Example #1
def test_wall_step():
    '''tests normal operation of Wall step method. Player postion should be set to what it was before the last move.'''
    game = Game.__new__(Game)
    game.player = Player.__new__(Player)
    game.player.col = 1
    game.player.row = 1
    game.temp_move = 's'
    assert game.player.col == 1, 'Failed Wall step: player col attribute should not change'
    assert game.player.row == 0, 'Failed Wall step: player row attribute should not change'
Example #2
def test_teleport_step():
    '''tests normal operation of End step method. Player position should be set to corresponding teleporter, last move should be recorded.'''
    game = Game.__new__(Game)
    game.cells = read_lines('board_cells_test.txt')
    game.cells[1][1] = Teleport('8')
    game.cells[1][3] = Teleport('8')
    game.moves = []
    game.move_count = 0
    game.temp_move = 'a'
    game.player = Player.__new__(Player)
    game.player.col = 1
    game.player.row = 1
    assert game.player.col == 3, 'Failed Teleport step: incorrect player col attribute'
    assert game.player.row == 1, 'Failed Teleport step: incorrect player row attribute'
    assert game.move_count == 1, 'Failed Teleport step: Last move should be recorded'
    assert game.moves == [
    ], 'Failed Teleport step: Last move should be recorded'
Example #3
def test_water_step():
    '''tests normal operation of Water step method. Player water buckets should increase, cell should change to Air, last move should be recorded.'''
    game = Game.__new__(Game)
    game.cells = read_lines('board_cells_test.txt')
    game.cells[1][1] = Water()
    game.moves = []
    game.move_count = 0
    game.temp_move = 's'
    game.player = Player.__new__(Player)
    game.player.num_water_buckets = 0
    game.player.col = 1
    game.player.row = 1
    assert game.player.num_water_buckets == 1, 'Failed Water step: player num_water_buckets attribute should increase'
    assert type(
    ) == Air, 'Failed Water step: Water cell should be replaced with Air cell'
    assert game.moves == ['s'
                          ], 'Failed Water step: Last move should be recorded'
    assert game.move_count == 1, 'Failed Water step: Last move should be recorded'
Example #4
def test_fire_step():
    '''tests normal operation of Fire step method. Player water buckets should decrease, cell should change to Air, last move should be recorded.'''
    game = Game.__new__(Game)
    game.cells = read_lines('board_cells_test.txt')
    game.cells[1][1] = Fire()
    game.state = 'running'
    game.moves = []
    game.move_count = 0
    game.temp_move = 's'
    game.player = Player.__new__(Player)
    game.player.num_water_buckets = 1
    game.player.col = 1
    game.player.row = 1
    assert game.player.num_water_buckets == 0, 'Failed Fire step: player num_water_buckets should be decreased'
    assert type(
    ) == Air, 'Failed Fire step: Fire cell should be replaced with Air cell'
    assert game.moves == ['s'
                          ], 'Failed Fire step: Last move should be recorded'
    assert game.move_count == 1, 'Failed Fire step: Last move should be recorded'
    assert game.state == 'running', 'Failed Fire step: game state should be "running"'
Example #5
def test_fire_lose_step():
    '''tests normal operation of fire step method with no water buckets. Game state should set to 'lose', last move should be recorded.'''
    game = Game.__new__(Game)
    game.cells = read_lines('board_cells_test.txt')
    game.cells[1][1] = Fire()
    game.state = 'running'
    game.moves = []
    game.move_count = 0
    game.temp_move = 's'
    game.player = Player.__new__(Player)
    game.player.num_water_buckets = 0
    game.player.col = 1
    game.player.row = 1
    assert game.player.num_water_buckets == 0, 'Failed Fire lose step: player num_water_buckets should not change'
    assert type(
        [1]) == Fire, 'Failed Fire lose step: cell should remain as Fire cell'
    assert game.moves == [
    ], 'Failed Fire lose step: Last move should be recorded'
    assert game.move_count == 1, 'Failed Fire  lose step: Last move should be recorded'
    assert game.state == 'lose', 'Failed Fire lose step: game state should be "lose"'