def test_skybox(): # Test scene created without skybox scene = window.Scene() npt.assert_warns(UserWarning, scene.skybox) # Test removing automatically shown skybox test_tex = Texture() test_tex.CubeMapOn() checker_arr = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]], dtype=np.uint8) * 255 for i in range(6): vtk_img = ImageData() vtk_img.SetDimensions(2, 2, 1) img_arr = np.zeros((2, 2, 3), dtype=np.uint8) img_arr[:, :, i // 2] = checker_arr vtk_arr = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(img_arr.reshape((-1, 3), order='F')) vtk_arr.SetName('Image') img_point_data = vtk_img.GetPointData() img_point_data.AddArray(vtk_arr) img_point_data.SetActiveScalars('Image') test_tex.SetInputDataObject(i, vtk_img) scene = window.Scene(skybox=test_tex) report = window.analyze_scene(scene) npt.assert_equal(report.actors, 1) ss = window.snapshot(scene) npt.assert_array_equal(ss[75, 75, :], [0, 0, 255]) npt.assert_array_equal(ss[75, 225, :], [0, 0, 0]) scene.yaw(90) ss = window.snapshot(scene) npt.assert_array_equal(ss[75, 75, :], [255, 0, 0]) npt.assert_array_equal(ss[75, 225, :], [0, 0, 0]) scene.pitch(90) ss = window.snapshot(scene) npt.assert_array_equal(ss[75, 75, :], [0, 0, 0]) npt.assert_array_equal(ss[75, 225, :], [0, 255, 0]) # Test skybox is not added twice scene.skybox() report = window.analyze_scene(scene) npt.assert_equal(report.actors, 1) # Test make skybox invisible scene.skybox(visible=False) report = window.analyze_scene(scene) npt.assert_equal(report.actors, 0) ss = window.snapshot(scene) npt.assert_array_equal(ss[75, 75, :], [0, 0, 0]) scene.yaw(90) ss = window.snapshot(scene) npt.assert_array_equal(ss[75, 75, :], [0, 0, 0]) scene.pitch(90) ss = window.snapshot(scene) npt.assert_array_equal(ss[75, 225, :], [0, 0, 0]) # Test make skybox visible again scene.skybox(visible=True) report = window.analyze_scene(scene) npt.assert_equal(report.actors, 1)
def test_text_widget(): interactive = False scene = window.Scene() axes = actor.axes() window.add(scene, axes) scene.ResetCamera() show_manager = window.ShowManager(scene, size=(900, 900)) if interactive: show_manager.initialize() show_manager.render() fetch_viz_icons() button_png = read_viz_icons(fname='home3.png') def button_callback(obj, event): print('Button Pressed') button = widget.button(show_manager.iren, show_manager.scene, button_callback, button_png, (.8, 1.2), (100, 100)) global rulez rulez = True def text_callback(obj, event): global rulez print('Text selected') if rulez: obj.GetTextActor().SetInput("Diffusion Imaging Rulez!!") rulez = False else: obj.GetTextActor().SetInput("Diffusion Imaging in Python") rulez = True show_manager.render() text = widget.text(show_manager.iren, show_manager.scene, text_callback, message="Diffusion Imaging in Python", left_down_pos=(0., 0.), right_top_pos=(0.4, 0.05), opacity=1., border=False) if not interactive: button.Off() text.Off() pass if interactive: show_manager.render() show_manager.start() report = window.analyze_scene(scene) npt.assert_equal(report.actors, 3)
