Example #1
def test_compute_full_text():
    from genmsg import MsgContext, compute_full_text, load_msg_by_type, load_depends
    msg_context = MsgContext.create_default()

    search_path = get_search_path()
    # regression test against values used for cturtle-electric
    spec = load_msg_by_type(msg_context, 'rosgraph_msgs/Log', search_path)
    load_depends(msg_context, spec, search_path)
    val = compute_full_text(msg_context, spec)
    assert val == log_full_text, "[%s][%s]"%(val, log_full_text)

    spec = load_msg_by_type(msg_context, 'geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovarianceStamped', search_path)
    load_depends(msg_context, spec, search_path)
    val = compute_full_text(msg_context, spec)
    assert val == twist_with_covariance_stamped_full_text, "[%s][%s]"%(val, twist_with_covariance_stamped_full_text)
def test_compute_full_text():
    from genmsg import MsgContext, compute_full_text, load_msg_by_type, load_depends
    msg_context = MsgContext.create_default()

    search_path = get_search_path()
    # regression test against values used for cturtle-electric
    spec = load_msg_by_type(msg_context, 'rosgraph_msgs/Log', search_path)
    load_depends(msg_context, spec, search_path)
    val = compute_full_text(msg_context, spec)
    assert val == log_full_text, "[%s][%s]"%(val, log_full_text)

    spec = load_msg_by_type(msg_context, 'geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovarianceStamped', search_path)
    load_depends(msg_context, spec, search_path)
    val = compute_full_text(msg_context, spec)
    assert val == twist_with_covariance_stamped_full_text, "[%s][%s]"%(val, twist_with_covariance_stamped_full_text)
Example #3
def compute_full_text_escaped(msg_context, spec):
    Same as genmsg.compute_full_text, except that the
    resulting text is escaped to be safe for Python's triple-quote string

    :param get_deps_dict: dictionary returned by load_dependencies call, ``dict``
    :returns: concatenated text for msg/srv file and embedded msg/srv types. Text will be escaped for triple-quote, ``str``
    msg_definition = genmsg.compute_full_text(msg_context, spec)
    msg_definition = msg_definition.replace('"""', r'\"\"\"')
    return msg_definition
Example #4
def compute_full_text_escaped(msg_context, spec):
    Same as genmsg.compute_full_text, except that the
    resulting text is escaped to be safe for Python's triple-quote string

    :param get_deps_dict: dictionary returned by load_dependencies call, ``dict``
    :returns: concatenated text for msg/srv file and embedded msg/srv types. Text will be escaped for triple-quote, ``str``
    msg_definition = genmsg.compute_full_text(msg_context, spec)
    msg_definition.replace('"""', r"\"\"\"")
    return msg_definition
Example #5
def compute_full_text_escaped(msg_context, spec):
    Same as genmsg.compute_full_text, except that the
    resulting text is escaped to be safe for Python's triple-quote string

    @param get_deps_dict: dictionary returned by get_dependencies call
    @type  get_deps_dict: dict
    @return: concatenated text for msg/srv file and embedded msg/srv types. Text will be escaped for triple-quote
    @rtype: str
    msg_definition = genmsg.compute_full_text(msg_context, spec)
    msg_definition = msg_definition.replace('"', '\\"')
    return msg_definition
Example #6
def compute_full_text_escaped(msg_context, spec):
    Same as genmsg.compute_full_text, except that the
    resulting text is escaped to be safe for Python's triple-quote string

    @param get_deps_dict: dictionary returned by get_dependencies call
    @type  get_deps_dict: dict
    @return: concatenated text for msg/srv file and embedded msg/srv types. Text will be escaped for triple-quote
    @rtype: str
    msg_definition = genmsg.compute_full_text(msg_context, spec)
    msg_definition = msg_definition.replace('"', '\\"')
    return msg_definition