / np.sqrt(len(cm)) lM.append(M) lErr.append(SE) col = colList.pop() xData = range(len(lM)) yData = lM if errBar: plt.errorbar(xData, yData, yerr=lErr, fmt='o-', marker = "o", \ color = col, markerfacecolor='white', markeredgecolor=col, \ markeredgewidth=1) else: plt.plot(yData, marker = "o", \ color = col, markerfacecolor='white', markeredgecolor=col, \ markeredgewidth=1) if exp == "004A": plt.legend(dm.unique("handle_side"), loc = 'best', frameon=False, \ title="Handle Orientation") if exp == "004A": plt.ylim([700, 750]) if exp == "004B": plt.ylim([600,650]) plt.xlabel("Response Hand") spacing = 0.5 xTicks = range(0,2) xLabels = dm.unique("response_hand") plt.xticks(xTicks, xLabels, rotation = .5) plt.xlim(min(xTicks)-spacing, max(xTicks)+spacing) plt.ylabel("Response time") if stats: print "Exp = ", exp print "rtVar = ", rtVar lmeAff(R, dm, rtVar,exp=exp) raw_input() plt.savefig(os.path.join(dst,"Affordances_both_exp.png"))
sacc = "1" dvNorm = "endX1CorrNormToHandle" dvRaw = "endX1CorrNorm" dm = onObject.onObject(dm, sacc) print "ANOVA" am = AnovaMatrix(dm, ["handle_side"], dvRaw, "file")._print(ret=True) print am print 'One-sample test scipy' cm = dm.collapse(["file"], dvNorm) ref = 0 t, p = scipy.stats.ttest_1samp(cm['mean'], ref) print "t = ",t print "p = ", p # Paired-samples t-test: print "paired samples t-test" l = [] for handle in dm.unique("handle_side"): handle_dm ="handle_side == '%s'" % handle) cm = handle_dm.collapse(["file"], dvRaw) l.append(cm["mean"]) t, p = scipy.stats.ttest_rel(l[0], l[1]) print "t = ",t print "p = ", p
def plotGap(exp, dv = "saccLat1", trim = False, norm=True, nBins = 50, \ exclFastSacc = False): """ """ src = 'selected_dm_%s_WITH_drift_corr_onlyControl_True.csv' % exp dm = CsvReader(src).dataMatrix() # Determine sacc: sacc = [int( for x in re.finditer(r'\d+', dv)][0] dm = onObject.onObject(dm, sacc) # Exclude very fast saccades: dm ="%s > 80" % dv) colList = [orange[1], blue[1]] # Trim the data if trim: dm = dm.removeField("__dummyCond__") dm = dm.removeField("__stdOutlier__") dm = dm.selectByStdDev(["file"], dv, \ verbose=False) dm = dm.removeField("__dummyCond__") dm = dm.removeField("__stdOutlier__") dm = dm.selectByStdDev(["file"], "endX%sNormToHandle" % sacc, \ verbose=False) if exp == "004A": dm = dm.removeField("__dummyCond__") dm = dm.removeField("__stdOutlier__") dm = dm.selectByStdDev(["file"], "endX%sCorrNormToHandle" % sacc, \ verbose=False) else: dm ="%s < 1000" % dv) # Normalize saccade latencies if norm: dm= dm.addField("normSacc", dtype = float) dm= dm.withinize(dv, "normSacc", \ ["file"], whiten=False) dv = "normSacc" for gap in dm.unique("gap"): _dm ="gap == '%s'" % gap) samp = _dm[dv] y, edges = np.histogram(samp, bins = nBins) y = normY(y) x = .5*edges[1:] + .5*edges[:-1] col = colList.pop() plt.plot(x, y, color = col) plt.fill_between(x, 0, y, alpha=.3, color=col) plt.legend(dm.unique("gap")) plt.ylim([0,1.1])