def test_peak_slicer(interactive=False): _peak_dirs = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]], dtype='f4') # peak_dirs.shape = (1, 1, 1) + peak_dirs.shape peak_dirs = np.zeros((11, 11, 11, 3, 3)) peak_values = np.random.rand(11, 11, 11, 3) peak_dirs[:, :, :] = _peak_dirs scene = window.Scene() peak_actor = actor.peak_slicer(peak_dirs) scene.add(peak_actor) scene.add(actor.axes((11, 11, 11))) if interactive: scene.clear() scene.add(peak_actor) scene.add(actor.axes((11, 11, 11))) for k in range(11): peak_actor.display_extent(0, 10, 0, 10, k, k) for j in range(11): peak_actor.display_extent(0, 10, j, j, 0, 10) for i in range(11): peak_actor.display(i, None, None) scene.rm_all() peak_actor = actor.peak_slicer( peak_dirs, peak_values, mask=None, affine=np.diag([3, 2, 1, 1]), colors=None, opacity=0.8, linewidth=3, lod=True, lod_points=10 ** 4, lod_points_size=3) scene.add(peak_actor) scene.add(actor.axes((11, 11, 11))) if interactive: report = window.analyze_scene(scene) ex = ['vtkLODActor', 'vtkOpenGLActor'] npt.assert_equal(report.actors_classnames, ex) # 6d data data_6d = (255 * np.random.rand(5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5)) npt.assert_raises(ValueError, actor.peak_slicer, data_6d, data_6d)
def test_scene(): scene = window.Scene() npt.assert_equal(scene.size(), (0, 0)) # background color for scene (1, 0.5, 0) # 0.001 added here to remove numerical errors when moving from float # to int values bg_float = (1, 0.501, 0) # that will come in the image in the 0-255 uint scale bg_color = tuple((np.round(255 * np.array(bg_float))).astype('uint8')) scene.background(bg_float) # arr = window.snapshot(scene) report = window.analyze_snapshot(arr, bg_color=bg_color, colors=[bg_color, (0, 127, 0)]) npt.assert_equal(report.objects, 0) npt.assert_equal(report.colors_found, [True, False]) axes = actor.axes() scene.add(axes) # arr = window.snapshot(scene) report = window.analyze_snapshot(arr, bg_color) npt.assert_equal(report.objects, 1) scene.rm(axes) arr = window.snapshot(scene) report = window.analyze_snapshot(arr, bg_color) npt.assert_equal(report.objects, 0) scene.add(axes) arr = window.snapshot(scene) report = window.analyze_snapshot(arr, bg_color) npt.assert_equal(report.objects, 1) scene.rm_all() arr = window.snapshot(scene) report = window.analyze_snapshot(arr, bg_color) npt.assert_equal(report.objects, 0) ren2 = window.Scene(bg_float) ren2.background((0, 0, 0.)) report = window.analyze_scene(ren2) npt.assert_equal(report.bg_color, (0, 0, 0)) ren2.add(axes) report = window.analyze_scene(ren2) npt.assert_equal(report.actors, 3) ren2.rm(axes) report = window.analyze_scene(ren2) npt.assert_equal(report.actors, 0) with captured_output() as (out, err): scene.camera_info() npt.assert_equal( out.getvalue().strip(), '# Active Camera\n ' 'Position (0.00, 0.00, 1.00)\n ' 'Focal Point (0.00, 0.00, 0.00)\n ' 'View Up (0.00, 1.00, 0.00)') npt.assert_equal(err.getvalue().strip(), '')
def test_bundle_maps(): scene = window.Scene() bundle = simulated_bundle(no_streamlines=10, waves=False) metric = 100 * np.ones((200, 200, 200)) # add lower values metric[100, :, :] = 100 * 0.5 # create a nice orange-red colormap lut = actor.colormap_lookup_table(scale_range=(0., 100.), hue_range=(0., 0.1), saturation_range=(1, 1), value_range=(1., 1)) line = actor.line(bundle, metric, linewidth=0.1, lookup_colormap=lut) scene.add(line) scene.add(actor.scalar_bar(lut, ' ')) report = window.analyze_scene(scene) npt.assert_almost_equal(report.actors, 1) # scene.clear() nb_points = np.sum([len(b) for b in bundle]) values = 100 * np.random.rand(nb_points) # values[:nb_points/2] = 0 line = actor.streamtube(bundle, values, linewidth=0.1, lookup_colormap=lut) scene.add(line) # report = window.analyze_scene(scene) npt.assert_equal(report.actors_classnames[0], 