def makeCaTable(settings):

  # Number of samples per code period
  samplesPerCode = int(round(settings.samplingFreq / (settings.codeFreqBasis / settings.codeLength)))
  #Find time constants
  ts = 1/settings.samplingFreq
  tc = 1/settings.codeFreqBasis
  #Make array of code value indexes to sample code up to our sampling frequency
  codeValueIndex = np.array([int(math.ceil(ts*i/tc)-1) for i in range(1,samplesPerCode+1)])
  codeValueIndex[len(codeValueIndex)-1] = 1022
  #Upsample each PRN and return as a 32 x len(codeValueIndex) list
  caCodesTable = [[0 for i in range(0,1023)] for j in range(0,32)]
  for PRN in range(0,32):
    caCode = generateCAcode(PRN)
    caCodesTable[PRN] = [caCode[i] for i in codeValueIndex]

  return caCodesTable
Example #2
def makeCaTable(settings):

    # Number of samples per code period
    samplesPerCode = int(
        round(settings.samplingFreq /
              (settings.codeFreqBasis / settings.codeLength)))

    #Find time constants
    ts = 1 / settings.samplingFreq
    tc = 1 / settings.codeFreqBasis

    #Make array of code value indexes to sample code up to our sampling frequency
    codeValueIndex = np.array([
        int(math.ceil(ts * i / tc) - 1) for i in range(1, samplesPerCode + 1)
    codeValueIndex[len(codeValueIndex) - 1] = 1022

    #Upsample each PRN and return as a 32 x len(codeValueIndex) list
    caCodesTable = [[0 for i in range(0, 1023)] for j in range(0, 32)]
    for PRN in range(0, 32):
        caCode = generateCAcode(PRN)
        caCodesTable[PRN] = [caCode[i] for i in codeValueIndex]

    return caCodesTable
Example #3
def track(samples, channel, settings):
  #Create list of tracking channels results (correlations, freqs, etc)
  trackResults = [trackResults_class(settings) for i in range(len(channel))]
  #Initialize tracking variables
  codePeriods = settings.msToProcess
  ##DLL Variables##
  #Define early-late offset
  earlyLateSpc = settings.dllCorrelatorSpacing
  #Summation interval
  PDIcode = 0.001
  #Filter coefficient values
  (tau1code, tau2code) = calcLoopCoef(settings.dllNoiseBandwidth,settings.dllDampingRatio,1.0)
  ##PLL Variables##
  PDIcarr = 0.001
  (tau1carr,tau2carr) = calcLoopCoef(settings.pllNoiseBandwidth,settings.pllDampingRatio,0.25)

  progbar = Waitbar(True)
  #Do tracking for each channel
  for channelNr in range(len(channel)):
    trackResults[channelNr].PRN = channel[channelNr].PRN
    #Get a vector with the C/A code sampled 1x/chip
    caCode = np.array(generateCAcode(channel[channelNr].PRN))
    #Add wrapping to either end to be able to do early/late
    caCode = np.concatenate(([caCode[1022]],caCode,[caCode[0]]))
    #Initialize phases and frequencies
    codeFreq = settings.codeFreqBasis
    remCodePhase = 0.0 #residual code phase
    carrFreq = channel[channelNr].acquiredFreq
    carrFreqBasis = channel[channelNr].acquiredFreq
    remCarrPhase = 0.0 #residual carrier phase
    #code tracking loop parameters
    oldCodeNco = 0.0
    oldCodeError = 0.0
    #carrier/Costas loop parameters
    oldCarrNco = 0.0
    oldCarrError = 0.0

