Example #1
def saccEndPoints(dm):

	Analyzes and plots the saccade endpoints.

	dm		--	DataMatrix

    i = 1
    l = [["Condition", "Luminance", "SaccDir", "End X (M)", "End X (SD)"]]
    for cond in ("constant", "swap", "onset"):
        for saccCol in ("white", "black"):
            _dm = dm.select('cond == "%s"' % cond).select('saccCol == "%s"' % saccCol)
            a = (_dm.select('saccSide == "left"')["saccEndX"] - 512) / pxPerDeg
            l.append([cond, saccCol, "left", a.mean(), a.std()])
            a = (_dm.select('saccSide == "right"')["saccEndX"] - 512) / pxPerDeg
            l.append([cond, saccCol, "right", a.mean(), a.std()])
            plt.subplot(3, 2, i)
            plt.xlim(0, 1024)
            plt.ylim(0, 768)
            plt.title("%s - %s" % (cond, saccCol))
            plt.axvline(1024 / 2, linestyle=":", color="black")
            plt.axvline(1024 / 6, linestyle=":", color="black")
            plt.axvline(1024 - 1024 / 6, linestyle=":", color="black")
            plt.axhline(768 / 2, linestyle=":", color="black")
            plt.plot(_dm["saccEndX"], _dm["saccEndY"], ",", color=darkColor)
            if cond != "onset":
                plt.xticks([0, 512, 1024])
            if saccCol != "white":
                plt.yticks([0, 384, 768])
            i += 1
    dm = DataMatrix(l)
    dm.save("output/%s/saccEndPoints.csv" % exp)
    print dm
    saveFig("endPoints", show=True)
def descriptives(dm):

	l = [['pp', 'rt', 'resp', 'nchar', 'nfunc', 'chardur', 'funcdur']]
	for i in dm.range():
		sn, full_resp, rt = dm['subject_nr'][i], dm['full_response'][i], \
		resp = dm['free_writing_result'][i].replace('Space', ' ')
		rt = rt / 1000. - (len(full_resp)+1)*1.185
		nchar = len(full_resp) + 1
		charDur = rt / (len(full_resp)+1)
		funcDur = rt / len(resp)
		nresp = len(resp)
		print('%2d\t%s\t%.2f\t%d\t%d\t%.2f\t%.2f' % (sn, resp, rt, nchar, len(resp),
			charDur, funcDur))
		l.append([sn, rt, resp, nchar, len(resp), charDur, funcDur])
	dm = DataMatrix(l)
Example #3
if __name__ == '__main__':

	l = [['img', 'xCogOrig', 'yCogOrig', 'xCogMatch', 'yCogMatch']]
	for obj in os.listdir(srcOb):
		#if not "paintbrush" in obj:
		#	continue
		if "png" in obj or 'cog-correct' in obj:
		nob = "non-object_%s" % obj		
		objPath = os.path.join(srcOb, obj)
		nobPath = os.path.join(srcNob, nob)
		print 'Original %s' % objPath
		x, y = matchCog(objPath)
		print "COG original object = ", x
		print 'Match %s' % nobPath
		_x, _y = matchCog(nobPath, xy=(x,y))
		l.append([obj, x, y, _x, _y])

	dm = DataMatrix(l)
	print dm
Example #4
def prepFit(dm, suffix=''):

	Perform a linear-regression fit on only the first 220 ms.

	dm		--	DataMatrix

	Keyword arguments:
	suffix	--	A suffix for the output files. (default='')

	fig = newFig(size=bigWide)
	plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)
	i = 0

	l = [['subjectNr', 'sConst', 'iConst', 'sOnset', 'iOnset', 'sSwap',

	for dm in [dm] + dm.group('subject_nr'):

		print 'Subject %s' % i
		row = [i]