'vtkLODActor') scene.clear() colors = np.random.rand(nb_points, 3) # values[:nb_points/2] = 0 line = actor.line(bundle, colors, linewidth=2) scene.add(line) # report = window.analyze_scene(scene) npt.assert_equal(report.actors_classnames[0], 'vtkLODActor') # arr = window.snapshot(scene) report2 = window.analyze_snapshot(arr) npt.assert_equal(report2.objects, 1) # try other input options for colors scene.clear() actor.line(bundle, (1., 0.5, 0)) actor.line(bundle, np.arange(len(bundle))) actor.line(bundle) colors = [np.random.rand(*b.shape) for b in bundle] actor.line(bundle, colors=colors)
def test_odf_slicer(interactive=False): sphere = get_sphere('symmetric362') shape = (11, 11, 11, sphere.vertices.shape[0]) fid, fname = mkstemp(suffix='_odf_slicer.mmap') print(fid) print(fname) odfs = np.memmap(fname, dtype=np.float64, mode='w+', shape=shape) odfs[:] = 1 affine = np.eye(4) scene = window.Scene() mask = np.ones(odfs.shape[:3]) mask[:4, :4, :4] = 0 odfs[..., 0] = 1 odf_actor = actor.odf_slicer(odfs, affine, mask=mask, sphere=sphere, scale=.25, colormap='blues') fa = 0. * np.zeros(odfs.shape[:3]) fa[:, 0, :] = 1. fa[:, -1, :] = 1. fa[0, :, :] = 1. fa[-1, :, :] = 1. fa[5, 5, 5] = 1 k = 5 I, J, _ = odfs.shape[:3] fa_actor = actor.slicer(fa, affine) fa_actor.display_extent(0, I, 0, J, k, k) scene.add(odf_actor) scene.reset_camera() scene.reset_clipping_range() odf_actor.display_extent(0, I, 0, J, k, k) odf_actor.GetProperty().SetOpacity(1.0) if interactive:, reset_camera=False) arr = window.snapshot(scene) report = window.analyze_snapshot(arr, find_objects=True) npt.assert_equal(report.objects, 11 * 11) scene.clear() scene.add(fa_actor) scene.reset_camera() scene.reset_clipping_range() if interactive: mask[:] = 0 mask[5, 5, 5] = 1 fa[5, 5, 5] = 0 fa_actor = actor.slicer(fa, None) fa_actor.display(None, None, 5) odf_actor = actor.odf_slicer(odfs, None, mask=mask, sphere=sphere, scale=.25, colormap='blues', norm=False, global_cm=True) scene.clear() scene.add(fa_actor) scene.add(odf_actor) scene.reset_camera() scene.reset_clipping_range() if interactive: scene.clear() scene.add(odf_actor) scene.add(fa_actor) odfs[:, :, :] = 1 mask = np.ones(odfs.shape[:3]) odf_actor = actor.odf_slicer(odfs, None, mask=mask, sphere=sphere, scale=.25, colormap='blues', norm=False, global_cm=True) scene.clear() scene.add(odf_actor) scene.add(fa_actor) scene.add(actor.axes((11, 11, 11))) for i in range(11): odf_actor.display(i, None, None) fa_actor.display(i, None, None) if interactive: for j in range(11): odf_actor.display(None, j, None) fa_actor.display(None, j, None) if interactive: # with mask equal to zero everything should be black mask = np.zeros(odfs.shape[:3]) odf_actor = actor.odf_slicer(odfs, None, mask=mask, sphere=sphere, scale=.25, colormap='blues', norm=False, global_cm=True) scene.clear() scene.add(odf_actor) scene.reset_camera() scene.reset_clipping_range() if interactive: npt.assert_raises(IOError, actor.odf_slicer, odfs, None, mask=None, sphere=sphere, scale=.25, colormap=None, norm=False, global_cm=True) # colormap=None and global_cm=False results in directionally encoded colors scene.clear() scene.add(odf_actor) scene.add(fa_actor) odfs[:, :, :] = 1 odf_actor = actor.odf_slicer(odfs, None, mask=None, sphere=sphere, scale=.25, colormap=None, norm=False, global_cm=False) report = window.analyze_scene(scene) npt.assert_equal(report.actors, 1) npt.assert_equal(report.actors_classnames[0], 'vtkLODActor') del odf_actor odfs._mmap.close() del odfs os.close(fid) os.remove(fname)