    #number of samples to seek ahead in file
    numSamplesToSkip = settings.skipNumberOfBytes + channel[channelNr].codePhase
    #Process the specified number of ms
    for loopCnt in range(settings.msToProcess):
      #Update progress every 50 loops
      if (np.remainder(loopCnt,50)==0):
        progbar.updated(float(loopCnt + channelNr*settings.msToProcess)\
                        / float(len(channel)*settings.msToProcess))
#        print "Channel %d/%d, %d/%d ms" % (channelNr+1,len(channel),loopCnt, settings.msToProcess)
      #Update the code phase rate based on code freq and sampling freq
      codePhaseStep = codeFreq/settings.samplingFreq
      codePhaseStep = codePhaseStep*(10**12) #round it in the same way we are in octave
      codePhaseStep = round(codePhaseStep)
      codePhaseStep = codePhaseStep*(10**(-12))
      blksize = int(np.ceil((settings.codeLength - remCodePhase)/codePhaseStep))
      #Read samples for this integration period
      rawSignal = np.array(getSamples.int8(settings.fileName,blksize,numSamplesToSkip))

      numSamplesToSkip = numSamplesToSkip + blksize

      #Define index into early code vector
      tcode = np.r_[(remCodePhase-earlyLateSpc) : \
                    (blksize*codePhaseStep+remCodePhase-earlyLateSpc) : \
      earlyCode = caCode[np.int_(np.ceil(tcode))]
      #Define index into late code vector
      tcode = np.r_[(remCodePhase+earlyLateSpc) : \
                    (blksize*codePhaseStep+remCodePhase+earlyLateSpc) : \
      lateCode = caCode[np.int_(np.ceil(tcode))]
      #Define index into prompt code vector
      tcode = np.r_[(remCodePhase) : \
                    (blksize*codePhaseStep+remCodePhase) : \
      promptCode = caCode[np.int_(np.ceil(tcode))]
      remCodePhase = (tcode[blksize-1] + codePhaseStep) - 1023
      #Generate the carrier frequency to mix the signal to baseband
      time = np.r_[0:blksize+1] / settings.samplingFreq #(seconds)
      #Get the argument to sin/cos functions
      trigarg = (carrFreq * 2.0 * math.pi)*time + remCarrPhase
      remCarrPhase = np.remainder(trigarg[blksize],(2*math.pi))

      #Finally compute the signal to mix the collected data to baseband
      carrCos = np.cos(trigarg[0:blksize])
      carrSin = np.sin(trigarg[0:blksize])
      #Mix signals to baseband
      qBasebandSignal = carrCos*rawSignal
      iBasebandSignal = carrSin*rawSignal

      #Get early, prompt, and late I/Q correlations
      I_E = np.sum(earlyCode * iBasebandSignal)
      Q_E = np.sum(earlyCode * qBasebandSignal)
      I_P = np.sum(promptCode * iBasebandSignal)
      Q_P = np.sum(promptCode * qBasebandSignal)
      I_L = np.sum(lateCode * iBasebandSignal)
      Q_L = np.sum(lateCode * qBasebandSignal)

      #Find PLL error and update carrier NCO
      #Carrier loop discriminator (phase detector)
      carrError = math.atan(Q_P/I_P) / (2.0 * math.pi)
      #Carrier loop filter and NCO
      carrNco = oldCarrNco + (tau2carr/tau1carr) * \
                 (carrError-oldCarrError) + carrError*(PDIcarr/tau1carr)
      oldCarrNco = carrNco
      oldCarrError = carrError
      #Modify carrier freq based on NCO
      carrFreq = carrFreqBasis + carrNco
      trackResults[channelNr].carrFreq[loopCnt] = carrFreq

      #Find DLL error and update code NCO
      codeError = (math.sqrt(I_E*I_E + Q_E*Q_E) - math.sqrt(I_L*I_L + Q_L*Q_L)) / \
                   (math.sqrt(I_E*I_E + Q_E*Q_E) + math.sqrt(I_L*I_L + Q_L*Q_L))
      codeNco = oldCodeNco + (tau2code/tau1code)*(codeError-oldCodeError) \
                   + codeError*(PDIcode/tau1code)
      oldCodeNco = codeNco
      oldCodeError = codeError
      #Code freq based on NCO
      codeFreq = settings.codeFreqBasis - codeNco
      trackResults[channelNr].codeFreq[loopCnt] = codeFreq

