def generate_matrix(q, number_processes = 35):
    field = Field(q)
    two_powers = [2 ** (q - i) for i in xrange(q + 1)]
    with Manager() as manager:
        A = manager.dict()  # where we store the row integers
        amount = lambda : len(A) # I use this to print out how many rows we have generated periodically
        def append(x):
            if x in A:
                return 0
            A[x] = True
            return 1
        #append = lambda x : A.__setitem__(x, True)
        is_new = lambda x : not A.__contains__(x)   # to avoid duplicate entries
        # we don't need the a = 0, b = q - 1 case because it requires setting the 0th column (0 * (q-1)) which has already been chosen
        a = q - 1
        # generate all the numerators quickly
        numerators = [[field.add(field.multiply(a, t), c) for t in field.trace()] for c in field]
        bs = range(q - 3) + [q - 1]   # all the b values we need
        _distribute(lambda bs : _make_and_start_process(bs, a, field, numerators, append, is_new, two_powers, amount), bs, number_processes)
        # start all the processes and then wait for them to finish
        # the keys of the dictionary represent the row integers for the problem
        return A.keys()
def get_original_matrix(q):
    f = Field(q)
    with Manager() as manager:
        A = manager.dict()
        Add = f.add
        Mult = f.multiply
        trace = f.trace()
        invarray = [f.inverse(i) for i in range(q)]
        two_powers = [2 ** (q - i) for i in xrange(q + 1)]
        tuples = [(0, q - 1)] + [(q - 1, b) for b in f]
        num_processes = 30
        _distribute(tuples, A, f, Add, Mult, trace, invarray, two_powers, q, num_processes)
        # Reduce and return A
        return A.keys()