		# We use a 6 x 2 plot grid
		# XX X X X X
		# XX X X X X
		if i == 0:
			# Overall plot
			ax = plt.subplot2grid((2,6),(0,0), colspan=2, rowspan=2)
			linewidth = 1
			title = 'Full data (N=%d)' % len(dm.select('cond != "swap"'))
			# Individual plots
			ax = plt.subplot2grid((2,6),((i-1)/4, 2+(i-1)%4))
			linewidth = 1
			title = '%d (N=%d)' % (i, len(dm.select('cond != "swap"')))

		plt.text(0.9, 0.1, title, horizontalalignment='right', \
			verticalalignment='bottom', transform=ax.transAxes)

		if i == 0:
			plt.xticks([0, 50, 100, 150, 200])
		elif i > 0 and i < 5:
			plt.xticks([0, 100])
		if i > 0:
			plt.yticks([0, -.01, -.02])
		plt.ylim(-.025, .01)
		plt.axhline(0, color='black', linestyle=':')
		for cond in ('constant', 'onset', 'swap'):
			_dm = dm.select("cond == '%s'" % cond, verbose=False)
			dmWhite = _dm.select('saccCol == "white"', verbose=False)
			xAvg, yAvg, errAvg= TraceKit.getTraceAvg(_dm, signal='pupil', \
				phase='postSacc', traceLen=postTraceLen, baseline=baseline, \
			xWhite, yWhite, errWhite = TraceKit.getTraceAvg(dmWhite, \
				signal='pupil', phase='postSacc', traceLen=postTraceLen, \
				baseline=baseline, baselineLock=baselineLock)
			yWhite -= yAvg
			xWhite = xWhite[:prepWin]
			yWhite = yWhite[:prepWin]
			if cond == 'constant':
				col = constColor
				lineStyle = '-'
			elif cond == 'onset':
				col = onsetColor
				lineStyle = '--'
				col = swapColor
				lineStyle = '-.'
				yWhite *= -1
			opts = Plot.regress(xWhite, yWhite, lineColor=col, symbolColor=col,
				label=cond, annotate=False, symbol=lineStyle, linestyle=':')
			s = 1000.*opts[0]
			_i = 1000.*opts[1]
			print 's = %.4f, i = %.4f' % (s, _i)
			if i > 0:
				row += [s, _i]
				plt.legend(frameon=False, loc='upper right')
		if i > 0:
		i += 1
	saveFig('linFitPrepWin%s' % suffix, show=False)
	dm = DataMatrix(l)
	dm.save('output/%s/linFitPrepWin%s.csv' % (exp, suffix))

	# Summarize the data and perform ttests on the model parameters
	for dv in ['s', 'i']:
		print'\nAnalyzing %s' % dv
		aConst = dm['%sConst' % dv]
		aOnset = dm['%sOnset' % dv]
		aSwap = dm['%sSwap' % dv]
		print 'Constant: M = %f, SE = %f' % (aConst.mean(), \
			aConst.std() / np.sqrt(N))
		print 'Onset: M = %f, SE = %f' % (aOnset.mean(), \
			aOnset.std() / np.sqrt(N))
		print 'Swap: M = %f, SE = %f' % (aSwap.mean(), \
			aSwap.std() / np.sqrt(N))
		# Standard t-tests
		t, p = ttest_rel(aConst, aOnset)
		print 'Const vs onset, t = %.4f, p = %.4f' % (t, p)
		t, p = ttest_rel(aSwap, aOnset)
		print 'Swap vs onset, t = %.4f, p = %.4f' % (t, p)
		t, p = ttest_rel(aConst, aSwap)
		print 'Const vs swap, t = %.4f, p = %.4f' % (t, p)
Example #5
def fit(dm, suffix='', maxSmp=None):

	Fits the data based on an exponential pupil model.

	dm		--	DataMatrixpass

	Keyword arguments:
	suffix	--	A suffix for the output files. (default='')
	maxSmp	--	The maximum number of samples to base the fit on, or None for
				no limit. (default=None)

	fig = newFig(size=bigWide)
	plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)
	i = 0

	l = [['subjectNr', 't0Const', 'speedConst', 'lim1Const', 'lim2Const', \
		't0Onset', 'speedOnset', 'lim1Onset', 'lim2Onset']]

	for dm in [dm] + dm.group('subject_nr'):

		print 'Subject %s' % i
		row = [i]

