Example #1
 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
     cherrypy.thread_data.template = loader.load(filename)
     opt = options.copy()
     if method == "html":
         opt.setdefault("doctype", "html")
     serializer = get_serializer(method, **opt)
     stream = func(*args, **kwargs)
     if not isinstance(stream, Stream):
         return stream
     return encode(serializer(stream), method=serializer, encoding=encoding)
Example #2
		def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
			cherrypy.thread_data.template = loader.load(os.getcwd()+filename)
			opt = options.copy()
			if method == 'html':
				opt.setdefault('doctype', 'html')
			serializer = get_serializer(method, **opt)
			stream = func(*args, **kwargs)
			if not isinstance(stream, Stream):
				return stream
			return encode(serializer(stream), method=serializer, encoding=encoding)
Example #3
 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
     thread_data.template = request.app.tpl.load(filename)
     opt = options.copy()
     if method == 'html':
         opt.setdefault('doctype', 'html')
     serializer = get_serializer(method, **opt)
     stream = func(*args, **kwargs)
     if not isinstance(stream, Stream):
         return stream
     return encode(serializer(stream), method=serializer,
Example #4
 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
     opt = options.copy()
     if method == 'html':
         opt.setdefault('doctype', 'html')
     serializer = get_serializer(method, **opt)
     stream = func(*args, **kwargs)
     if not isinstance(stream, Stream):
         return stream
     return encode(serializer(stream), method=serializer,
Example #5
 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
     cherrypy.thread_data.template = loader.load(filename)
     opt = options.copy()
     if not ajax.isXmlHttpRequest() and method == 'html':
         opt.setdefault('doctype', 'html')
     serializer = get_serializer(method, **opt)
     stream = func(*args, **kwargs)
     if not isinstance(stream, Stream):
         return stream
     return encode(serializer(stream), method=serializer,
Example #6
 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
     c = pyblox.tmpl_context._current_obj()
     c.template = loader.load(xmldir+filename)
     opt = options.copy()
     if method == 'html':
         opt.setdefault('doctype', 'html')
     serializer = get_serializer(method, **opt)
     stream = func(*args, **kwargs)
     if not isinstance(stream, Stream):
         return stream
     return encode(serializer(stream), method=serializer,
Example #7
 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
     c = bootstrappy.tmpl_context._current_obj()
     c.template = loader.load(xmldir + filename)
     opt = options.copy()
     if method == 'html':
         opt.setdefault('doctype', 'html')
     serializer = get_serializer(method, **opt)
     stream = func(*args, **kwargs)
     if not isinstance(stream, Stream):
         return stream
     return encode(serializer(stream),
Example #8
 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
     cherrypy.thread_data.template = loader.load(filename)
     cherrypy.thread_data.parent = parent
     opt = options.copy()
     # if no doctype is set, try to autodetect
     # if doctype is False, skip doctype
     # if doctype is set, use it
     if doctype is None:
         if method == 'html':
             opt.setdefault('doctype', 'html')
         if method == 'xhtml':
             opt.setdefault('doctype', 'xhtml')
     elif doctype is not False:
         opt.setdefault('doctype', doctype)
     serializer = get_serializer(method, **opt)
     stream = func(*args, **kwargs)
     if not isinstance(stream, Stream):
         return stream
     return encode(serializer(stream), method=serializer,
Example #9
 def serialize(self, method='xml', **kwargs):
     """Generate strings corresponding to a specific serialization of the
     Unlike the `render()` method, this method is a generator that returns
     the serialized output incrementally, as opposed to returning a single
     Any additional keyword arguments are passed to the serializer, and thus
     depend on the `method` parameter value.
     :param method: determines how the stream is serialized; can be either
                    "xml", "xhtml", "html", "text", or a custom serializer
                    class; if `None`, the default serialization method of
                    the stream is used
     :return: an iterator over the serialization results (`Markup` or
              `unicode` objects, depending on the serialization method)
     :rtype: ``iterator``
     :see: XMLSerializer, XHTMLSerializer, HTMLSerializer, TextSerializer
     from genshi.output import get_serializer
     if method is None:
         method = self.serializer or 'xml'
     return get_serializer(method, **kwargs)(_ensure(self))
Example #10
File: core.py Project: alon/polinax
 def serialize(self, method='xml', **kwargs):
     """Generate strings corresponding to a specific serialization of the
     Unlike the `render()` method, this method is a generator that returns
     the serialized output incrementally, as opposed to returning a single
     Any additional keyword arguments are passed to the serializer, and thus
     depend on the `method` parameter value.
     :param method: determines how the stream is serialized; can be either
                    "xml", "xhtml", "html", "text", or a custom serializer
                    class; if `None`, the default serialization method of
                    the stream is used
     :return: an iterator over the serialization results (`Markup` or
              `unicode` objects, depending on the serialization method)
     :rtype: ``iterator``
     :see: XMLSerializer, XHTMLSerializer, HTMLSerializer, TextSerializer
     from genshi.output import get_serializer
     if method is None:
         method = self.serializer or 'xml'
     return get_serializer(method, **kwargs)(_ensure(self))