      #Record stuff for postprocessing
      trackResults[channelNr].absoluteSample[loopCnt] = numSamplesToSkip

      trackResults[channelNr].dllDiscr[loopCnt] = codeError
      trackResults[channelNr].dllDiscrFilt[loopCnt] = codeNco
      trackResults[channelNr].pllDiscr[loopCnt] = carrError
      trackResults[channelNr].pllDiscrFilt[loopCnt] = carrNco

      trackResults[channelNr].I_E[loopCnt] = I_E
      trackResults[channelNr].I_P[loopCnt] = I_P
      trackResults[channelNr].I_L[loopCnt] = I_L
      trackResults[channelNr].Q_E[loopCnt] = Q_E
      trackResults[channelNr].Q_P[loopCnt] = Q_P
      trackResults[channelNr].Q_L[loopCnt] = Q_L

#      print ("tR[%d].absoluteSample[%d] = %d" % (channelNr,loopCnt,trackResults[channelNr].absoluteSample[loopCnt]))
#      print ("tR[%d].dllDiscr[%d]       = %f" % (channelNr,loopCnt,trackResults[channelNr].dllDiscr[loopCnt]))
#      print ("tR[%d].dllDiscrFilt[%d]   = %f" % (channelNr,loopCnt,trackResults[channelNr].dllDiscrFilt[loopCnt]))
#      print ("tR[%d].codeFreq[%d]       = %f" % (channelNr,loopCnt,trackResults[channelNr].codeFreq[loopCnt]))
#      print ("tR[%d].pllDiscr[%d]       = %f" % (channelNr,loopCnt,trackResults[channelNr].pllDiscr[loopCnt]))
#      print ("tR[%d].pllDiscrFilt[%d]   = %f" % (channelNr,loopCnt,trackResults[channelNr].pllDiscrFilt[loopCnt]))
#      print ("tR[%d].carrFreq[%d]       = %f" % (channelNr,loopCnt,trackResults[channelNr].carrFreq[loopCnt]))
#      print ("tR[%d].I_E[%d] = %f" % (channelNr,loopCnt,trackResults[channelNr].I_E[loopCnt]))
#      print ("tR[%d].I_P[%d] = %f" % (channelNr,loopCnt,trackResults[channelNr].I_P[loopCnt]))
#      print ("tR[%d].I_L[%d] = %f" % (channelNr,loopCnt,trackResults[channelNr].I_L[loopCnt]))
#      print ("tR[%d].Q_E[%d] = %f" % (channelNr,loopCnt,trackResults[channelNr].Q_E[loopCnt]))
#      print ("tR[%d].Q_P[%d] = %f" % (channelNr,loopCnt,trackResults[channelNr].Q_P[loopCnt]))
#      print ("tR[%d].Q_L[%d] = %f" % (channelNr,loopCnt,trackResults[channelNr].Q_L[loopCnt]))
#      print ""

    #Possibility for lock-detection later
    trackResults[channelNr].status = 'T'

  print ""