		# We use a 6 x 2 plot grid
		# XX X X X X
		# XX X X X X
		if i == 0:
			# Overall plot
			ax = plt.subplot2grid((2,6),(0,0), colspan=2, rowspan=2)
			# Draw 'window of preparation'
			plt.axvspan(0, prepWin, color=green[1], alpha=.2)
			linewidth = 1
			title = 'Full data (N=%d)' % len(dm.select('cond != "swap"'))
			# Individual plots
			ax = plt.subplot2grid((2,6),((i-1)/4, 2+(i-1)%4))
			linewidth = 1
			title = '%d (N=%d)' % (i, len(dm.select('cond != "swap"')))

		plt.text(0.9, 0.1, title, horizontalalignment='right', \
			verticalalignment='bottom', transform=ax.transAxes)

		if i == 0:
			plt.xticks([0, 500, 1000, 1500])
		elif i > 0 and i < 5:
			plt.xticks([0, 1000])
		if i > 0:
			plt.yticks([0, -.1, -.2, -.3])
		for cond in ('constant', 'onset'):
			_dm = dm.select("cond == '%s'" % cond, verbose=False)
			dmWhite = _dm.select('saccCol == "white"', verbose=False)
			xAvg, yAvg, errAvg= TraceKit.getTraceAvg(_dm, signal='pupil', \
				phase='postSacc', traceLen=postTraceLen, baseline=baseline, \
			xWhite, yWhite, errWhite = TraceKit.getTraceAvg(dmWhite, \
				signal='pupil', phase='postSacc', traceLen=postTraceLen, \
				baseline=baseline, baselineLock=baselineLock)
			yWhite -= yAvg
			if cond == 'constant':
				col = constColor
				lineStyle = '-'
			elif cond == 'onset':
				col = onsetColor
				lineStyle = '--'
				col = swapColor
				lineStyle = '-'
			if maxSmp != None:
				xWhite = xWhite[:maxSmp]
				yWhite = yWhite[:maxSmp]
			opts = fitCurve(xWhite, yWhite, col=col, label=cond, \
				linewidth=linewidth, lineStyle=lineStyle)
			print 't0 = %.4f, s = %.4f, l1 = %.4f, l2 = %.4f' % tuple(opts)
			t0 = opts[0]
			if i > 0:
				row += list(opts)
				plt.legend(frameon=False, loc='upper right')
			print '%s : %f' % (cond, t0)
		if i > 0:
		i += 1
	saveFig('fit%s' % suffix, show=False)
	dm = DataMatrix(l)
	dm.save('output/%s/fit%s.csv' % (exp, suffix))

	# Summarize the data and perform ttests on the model parameters
	for dv in ['t0', 'speed', 'lim1', 'lim2']:
		print'\nAnalyzing %s' % dv
		aConst = dm['%sConst' % dv]
		aOnset = dm['%sOnset' % dv]
		print 'Constant: M = %f, SE = %f' % (aConst.mean(), \
			aConst.std() / np.sqrt(N))
		print 'Onset: M = %f, SE = %f' % (aOnset.mean(), \
			aOnset.std() / np.sqrt(N))
		t, p = ttest_rel(aConst, aOnset)
		print 'Const vs onset, t = %.4f, p = %.4f' % (t, p)
Example #6
def getDM(exp, driftCorr = True, excludeErrors = True, saccTooFast = None, saccTooSlow = None,\
		rtTooFast = None, rtTooSlow = None, rtVar = 'rtFromStim', \
		exclFailedChecks = True, \
		fixCheck1TooLong = 1000, fixCheck2TooLong = 1000, cutoffHeavy = 0, \
		onlyControl = True, excludeFillers = True):
	Applies several exclusion criteria to obtain a filtered dm.
	dm					--- data matrix
	exp 				--- {"004A", "004B"}, string indicating whether first or second
							experiment is analysed
	Keyword arguments:
	excludeErrors		--- Boolean indicating whether error trials should be
							excluded. Default = False.
	saccTooFast			--- Cutoff for exclusion of too-fast saccades. Set to None
							to deactivate this filter. Default = 80.
	saccTooSlow 			--- Cutoff for exclusion of too-slow saccades. Set to None
							to deactivate this filter.
	rtTooFast			--- Cutoff for exclusion of too-fast RTs. Set to None to
							deactivate this filter.
	rtTooSlow			--- Cutoff for exclusion of too-slow RTs. Set to None to 
							deactivate this filter.
	rtVar				--- rt variable to use for excluding too fast and/or
							too slow response times.
	exclFailedChecks	--- Boolean indicating whether or not to excude trials on
							which one or more fix checks failed. Default = False
	fixCheckTooLong1	--- Cutoff for excluding too long fixation checks. Set
							to None to deactivate this filter. Default = 700, 
							based on looking at plt.hist(dm['durCheck1'])
	fixCheckTooLong2	--- Cutoff for excluding too long fixation check on 
							object. Set to None to deactivate. Default = 450,
							based on looking at plt.hist(dm['durCheck2'])
	drifCorr			--- 
	cutoffHeavy			--- minimum deviation necessary to indicate one side of the object
							as heavier. In px. Default = 8.
	onlyControl			--- indicates whether only trials in which manipulation was not 
							manipulated, should be included. Default = True.
	excludeFillers		--- Default = True.