def test_scene(): scene = window.Scene() # Scene size test npt.assert_equal(scene.size(), (0, 0)) # Color background test # Background color for scene (1, 0.5, 0). 0.001 added here to remove # numerical errors when moving from float to int values bg_float = (1, 0.501, 0) # That will come in the image in the 0-255 uint scale bg_color = tuple((np.round(255 * np.array(bg_float))).astype('uint8')) scene.background(bg_float) arr = window.snapshot(scene) report = window.analyze_snapshot(arr, bg_color=bg_color, colors=[bg_color, (0, 127, 0)]) npt.assert_equal(report.objects, 0) npt.assert_equal(report.colors_found, [True, False]) # Add actor to scene to test the remove actor function by analyzing a # snapshot axes = actor.axes() scene.add(axes) arr = window.snapshot(scene) report = window.analyze_snapshot(arr, bg_color) npt.assert_equal(report.objects, 1) # Test remove actor function by analyzing a snapshot scene.rm(axes) arr = window.snapshot(scene) report = window.analyze_snapshot(arr, bg_color) npt.assert_equal(report.objects, 0) # Add actor to scene to test the remove all actors function by analyzing a # snapshot scene.add(axes) arr = window.snapshot(scene) report = window.analyze_snapshot(arr, bg_color) npt.assert_equal(report.objects, 1) # Test remove all actors function by analyzing a snapshot scene.rm_all() arr = window.snapshot(scene) report = window.analyze_snapshot(arr, bg_color) npt.assert_equal(report.objects, 0) # Test change background color from scene by analyzing the scene ren2 = window.Scene(bg_float) ren2.background((0, 0, 0.)) report = window.analyze_scene(ren2) npt.assert_equal(report.bg_color, (0, 0, 0)) # Add actor to scene to test the remove actor function by analyzing the # scene ren2.add(axes) report = window.analyze_scene(ren2) npt.assert_equal(report.actors, 1) # Test remove actor function by analyzing the scene ren2.rm(axes) report = window.analyze_scene(ren2) npt.assert_equal(report.actors, 0) # Test camera information retrieving with captured_output() as (out, err): scene.camera_info() npt.assert_equal(out.getvalue().strip(), '# Active Camera\n ' 'Position (0.00, 0.00, 1.00)\n ' 'Focal Point (0.00, 0.00, 0.00)\n ' 'View Up (0.00, 1.00, 0.00)') npt.assert_equal(err.getvalue().strip(), '') # Test skybox scene = window.Scene() npt.assert_equal(scene.GetUseImageBasedLighting(), False) npt.assert_equal(scene.GetAutomaticLightCreation(), 1) npt.assert_equal(scene.GetSphericalHarmonics(), None) npt.assert_equal(scene.GetEnvironmentTexture(), None) test_tex = Texture() scene = window.Scene(skybox=test_tex) npt.assert_equal(scene.GetUseImageBasedLighting(), True) npt.assert_equal(scene.GetAutomaticLightCreation(), 0) npt.assert_equal(scene.GetSphericalHarmonics(), None) npt.assert_equal(scene.GetEnvironmentTexture(), test_tex) # Test automatically shown skybox test_tex = Texture() test_tex.CubeMapOn() checker_arr = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]], dtype=np.uint8) * 255 for i in range(6): vtk_img = ImageData() vtk_img.SetDimensions(2, 2, 1) img_arr = np.zeros((2, 2, 3), dtype=np.uint8) img_arr[:, :, i // 2] = checker_arr vtk_arr = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(img_arr.reshape((-1, 3), order='F')) vtk_arr.SetName('Image') img_point_data = vtk_img.GetPointData() img_point_data.AddArray(vtk_arr) img_point_data.SetActiveScalars('Image') test_tex.SetInputDataObject(i, vtk_img) scene = window.Scene(skybox=test_tex) report = window.analyze_scene(scene) npt.assert_equal(report.actors, 1) ss = window.snapshot(scene) npt.assert_array_equal(ss[75, 75, :], [0, 0, 255]) npt.assert_array_equal(ss[75, 225, :], [0, 0, 0]) scene.yaw(90) ss = window.snapshot(scene) npt.assert_array_equal(ss[75, 75, :], [255, 0, 0]) npt.assert_array_equal(ss[75, 225, :], [0, 0, 0]) scene.pitch(90) ss = window.snapshot(scene) npt.assert_array_equal(ss[75, 75, :], [0, 0, 0]) npt.assert_array_equal(ss[75, 225, :], [0, 255, 0])
def test_button_and_slider_widgets(): recording = False filename = "test_button_and_slider_widgets.log.gz" recording_filename = pjoin(DATA_DIR, filename) scene = window.Scene() # create some minimalistic streamlines lines = [ np.array([[-1, 0, 0.], [1, 0, 0.]]), np.array([[-1, 1, 0.], [1, 1, 0.]]) ] colors = np.array([[1., 0., 0.], [0.3, 0.7, 0.]]) stream_actor = actor.streamtube(lines, colors) states = { 'camera_button_count': 0, 'plus_button_count': 0, 'minus_button_count': 0, 'slider_moved_count': 0, } scene.add(stream_actor) # the show manager allows to break the rendering process # in steps so that the widgets can be added properly show_manager = window.ShowManager(scene, size=(800, 800)) if recording: show_manager.initialize() show_manager.render() def button_callback(obj, event): # print('Camera pressed') states['camera_button_count'] += 1 def button_plus_callback(obj, event): # print('+ pressed') states['plus_button_count'] += 1 def button_minus_callback(obj, event): # print('- pressed') states['minus_button_count'] += 1 fetch_viz_icons() button_png = read_viz_icons(fname='camera.png') button = widget.button(show_manager.iren, show_manager.scene, button_callback, button_png, (.98, 1.), (80, 50)) button_png_plus = read_viz_icons(fname='plus.png') button_plus = widget.button(show_manager.iren, show_manager.scene, button_plus_callback, button_png_plus, (.98, .9), (120, 50)) button_png_minus = read_viz_icons(fname='minus.png') button_minus = widget.button(show_manager.iren, show_manager.scene, button_minus_callback, button_png_minus, (.98, .9), (50, 50)) def print_status(obj, event): rep = obj.GetRepresentation() stream_actor.SetPosition((rep.GetValue(), 0, 0)) states['slider_moved_count'] += 1 slider = widget.slider(show_manager.iren, show_manager.scene, callback=print_status, min_value=-1, max_value=1, value=0., label="X", right_normalized_pos=(.98, 0.6), size=(120, 0), label_format="%0.2lf") # This callback is used to update the buttons/sliders' position # so they can stay on the right side of the window when the window # is being resized. global size size = scene.GetSize() if recording: show_manager.record_events_to_file(recording_filename) print(states) else: show_manager.play_events_from_file(recording_filename) npt.assert_equal(states["camera_button_count"], 7) npt.assert_equal(states["plus_button_count"], 3) npt.assert_equal(states["minus_button_count"], 4) npt.assert_equal(states["slider_moved_count"], 116) if not recording: button.Off() slider.Off() # Uncomment below to test the slider and button with analyze # # report = window.analyze_scene(scene) # import pylab as plt # plt.imshow(report.labels, origin='lower') # npt.assert_equal(report.actors, 1) report = window.analyze_scene(scene) npt.assert_equal(report.actors, 1)