  return (trackResults,channel)
def acquisition(longSignal,settings):
  # Number of samples per code period
  samplesPerCode = int(round(settings.samplingFreq / (settings.codeFreqBasis / settings.codeLength)))
  # Create two 1msec vectors of data to correlate with and one with zero DC
  signal1 = np.array(longSignal[0:samplesPerCode])
  signal2 = np.array(longSignal[samplesPerCode:2*samplesPerCode])
  signal0DC = np.array(longSignal - np.mean(longSignal))
  # Find sampling period
  ts = 1/settings.samplingFreq
  # Find phases for the local carrier
  phasePoints = np.array([2*math.pi*i*ts for i in range(0,samplesPerCode)])
  # Number of frequency bins for the given acquisition band (500 Hz steps)
  numberOfFrqBins = int(math.floor(settings.acqSearchBand*1e3/500 + 1))
  # Generate all C/A codes and sample them according to the sampling freq
  caCodesTable = np.array(makeCaTable(settings))
  # Initialize arrays
  results = np.zeros((numberOfFrqBins, samplesPerCode))
  # Carrier frequencies of the frequency bins
  frqBins = np.zeros((numberOfFrqBins))
  # Initialize acqResults
  acqResults = [[0.0,0.0,0.0] for i in range(32)]
  print "(",
  for PRN in settings.acqSatelliteList:
    caCodeFreqDom = np.conj(np.fft.fft(caCodesTable[PRN]))
    for frqBinIndex in range(numberOfFrqBins):
      #--- Generate carrier wave frequency grid (0.5kHz step) -----------
      frqBins[frqBinIndex] = settings.IF \
                             - settings.acqSearchBand/2*1000 \
                             + 0.5e3*frqBinIndex
      #--- Generate local sine and cosine -------------------------------
      sinCarr = np.sin(frqBins[frqBinIndex]*phasePoints)
      cosCarr = np.cos(frqBins[frqBinIndex]*phasePoints)
      #--- "Remove carrier" from the signal -----------------------------
      I1 = sinCarr*signal1
      Q1 = cosCarr*signal1
      I2 = sinCarr*signal2
      Q2 = cosCarr*signal2
      #--- Convert the baseband signal to frequency domain --------------
      IQfreqDom1 = np.fft.fft(I1 + 1j*Q1);
      IQfreqDom2 = np.fft.fft(I2 + 1j*Q2);
      #--- Multiplication in frequency <--> correlation in time ---------
      convCodeIQ1 = IQfreqDom1*caCodeFreqDom
      convCodeIQ2 = IQfreqDom2*caCodeFreqDom
      #--- Perform IFFT and store correlation results -------------------
      acqRes1 = abs(np.fft.ifft(convCodeIQ1))**2
      acqRes2 = abs(np.fft.ifft(convCodeIQ2))**2
      #--- Check which msec had the greater power and save that, wil
      #blend 1st and 2nd msec but corrects for nav bit
      if (max(acqRes1) > max(acqRes1)):
        results[frqBinIndex] = acqRes1
        results[frqBinIndex] = acqRes2
    #--- Find the correlation peak and the carrier frequency ----------
    peakSize = 0 
    for i in range(len(results)):
      if (max(results[i]) > peakSize):
        peakSize = max(results[i])
        frequencyBinIndex = i
    #--- Find the code phase of the same correlation peak -------------
    peakSize = 0
    for i in range(len(results.T)):
      if (max(results.T[i]) > peakSize):
        peakSize = max(results.T[i])
        codePhase = i
    #--- Find 1 chip wide C/A code phase exclude range around the peak
    samplesPerCodeChip = int(round(settings.samplingFreq \
                                   / settings.codeFreqBasis))
    excludeRangeIndex1 = codePhase - samplesPerCodeChip
    excludeRangeIndex2 = codePhase + samplesPerCodeChip
    #--- Correct C/A code phase exclude range if the range includes
    #--- array boundaries
    if (excludeRangeIndex1 < 1):
      codePhaseRange = range(excludeRangeIndex2,samplesPerCode+excludeRangeIndex1+1)
    elif (excludeRangeIndex2 >= (samplesPerCode-1)):
      codePhaseRange = range(excludeRangeIndex2-samplesPerCode,excludeRangeIndex1+1)
      codePhaseRange = np.concatenate((range(0,excludeRangeIndex1+1),\
    #Find the second highest correlation peak in the same freq bin
    secondPeakSize = 0
    for i in codePhaseRange:
      if (secondPeakSize < results[frequencyBinIndex][i]):
        secondPeakSize = results[frequencyBinIndex][i]
    #Store result
    acqResults[PRN][0] = peakSize/secondPeakSize
    #If the result is above the threshold, then we have acquired the satellite 
    if (acqResults[PRN][0] > settings.acqThreshold):