	if driftCorr:
		fName = "selected_dm_%s_WITH_drift_corr.csv" % exp
		fName = "selected_dm_%s_NO_drift_corr.csv" % exp
	if exp == "004C":

		data = "./dm_004C_simulation.csv"
		a = np.genfromtxt(data, dtype=None, delimiter=",")
		dm = DataMatrix(a)
		# Add some important column headers:
		dm = dm.addField("file", dtype = str)
		dm = dm.addField("accuracy")
		dm = dm.addField("contrast_side", dtype = str)

		dm["file"] = "simulation"
		dm["accuracy"] = 1

		dm["contrast_side"] = "test"
		dm["contrast_side"][np.where(dm["mask_side"] == "right")] = "_left"
		dm["contrast_side"][np.where(dm["mask_side"] == "control")] = "control"
		dm["contrast_side"][np.where(dm["mask_side"] == "left")] = "right"

		dm = ascParser.parseAsc(exp = exp, driftCorr = driftCorr)
	# Start by applying some general selections (such that 
	# the reported exclusion percentages will not differ depending
	# on when you execute those):

	# Exclude practice trials:
	dm = dm.select("rep != 'practice'")
	# For the second experiment, exclude Dash and Sebastiaan:
	if exp == "004B":
		# Exclude Sebastiaan:
		dm = dm.select('file != "00401.asc"')
		# Exclude Dash because he's left handed:
		dm = dm.select('file != "00402.asc"')
	if onlyControl:
		dm = dm.select("mask_side == 'control'")
	if excludeFillers:
		dm = dm.select("symm == 'asymm'")

	if excludeErrors:
		dm = dm.select('accuracy == 1')
	# 'Real' selections:
	# During parsing, tirals on which the variable 'response' did not contain
	# an int were given the value -1. Otherwise the dm will make all the 
	# 'response' values strings. Therefore, start by excluding those eventual
	# -1's:
	dm = dm.select("response != -1")

	# Remove all trials on which saccLat1 doesn't have a value:
	dm = dm.select("saccLat1 != ''")

	# Negative initial saccade latencies should not happen:
	dm = dm.select('saccLat1 > 0.')

	# Add column header indicating whether drift correction was used:
	dm = dm.addField("driftCorr", dtype = str)
	dm["driftCorr"] = driftCorr
	# Add a column header indicating which experiment is analysed:
	dm = dm.addField("exp", dtype = str)
	dm["exp"] = exp
	# Add variable indicating whether CoG is to the left or to the
	# right:
	# For objects with handle right, and without mask applied: 
	# - negative xCoG means: heavier on the left
	# - pos means: heavier on the right
	dm = dm.addField('heavySide', dtype = str)
	dm["heavySide"] = 'control'
	dm["heavySide"][np.where(dm["xCoG"] >= cutoffHeavy)] = 'right__'
	dm["heavySide"][np.where(dm["xCoG"] <= -cutoffHeavy)] = 'left__'

	# Some stuff we can't do for the simulation, because those columns don't 
	# exist:
	if exp != "004C":
		# Add variable indicating experimental half (first or second):
		dm = dm.addField("half", dtype = str)
		dm["half"] = "first"
		dm["half"][np.where(dm["block_count"] >= 3)] = "second"
	if saccTooFast != None:
		dm = dm.select('saccLat1 > %s'%saccTooFast)
	if saccTooSlow != None:
		dm = dm.select('saccLat1 < %s'%saccTooSlow)

	if rtTooFast != None:
		dm = dm.select('%s > %s'%(rtVar,rtTooFast))
	if rtTooSlow != None:
		dm = dm.select('%s < %s'%(rtVar,rtTooSlow))
	# Filter on screen coordinates:
	# Y:
	if exp != "004C":
		dm = dm.select("endYRaw1 < %s" % constants.screenH)
		dm = dm.select("endYRaw1 > 0")
		# X:
		dm = dm.select("endXRaw1 < %s" % constants.screenW)
		dm = dm.select("endXRaw1 > 0")
		# Re-code initial y coordinates such that we can use one cutoff
		# for both upwards and downwards saccade to see whether they were in
		# the right direction (i.e. > center coordinate):
		dm = dm.addField("sacc_dir")
		dm["sacc_dir"] = dm["endYRaw1"]
		dm["sacc_dir"][dm.where("visual_field == 'upper'")] = \
			dm["endYRaw1"][dm.where("visual_field == 'upper'")]+\
		# Select saccades that were in the right vertical direction:
		dm.select("sacc_dir > %s" % str(constants.yCen))
	# Exclude trials on which a fixation check failed or took too long:
	if exp == "004A":
		if exclFailedChecks:
			# Note why those will probably never lead to exclusions anymore: 
			# in those cases durCheck1 or durCheck2 would have the value -1000 (because they 
			# couldnt be calculated) and therefore are already excluded above.
			dm = dm.select('checkFixDotFailed == "False"')
			dm = dm.select('checkObjectFailed == "False"')

		if fixCheck1TooLong != None:
			dm = dm.select('durCheck1 < %s' % fixCheck1TooLong)
		if fixCheck2TooLong != None:
			dm = dm.select('durCheck2 < %s' % fixCheck2TooLong)

	if exp != "004C":
		# Negative new RT's should not happen:
		dm = dm.select('rtFromStim > 0')

	return dm
Example #7
def corr(dm):

	Plots the between-subjects correlation between IOR and facilitation in
	object-centered and retinotopic conditions.

	dm		--	A DataMatrix.

	#dv = 'response_time'
	dv = 'iRt'
	dm = dm.select('correct == 1')

	l = [ ['ObjCue0', 'ObjCue1000', 'SpaCue0', 'SpaCue1000'] ]
	for _dm in dm.group('subject_nr'):

		_dm0 = _dm.select('postRotDelay == 0', verbose=False)
		_dm1000 = _dm.select('postRotDelay == 1000', verbose=False)

		Obj0Inv = _dm0.select('cond == "object-based"', verbose=False) \
			.select('valid == "{1}invalid"', verbose=False)[dv] \
		Obj0Val = _dm0.select('cond == "object-based"', verbose=False) \
			.select('valid == "{0}valid"', verbose=False)[dv] \
		Obj1000Inv = _dm1000.select('cond == "object-based"', verbose=False) \
			.select('valid == "{1}invalid"', verbose=False)[dv] \
		Obj1000Val = _dm1000.select('cond == "object-based"', verbose=False) \
			.select('valid == "{0}valid"', verbose=False)[dv] \
		Spa0Inv = _dm0.select('cond == "spatial"', verbose=False) \
			.select('valid == "{1}invalid"', verbose=False)[dv] \
		Spa0Val = _dm0.select('cond == "spatial"', verbose=False) \
			.select('valid == "{0}valid"', verbose=False)[dv] \
		Spa1000Inv = _dm1000.select('cond == "spatial"', verbose=False) \
			.select('valid == "{1}invalid"', verbose=False)[dv] \
		Spa1000Val = _dm1000.select('cond == "spatial"', verbose=False) \
			.select('valid == "{0}valid"', verbose=False)[dv] \

		if dv == 'iRt':
			Obj0Inv = 1./Obj0Inv
			Obj0Val = 1./Obj0Val
			Obj1000Inv = 1./Obj1000Inv
			Obj1000Val = 1./Obj1000Val
			Spa0Inv = 1./Spa0Inv
			Spa0Val = 1./Spa0Val
			Spa1000Inv = 1./Spa1000Inv
			Spa1000Val = 1./Spa1000Val

		ObjCue0 = Obj0Inv - Obj0Val
		ObjCue1000 = Obj1000Inv - Obj1000Val
		SpaCue0 = Spa0Inv - Spa0Val
		SpaCue1000 = Spa1000Inv - Spa1000Val

		l.append( [ObjCue0, ObjCue1000, SpaCue0, SpaCue1000] )
		print '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' % (ObjCue0, ObjCue1000, SpaCue0, SpaCue1000)