      #Fine resolution frequency search
      print (PRN+1),
      #Generate 8msc long C/A codes sequence for given PRN
      caCode = generateCAcode(PRN)
      codeValueIndex = np.array([int(math.floor(ts*i*settings.codeFreqBasis)) for i in \
      longCaCode = np.array([caCode[i] for i in np.remainder(codeValueIndex,1023)])
      #Remove CA code modulation from the original signal
      xCarrier = np.array([signal0DC[codePhase+i]*longCaCode[i] for i in range(0,8*samplesPerCode)])
      #Find next highest power of 2 and increase by 8x
      fftNumPts = 8*(2**int(math.ceil(math.log(len(xCarrier),2))))
      #Compute the magnitude of the FFT, find the maximum, and the associated carrrier frequency
      #for some reason the output of this fft is different than Octave's, but they seem to 
      #preeeeetty much reach the same conclusion for the best carrier frequency
      fftxc = np.abs(np.fft.fft(xCarrier,n=fftNumPts))
      uniqFftPts = int(math.ceil((fftNumPts+1)/2))
      fftMax = 0
      for i in range(4,uniqFftPts-5):
        if (fftMax < fftxc[i]):
          fftMax = fftxc[i]
          fftMaxIndex = i
      fftFreqBins = np.array([i*settings.samplingFreq/fftNumPts for i in range(uniqFftPts)])
      #Save properties of the detected satellite signal
#      acqResults[PRN].carrFreq = fftFreqBins[fftMaxIndex]
#      acqResults[PRN].codePhase = codePhase
      acqResults[PRN][1] = fftFreqBins[fftMaxIndex]
      acqResults[PRN][2] = codePhase
    #If the result is NOT above the threshold, we haven't acquired the satellite
      print ".",
    for i in range(32): #Add PRN number to each result
  #Acquisition is over 
  print ")"
  return acqResults
Example #5
def acquisition(longSignal, settings):
    # Number of samples per code period
    samplesPerCode = int(
        round(settings.samplingFreq /
              (settings.codeFreqBasis / settings.codeLength)))
    # Create two 1msec vectors of data to correlate with and one with zero DC
    signal1 = np.array(longSignal[0:samplesPerCode])
    signal2 = np.array(longSignal[samplesPerCode:2 * samplesPerCode])
    signal0DC = np.array(longSignal - np.mean(longSignal))
    # Find sampling period
    ts = 1 / settings.samplingFreq
    # Find phases for the local carrier
    phasePoints = np.array(
        [2 * math.pi * i * ts for i in range(0, samplesPerCode)])
    # Number of frequency bins for the given acquisition band (500 Hz steps)
    numberOfFrqBins = int(math.floor(settings.acqSearchBand * 1e3 / 500 + 1))
    # Generate all C/A codes and sample them according to the sampling freq
    caCodesTable = np.array(makeCaTable(settings))
    # Initialize arrays
    results = np.zeros((numberOfFrqBins, samplesPerCode))
    # Carrier frequencies of the frequency bins
    frqBins = np.zeros((numberOfFrqBins))
    # Initialize acqResults
    acqResults = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0] for i in range(32)]
    print "(",
    for PRN in settings.acqSatelliteList:
        caCodeFreqDom = np.conj(np.fft.fft(caCodesTable[PRN]))
        for frqBinIndex in range(numberOfFrqBins):
            #--- Generate carrier wave frequency grid (0.5kHz step) -----------
            frqBins[frqBinIndex] = settings.IF \
                                   - settings.acqSearchBand/2*1000 \
                                   + 0.5e3*frqBinIndex
            #--- Generate local sine and cosine -------------------------------
            sinCarr = np.sin(frqBins[frqBinIndex] * phasePoints)
            cosCarr = np.cos(frqBins[frqBinIndex] * phasePoints)
            #--- "Remove carrier" from the signal -----------------------------
            I1 = sinCarr * signal1
            Q1 = cosCarr * signal1
            I2 = sinCarr * signal2
            Q2 = cosCarr * signal2
            #--- Convert the baseband signal to frequency domain --------------
            IQfreqDom1 = np.fft.fft(I1 + 1j * Q1)
            IQfreqDom2 = np.fft.fft(I2 + 1j * Q2)
            #--- Multiplication in frequency <--> correlation in time ---------
            convCodeIQ1 = IQfreqDom1 * caCodeFreqDom
            convCodeIQ2 = IQfreqDom2 * caCodeFreqDom
            #--- Perform IFFT and store correlation results -------------------