	_dm = DataMatrix(l)
	_dm.save('output/corr.%s.csv' % dv)

	fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))
	plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=.3, hspace=.3)

	regressplot(_dm['ObjCue0'], _dm['SpaCue0'])
	plt.xlim(-200, 200)
	plt.ylim(-200, 200)
	plt.xlabel('Obj. cuing effect / short SOA (ms)')
	plt.ylabel('Ret. cuing effect / short SOA (ms)')

	regressplot(_dm['ObjCue1000'], _dm['SpaCue1000'])
	plt.xlim(-200, 200)
	plt.ylim(-200, 200)
	plt.xlabel('Obj. cuing effect / long SOA (ms)')
	plt.ylabel('Ret. cuing effect / long SOA (ms)')

	regressplot(_dm['ObjCue0'], _dm['ObjCue1000'])
	plt.xlim(-200, 200)
	plt.ylim(-200, 200)
	plt.xlabel('Obj. cuing effect / short SOA (ms)')
	plt.ylabel('Obj. cuing effect / long SOA (ms)')

	regressplot(_dm['SpaCue0'], _dm['SpaCue1000'])
	plt.xlabel('Ret. cuing effect / short SOA (ms)')
	plt.ylabel('Ret. cuing effect / long SOA (ms)')
	plt.xlim(-200, 200)
	plt.ylim(-200, 200)

	plt.savefig('plot/corr.%s.png' % dv)
	plt.savefig('plot/corr.%s.svg' % dv)
Example #8
#!/usr/bin/env python
from saliency import simulateScanpath
from exparser.DataMatrix import DataMatrix
import os
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw

for frame in os.listdir('frames'):
	print frame
	im = Image.open('frames/' + frame)
	dr = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
	l = simulateScanpath(im)
	i = 1
	for p in l[1:]:
		t = p[0]
		x = p[1]
		y = p[2]
		dr.ellipse((x-5,y-5,x+5,y+5), outline='red')
		dr.text((x,y), '%d(%.0f)' % (i,t), fill='green')
		i += 1
	im.save('simulation/png/%s' % frame)	
	dm = DataMatrix(l)
	dm.save('simulation/csv/%s.csv' % frame[:-4])	
Example #9
def latencyCorr(dm):

	Determines the correlation between saccade latency and the latency of the

	dm		--	DataMatrix

    dm = dm.addField("saccLat2Bin", dtype=float)
    dm = dm.calcPerc("saccLat2", "saccLat2Bin", keys=["subject_nr"], nBin=10)
    # dm = dm.select('cond == "onset"')
    l = [["subject_nr", "cond", "bin", "saccLat", "t0"]]
    colors = TangoPalette.brightColors[:] * 10
    for _dm in dm.group(["subject_nr", "saccLat2Bin"]):
        for cond in ("constant", "onset"):
            __dm = _dm.select("cond == '%s'" % cond, verbose=False)
            dmWhite = __dm.select('saccCol == "white"', verbose=False)
            xAvg, yAvg, errAvg = TraceKit.getTraceAvg(
            xWhite, yWhite, errWhite = TraceKit.getTraceAvg(
            yWhite -= yAvg
            opts = fitCurve(xWhite, yWhite, plot=False)
            t0 = opts[0]
            subject = __dm["subject_nr"][0]
            col = colors[int(subject)]
            saccLat = __dm["saccLat2"].mean()
            _bin = __dm["saccLat2Bin"][0]
            plt.plot(saccLat, t0, "o", color=col)
            l.append([subject, cond, _bin, saccLat, t0])
            print subject, t0, saccLat
    dm = DataMatrix(l)
    dm.save("output/%s/latencyCorr.csv" % exp)
    print dm
    # plt.plot(dm['saccLat'], dm['t0'], '.')
    s, i, r, p, se = linregress(dm["saccLat"], dm["t0"])
    print "r = %.4f, p = %.4f" % (r, p)
    plt.plot(dm["saccLat"], i + s * dm["saccLat"])

    newFig(size=(4.8, 2.4))
    pmX = PivotMatrix(dm, ["cond", "bin"], ["subject_nr"], "saccLat", colsWithin=True, err="se")
    print pmX

    pmY = PivotMatrix(dm, ["cond", "bin"], ["subject_nr"], "t0", colsWithin=True, err="se")
    print pmY

    xM = np.array(pmX.m[-2, 2:-2], dtype=float)
    xErr = np.array(pmX.m[-1, 2:-2], dtype=float)
    xMConst = xM[: len(xM) / 2]
    xMOnset = xM[len(xM) / 2 :]
    xErrConst = xErr[: len(xErr) / 2]
    xErrOnset = xErr[len(xErr) / 2 :]

    yM = np.array(pmY.m[-2, 2:-2], dtype=float)
    yErr = np.array(pmY.m[-1, 2:-2], dtype=float)
    yMConst = yM[: len(yM) / 2]
    yMOnset = yM[len(yM) / 2 :]
    yErrConst = yErr[: len(yErr) / 2]
    yErrOnset = yErr[len(yErr) / 2 :]

        xMConst, yMConst, xerr=xErrConst, yerr=yErrConst, label="Constant", capsize=0, color=constColor, fmt="o-"
    plt.errorbar(xMOnset, yMOnset, xerr=xErrOnset, yerr=yErrOnset, label="Onset", capsize=0, color=onsetColor, fmt="o-")
    plt.xlabel("Saccade latency (ms)")
    plt.ylabel("PLR latency (ms)")

    aov = AnovaMatrix(dm, ["cond", "bin"], "t0", "subject_nr")
    print aov
    aov.save("output/%s/aov.latencyCorr.csv" % exp)
Example #10
def getDM(driftCorr, excludeErrors = False, saccTooFast = 80, saccTooSlow = None,\
		rtTooFast = None, rtTooSlow = None, rtVar = 'rtFromStim'):
	Applies several exclusion criteria to obtain a filtered dm.
	dm		--- data matrix
	Keyword arguments:
	excludeErrors		--- Boolean indicating whether error trials should be
							excluded. Default = False.
	saccTooFast			--- Cutoff for exclusion of too-fast saccades. Set to None
							to deactivate this filter. Default = 80.
	saccTooSlow 			--- Cutoff for exclusion of too-slow saccades. Set to None
							to deactivate this filter.
	rtTooFast			--- Cutoff for exclusion of too-fast RTs. Set to None to
							deactivate this filter.
	rtTooSlow			--- Cutoff for exclusion of too-slow RTs. Set to None to 
							deactivate this filter.
	rtVar				--- rt variable to use for excluding too fast and/or
							too slow response times.
	drifCorr			--- 

	# Declare constants:
	#src = '/home/lotje/python-libs/studies/_004'

	if driftCorr:
		fName = "selected_dm_WITH_drift_corr.csv"
		fName = "selected_dm_NO_drift_corr.csv"
	if '--shortcut' in sys.argv:
		a = np.genfromtxt(fName, dtype=None, delimiter=",")
		dm = DataMatrix(a)
		#dm = CsvReader(fName, delimiter=',').dataMatrix()

		return dm
	dm = ascParser004B.parseAsc(driftCorr = driftCorr)
	# Exclude Sebastiaan:
	dm = dm.select('file != "00401.asc"')
	# Exclude Dash because he's left handed:
	dm = dm.select('file != "00402.asc"')
	# Add column header indicating whether drift correction was used:
	dm = dm.addField("driftCorr", dtype = str)
	dm["driftCorr"] = driftCorr
	# Make a new variable (instead of 'mask_side') that indicates the
	# highest contrast side:
	dm = dm.addField('contrast_side', dtype = str)
	dm['contrast_side'][np.where(dm['mask_side'] == "right")] = "_left"
	dm['contrast_side'][np.where(dm['mask_side'] == "left")] = "right"
	dm['contrast_side'][np.where(dm['mask_side'] == "control")] = "control"
	# Add variable indicating whether CoG is to the left or to the
	# right:
	# For objects with handle right, and without mask applied: 
	# - negative xCoG means: heavier on the left
	# - pos means: heavier on the right
	dm = dm.addField('heavySide', dtype = str)
	dm["heavySide"] = 'left'
	dm["heavySide"][np.where(dm["xCoG"] >= 0)] = 'right'