            acqRes1 = abs(np.fft.ifft(convCodeIQ1))**2
            acqRes2 = abs(np.fft.ifft(convCodeIQ2))**2
            #--- Check which msec had the greater power and save that, wil
            #blend 1st and 2nd msec but corrects for nav bit
            if (max(acqRes1) > max(acqRes1)):
                results[frqBinIndex] = acqRes1
                results[frqBinIndex] = acqRes2
        #--- Find the correlation peak and the carrier frequency ----------
        peakSize = 0
        for i in range(len(results)):
            if (max(results[i]) > peakSize):
                peakSize = max(results[i])
                frequencyBinIndex = i
        #--- Find the code phase of the same correlation peak -------------
        peakSize = 0
        for i in range(len(results.T)):
            if (max(results.T[i]) > peakSize):
                peakSize = max(results.T[i])
                codePhase = i
        #--- Find 1 chip wide C/A code phase exclude range around the peak
        samplesPerCodeChip = int(round(settings.samplingFreq \
                                       / settings.codeFreqBasis))
        excludeRangeIndex1 = codePhase - samplesPerCodeChip
        excludeRangeIndex2 = codePhase + samplesPerCodeChip
        #--- Correct C/A code phase exclude range if the range includes
        #--- array boundaries
        if (excludeRangeIndex1 < 1):
            codePhaseRange = range(excludeRangeIndex2,
                                   samplesPerCode + excludeRangeIndex1 + 1)
        elif (excludeRangeIndex2 >= (samplesPerCode - 1)):
            codePhaseRange = range(excludeRangeIndex2 - samplesPerCode,
                                   excludeRangeIndex1 + 1)
            codePhaseRange = np.concatenate((range(0,excludeRangeIndex1+1),\
        #Find the second highest correlation peak in the same freq bin
        secondPeakSize = 0
        for i in codePhaseRange:
            if (secondPeakSize < results[frequencyBinIndex][i]):
                secondPeakSize = results[frequencyBinIndex][i]
        #Store result
        acqResults[PRN][0] = peakSize / secondPeakSize
        #If the result is above the threshold, then we have acquired the satellite
        if (acqResults[PRN][0] > settings.acqThreshold):
            #Fine resolution frequency search
            print(PRN + 1),
            #Generate 8msc long C/A codes sequence for given PRN
            caCode = generateCAcode(PRN)
            codeValueIndex = np.array([int(math.floor(ts*i*settings.codeFreqBasis)) for i in \
            longCaCode = np.array(
                [caCode[i] for i in np.remainder(codeValueIndex, 1023)])
            #Remove CA code modulation from the original signal
            xCarrier = np.array([
                signal0DC[codePhase + i] * longCaCode[i]
                for i in range(0, 8 * samplesPerCode)
            #Find next highest power of 2 and increase by 8x
            fftNumPts = 8 * (2**int(math.ceil(math.log(len(xCarrier), 2))))
            #Compute the magnitude of the FFT, find the maximum, and the associated carrrier frequency
            #for some reason the output of this fft is different than Octave's, but they seem to
            #preeeeetty much reach the same conclusion for the best carrier frequency
            fftxc = np.abs(np.fft.fft(xCarrier, n=fftNumPts))
            uniqFftPts = int(math.ceil((fftNumPts + 1) / 2))
            fftMax = 0
            for i in range(4, uniqFftPts - 5):
                if (fftMax < fftxc[i]):
                    fftMax = fftxc[i]
                    fftMaxIndex = i
            fftFreqBins = np.array([
                i * settings.samplingFreq / fftNumPts
                for i in range(uniqFftPts)
            #Save properties of the detected satellite signal
            #      acqResults[PRN].carrFreq = fftFreqBins[fftMaxIndex]
            #      acqResults[PRN].codePhase = codePhase
            acqResults[PRN][1] = fftFreqBins[fftMaxIndex]
            acqResults[PRN][2] = codePhase
        #If the result is NOT above the threshold, we haven't acquired the satellite
            print ".",
        for i in range(32):  #Add PRN number to each result
    #Acquisition is over
    print ")"
    return acqResults