	# Add variable indicating experimental half (first or second):
	dm = dm.addField("half", dtype = str)
	dm["half"] = "first"
	dm["half"][np.where(dm["block_count"] >= 3)] = "second"

	# Exclude practice trials:
	dm = dm.select("rep != 'practice'")
	# During parsing, tirals on which the variable 'response' did not contain
	# an int were given the value -1. Otherwise the dm will make all the 
	# 'response' values strings. Therefore, start by excluding those eventual
	# -1's:
	dm = dm.select("response != -1")

	# Saccade latencies of 0 (or -1) should not happen:
	# If no saccade is detected during a trial, 'saccLat' is changed from -1000
	# to -1 during parsing:
	dm = dm.select('saccLat1 > 0')
	# Negative new RT's should not happen:
	dm = dm.select('rtFromStim > 0')
	# Add values indicating whether the eyes landed towards the handle (positive
	# values) or towards the other side of the object (negative values):
	# Also, make sure all values are eventually converted to visual degrees:
	# If first landing position is empty, skip the trial:
	dm = dm.select("endX1 != ''")
	# Without any correction:
	dm = dm.addField("pxTowardsHandle")
	dm = dm.addField("degrTowardsHandle")
	indicesRight = np.where(dm["handle_side"] == 'right')
	indicesLeft = np.where(dm["handle_side"] == 'left')
	dm["pxTowardsHandle"][indicesRight] = (dm["endX1"][indicesRight])
	dm["pxTowardsHandle"][indicesLeft] = dm["endX1"][indicesRight]*-1
	dm["degrTowardsHandle"] = dm["pxTowardsHandle"]/studies._004.constants.ratioPxDegr

	## With CoG correction based on the original bitmap (without mask):
	#dm = dm.addField("pxTowardsHandleCorr")
	#dm = dm.addField("degrTowardsHandleCorr")
	#indicesRight = np.where(dm["handle_side"] == 'right')
	#indicesLeft = np.where(dm["handle_side"] == 'left')
	#dm["pxTowardsHandleCorr"][indicesRight] = (dm["endXCorr"][indicesRight])
	#dm["pxTowardsHandleCorr"][indicesLeft] = dm["endXCorr"][indicesRight]*-1
	#dm["degrTowardsHandleCorr"] = dm["pxTowardsHandleCorr"]/constants.ratioPxDegr

	## Wit CoG correction with taking mask into account::
	#dm = dm.addField("pxTowardsHandleCorrMask")
	#dm = dm.addField("degrTowardsHandleCorrMask")
	#indicesRight = np.where(dm["handle_side"] == 'right')
	#indicesLeft = np.where(dm["handle_side"] == 'left')
	#dm["pxTowardsHandleCorrMask"][indicesRight] = \
	#dm["pxTowardsHandleCorrMask"][indicesLeft] = \
	#dm["degrTowardsHandleCorrMask"] = \

	# Convert landing positions to visual degrees:
	dm = dm.addField("endXDegr")
	#dm = dm.addField("endXCorrDegr")
	#dm = dm.addField("endXCorrMaskDegr")
	dm["endXDegr"] = dm["endX1"]/studies._004.constants.ratioPxDegr
	#dm["endXCorrDegr"] = dm["endXCorr"]/constants.ratioPxDegr
	#dm["endXCorrMaskDegr"] = dm["endXCorrMask"]/constants.ratioPxDegr

	# Convert starting position to visual degrees:
	dm = dm.addField("startX1Degr")
	dm["startX1Degr"] = dm["startX1"]/studies._004.constants.ratioPxDegr
	#dm = dm.addField("rtFromLanding")
	#dm['rtFromLanding'] = dm['rtFromStim']-dm['saccLandingTime1']
	if saccTooFast != None:
		dm = dm.select('saccLat1 > %s'%saccTooFast)
	if saccTooSlow != None:
		dm = dm.select('saccLat1 < %s'%saccTooSlow)

	if rtTooFast != None:
		dm = dm.select('%s > %s'%(rtVar,rtTooFast))
	if rtTooSlow != None:
		dm = dm.select('%s < %s'%(rtVar,rtTooSlow))
	if excludeErrors:
		dm = dm.select('accuracy == 1')
	return dm